Kourittenga: The Belgian Development Agency inaugurates its first headquarters

The Belgian Development Agency (ENABEL), inaugurated its first headquarters on Thursday June 27, 2024 in Koupéla. The visit took place under the chairmanship of the High Commissioner of the Kourittenga province, Aissata Angelina Traoré and the provincial authorities.

The bodies of the Kourittenga province visited the first headquarters of the Belgian Development Agency Enabel, in Koupéla on Thursday June 27, 2024.

The ceremony was chaired by the High Commissioner of the Kourittenga province, Aissata Angelina Traore.

The bilateral cooperation program between Burkina Faso and the Kingdom of Belgium 2023-2027 worth more than 22 billion FCFA was presented.

The five pillars of intervention for 2023-2027, the case study project operating in the commune of Dialgaye precisely in the village of Dassiu and the integrity policy of Enabel, were presented.

This bilateral cooperation program between Burkina Faso and the Kingdom of Belgium operates in the Centre-North, Central Plateau, East and Center-East regions.

cording to the Intervention Manager of Koupéla, Representative of the Country Director, Adama Kaboré, the program started in November 2023 with five axes.

He cited, among others, the socio-economic empowerment of young people, women and internally displaced people, social cohesion and urban planning and management.

Adama Kaboré, affirmed that the program aligns with the development priority of Burkina Faso.

The Intervention Manager of Koupéla explained that the bodies have shown their commitment and their availability to support ENABEL in the success of the program.

‘We decided to intervene in the Center-East region and also in the Kourittenga province. For this, our intervention cannot be done without the authorities. We need their support, their commitment and what happened this morning is a living testimony of their availability that they grant us to move forward together in the implementation of the bilateral program,’ he said. noted.

For Mr. Kaboré, ENABEL wants a fairly participatory commitment.

he first person in charge of the Kourittenga province, Aissata Angelina Traoré, reassured them of the availability and support of the administration and all the constituent bodies of the province for the success of the project.

‘I came here to Enabel headquarters to welcome them to Kourittenga as part of their 2023-2027 bilateral cooperation portfolio.

They chose Koupéla as the headquarters of one of their intervention zones.

The High Commissioner reassured Enabel of the availability of actors at the local level to support them in the success of the bilateral portfolio.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gourma/Commerce: Expired products seized

The Eastern Regional Directorate of Industrial Development and Small and Medium Enterprises seized products unfit for consumption on Friday June 28, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma.

As part of his sovereign services, the price inspector of the regional directorate of industrial development and small and medium-sized businesses in the East, Sondbo Rouamba, seized expired products in a shop in sector 1 of Fada N’ Gourma.

These products consist of biscuits, Blue Band butter, sugary drinks and Lipton tea.

Sondbo Rouamba, invited the population to be vigilant by checking each production and expiration date of manufactured products before purchase and consumption.

Furthermore, he asked the population to report such cases to their service or to police or gendarmerie stations.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: more than 150 terrorists neutralized in the Yamba operation

Ouagadougou: The prompt reaction of the 20th Rapid Intervention Battalion and air vectors, on June 25 and 26, 2024 in Yamba, made it possible to neutralize more than 150 terrorists and seize a large quantity of equipment, according to an updated report provided Sunday evening to the AIB by military sources.

We remember that on June 25, 2024, hundreds of terrorists attempted at Yamba (Gourma) to prevent elements of the 20th BIR from advancing on Gayéri.

The courage and determination of the boys made it possible to eliminate many criminals before the air vectors intervened.

Thus the sweeps of June 25 and 26 made it possible to count 103 bodies of assassins on the battlefield and around fifty others burned by drone strikes further away.

The Fighting Forces also seized war materials.

But as soon as the 20th BIR returned to Gayéri, attackers came out of hiding to flee towards the East, without knowing that they were being observed from the skies.

A missile will exterminate a first group of terrorists who pau
sed under a large tree.

The terrorists who had taken refuge in huts in an abandoned hamlet were hit with precision.

The air operators will draw a missile on a third group of criminals who thought they were safe in a concession.

After the Eastern region, the air vectors went to support friendly Forces on June 27, 2024 in Noaka in the Center-North.

Criminals fleeing towards the North were hit while other vectors pursued the column.

Our sources specify that operations continue on all fronts.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gourma: Three clandestine pre-packaged water production units dismantled

During a press conference co-hosted by the regional head of the Eastern judicial police and the regional director of industrial development and small and medium-sized enterprises in the East, dismantled, on Friday June 28, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma, three clandestine pre-packaged water production units.

This is following a complaint on June 5, 2024, relating to the existence of clandestine production factories of pre-packaged water for acts of deception on consumer safety and all related offenses (counterfeiting, unfair competition , illicit implantation, fraud and illegal exploitation of pre-packaged water), that a police investigation made it possible to expose three production units.

The head of the Eastern regional judicial police department, Police Commissioner Zakaria Traoré, explained to journalists on Friday June 28, 2024, that the three clandestine production sites are located in sectors No. 1 and No. 2 by Fada N’Gourma.

According to him, the investigation carried out by his service revealed that thes
e clandestine production units have filtering devices connected to poly tanks for two units and one is linked to water from the National Office of Water. Water and Sanitation (ONEA).

Also, he added, that one of these units produced and packaged water pre-packaged in six types of sachets stamped ‘OGAPO, EAU TRESOR, EAU VISA, EAU SEDERA-DJI, EAU GLAXIE, EAU JOLSDA’.

These alleged perpetrators, including a woman, are aged between 24 and 48 years old.

The regional director of industrial development and small and medium-sized enterprises in the East, Boukari Ouédraogo, suggested that these dismantled sites do not respect any standards.

Therefore, promoters of prepackaged water endanger the lives of consumers, said Mr. Ouédraogo.

The speakers invited the population, particularly those who buy pre-packaged water both for marketing and for consumption, to always ensure the quality of this water.

Regarding the impact of this practice which has certainly lasted on the health of the population, the police commissi
oner considered that it is early to talk about it.

What is certain, the judicial instructions will determine with the ongoing investigations the people authorized to assess the health impact.

Regarding the number of pre-packaged water production units in good standing in Fada N’Gourma and the Eastern region, Mr. Ouédraogo specified that there are seven (07) units including two closed for security reasons for one in Fada N’Gourma and 21 units in the Eastern region whose directory needs to be updated.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Mouhoun/Support for the Transition: The National Collective for Refoundation establishes coordination

The National Collective for Refoundation (CNR) installed its regional coordination in the Boucle du Mouhoun on Sunday June 30, 2024 in Dédougou, under the presidency of the President of the Patriotic Watch Movement of Faso, Salimatou Compaoré .

After the Center and Center East regions, it is the turn of the Boucle du Mouhoun region to benefit from the installation of the regional coordination of the National Collective for Refoundation (CNR).

This coordination will have the mission of mobilizing populations around the ideal of the President of Faso and supporting the actions of the Transition in its fight against terrorism, for the reconquest of territorial integrity and for the sovereignty of the country in order to begin its development.

For the National President of the CNR, Félicien Kissou, his collective aims to promote pan-Africanist and nationalist ideals, civic-mindedness, patriotism and citizen monitoring in the different regions and contribute to the successful implementation of the actions of th
e Transition in courses in our dear country, Burkina Faso.

‘The Boucle du Mouhoun constitutes the third region of the country to benefit from the installation of regional coordination. Our objective is to be able to cover all regions of the country by setting up regional coordination in order to support the actions of the Transition under the leadership of President Ibrahim Traoré,’ he said.

He invited the Boucle du Mouhoun coordination to work tirelessly to ensure the success of the Transition’s actions and to remain engaged in citizen monitoring actions.

For her part, the regional coordinator of the CNR of Boucle du Mouhoun, Salimatou Compaoré, while magnifying the actions already undertaken by the Transition under the leadership of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, called on citizen monitoring structures to mobilize for a bright future from Burkina Faso.

‘The destiny of a new Burkina is currently in our hands. The Boucle du Mouhoun region is ready through the CNR and other monitoring structures in the region. As
enlightened leaders, we encourage the authorities and support our government to continue to act and take all useful measures and arrangements both internally and within the framework of bilateral and multilateral partnerships for the complete restoration of our dignity and our integrity,’ she argued.

She, in turn, invested the provincial coordinators of the CNR with full authority to carry out activities in the different provinces of the Boucle du Mouhoun region.

This official launch day of CNR activities in the Boucle du Mouhoun was marked in the morning by reforestation at the Dédougou regional council and a visit to the Massa de Dédougou.

The population of Dédougou mobilized to witness this installation, a sign of their support for the actions of the Transition authorities.

Source: Burkina Information Agency