Boulgou: Media professionals equipped with the mechanisms of the fight against violent extremism

Training on the prevention of radicalization and the fight against violent extremism was held from Monday May 20 to Tuesday May 21, 2024 in Tenkodogo, for the benefit of media professionals in the Center region. -East, under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Center-East region, Sayouba Sawadogo.

The training of media professionals from the Center-East region was organized by the Ministry in charge of Security through its project ‘Preventing and responding to violent extremism in the Atlantic corridor’, was funded by the Program of the United Nations for Development (UNDP).

It took place from Monday May 20 to Tuesday May 21, 2024 in Tenkodogo under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Center-East region, Sayouba Sawadogo, representing the governor.

Strengthening the capacities of media professionals working in the areas of intervention of the project on violent extremism in Burkina Faso is the objective of the training.

Generalities on the prevention of radicalization and the fig
ht against violent extremism, the role of media professionals in the prevention of radicalization and the fight against violent extremism, were among other points developed.

The participant, Awa Ly/Bilgo, indicated that the training allowed her to better understand certain things about violent extremism and radicalization.

‘This workshop allowed me to nuance the two concepts to be able to improve my language at the media level and to call on all stakeholders to promote social cohesion and non-violence in order to ban violent extremism in our cities. We are going to call our listeners to unite and play the little hummingbird rule,’ she added.

According to the Director General of Religious, Customary and Traditional Affairs Mariam Sanogo, their expectations are those of the authorities in charge of the Transition, to support the fight against violent extremism in Burkina Faso.

‘Through the different actions that they will carry out, this could help to change things for the benefit of all Burkinabés. This hi
gh-level participation demonstrates their commitment. With the assessment, I think they have understood well and are ready for the fight against terrorism, radicalization and violent extremism,’ Ms. Sanogo said.

As for the representative of the UNDP, Moussa Ouédraogo, he thanked the media professionals who responded to the call.

For him, given the security situation in the country and the information disseminated on social networks, it is important that journalists are made aware of the fight against violent extremism and radicalization in order to be able to deliver true and reliable information. fair for the happiness of all Burkinabés.

‘Burkina Faso is going through a period of insecurity. And you just have to follow social networks such as Facebook, Tik-tok and others to see a certain number of messages being conveyed which contribute to exacerbating the security situation,’ he lamented.

And this, he said, has very difficult repercussions for our communities. Nowadays, it must be recognized that you,
as media professionals, can play an important role in the search for social cohesion and living together by helping to ensure the proper circulation of true information.

The Secretary General of the Center-East region, Sayouba Sawadogo, launched an appeal to women and men of the media for a synergy of action to support the government and its partners in their efforts to rebuild peace and social cohesion , a guarantee of harmonious and sustainable development.

‘I urge you to persevere in your migratory efforts as actors of peace so that the cohesion so sought after is a reality in our country in general and in our region in particular,’ he maintained.

He congratulated and thanked the initiators of the training for the vision of strengthening the capacities of media professionals on the prevention of radicalization and the fight against violent extremism.

The project ‘Preventing and responding to violent extremism in the Atlantic Corridor’ operates in the Center-East and East regions of Burkina Faso, as wel
l as in Benin, Ivory Coast, Ghana and in Togo.

Source: Burkina Information Agency