Bogandé/ Peace effort: Children of SIM Evangelical Churches offer 250,000 FCFA

The children of the SIM Evangelical Churches in the commune of Bogandé donated, Thursday June 13, 2024, a sum of 250,000 francs for the benefit of the orphans of the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) of Bogandé fallen at the front noted an AIB journalist.

The children of the SIM Evangelical Churches of the commune of Bogandé, through this gesture wanted to show their support for the orphans of the VDP and express their gratitude to the agents of the Provincial Directorate of Humanitarian Action, of national solidarity for the efforts made alongside IDPs.

On the occasion, they also made available to each office of the Provincial Directorate of Solidarity, Humanitarian Action, National Reconciliation, Gender and Family of the Gnagna, bibles and proceeded to the sanitation in the premises.

‘Our language has lost the flavor of meals because when you eat and your neighbor dies of hunger, the food loses its flavor,’ declared Lankoandé Ben Salomon, spokesperson for the donors.

‘We come to visit
our sisters and brothers orphaned by parents who are victims of terrorism to bring them our modest contribution,’ he confided. According to him, the donors want their contribution to be used for the education of said orphans.

According to Pastor Dahandi Lankoandé, president of the SIM evangelical churches in the commune of Bogandé, the holy scriptures exhort every human being to solidarity.

This is how he justified the children’s actions. Then he translated the strong considerations of his community to the fighting forces as well as the agents of the humanitarian action services.

The Provincial Director of Humanitarian Action, National Reconciliation, Gender and Family of Gnagna, Marcel Yameogo was delighted with the act carried out by the children.

» This gesture deserves to be shared. It’s a moral lesson that the children are giving us this morning,’ he argued.

Continuing, he suggested that one is never rich or poor to do without solidarity. In doing so, he invited other layers of society to follow in
the footsteps of these little ones.

In the same vein, the second vice president of the special municipal delegation of Bogandé, Oumarou Tindano thanked the donors for the gesture. He launched a vibrant appeal to the daughters and sons of the commune of Bogandé to follow this example of solidarity in favor of the fighting forces and people affected by terrorism.

Source: Burkina Information Agency