Quantexa lance Q Assist, une nouvelle suite technologique d’IA générative sensible au contexte

Les récentes avancées en matière d’IA aident les leaders du secteur à préparer leurs données pour l’IA et à avoir un impact

  • HSBC fait partie des entreprises qui prennent part au programme Lighthouse de Quantexa destiné aux primo-adoptants
  • HSBC prévoit que la simplification de l’analyse et l’accélération des processus pourraient entraîner des gains de productivité significatifs au cours de la première année de déploiement
  • Q Assist combine la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa et l’IA générative pour améliorer les décisions des équipes commerciales, du service client et des équipes de conformité dans les services financiers, les TMT et les agences gouvernementales

LONDRES, 11 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lundi, sur la scène centrale du London Tech Week 2024Quantexa, le leader mondial en solutions d’intelligence décisionnelle destinées aux secteurs public et privé, a lancé Q Assist, une suite technologique d’intelligence artificielle sensible au contexte qui aide les organisations à améliorer la prise de décision au sein des équipes de première ligne et des professionnels de l’information. Cette annonce témoigne des progrès réalisés dans le cadre de la feuille de route d’innovation de la plateforme de l’entreprise et intervient près d’un an après que Quantexa a détaillé un investissement significatif dans le secteur mondial de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) et a présenté Q Assist comme copilote autonome et agnostique pour les LLM (grands modèles de langage).

Avec la nouvelle suite technologique Q Assist, les clients de Quantexa seront en mesure de rendre l’IA générative opérationnelle afin d’obtenir des avantages transformationnels sans avoir à investir de manière significative dans une infrastructure, des outils et des ressources qualifiées supplémentaires.

Les équipes de première ligne et les professionnelles de l’information peuvent tirer parti de la puissance des copilotes, des données liées, de la capacité de graphe de connaissances de Quantexa et d’autres fonctionnalités de la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle pour améliorer la précision et la fiabilité des modèles d’IA générative qui interagissent avec toutes les données (structurées et non structurées), le contexte et les informations provenant de l’ensemble de l’organisation. En combinant les LLM avec le contexte riche de la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa, il est possible de mieux comprendre les données, d’ancrer les réponses de manière fiable, d’accroître les performances et la confiance, et de s’assurer que les équipes disposent des informations les plus exactes et les plus récentes en un seul endroit.

Découvrez Q Assist et son fonctionnement avec la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa.
Voir la vidéo

Assurer la réussite des clients à l’ère de l’IA
HSBC fait partie des organisations qui prennent actuellement part au programme Lighthouse destiné aux primo-adoptants. Chaque organisation participant au programme envisage d’utiliser Q Assist de plusieurs manières, notamment pour :

  • Simplifier les tâches d’analyse, d’enquête et de création de rapports pour les travailleurs de l’information et de la connaissance en vue de gagner en efficacité.
  • Réduire la dépendance aux équipes opérationnelles et de science des données pour les demandes de données ad hoc, afin de concentrer plus de temps aux tâches plus stratégiques.
  • Permettre aux équipes en contact avec les clients d’accéder aux données enrichies et aux informations dont elles ont besoin pour accroître les revenus et améliorer l’expérience des clients.
  • Permettre aux équipes d’une organisation de prendre des décisions fiables, traçables et d’accélérer l’amélioration des processus opérationnels.

BNY envisage actuellement de rejoindre HSBC au sein du programme Lighthouse. Quantexa a collaboré avec les participants au programme Lighthouse afin de prédire sur un, trois et cinq ans les retombées du déploiement de Q Assist au sein de leurs équipes en contact avec la clientèle, de science des données et d’investigation. Elle a constaté un gain de productivité quasi immédiat dans trois domaines essentiels : gain de temps et d’efficacité, identification de nouvelles opportunités et augmentation des taux de conversion.

HSBC prévoit que la démocratisation de l’analyse et l’accélération des processus dans ces domaines pourraient conduire à des gains de productivité dès la première année de déploiement. L’entreprise espère également faire gagner du temps à ses employés, ce qui leur permettra de se concentrer sur d’autres tâches stratégiques.

David Rice, Directeur de l’exploitation au niveau mondial, Commercial Banking chez HSBC, a déclaré : « Cette nouvelle solution peut améliorer l’efficacité et la précision de tâches complexes telles que les enquêtes de lutte contre le blanchiment d’argent et les stratégies commerciales, en fournissant des données fiables et des analyses contextuelles. L’introduction de l’analyse contextuelle et l’innovation permettra à HSBC de concentrer ses ressources de manière plus productive et, en fin de compte, d’aider ses clients. »

Quantexa estime qu’une institution financière mondiale de premier plan, disposant de trois niveaux de défense en matière de criminalité financière et de lutte contre la fraude, générant environ 15 000 alertes par mois, pourrait réaliser des gains d’efficacité et des économies considérables en déployant la suite technologique d’IA générative Q Assist :

  • Plus de 17 millions de livres sterling d’économies réalisées chaque année grâce à l’amélioration et à l’automatisation des processus d’enquête et de signalement en matière de criminalité financière et de fraude.

Le directeur de la technologie de Quantexa, Jamie Hutton, a déclaré : « Le principe d’ingénierie de Quantexa, qui consiste à élaborer des solutions pour proposer une valeur client maximale, a permis à nos clients de formuler des exigences pour Q Assist. Grâce au programme Lighthouse de l’entreprise destiné aux primo-adoptants, nous avons la chance de collaborer avec des leaders du secteur qui nous fournissent des informations précieuses tout au long de notre feuille de route. »

Eric Hirschhorn, Directeur des données chez BNY Mellon, a déclaré : « Nous nous réjouissons de voir Quantexa poursuivre ses innovations. Notre collaboration forte de plusieurs années nous a permis d’éliminer les silos de données et d’unifier nos données avec une précision inégalée. Dans le cadre de la prochaine phase de nos efforts d’innovation, nous envisagerons de permettre aux employés de première ligne de la banque d’utiliser l’IA générative afin d’exploiter en toute confiance les données et de gagner ainsi en efficacité. »

Comment fonctionne la nouvelle suite technologique d’IA générative Q Assist
La nouvelle suite technologique d’IA générative de Quantexa combinera la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa et l’IA générative grâce à une nouvelle couche d’intégration des données, d’un développeur d’invites et d’un copilote qui améliore la capacité des équipes à prendre des décisions commerciales cruciales.

Q Assist offre une IA fiable et extensible, ancrée dans la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa. Cela permet aux équipes non techniques de bénéficier des capacités stratégiques de la plateforme de Quantexa, y compris une base de données connectée, l’analyse des graphes, la modélisation et le scoring pour améliorer et automatiser la prise de décision. La suite technologique Q Assist est composée de trois éléments :

  • Couche d’intégration Q Assist : le centre névralgique de Q Assist. Il s’agit d’un cadre d’outils, de connecteurs et d’API conçu pour associer en toute sécurité la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa aux LLM et aux systèmes d’IA conversationnelle prêts à l’emploi.
  • Développeur d’invites Q Assist : une fonctionnalité extensible de gestion et de partage des invites qui s’intègre facilement aux outils d’ingénierie d’invites externes et aux frameworks, tels que Microsoft Azure Prompt Flow, Semantic Kernel ou AutoGen, afin de donner aux administrateurs le pouvoir de définir et de contrôler les invites et les réponses fondées sur des données contextuelles générées par la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa.
  • Copilot Q Assist : permet aux utilisateurs d’interroger des données volumineuses et disparates via une interface de langage naturel, de comprendre et de résumer des données, des idées et des résultats en temps réel, et d’automatiser les tâches de recherche, d’investigation et de création de rapports.

Aujourd’hui, l’entreprise met les fonctionnalités de la suite technologique d’intelligence générative Q Assist à la disposition d’un nombre limité de clients, avec une disponibilité publique plus large prévue pour le début de l’année 2025.

Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont Quantexa aide les organisations à préparer leurs données à l’IA, ou pour télécharger le Total Economic Impact™ de la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa par Forrester et de commencer à mesurer le retour sur investissement de l’intelligence décisionnelle, rendez-vous sur https://www.quantexa.com/discover/ai/.

À propos de Quantexa
Quantexa est une entreprise de logiciels d’analyse, de données et d’IA, qui innove dans le domaine de l’intelligence décisionnelle afin de permettre aux organisations de prendre des décisions opérationnelles fiables grâce à des données contextualisées. En utilisant les dernières avancées en matière d’IA, la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa aide les organisations à découvrir les risques cachés et les nouvelles opportunités en unifiant les données en silos et en les transformant en ressources réutilisables les plus fiables. Elle permet de relever des défis majeurs en lien avec la gestion des données, la veille client, la connaissance du client, la criminalité financière, les risques, la fraude et la sécurité, tout au long du cycle de vie de la relation client.

La plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa améliore la performance opérationnelle avec une précision accrue de plus de 90 % et une résolution du modèle analytique 60 fois plus rapide que les approches traditionnelles. Une étude indépendante de Forrester TEI commandée sur la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa a révélé que les clients ont enregistré un ROI de 228 % en trois ans. Fondée en 2016, Quantexa compte désormais plus de 700 collaborateurs et des milliers d’utilisateurs de la plateforme travaillant sur des milliards de transactions et de points de données à travers le monde.

Demande des médias
C : Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E : Quantexa@fightorflight.com
C : Adam Jaffe, vice-président senior du marketing d’entreprise
T : +1 609 502 6889
E : adamjaffe@quantexa.com

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante :https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/dc615273-9f23-4d50-b6ec-62d59146a0e7

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000965839

A Quantexa lança o Q Assist, novo pacote de tecnologia de IA generativa com reconhecimento de contexto

Novos avanços em IA estão ajudando os líderes do setor a preparar os dados para a IA e causar impacto

  • O HSBC está entre os vários líderes do setor que participam do Lighthouse Program da Quantexa para os primeiros usuários
  • O HSBC prevê que a simplificação da análise e a aceleração dos processos podem gerar ganhos significativos de produtividade no primeiro ano de implantação
  • O Q Assist combina a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa e a IA generativa para aumentar as decisões das equipes de vendas, atendimento ao cliente e conformidade nos serviços financeiros, TMT e agências governamentais

LONDRES, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nesta segunda-feira, no palco central da London Tech Week 2024, a Quantexa, líder global em soluções de Inteligência Decisória (Decision Intelligence, DI) para os setores público e privado, apresentou o Q Assist, um pacote de tecnologia de IA generativa com reconhecimento de contexto para ajudar as organizações a aumentarem a tomada de decisões confiáveis em equipes de trabalhadores da linha de frente e de informações. O anúncio demonstra o progresso em relação ao plano de inovação da plataforma da empresa e ocorre quase um ano depois de a Quantexa detalhar um investimento significativo no setor global de inteligência artificial (IA) e apresentar o Q Assist como um copiloto autônomo agnóstico de LLM.

Com o novo pacote de tecnologia Q Assist, os clientes da Quantexa poderão operacionalizar a IA generativa para obter ganhos transformacionais sem investimentos significativos em infraestrutura, ferramentas e outros recursos qualificados.

Os trabalhadores da linha de frente e da área de informação podem aproveitar o poder dos copilotos, dos dados vinculados, do recurso de gráfico de conhecimento da Quantexa e de outros recursos da Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão para aumentar a precisão e a confiabilidade dos modelos de IA generativa que interagem com todos os dados (estruturados e não estruturados), o contexto e o insight em toda a organização. A combinação de LLMs com o valioso contexto da Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa permite uma maior compreensão dos dados, fundamenta as respostas com segurança, aumenta o desempenho e a confiança e garante que as equipes tenham as informações mais precisas e atualizadas em um único lugar.

Descubra o que é o Q Assist e como ele funciona com a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa.
Assista ao vídeo completo

Como ajudar os clientes a ter sucesso na era da IA
O HSBC é uma das organizações que participam atualmente do Lighthouse Program para os primeiros usuários. Cada organização no programa prevê o uso do Q Assist de várias maneiras, incluindo:

  • Simplificar as tarefas de análise, investigação e geração de relatórios para que os profissionais da informação e do conhecimento alcancem uma maior eficiência.
  • Reduzir a dependência das equipes de ciência de dados e operações para solicitações de dados ad-hoc, permitindo que tenham mais tempo para se concentrarem em tarefas mais estratégicas.
  • Proporcionar às equipes de contado direto com o cliente o acesso a dados aprimorados e insights necessários para aumentar a receita e melhorar a experiência dos clientes.
  • Permitir que as equipes de toda a organização tomem decisões confiáveis de forma consistente, que sejam rastreáveis e acelerem o aprimoramento do processo operacional.

O BNY Mellon já está avaliando a possibilidade de se juntar ao HSBC no esforço do Lighthouse. A Quantexa trabalhou com os participantes do Lighthouse Program para projetar os benefícios de um, três e cinco anos da implantação do Q Assist em suas equipes de atendimento ao cliente, ciência de dados e investigação. Foi constatado um ganho de produtividade quase imediato em três áreas principais: economia de tempo e eficiência, identificação de novas oportunidades e aumento das taxas de conversão.

O HSBC prevê que a democratização da análise e a aceleração dos processos nessas áreas possam levar a ganhos de produtividade no primeiro ano de implementação. A empresa também espera liberar o tempo dos funcionários, permitindo que eles voltem a se concentrar em outras tarefas estratégicas.

David Rice, diretor de operações globais de atividades bancárias comerciais do HSBC, disse: “Essa nova solução tem o potencial de aumentar a eficiência e a precisão de tarefas complexas, como investigações contra lavagem de dinheiro e estratégias de vendas, fornecendo dados confiáveis e análises contextuais. A introdução da análise contextual e da inovação permitirá que o HSBC concentre nossos recursos de forma mais produtiva e, por fim, ajude nossos clientes”.

A Quantexa estima que uma instituição financeira global de primeiro nível, com três níveis de defesa em crimes financeiros e esforços de conformidade contra fraudes, gerando aproximadamente 15 mil alertas por mês, poderia obter ganhos significativos de eficiência e redução de custos com a implementação do pacote de tecnologia de IA generativa Q Assist:

  • Mais de £17 milhões em economia anual, graças ao aprimoramento e à automatização dos processos de investigação e de geração de relatórios sobre crimes financeiros e fraudes.

O CTO da Quantexa, Jamie Hutton, disse: “O princípio de engenharia da Quantexa de moldar soluções para oferecer o máximo de valor ao cliente permitiu que nossos clientes desempenhassem um papel fundamental ao ajudar a moldar os requisitos do produto Q Assist. Por meio do Lighthouse Program da empresa para os primeiros usuários, temos o benefício de trabalhar com líderes do setor que fornecem um valioso feedback durante todo o processo de elaboração do nosso roteiro”.

Eric Hirschhorn, diretor de dados do BNY Mellon, disse: “Estamos entusiasmados em ver a inovação contínua da Quantexa. Nossa colaboração de vários anos nos ajudou a eliminar os silos de dados e a unificar nossos dados com uma precisão sem precedentes. A próxima fase de nossos esforços de inovação nos levará a explorar o potencial de permitir que os funcionários da linha de frente de todo o banco usem a IA generativa para agir com base em insights dos dados com confiança e alcançar novos níveis de eficiência no processo”.

Como funciona o novo pacote de tecnologia de IA generativa Q Assist
O novo pacote de tecnologia de IA generativa da Quantexa combinará a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa e a IA generativa por meio de uma nova camada de integração de dados, criador de prompts e copiloto que acelera a capacidade das equipes de tomar decisões comerciais críticas.

O Q Assist oferece IA confiável e extensível, apoiada pela Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa. Isso permite que equipes não técnicas se beneficiem dos recursos essenciais da plataforma da Quantexa, incluindo uma base de dados conectada, análise de gráficos, modelagem e pontuação para aumentar e automatizar a tomada de decisões. O novo pacote de tecnologia Q Assist é composto por três componentes:

  • Camada de Integração do Q Assist: o sistema central do Q Assist. É uma estrutura de ferramentas, conectores e APIs projetados para vincular com segurança a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa com LLMs e sistemas de IA de conversação prontos para uso.
  • Prompt Builder do Q Assist: um recurso extensível de gerenciamento e compartilhamento de prompts que se integra facilmente a ferramentas e estruturas externas de engenharia de prompts, como o Azure Prompt Flow da Microsoft, o Semantic Kernel ou o AutoGen, para colocar o poder nas mãos dos administradores para definir e controlar prompts e respostas baseadas em dados contextuais gerados pela Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa.
  • Copilot do Q Assist: permite que os usuários consultem dados grandes e díspares por meio de uma interface de linguagem natural, compreendam e resumam dados, insights e descobertas em tempo real e automatizem tarefas de pesquisa, investigação e geração de relatórios.

Hoje, a empresa está disponibilizando os recursos do pacote de tecnologia de IA generativa Q Assist para um conjunto limitado de clientes, com disponibilidade pública mais ampla planejada para o início de 2025.

Para saber mais sobre como a Quantexa está ajudando as organizações a preparar seus dados para IA, ou para fazer o download do Total Economic Impact™ da Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa fornecida pela Forrester e começar a medir o ROI dos investimentos em Inteligência de Decisão, acesse https://www.quantexa.com/discover/ai/.

Sobre a Quantexa
A Quantexa é uma empresa global de software de IA, dados e análise, pioneira em Inteligência de Decisão para capacitar as organizações a tomar decisões operacionais confiáveis com dados em contexto. Usando os mais recentes avanços em IA, a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa ajuda as organizações a descobrirem riscos ocultos e novas oportunidades, unificando dados em silos e transformando-os no recurso mais confiável e reutilizável. Ela resolve os principais desafios de gerenciamento de dados, inteligência de clientes, KYC, crimes financeiros, riscos, fraudes e segurança, durante todo o ciclo de vida do cliente.

A Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa melhora o desempenho operacional, proporcionando um aumento de mais de 90% na precisão e uma resolução do modelo analítico 60 vezes mais rápida do que as abordagens tradicionais. Um estudo de TEI da Forrester, encomendado de forma independente, sobre a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa, constatou que os clientes obtiveram um ROI de 228% em três anos. Fundada em 2016, a Quantexa agora tem mais de 700 funcionários e milhares de usuários da plataforma que trabalham com bilhões de transações e pontos de dados em todo o mundo.

Media Enquiries
C: Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E: Quantexa@fightorflight.com
C: Adam Jaffe, vice-presidente sênior de marketing corporativa
T: +1 609 502 6889
E: adamjaffe@quantexa.com

Uma foto que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/dc615273-9f23-4d50-b6ec-62d59146a0e7

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000965839

President Lula to Speak at FII PRIORITY Rio de Janeiro Summit at the Copacabana Palace Wednesday

FII PRIORITY Rio Press Release Image
FII Institute is honoured to announce that Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will speak at the inaugural Latin America FII PRIORITY Summit in Rio de Janeiro on 12 June, marking a significant milestone for the summit.

RIO DE JANEIRO, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FII Institute is honoured to announce that Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will speak at the inaugural Latin America FII PRIORITY Summit in Rio de Janeiro on 12 June, marking a significant milestone for the summit.

President Lula, who will be joined by several high-ranking Brazilian and Latin American government officials, underscores the importance of FII PRIORITY Rio in addressing key global priorities and promoting investment opportunities. His attendance is a testament to Brazil’s integral role in shaping the future of global investment and sustainability.

“We are deeply honoured by President Lula’s decision to join us,” said Richard Attias, CEO of FII Institute. “As a global leader, his leadership and vision will greatly enrich our discussions and initiatives. The theme of our summit, ‘Invest in Dignity,’ was inspired by President Lula’s vision.”

The FII PRIORITY Rio de Janeiro Summit will take place at the Copacabana Palace from 11 to 13 June 2024, featuring a rich and diverse programme with world-renowned leaders and critical discussions on global issues.

For more information, please visit: https://fii-institute.org/Program-Rio. For media enquiries, please email: media@fii-institute.org and fii-institute@fsb.com.br.

About FII Institute
The Future Investment Initiative (FII) Institute is a global non-profit foundation driven by data with an investment arm focused on impactful initiatives for humanity. Through its PRIORITY Summits, the institute brings together leading minds to foster innovation and sustainable solutions across the globe.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b35d9202-dd4a-42c5-8e66-d4bd1dcf5749

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000965653

President Lula to Speak at FII PRIORITY Rio de Janeiro Summit at the Copacabana Palace Wednesday

FII PRIORITY Rio Press Release Image
FII Institute is honoured to announce that Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will speak at the inaugural Latin America FII PRIORITY Summit in Rio de Janeiro on 12 June, marking a significant milestone for the summit.

RIO DE JANEIRO, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FII Institute is honoured to announce that Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will speak at the inaugural Latin America FII PRIORITY Summit in Rio de Janeiro on 12 June, marking a significant milestone for the summit.

President Lula, who will be joined by several high-ranking Brazilian and Latin American government officials, underscores the importance of FII PRIORITY Rio in addressing key global priorities and promoting investment opportunities. His attendance is a testament to Brazil’s integral role in shaping the future of global investment and sustainability.

“We are deeply honoured by President Lula’s decision to join us,” said Richard Attias, CEO of FII Institute. “As a global leader, his leadership and vision will greatly enrich our discussions and initiatives. The theme of our summit, ‘Invest in Dignity,’ was inspired by President Lula’s vision.”

The FII PRIORITY Rio de Janeiro Summit will take place at the Copacabana Palace from 11 to 13 June 2024, featuring a rich and diverse programme with world-renowned leaders and critical discussions on global issues.

For more information, please visit: https://fii-institute.org/Program-Rio. For media enquiries, please email: media@fii-institute.org and fii-institute@fsb.com.br.

About FII Institute
The Future Investment Initiative (FII) Institute is a global non-profit foundation driven by data with an investment arm focused on impactful initiatives for humanity. Through its PRIORITY Summits, the institute brings together leading minds to foster innovation and sustainable solutions across the globe.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b35d9202-dd4a-42c5-8e66-d4bd1dcf5749

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000965653

Presidente Lula participará do FII PRIORITY Rio de Janeiro Summit no Copacabana Palace na quarta-feira 12 de junho

FII PRIORITY Rio Press Release Image
FII Institute is honoured to announce that Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will speak at the inaugural Latin America FII PRIORITY Summit in Rio de Janeiro on 12 June, marking a significant milestone for the summit.

RIO DE JANEIRO, June 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Instituto FII tem a honra de anunciar que o presidente do Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, falará na cúpula inaugural do FII PRIORITY da América Latina no Rio de Janeiro em 12 de junho, um marco significativo para o evento. Sua presença reforça o papel do Brasil na formação do futuro do investimento global e da sustentabilidade.

O presidente Lula, que estará acompanhado por representantes do governo brasileiro e latino-americano, reconhece a importância do FII PRIORITY Rio em abordar prioridades globais essenciais e promover oportunidades de investimento.

“Estamos profundamente honrados pela decisão do presidente Lula de se juntar a nós”, disse Richard Attias, CEO do Instituto FII. “Como líder global, sua liderança e visão enriquecerão enormemente nossas discussões e iniciativas. O tema da nossa cúpula, ‘Investir na Dignidade’, foi inspirado pela visão do presidente Lula.”

O FII PRIORITY Rio de Janeiro Summit acontecerá no Copacabana Palace de 11 a 13 de junho de 2024, apresentando um programa diversificado com líderes de renome mundial e discussões críticas sobre questões globais.

Para mais informações, visite: https://fii-institute.org/Program-Rio.

Sobre o FII Institute
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Integration rate of vocational training graduates in labour market reaches 80% (ATFP)

Tunis: The integration rate of vocational training graduates into the labour market has reached 80%, Director General of the Tunisian Vocational Training Agency (ATFP) Marouane Ben Slimane said.

A large number of vocational training interns sign employment contracts with economic enterprises even before completing their training and obtaining their diplomas, he told TAP.

This is due to the high level of training, notably practical training, in the various specialities, said Ben Slimane.

Vocational training graduates in Tunisia are in great demand, he added, pointing out that contracts have been signed with Italy, Germany and Switzerland to recruit 4,000 vocational training graduates.

ATFP offers some 36,000 new training posts each year, in addition to posts available for further training, specialisation training or professional retraining, the same source explained.

The ATFP Director General underlined the need to keep abreast of developments and the new demands of the job market, in order to create new
specialities that meet the expectations of economic enterprises, pointing to the entry into operation of two training centres in fibre optics, Android phone programming and the installation and maintenance of renewable energy equipment.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Support for the peace effort: Sebba provides more than 400,000 FCFA

Sebba: The population of Sebba handed over on Sunday June 9 to the town hall of the said commune, the sum of 430,100 CFA francs to the second vice-president of the special delegation of the commune of Sebba to support the former head of a military detachment, Lieutenant Ouattara, seriously injured at the front after hitting an explosive device.

The population of the town of Sebba and internally displaced people held a money collection meeting to support the former head of the military detachment, Lieutenant Ouattara currently in care in Ouagadougou. Lieutenant Ouattara was on mission in Sebba as detachment leader.

During his stay, he was greatly appreciated by the population for the remarkable work he accomplished. While returning from a mission, his motorcycle hit an explosive device which caused him serious injuries. Very quickly he was evacuated to Ouagadougou for treatment. It was the second vice-president of the special delegation, Bali Bako who received the envelope.

Participants in the meeting

re any remarks, the imam of the Sunni mosque was invited to bless the meeting. He took advantage of recalling the benefits of Lieutenant Ouattara when he was stationed in the locality.

‘I wanted to remind you through this channel that detachment leader Ouattara taught us social cohesion, good lessons of morality, living together, that is to say, VDP population, FDS population, host population and PDI. For his benefits, we gave him a white turban as a sign of respect and consideration. We will at the same time ask the second vice-president to carry our message for Lieutenant Ouattara’s replacement so that he takes the same steps. What we are going to collect today is symbolic and we will always pray that he regains all his health,’ said the Imam.

2nd Vice President Bali Bako

The amount collected on site is four hundred and thirty thousand, one hundred (430,100) CFA francs. The list remains open for latecomers. The date of Tuesday June 11, 2024 was selected by a committee set up for the latest assessment.

he first vice-president took the opportunity to thank the entire population of the city of Sebba and the internally displaced people for this gesture, a sign of the good collaboration between FDS, VDP and populations.

‘This amount is worth millions,’ said Second Vice-President Bako, knowing the current difficult situation of the population. ‘I reassure you that the envelope will reach the right person and I promise you that you will hear from him,’ he added.

‘I will do my best so that the new head of the military detachment and you can work together to regain all the confidence needed so that everyone can carry out their activities successfully. It is also an opportunity for me to tell everyone to always cultivate peace, tolerance and forgiveness in their hearts. It is together that we will convince this evil,’ he said.

The vice-president, after the collection, collected the concerns of the participants. Some took the opportunity to raise awareness by recalling the values ??of their ancestors, citing examp
les of social cohesion, calling out, etc. For others, it was an opportunity to pass on information. In any case, many concerns have been alleviated. It was at the end of this range of miscellaneous items that the second vice-president asked the marabouts to close the meeting with a blessing.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Ouagadougou: three individuals arrested for illegal export of corn flour

Ouagadougou: The national gendarmerie arrested three people in Yagma, members of a network, who illegally exported bags of corn flour, hidden in the compartments of a tanker truck, AIB learned Tuesday.

On the basis of denunciation, during April 2024, the Yagma City Gendarmerie Brigade opened an investigation into suspicions of illegal exports of bags of flour to neighboring countries of Burkina, the AIB learned this Tuesday from the Directorate of communication and public relations (DCRP) of the national gendarmerie.

According to Pandora’s sources, the suspects who operated in Yagma, sector no. 37 in district no. 09 of Ouagadougou, packaged corn flour between 2 and 3 a.m. in 25 kg bags to export them to tank truck compartments.

During an operation carried out on May 21, 2024 by the Yagma gendarmerie, the manager of the flour production unit, the driver of the tank truck and the apprentice driver of the tank truck were arrested, after the DCRP Gendarmerie.

Remember that since February 2022, the export of c
orn, millet and sorghum flour has been suspended.

The three suspects are accused of illegal exercise of industrial activity, deception of consumers and endangering the lives of others.

The gendarmerie indicated that investigations are underway to dismantle other networks in order to eradicate this illicit practice.

In Yagma, the gendarmes seized a tanker truck containing 974 bags of flour of 13 kilograms, 42 bags of 23 kilograms for a total of 1016 bags and 50 bags of corn of 100 kg transformed into flour still spread in the yard.

50 bags of 100 kilograms of corn soaked in 22 barrels of 200 liters, 50 bags of one hundred kilograms of corn already shelled and placed on the ground and 150 bags of corn of 100 kilograms, stored under a shed were also seized.

In addition, four mills, three hullers and two tricycles are used to deliver flour to the city of Ouagadougou.

The public is invited to denounce such practices through the following toll-free numbers:

1010: National monitoring and alert center

16 or 8
0 00 11 45: National Gendarmerie

17: National Police.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Peace effort: Ouahigouya radio listeners make various donations

Ouagadougou: the loyal listeners of all 7 radio stations in the city of Ouahigouya, in response to the appeal launched by the Transition authorities, handed over their contribution to the effort of the Transition on Monday in Ouahigouya. peace to the Governor of the Northern region in Issouf Ouédraogo, noted the AIB on site.

It was a sober ceremony which took place at the headquarters of the regional management of RTB2 North in the presence of the Governor of the region and his close collaborators, the established bodies, the media managers, the beneficiaries of the donation who are the widows and the orphans of combatants who fell in the theater of operations.

This is a donation consisting of bags of rice, corn flour, nutritious food for children, cooking oil, salt, soap and various other products with a monetary value of 2,169,250 FCFA that the Loyal listeners of Ouahigouya radio stations (Amitié, Wend-Panga, Voix du Paysan, Notre Dame du Sahel, Solidarité, Evangile Développement and RTB2 Nord) mobilized
for the occasion.

Radio managers and loyal listeners’ clubs have mobilized in a synergy of actions to participate through this initiative in the reconquest of the territory, indicated Oumarou Clément Ouédraogo. ‘We salute the bravery of the fighters, pay vibrant tribute to those who fell with weapons in their hands to liberate our country. Our support for widows and orphans is a gesture of encouragement and compassion towards them,’ maintained the spokesperson for the radio managers.

Receiving the donation which he handed over on site to those concerned, Governor Issouf Ouédraogo took advantage of this outpouring of solidarity expressed by media men and clubs of loyal radio listeners in Ouahigouya to encourage and congratulate them. ‘Since the start of the security and humanitarian crisis, radio stations have played their role by ensuring the population’s right to information, advising them to be resilient and disclosing government initiatives as part of the fight against terrorism. » expressed the first ma
nager of the Northern region.

The ceremony, which was sponsored by Binta Ouédraogo, was enhanced by the presence of Boukari Nitièma, representative of the Minister of State, Minister of Communication.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Ways to combat violence against women debated in Tunis

Tunis: Psychological violence accounts for 69% of the total reports recorded on the hotline 1899 in 2023, said Minister of Family, Women, Children, and the Elderly Amel Belhaj Moussa. Despite its prevalence, it is rarely discussed, even though it is the root cause of all forms of violence, she was quoted as saying in a department press release.

Belhaj Moussa took the floor during a seminar on the “Mental Health of Women Victims of Psychological Violence,” organised on June 11-12 in Tunis at the initiative of the Ministry of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly and the National Centre for Combating Violence against Women, in partnership with UN Women and the Forensic Medicine Department at the Charles Nicolle Hospital in Tunis.

Some fifty experts in the field of combating violence from Tunisia and abroad including France and Spain, are taking part in the event, alongside members of the steering committee of the “Detection, Response, and Monitoring System for Domestic Violence” project and medical professi

To combat all forms of violence, she pointed out, the family and the school must play an increasingly active role from childhood onwards, and awareness must be raised through the media in order to instil in young people a rejection of violence in all its forms.

In this connection, she recalled the various measures taken by Tunisia to combat all forms of violence, such as raising the budget allocated to combating violence against women and increasing the number of shelters for women victims of violence, and launching a survey on the ‘profile of perpetrators of violence against women’ (covering a sample of 80 perpetrators of violence) and preparing a survey on media coverage of the phenomenon of violence against women (in terms of the choice of sources and journalistic genres used).

Head of the UN Women Tunisia and Libya office Isadora de Moura affirmed for her part, that violence against women is a ‘global phenomenon’ that takes different forms (such as sexual violence, economic violence, etc.), unde
rlining the impact of moral violence on the mental health of victims (loss of self-confidence, psychological vulnerability and recourse to violence).

According to Article 3 of Organic Law No. 2017-58 of 11th August 2017, on the elimination of violence against women, verbal violence is any verbal aggression, such as defamation, insult, coercion, threat, abandonment, deprivation of rights and freedoms, humiliation, neglect, mockery, belittlement and other acts or words that undermine a woman’s human dignity or are intended to intimidate or dominate her.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

National vaccination programme digitized through EVAX portal (Mrabet)

Tunis: Health Minister Ali Mrabet announced, Tuesday, Tunisia’s adherence to the digitization of the national vaccination programme in all basic healthcare centers and other healthcare structures by updating the national vaccination portal EVAX in its new version www.evax.tn

The minister told reporters, on the sidelines of his visit to the Mother and Child Protection Center in Cité Ezzouhour, that a team of specialists from the Health Ministry introduced all the necessary modifications to the EVAX system relating to the anti-COVID vaccination which was set up in 2021 by the Health Ministry to modernize it and transform it into an effective and secure national vaccination portal making it possible to digitize and manage all vaccination operations.

Mrabet pointed out that this national portal includes all routine vaccinations intended for children from birth to the age of 18, pregnant women and all citizens concerned by routine and exceptional vaccination, such as vaccination against seasonal flu, against rab
ies and when travel abroad. He urged citizens to register on the portal.

Pediatrician Emna Barkewri, Head of the Department of Women and Children Protection Center at Cité Ezzouhour, stressed that Tunisia’s adherence to the digitization of the national vaccination programme represents a major achievement nationally and internationally, adding that Tunisia today benefits from an important scientific data bank in terms of national vaccination.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Memorandum of understanding signed between ONFP and DVV International Tunisie

Tunis: A memorandum of understanding which seeks to improve the quality of services destined to vulnerable people in the areas of sexual and reproductive health was signed, Tuesday, between the National Office of Family and Population (ONFP) and the German Federation for Adult Education in North Africa (DVV International Tunisia).

The agreement provides for the creation of a Digitization Laboratory at the ONFP Documentation, Publishing and Archives Center in order to digitize documents and the various educational materials available, thus contributing to facilitating access to information. It also aims at establishing an integrated management system for various stakeholders.

More particularly, it involves the creation of a health club for vulnerable people to increase their awareness about some diseases and risky behaviors.

Similarly, it focuses on organizing training sessions for the ONFP executives and service providers in micro planning as well as holding information days in the Greater Tunis region for
the promotion of the digital mobile application «ONFP+».

The agreement stipulates the organization of cultural activities in Tunis on preventing violence against girls, women and vulnerable groups, during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based violence.

The agreement establishes a new stage of partnership between the ONFP and DVV International Tunisie which fosters the integration of vulnerable people and easing their access to SRH services.

The memorandum of understanding was signed by ONFP CEO Mohamed Douagi and Regional Director of the German Federation for Adult Education in Africa of the North (DVV International Tunisia), Dounia Benmiloud.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia chairs COSP17 in New York from June 11 to 13

Tunis: Social Affairs Minister Kamel Maddouri, Tuesday, presented Tunisia’s declaration, during the inaugural session of the 17th Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP17), chaired by Tunisia. The event is being held from June 11 to 13, in New York.

According to the minister, the 17th conference is an opportunity to review the achievements made in implementing the provisions of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It is also meant to increase understanding about policies and new programmes which seek to promote inclusion and combat exclusion and marginalization.

He pointed out that Article 54 of the Tunisian Constitution stipulates that “The State protects persons with disabilities against all forms of discrimination and takes all necessary measures to ensure their full integration within society.”

The Social Affairs Minister called on the international community to further fulfill its obligations while ensu
ring the empowerment and inclusion of persons with disabilities. He reiterated the need to adapt public policies to CRPD by launching programmes and mechanisms of a preventive and inclusive nature.

He also called for making use of the digital revolution and involving the private sector so that it assumes its joint social responsibility and provides care to the disabled.

Maddouri emphasized Tunisia’s call to the international community to redouble efforts and provide assistance to disabled in the Gaza Strip who are facing Zionist aggression, shortages of medicine, water and of electricity.

The inaugural session made it possible to discuss the general theme of this conference, namely «Rethinking disability inclusion in the current international juncture and ahead of the Summit of the Future.»

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Three doctoral students selected for St Antony’s College, Oxford research scholarships (Ministry)

Tunis: Three doctoral students have been selected from 69 applicants to receive research scholarships at St Antony’s College, Oxford University, in the humanities and social sciences during the 2024-2025 academic year, in application of the MoU on the Hazem ben Gacem cooperation programme between Tunisia and the University of Oxford.

As a reminder, on March 4, 2024, the Ministry of Higher Education, in coordination with the Embassy of the United Kingdom to Tunisia and St Antony’s College of the University of Oxford, launched a cooperation programme with the University of Oxford aimed at increasing the mobility of research students in the humanities and social sciences.

This cooperation programme includes several initiatives focusing on the humanities and social sciences, such as the Visiting Students and Teachers Programme and Visiting Research Teachers at Oxford University. It also encourages Oxford University students and teachers to participate in research in partnership with Tunisian universities and th
e Arabic Language Learning Fund.

The Hazem Ben Gacem Scholarship enables Tunisian students to finance their studies, covering tuition fees and living expenses for one year.

According to the press release, the Ministry of Higher Education will announce the various applications for this programme as they are received.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

74 billion mobilized for the Patriotic Support Fund from January 1 to June 10, 2024.

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè and their friends have already succeeded in mobilizing 74 billion FCFA to fund the Patriotic Support Fund, as of June 10, 2024 and could greatly exceed the mark of 100 billion FCFA desired by the government by the end of the year.

According to the Minister of Economy, Finance and Foresight, Dr Aboubakar Nacanabo ‘to date (Monday June 10, editor’s note), 74 billion CFA francs have been mobilized for the year 2024, for the benefit of the Fund of patriotic support’, i.e. 43 billion collected in the second quarter which is still in progress.

The minister outlined this mid-term assessment yesterday Monday, after receiving a collection of 58 million mobilized by the staff and partners of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Opening up.

This sum represents 74% of forecasts, halfway to the end of the year. In the first quarter of 2024, the Patriotic Support Fund was funded to the tune of 31 billion.

In 2023, 99 billion FCFA were recorded for the benefit of this fund, for expenditure execu
ted at 89.95%.

The Patriotic Support Fund was set up to support and equip Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland, army auxiliaries trained in the handling of weapons but also in first aid, and in work of general interest. and human rights.

Source: Burkina Information Agency