ARP issues statement on Republic Day

Tunis: The Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP), Thursday, issued a statement on the Republic Day, reiterating this major event in the country’s history as a key date in the long militant struggle waged since 1881 by the Tunisian people against …

Tunisia commemorates 67th anniversary of Republic Day

Tunis: Tunisia is commemorating on Thursday the 67th anniversary of the Republic Day and the adoption of the republican regime after years of beylical rule.

On July 25, 1957, almost a year after independence, the National Constituent Council announce…

Sea choppy in northern coasts and wavy elsewhere

Tunis: The sea on Thursday is very choppy to choppy in the north and a bit choppy to wavy elsewhere.

The wind is blowing north relatively strong to locally strong near northern coasts and moderate elsewhere, getting relatively strong in the afternoon…

Weather clear Thursday night nationwide

Tunis: The weather Thursday night is expected to be clear nationwide.

The wind is blowing north in the north and midland and east in the south, quite strong in the Gulf of Gabes and moderate to light elsewhere, according to the National Institute of …