Ouagadougou: The Grand Chancellery raises awareness among students on the promotion of citizenship values

Ouagadougou: The Grand Chancellery held an educational conference on the symbols of the Burkinabe state at the Lycée Privé la Salle-Badenya on May 24, 2024 for the benefit of 1,077 students.

The conference aimed to raise students’ awareness of the symbols of the Burkinabè state, to promote respect and knowledge of these symbols, and to instill patriotic and civic values in students.

‘We presented them with the different symbols that make up the Burkinabè nation in accordance with article 34 of our Constitution, namely the national emblem, the coat of arms, the national motto and the national anthem,’ declared the director of communications. and public relations of the Grand Chancellery, Gauthier Kevin Kaboré.

He expressed the wish, through this teaching, to encourage students to promote more civic values such as patriotism, loyalty and integrity.

‘It is in an educational vision, for additional training for students who are in an education session,’ said the director of the La Salle-Badenya private high sc
hool, Brother Marc Somé.

For him, it is important to be open to other realities than those we usually encounter in classrooms.

The students listened attentively to this conference.

‘Today we learned new things that will benefit us and enrich our general culture. We now know the importance of the flag, that the Ditanyè is longer and that we sing it only in the presence of the head of state, and also that the coat of arms is very important and has a meaning,’ said Néfertiti Diallo, student. in second class.

Charbel Somé, first grade student, said he was satisfied because this teaching will allow them to now give more importance to the symbols of the country.

Remember that in the event of contempt against state symbols, the act is punishable by a sentence of 4 months to 4 years in prison.

Source: Burkina Information Agency