China: Burkinabè journalists visit Beijing’s Temple of Heaven built of wood in the 15th century

Burkinabè journalists present in Beijing as part of a training seminar, visited on Friday April 12, 2024, the Temple of Heaven in Beijing built in wood in the 15th century .

Built of wood in the 15th century , the Temple of Heaven of China in the city of Beijing remains one of the tourist sites that welcomes thousands of Chinese and foreign visitors every day.

This Friday, April 12, 2024, the temple received a visit from Burkinabè journalists present in Beijing as part of a training seminar.

According to the guide, Zuo Chao, the cultural site is built on an area of 273 ha with a height of 36 meters. It includes, among other things, cultural objects, 28 golden pillars including 4 symbolizing the country’s seasons of winter, summer, spring and autumn and a well-appointed space.

The temple was burned down twice and rebuilt by the later Tong dynasty. It translates the Chinese philosophy which says that ‘the sky is round and the earth is square and that the sky is to the north and the earth to the south’.

Chao said that in Chinese tradition, the number 9 is reserved for the emperor, meaning the king is at the top.

Listening to him, in the feudal era, the emperor was the only person who could ask for good harvests from heaven for the Chinese considered to be the sons of heaven that he ruled at the time.

Today, ‘the Chinese come to this temple to ask for blessings for ceremonies such as weddings and others,’ he added.

The guide pointed out that man depended on nature to practice agriculture in ancient China, which is not the case today especially with the evolution of science, through new technologies.

Zuo Chao pointed out that the temple also remained a place of sacrifices for the emperor in the past.

A French tourist living in Thailand, named Jérémie, met on site, said he had come to visit China’s temple of heaven.

‘I expected so many people. The place is magnificent, it’s good for photos,’ he confided, noting that he really loves the Chinese Temple of Heaven.

The journalists then visited the Beijing Fi
lm Museum founded in 2007, which is another attractive place for Chinese and foreigners. It is a gigantic modern building erected in three floors with traditional and modern decorations.

It brings together films from 1905 to 2007 and reveals the names of producers, heroes and actors of Chinese cinema with films for adults, children and 3D.

Source: Burkina Information Agency