Fight against dengue and malaria: destruction of larval breeding grounds strongly recommended

The need for sanitation and especially the destruction of larval breeding sites, constitute big steps in the fight against malaria, and in particular dengue fever, the number of cases of which has seen a significant increase , in recent weeks in the Center and Hauts-Bassins regions, have strongly recommended doctors.

Between August 28 and September 3, 2023, 703 probable cases of dengue were recorded in Burkina Faso, including 330 in the Center region and 329 in the Hauts-Bassins region, according to the head doctor of the Boulmiougou health district. , Dr. Wendkouni Abdoul Aziz Ouedraogo.

According to him, 15 deaths were recorded over the same period, including six in the Hauts-Bassins and three in the Center.

Since the start of the year, a total of 3,335 probable cases including 2,037 in the Center region and 1,034 in the Hauts-Bassins region have been identified, said Dr Wendkouni Abdoul Aziz Ouédraogo.

He gave these figures, on the sidelines of a workshop on health emergencies which brought together journalists and specialists from September 6 to 8, 2023.

According to him, there are four serotypes which are DENV1, DENV2, DENV3 and DENV4.

“Immunity conferred by one serotype is permanent, but it does not protect against other serotypes. A person can be infected with each of the 4 serotypes. A new infection with another serotype is a factor favoring the occurrence of severe dengue,” he warned.

Dr Wendkouni Abdoul Aziz Ouédraogo indicated that we speak of a probable case when the patient tests positive for dengue using a test recognized by the Ministry of Health and presents several symptoms.

These include severe headaches, retro-orbital pain, joint pain, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, hemorrhagic manifestations and a state of shock, he continued.

Dr Ouédraogo invited people to immediately go to the nearest health center and above all to avoid self-medication and taking anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, etc.).

Following him, the permanent secretary for the elimination of malaria, Dr Sidzabda Christian Bernard Kompaoré, spoke with the audience about malaria which remains the main cause of consultation, hospitalization, morbidity and death.

According to him, 11 million 656 thousand 675 cases of malaria including 539,488 serious cases and 4,243 deaths were recorded in 2022.

“By fighting malaria in its larval form, we fight dengue fever and vice versa,” advised the doctor.

To limit the proliferation of mosquitoes, he recommended the sanitation of the living environment, the elimination of larval breeding grounds, namely stagnant and hot water reserves (cans, bottles, cans, tires, etc.).

Dr Kompaoré also called for covering water storage containers and carrying out space spraying and indoor spraying.

To avoid mosquito bites, Sidzabda Christian Bernard Kompaoré calls for sleeping under mosquito nets impregnated with insecticides, using repellent creams especially during the day and wearing long clothes.

The workshop also made it possible to address other themes such as cholera and hygiene measures led by Aka Videmou.

The Director of Health and Population Protection, Dr Sidwaya Hamed Ouédraogo, urged media people to participate alongside the Ministry of Health in the fight against these diseases, by producing content that raises awareness among populations

Source: Burkina Information Agency