Sissili: A delegation from the umbrella body of Burkina’s credit unions visits local authorities

The general director of the umbrella organization of the credit unions of Burkina, Azaratou Sondo/Nignan and the members of the Board of Directors visited the local authorities of Léo, Friday April 26, 2024, on the sidelines of the holding of the 1st ordinary meeting of the board of directors, for the year 2024.

A courtesy visit to the local authorities of Léo was made on Friday April 26, 2024 by a delegation led by the general director of the umbrella organization of the credit unions of Burkina (FCPB), Azaratou Sondo/Nignan.

The general director of the FCPB, Ms. Sondo and her colleagues informed the local authorities of the holding on Saturday May 4, 2024 in Léo, in the province of Sissili, of the constitutive general assembly of the credit union of the said locality.

To do this, she asked for their support for community mobilization and member membership.

‘We are taking advantage of this meeting to present our pleasantries to the local authorities and seek their support and blessings for the successfu
l completion of our work,’ said the Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of the FCPB, Moussa Lankoandé.

According to him, the administrative, customary and military authorities were satisfied with the visit.

The delegation was reassured of the complete availability of the population to always support them in the successful implementation of their actions.

The High Commissioner of Sissili, Tewendé Isaac Sia, thanked the delegation for the choice made on the town of Léo for holding the 1st ordinary meeting of the board of directors of the umbrella organization for the year 2024.

Sia reflected his province’s commitment to supporting activities at the provincial level.

The network of credit unions in Burkina is a member of the large West African network which brings together five countries. The objective of its creation is to promote endogenous development, through the products and services offered to members.

Leader in Burkina Faso, the network of credit unions has 35 credit unions, more than 200 point
s of sale with a million members across the country. The total amount of credits granted to members of the network amounts to 124 billion FCFA.

Source: Burkina Information Agency