Integration of Sahel countries: young people called to play their part

Ouagadougou: The Union of Young Afro Parliamentarians, in partnership with the Ministry of Sports, Youth and Employment, called on young people on Friday in Ouagadougou to commit to the achievement of subregional integration with the Alliance of Sahel States.

‘Partnership between youth organizations within the AES’, ‘Role of youth in the integration of the people of the AES’ and ‘Presentation of Faso Kuna Wili’ are the three sub-themes which animated the public conference initiated by the Union of Young Afro Parliamentarians, in partnership with the Ministry of Sports, Youth and Employment, as well as the youth club for the promotion of Sino-Burkinabe cooperation.

Placed under the theme ‘Role and place of youth in the process of building the Alliance of Sahel States (AES)’, the ceremony was chaired by the Minister of Sports, Youth and Employment, Dr. Aboubacar Sawadogo.

‘If terrorism is imposed on us, it is up to us to find solutions to fight effectively against this phenomenon, because no one will come to
liberate the country, no one will fight in our place,’ said the minister.

According to him, it is in the face of this situation that the three countries of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger took their responsibilities to create the Alliance of Sahel States (AES).

‘The AES has taken on this dimension of sovereignty, solidarity, pan-Africanism that the predecessors advocated and that the three great leaders (presidents Ibrahim Traoré, Assimi Goïta and Abdourahamane Tiani) had as a vision so that our people can live and defend their dignity,’ he confided.

He maintained that youth is the foundation of any country and that everything we build with youth guarantees a bright future.

In this, Minister Sawadogo praised the commitment of Burkinabè youth through their youth organizations and their leaders in supporting the process.

‘The fact that the construction of the AES is a milestone shows that we are on the right track,’ he said.

Hence his call to young people in the three countries to realize that no one will co
me to build the future for them and that of the next generation.

‘This is why our government has initiated reforms to allow young people to flourish, to express themselves and to make a definitive commitment to the development of our country,’ said the head of the Sports Department.

For the president of the National Youth Council, Moumouni Dialla, the creation of the AES is a response from heads of state to the heartfelt cry of the populations.

‘This is why we decided to look into the role and place of youth in the fortification, consolidation and preservation of this instrument,’ he suggested.

‘Since the advent of terrorism, youth have contributed a lot, particularly in terms of security. This conference aims to better guide youth in terms of development. On the table, we will discuss their integration into the AES to contribute to the development of the Alliance,’ underlined the president of the Union of Young Afro Parliamentarians, Mamounata Zoromé.

She called on women and girls to play their part bec
ause it concerns the future of their children.

Burkina Faso Information Officer


Sahel countries: young people called to play their part

Ouagadougou, April 12, 2024 (AIB) – The Union of Young Afro Parliamentarians, in partnership with the Ministry of Sports, Youth and Employment, called on young people on Friday in Ouagadougou to commit to the achievement of subregional integration with the Alliance of Sahel States.

‘Partnership between youth organizations within the AES’, ‘Role of youth in the integration of the people of the AES’ and ‘Presentation of Faso Kuna Wili’ are the three sub-themes which animated the public conference initiated by the Union of Young Afro Parliamentarians, in partnership with the Ministry of Sports, Youth and Employment, as well as the youth club for the promotion of Sino-Burkinabe cooperation.

Placed under the theme ‘Role and place of youth in the process of building the Alliance of Sahel States (AES)’, the ceremony was chaired by the Minister of Sports, Youth and Empl
oyment, Dr. Aboubacar Sawadogo.

‘If terrorism is imposed on us, it is up to us to find solutions to fight effectively against this phenomenon, because no one will come to liberate the country, no one will fight in our place,’ said the minister.

According to him, it is in the face of this situation that the three countries of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger took their responsibilities to create the Alliance of Sahel States (AES).

‘The AES has taken on this dimension of sovereignty, solidarity, pan-Africanism that the predecessors advocated and that the three great leaders (presidents Ibrahim Traoré, Assimi Goïta and Abdourahamane Tiani) had as a vision so that our people can live and defend their dignity,’ he confided.

He maintained that youth is the foundation of any country and that everything we build with youth guarantees a bright future.

In this, Minister Sawadogo praised the commitment of Burkinabè youth through their youth organizations and their leaders in supporting the process.

‘The fact that the
construction of the AES is a milestone shows that we are on the right track,’ he said.

Hence his call to young people in the three countries to realize that no one will come to build the future for them and that of the next generation.

‘This is why our government has initiated reforms to allow young people to flourish, to express themselves and to make a definitive commitment to the development of our country,’ said the head of the Sports Department.

For the president of the National Youth Council, Moumouni Dialla, the creation of the AES is a response from heads of state to the heartfelt cry of the populations.

‘This is why we decided to look into the role and place of youth in the fortification, consolidation and preservation of this instrument,’ he suggested.

‘Since the advent of terrorism, youth have contributed a lot, particularly in terms of security. This conference aims to better guide youth in terms of development. On the table, we will discuss their integration into the AES to contribute to the
development of the Alliance,’ underlined the president of the Union of Young Afro Parliamentarians, Mamounata Zoromé.

She called on women and girls to play their part because it concerns the future of their children.

Source: Burkina Information Agency