Burkina: The 360° communications agency, Sigma Corporation Africa recognizes the merit and patriotic commitment of several personalities

Ouagadougou: The 360° communications agency, Sigma Corporation Africa, recognized, on May 25, 2024, the merit and patriotic commitment of several personalities including the journalist Baba Hama, the man of the theater Professor Prosper Kompaoré and director Aminata Diallo Glez of 3 men, 1 village.

In total, around ten physical and moral personalities were distinguished, on Saturday May 25, 2024, by the Pan-African Observatory for Unity, Integration and Sovereignty (OPUIS AWARDS 2024).

Supported by the 360° communications agency, Sigma Corporation Africa, this distinction, according to the organizers of the event, aimed to demonstrate the country’s gratitude to those who, through their exceptional commitment, have contributed to its development.

According to the jury, led by Me Issouf SAVADOGO, the Joseph Ki-Zerbo prize for education was awarded to Professor Prosper Kompaoré and that of Jacqueline Ki-Zerbo for the progress and promotion of women went to the Association of women lawyers from Burkina Faso.

Filmmaker and producer Aminata Diallo Glez, according to Me Sawadogo, was the winner of the Guimbi Ouattara prize for artistic and cultural excellence for the promotion of Faso.

The Norbert Zongo prize for integrity, peace, social justice and freedom of the press was awarded to two personalities, argued the president of the jury, before specifying that it is Chrysogone Zougmoré, president of the MBDHP and Baba Hama, journalist and former minister of communications.

The jury, according to its president, awarded the Yacouba Sawadogo prize for environmental protection to farmer Salifou Ouédraogo and a posthumous prize to Idrissa Ouédraogo.

Furthermore, the jury awarded two special prizes to the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) and the Norbert Zongo national press center.

The nominated personalities were selected, in the opinion of the president of the jury, following a rigorous selection process, including identification by the organizing committee and the candidates’ peers.

The general comm
issioner of the OPUIS AWARDS, Donis Ayivi, also indicated that these awards concern not only the personalities who lay the foundations of the framework of the history of Burkina Faso, but also those who, out of civic duty, will pass on the torch to the future generation.

Source: Burkina Information Agency