Sovereign countries ‘can be counted on the fingers of one hand,’ says Russian Patriarch

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia believes that the countries that can now be called truly sovereign can be counted on the fingers of one hand and that Russia, with its own system of spiritual values, occupies a special place among them.

‘Many of those who are here and participating in military operations know very well that we are fighting the enemy, and the adversary has only one goal: that Russia ceases to be a truly sovereign country, and such sovereign countries […] can be counted on the fingers of one hand, the others are dependent politically, economically, psychologically, culturally, but very few have real sovereignty,’ he declared this Sunday after the liturgy in the main church of the Russian armed forces.

Among these countries, Russia occupies a special place, because it possesses not only sovereignty, but also its own system of spiritual values, a sense of statehood and everything that gives it the status of true sovereignty, that is, total independence from any center of influence and
power outside the homeland, the Patriarch said.

Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov and Deputy Minister Viktor Goremykin also attended the service at the main church of the Russian Armed Forces.

Source: Burkina Information Agency