Tunisia, Oman discuss ways to scale up cooperation in family-related fields

Ways to scale up cooperation between Tunisia and the Sultanate of Oman in the family and women’s sectors, notably with regard to economic and social empowerment and combating violence against women, took centre stage at a working session held on Friday between Minister of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly Amel Belhaj Moussa and Oman’s Minister of Social Development Laila Al-Najjar.

Both ministers affirmed willingness to increase cooperation fields, share experiences and expertise and make the most of national initiatives adopted in these fields in the two countries, reads a ministry press release.

Tunisia prioritises enhancing women’s and families’ economic contribution to development and wealth creation, Belhaj Moussa pointed out, indicating that the State’s social policy focuses on fostering women’s entrepreneurial spirit and the social empowerment of categories with special needs.

For her part, Al-Najjar commended the diversity of mechanisms and programmes implemented in Tunisia in fields related
to the women’s economic and social empowerment and economic and social rights of families and women, pointing out in this regard, the importance of Law No.58 on the Elimination of Violence against Women and the various mechanisms adopted by Tunisia to provide care for victims of violence.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse