Gayéri/Education: 275 candidates seeking certification in national languages

Learners from level 2 non-formal education centers in the basic education district of Gayéri, in the province of Komondjari, took part, Monday, May 20, 2024, in the certification evaluation basic literacy skills.

Like those in other provinces of Burkina Faso, learners from level 2 non-formal education centers in Komondjari participated in the certification assessment of literacy skills with a number of 275 candidates out of 307 registered. .

The tests administered to the candidates consisted of text study, calculation (operations and problems) and reading, all in the learner’s local national language.

Mr. Boureima SAWADOGO, provincial director in charge of education in Komondjari, gave the start of the examination.

Mr. Sawadogo had by his side the head of the basic education district of Gayéri, the officials in charge of non-formal education of the CEB, the military authorities and the evaluation supervisors.

As a reminder, the certification assessment of literacy skills aims to promote the teaching of
our national languages by issuing a national certificate to candidates declared literate at the end of this end-of-year exam.

Source: Burkina Information Agency