2nd night of the GPNAL: 14 artists and cultural ensembles competed in energy on stage

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The performances of the artists in the running for the National Grand Prize for Arts and Letters (GPNAL) continued on the evening of Sunday April 30, 2023 on the stage of the Maison de la Culture Bishop Anselme-Titianma-Sanon.

Songs, dance, music and slam were still on the agenda on the evening of Sunday April 30, 2023 on the stage of the Maison de la Culture Mgr Anselme-Titianma-Sanon in Bobo Dioulasso.

14 artists and artistic ensembles have redoubled their energy to seduce the jury of the National Grand Prize for Arts and Letters (GPNAL) in their respective categories.

The Akilisso orchestras from Comoé and Glory of God from Oubritenga followed one another on the podium from 9 p.m. to express their talents.

Then the representative of the Yagha, Guitanga Kokoro entered the dance in the Star category of the traditional song, then the Wendémita troop of Arrounbissi du Nahouri intervened in instrumental traditional music before the ARAC company of Houet performs its traditional dance performance adult pool.

The public was already white-hot when Judicaël Honorat Zongo dit l’Albatros, candidate of Boulkiemdé, presented himself to say his text focused on “his homeland” whose cultural diversity he praised, deplored the divisions between citizens before concluding in the tone of victory.

The Tegawendé troops from Kadiogo (municipality of Pabré), Rayimi Coudoumdé from Oubritenga, Ratnéèré from Téonsgo in Yatenga (municipality of Seguennega), Nazounki from Ioba and Yampala from Dano (Ioba) also intervened as the competition with personalized creations based on themes dealing with union, patriotism, respect for traditional values and the promotion of agriculture.

Ultimately and in the same verve, the Yampala troupe from Ioba in traditional instrumental music, the slammer Yentama Lompo from Tapoa and the Guiré center from Kadiogo in the choreographic creation category also presented their talents respectively in promoting Burkinabe culture. .

Each of the performances received echoes of expressions of admiration from the audience through applause or cries of admiration.

An audience which included in its ranks the Minister in charge of Culture, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo and his Malian counterpart Andogoly Guindo

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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