Boulgou/Peace Efforts: The Juxtaposed Check Post of Cinkansé hands over 70 bags of rice and 20 boxes of spaghetti to IDPs

The staff of Burkinabe workers at the Cinkansé juxtaposed checkpoint site delivered food to internally displaced people in the commune of Yargatenga on Friday April 12, 2024.

The donation consists of 70 bags of rice of 25 kg and 20 boxes of spaghetti, all estimated at 950,000 FCFA.

It is the work of the staff of the different services of the Juxtaposed Control Post site of Cinkansé Burkina and is part of the days of patriotic commitments and citizen participation launched by the transition.

The handover is chaired by the prefect, president of the special delegation of the commune of Yargatenga, Jean Sare, in the presence of administrative, customary and religious authorities and representatives of internally displaced persons from the said commune.

The representative of the internally displaced people of Yargatenga, Badiba Tankoano, thanked the donors for this nice gesture.

He recognized the efforts of the fighting forces and asked the authorities to redouble their efforts for the return of internally di
splaced people to their respective localities.

Source: Burkina Information Agency