Burkina: The national police wants to make its health services better known

Ouagadougou: The national police are organizing from May 28 to 30, 2024, the 72 hours of preventive health, in order to strengthen its links with the populations and make them better aware of its health services, the AIB.

The activity is placed under the theme: ‘Contribution of the health services of the national police to the well-being of the police officers and the population’.

For Captain Bouanou Yves, also vice-president of the organizing committee, this activity was born from the observation of the lack of awareness of the health services of the national police by the civilian population.

According to Captain Bouanou, the objective of such an activity is to contribute to the care of police officers in particular and the entire population in general.

‘It also aims to promote the health services of the national police among police officers and the population in order to provide them with quality health care, a factor of well-being,’ he continued.

Because, he says, a healthy police officer is a force
of civil protection, and a healthy population is a lever for economic and social development.

The current security context has redefined the missions of the national police, Captain Bouanou suggested.

It is therefore necessary to actively participate in the health services of the national police in order to treat injured police officers and to ensure the psychological monitoring of police officers engaged in the war for the survival of the Nation.

This activity is, according to him, a way of breaking down the barrier between the population and the national police in order to facilitate collaboration between these two entities, something essential in the reconquest of the national territory.

‘The national police is an institution of civil protection, to say that the police and the community are one, since it serves this population by securing people and property,’ concluded Yves Bouanou.

For Ousmane Compaoré, who came to be consulted on this occasion, it is a great initiative which makes it possible to re
lieve the poor population by providing them with quality care.

While thanking the national police for their civic commitment, he hoped for the continuation of this activity and its expansion to several localities in the country

Source: Burkina Information Agency