RTB2 Fada N’Gourma: Bangré Souleymane takes the reins

The secretary general of the ministry in charge of communication Grace Isabellita Foro officially installed Bangré Souleymane in his position as regional director of Radio and Television of Burkina 2 (RTB2°) of the Is on Friday April 12, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma.

Appointed regional director of RTB-Est by ministerial decree of March 21, 2024, Bangré Souleymane is officially installed by the secretary general of the ministry of communication.

He replaces Yacouba Bagayiri in this position who spent nine (9) years there.

The new regional director expressed his gratitude to the highest authorities for the trust placed in him.

He maintained that he places his mandate on strengthening and consolidating the achievements of his predecessor.

To his colleagues, he said: ‘RTB-Est is our common home. Know that it is together that we will meet the challenges and our cohesion will be our strength.’

According to him, they must work together to promote living together between the daughters and sons of the region and beyond
among all Burkinabè people.

The SG of the Ministry of Communication transmitted to the regional director the message of thanks from the hierarchy for the results achieved and the challenges overcome.

‘Mr. Bagayiri, under your leadership, RTB-Est has found its target audience to make our station the reference in terms of information,’ insisted the Secretary General.

Regarding the incoming regional director, the SG clearly indicated that he is expected to produce media content in order to meet the needs of the populations of the Eastern region, to highlight the assets of reconquest of the national territory and the resilience of different socio-professional layers, living together, social cohesion, local government development actions.

She specified that these productions should be in French but also in national languages.

Source: Burkina Information Agency