Fight against terrorism: the economic operator Mahamadou Pafadnam offers 12 motorcycles

The economic operator Mahamadou Pafadnam offered on May 6, 2023, twelve motorcycles to the Combatant Forces, namely the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), in part of the peace effort.

12 motorcycles, including six for the Combatant Forces of Tougouri and six for the benefit of the Combatant Forces of Boulsa. This is the distribution defined by the donor, Mahamadou Pafadnam.

He clarified on this occasion that his donation is intended to support the efforts and sacrifices that the Combatant Forces make on the ground for the reconquest of the territory and for the return to the fold of internally displaced persons (IDPs).

The economic operators of the province headed by El Hadj Karim Kormodo, vice-president of the Center-North Chamber of Commerce, thanked the donor and gave him blessings.

Modeste Tiendrebéogo, 1st vice-president of the special municipal delegation of Tougouri, also sent his thanks and recognition to the promoter.

High Commissioner Adama Conseiga said that this donation will help accelerate the process of regaining territory and the return of IDPs to their respective localities to tackle the 2023 wet season.

He invited the sons and daughters of the province to follow in Mr. Pafadnam’s footsteps and conveyed to him all the gratitude of the province.

Source: Burkina Information Agency