TRIPS Agreement: Tunisia officially accedes to amending protocol

Tunis: Tunisia officially acceded to the Protocol Amending the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement) adopted in Geneva on December 6, 2005.

The declaration of membership was published in the shape of a decree issued by President of the Republic Kaïs Saïed in the Official Journal of the Tunisian Republic in its issue N°79 of the year 2024.

The Assemby of the People’s Representatives adopted a draft basic law on Tunisia’s accession to this agreement on May 29, 2024.

The TRIPS Agreement sets minimum standards of protection for copyrights and related rights, trademarks, geographical indications (GIs), industrial designs, patents, integrated circuit layout designs, and undisclosed information.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Bam: More than 50% admitted to the A4 series baccalaureate in the first round

The province of Bam achieved a success rate of 30.70? in the first round of the baccalaureate series D compared to 54.35? for series A4.

It was on June 27, 2024 that the Baccalaureate Juries of the Bam province announced the results of the first round in the Bam province.

According to statistics from the provincial directorate of Post-primary and secondary Education of Bam, 171 candidates are admitted in the first round out of 557 present for series D. 171 are eligible for the second round.

At the A4 series level, 250 candidates were declared admitted out of 460 who actually composed. 143 candidates will make up the second round on Monday.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Music: Otemptic dedicates his first album ‘A Cappella’

Ouagadougou: The musical artist Otemptic unveiled, Friday at Goethe Institut, her first musical work entitled ‘A Cappella’, an album of 8 tracks which addresses themes such as love, the emancipation of women, identity, patriotism, justice and equality.

‘A Cappella’ is a musical album dedicated to women through ‘strong and shocking words in a style that combines slam, poetry and classical music’, indicated the artist Adji Kabré alias Otemptic.

For the artist, the choice of strong and shocking words to convey his message is not accidental.

‘To tell the truth, you have to shock, you have to be authentic,’ she explained.

The title of the work designates the voice, the word, the fact of giving and receiving.

‘In the beginning was the word, in the beginning was ‘A Cappella’

With this album, I wanted to explore the twists and turns of the human soul through the power of words and music,’ declared Adji Kabré.

For the author, each title of ‘A Cappella’ is an invitation to reflection, to contemplation, to self-d
iscovery, to facing others and to life itself.

Adji Kabré is also a Disc Jockey (DJ) and a master’s student in conflict management and peace building.

His musical career began in 2021 and his first single was released in April 2023.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Seizure of nearly 6 tonnes of fraudulently repackaged rice

Ouagadougou: The Mobile Economic Control and Fraud Repression Brigade (BMCRF) put an end on the night of June 26, 2024 to the illicit activities of a crooked trader in the Dapoya district of Ouagadougou, caught in flagrante delicto of repackaging rice in 50 kg bags, repackaged in 25 kg bags of another brand, while reducing the actual weight of the rice.

Carried out with the assistance of the national police, the operation made it possible to seize nearly 6 tonnes of fraudulently repackaged rice, reports the communications services of the ministry in charge of trade.

According to the same source, it was noted that some repackaged bags of rice did not bear any date, which also constitutes an additional offense.

She specifies that the trader was summoned to the brigade to answer for his actions.

The general coordinator of the BMCRF recalled that such practices are severely punished. He encouraged the public to report any suspicious activity of this type.

The head of department in charge of investigations an
d monitoring the application of texts relating to prices and stock, the fight against fraud, counterfeiting and illegal competition practices indicated that this intervention is part of as part of the authorities’ ongoing efforts to combat the phenomenon of fraud in order to protect consumers.

In his opinion, illegal repackaging of food products not only misleads consumers, but also poses public health risks.

The Mobile Economic Control and Fraud Control Brigade (BMCRF) invites populations to report all suspicious activities to the following toll-free numbers:

80 00 11 84

80 00 11 85

80 00 11 86

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: The CIL raises awareness among several administrative authorities about the protection of personal data

The Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CIL) held on Thursday an awareness seminar on the protection of personal data for the benefit of decentralized administrative authorities and local authorities in the regions of North-Central, Central Plateau and Sahel.

The awareness seminar on the protection of personal data was held under the theme: ‘Protection of personal data in a context of security crisis: challenges and perspectives’.

This awareness session concerned governors, provincial high commissioners, prefects and presidents of special delegations as well as heads of decentralized administrative services from the Centre-North, Central Plateau and Sahel regions.

Organized by the Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CIL), this meeting made it possible to encourage the various administrative authorities to adopt best practices in the protection of personal data, according to the president of the institution Halguièta Nassa/Trawina .

For her, the primary objective of this s
eminar is to raise awareness among administrative authorities of the importance of legislation related to the protection of personal data and respect for the privacy of individuals.

Several communications were presented during this seminar such as the legal and institutional framework for the protection of personal data in particular, law n°001-2021/AN of March 30, 2021 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of data of a personal nature and the issues and perspectives of the unique identifier and ICT.

Themes positively appreciated by the participants. ‘This seminar is welcome, especially in the current security context, the knowledge acquired will allow us to better protect and manage the personal data of our local authorities,’ rejoiced Gustave Boro, prefect and president of the special delegation ( PDS) of Diguel in the Sahel.

Same story for the High Commissioner of the province of Namentenga (Central-North), Adama Conseiga. ‘We learned a lot professionally, including how to manag
e information, a database and how to organize information collection. On a personal level, we learned how to protect ourselves with the use of social networks, how to authenticate information, among other things,’ he listed.

And added the High Commissioner of the province of Ganzourgou (Plateau-Central), Aminata Sorgho/Gouba: ‘We have had information that helps us behave better in the face of requests for personal data by certain structures.’

The governor of the Center-North region, Blaise Ouédraogo, for his part, indicated that the field of ICT will be that of future wars, in the sense that certain Nations will defeat others, because they have been able to have supremacy from digital or computer science on other Nations.

This is why he called on the participants to be vectors for raising awareness in their respective workplaces.

At the end of the discussions, Halguièta Nassa/Trawina expressed satisfaction with regard to the participation and the relevance of the concerns raised. However, she urged partic
ipants to exercise caution.

‘We must be vigilant in our daily administrative practices so as not to harm others by disclosing personal information that could jeopardize privacy,’ said the president of the CIL.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Hepatitis E: Undercooked pork presents a great risk, governor North Center

Contact with infected animals and the consumption of undercooked pork and wild animals increase the risks of transmission of hepatitis E (HEV) to humans, warned the governor of the North-Central region on Thursday where the communes of Pissila and Kaya are experiencing an outbreak of this disease.

Another less viral HEV stereotype can also be transmitted to humans by other animals such as horses, cats, dogs, sheep, goats, cattle and poultry, added Colonel-Major Blaise Ouédraogo.

Burkina Faso Information Agency

Read the full press release

‘Following press release No. 2024-010/MATDS/RCNR/GKYA/SG of June 14, 2024 informing the population of the appearance of an outbreak of hepatitis E cases in the communes of Pissila and Kaya and inviting populations to exercise caution and strict compliance with health and public hygiene measures, new elements establish that there is indeed a risk of zoonotic transmission of the hepatitis E virus.

This means that the virus can be transmitted to humans through contact with
infected animals or by eating contaminated meat.

The presence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) has been demonstrated in foodstuffs derived from pork, such as liver.

Likewise, wildlife, such as wild boars and deer, represent an important reservoir of HEV.

In addition to cases of hepatitis E transmitted through contaminated pork and wildlife, another less viral HEV stereotype has been discovered that can also be transmitted by other animals.

These include horses, cats, dogs, sheep, goats, cattle and poultry.

Faced with this situation, it is important to take preventive measures to limit the spread of the virus.

The populations of the communes of Pissila and Kaya are invited to scrupulously follow the following recommendations:

– Avoid direct contact with the reservoir of potential HEV animals;

You must protect yourself by wearing a suitable suit before any contact with potential animal reservoirs of the hepatitis E virus;

Cook pork foods thoroughly

?Ensure that pig premises facilities are adequate and well
maintained to avoid contamination of water and food by feces;

? Dispose of waste properly.

The governor of the North-Central region, Colonel-Major Blaise Ouédraogo.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Ouahigouya: The A’ATHENA’S foundation organizes screening sessions for IDPs

The A’ATHENA’S foundation organized on Saturday a screening campaign for hepatitis B, diabetes, blood pressure and HIV, for the benefit of internally displaced people in the Northern region. The beneficiaries also received five tonnes of rice.

The A’ATHENA’S foundation was sensitive to the difficulties experienced by Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the Northern region.

To do this, it organized on Saturday June 29, 2024 a screening campaign for hepatitis B, diabetes, blood pressure, HIV as well as the hepatitis vaccine for their benefit.

According to the Secretary General of the foundation, Abdoul Rachid Ouédraogo, everything started from an observation of real facts and a real desire to bring positive change to the social and economic problems currently facing Burkina Faso.

The coordinator of the day’s activities, Yassia Fortune Younga, said that thanks to the generosity of a partner, five tonnes of rice were distributed to people who came to be tested.

He thanked the A’ATHENA’S foundation for its
gesture in favor of poor people.

According to Yassia Fortune Younga, this foundation has always been sensitive to her cries of heart to help vulnerable people in the areas of education and health.

Abdoul Rachid Ouédraogo assured that the A’ATHENA’S foundation, depending on the availability of its resources, will always be at the side of people in need.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Media: Bassirou Badini now represents Editions Sidwaya in the Northern region

The Secretary General of Editions Sidwaya, Noufo Enock Kindo, installed Friday, Bassirou Badini as Head of Northern Regional Service of Editions Sidwaya, noted the AIB.

The solemn handover ceremony took place within the confines of the Administrative Service where the Northern Regional Communication Directorate is housed and was attended by the Regional Director of Human Resources Abou Barro, the Editorial Director of Sidwaya Jean- Marie Toé, from Ouahigouya media men.

So after four years at the helm of the regional service of the newspaper for all Burkinabè, Fleur Birba handed over to Bassirou Badini who was appointed by decision of the General Director of Sidwaya on June 6, 2024.

‘In the name of the General Director of Editions Sidwaya (Assétou Badoh Guira), I install you as of today, June 28, 2024, Head of Northern Regional Service of Sidwaya’. It is through this established formula that Enock Kindo, Secretary General of Sidwaya, gave full power to Mr. Badini to act and defend the interests of the commo
n home in the Northern region.

After signing the various handover documents, Fleur Birba thanked her hierarchy for the support, supervision, understanding and accompaniment over the four years.

The new manager Bassirou Badini, after showing his gratitude to the hierarchy for the mission entrusted to him, said he was committed to meeting the communication challenges of Sidwaya with the support of all the actors of the press company .

The Secretary General, after thanking Fleur Birba for the sacrifices and work done, invited Bassirou Badini to be present on the ground, to work to further enhance the image of Sidwaya, to take initiatives to report the realities of the Northern region while supporting local authorities in this difficult context of security and humanitarian crisis.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkinabe archbishop appointed Pope’s representative in Ghana

Ouagadougou: Monsignor Julien Kaboré (56 years old) was appointed this Saturday, Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana by Pope Francis, reports the online newspaper

A press release from the Burkina-Niger episcopal conference, relayed by, specifies that Monsignor Julien Kaboré was named at the same time titular Archbishop of Milevum (Algeria) and will be ordained bishop at a later date.

Burkina Faso Information Agency


This June 29, 2024, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, appointed Mgr Julien KABORÉ Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana. At the same time, he was named titular Archbishop of Milevum (Algeria) and will be ordained bishop at a later date.

Mgr Julien KABORÉ was born in Zorgo, Burkina Faso, on June 18, 1968. He was ordained priest on July 8, 1995 and is incardinated in the Archdiocese of Koupela in Burkina Faso.

Mgr Julien Kaboré holds a license in dogmatic theology and a doctorate in canon law.

He began
the diplomatic service of the Holy See on July 1, 2004 and served in the apostolic nunciatures in Kenya, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, Costa Rica, the Republic of Korea, Mongolia, in Croatia, Trinidad and Tobago, the Philippines and Ireland.

The first Burkinabé ecclesiastic appointed to the office of Apostolic Nuncio, Mgr Julien KABORÉ speaks fluent Italian, English, French and Spanish, with knowledge of Swahili, Korean, Croatian and Tagalog.

The Burkina-Niger Episcopal Conference already presents its warm congratulations to the elected Nuncio!

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gayéri: the population of Foutouri contributes to the peace effort for the 5th time

The population of Foutouri in Komondjari has once again demonstrated its support for the Transition in its fight for the reconquest of the national territory by mobilizing a sum of one million twenty-one thousand (1,021 000) CFA francs on June 22, 2024.

Responding to the call from the village chief of Foutouri on June 22, 2024, the population of the said locality mobilized an amount of one million twenty-one thousand in support of the transitional authorities in their commitment to the reconquest of the national territory and the return of peace.

The said sum was transmitted on June 24, 2024 to the head of the Foutouri detachment for delivery to the Public Treasury.

The information was given on June 26, 2024 to the AIB by Mr. Monmini Sinaré, President of the special delegation of the commune of Foutouri.

As a reminder, the said population had already mobilized a sum of eight hundred and eighty-five thousand (885,000) francs on June 26, 2023, two hundred and sixty-five thousand (265,000) francs on May 10,
2023, two hundred fifty-four thousand (254,000) francs on January 30, 2024 and three hundred and eighty thousand five hundred (380,500) CFA francs on February 27, 2024.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Media: Ibrahim Kagoné now at the head of RTB2 Sahel

The secretary general of RTB, Grace Isabellita Foro installed Saturday in Dori, Ibrahim Kagoné as the new regional director of rtb2 Sahel, with the mission of highlighting the activities of the region in connection with the reconquest of the national territory, living together, social cohesion, resilience and poles of social and economic growth.

Ibrahim Kagoné replaces Bouma Ernest Nébié in this position who has been called to other responsibilities.

In his address to the constituted bodies, collaborators, parents and friends, Bouma Ernest Nébié said that he spent five years at rtb2 Sahel.

To be continued, Mr. Nébié, during his master’s degree, he enriched the RTB2 Sahel program schedule with new programs such as dilemma, entre-nous, radio chez vous, joddal (living together), we talk about it and everyone’s forum small.

Listening to him, during his stay he established partnership relationships with structures such as the Sahel regional council which made it possible to lay paving stones in the RTB2 courty
ard and with the Sahel media project which enabled capacity building. agents.

For Bouma Ernest Nébié, there is no solitary hero and it is the valuable support of his colleagues that allowed him to achieve the objectives assigned to him despite the difficult security situation.

And Mr. Nébié concludes by urging all the workers of the structure as well as its partners to support his successor in his mission.

By installing Ibrahim Kagoné in his position as regional director of rtb2 Sahel, the general secretary of rtb, Mrs. Grace Isabellita Foro, invited him to add earth to the earth by building on the achievements of his predecessor.

Ms. Foro to remind Mr. Kagoné that he is assigned the mission of highlighting the region’s activities linked to the reconquest of the national territory, living together, social cohesion, resilience and poles of social and economic growth.

And Madame Foro concluded her remarks by expressing all her gratitude and encouragement to all the staff of rtb2 Sahel for their resilience.

Installed in his new position, Mr. Ibrahim Kagoné expressed his gratitude to the Minister of State, Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism, Mr. Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo for the trust placed in his modest person in appointing to this responsibility.

Mr. Kagoné is committed to fulfilling this mission with dedication by strengthening already existing contracts and partnerships, by initiating new broadcasts allowing the visibility of the Sahel region on the national stage.

The new regional director of rtb2 intends to promote national languages ??and place emphasis on radio productions to enable the Sahelian population to understand and adhere to government policy.

To achieve these expected results, Mr. Kagoné requested support from the stakeholders and partners of rtb2 Sahel.

It should be noted that Mr. Ibrahim Kagoné was until then a cameraman at rtb2 Sahel before his appointment to this position of regional director.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Morocco: The mother of King Mohammed VI has died

Ouagadougou: Princess Lalla Latifa, mother of the King of Morocco Mohammed VI passed away this Saturday, AIB learned from MAP.

‘The spokesperson of the Royal Palace announces, with immense sadness and deep affliction, the death of Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Latifa, may God have her in His Holy Mercy, this Saturday 22 Dou Al Hijja 1445 H corresponding to June 29, 2024,’ indicates an official press release published by MAP.

The late was wife of the late His Majesty King Hassan II (died in 1999) and mother of the current King His Majesty Mohammed VI.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Ghana received a new loan tranche of $360 million from the IMF

Ouagadougou: The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved the disbursement to Ghana of the third tranche of approximately $360 million of the $3 billion loan program, announced the IMF in a press release.

The total amount received by Ghana under the loan program amounts to $1.56 billion, the statement noted. The disbursement of this tranche comes after the completion of the second review of the reforms implemented by the Ghanaian authorities. ‘The Ghanaian government’s reform efforts are bearing fruit: economic growth has been more robust than expected, inflation has fallen rapidly compared to the peaks observed in 2022, and the fiscal situation has improved,’ underlines the IMF.

Ghana is currently experiencing significant financial difficulties, reflected in high inflation, which stood at 22.1% last May, rapidly rising food and energy prices and considerable external debt. At the start of 2023, the country’s external debt stood at around $30 billion.

Source: Burkina Informati
on Agency

World Cup 2030: No Final Decision Has Yet Been Taken on Number of Stadiums or Their Geographical Distribution (Joint Bid Committee)

Rabat – The committee of the joint Morocco-Portugal-Spain bid for the 2030 FIFA World Cup, “YallaVamos2030”, said that “no final decision has yet been taken on the number of stadiums, their geographical distribution or the allocation of matches by country”.

“Any official information on this subject will be communicated via official channels”, said the Royal Moroccan Football Federation (FRMF) in a statement issued at the end of a committee meeting held on June 27-28 in Agadir, the aim of which was to inspect the various sites bidding to host the tournament, in addition to finalizing the last adjustments before the final submission of the joint bid by the three countries, scheduled for the end of July.

During the first day of the meeting, the source added, the representatives of the bid committees from the three countries visited several key sites in Agadir, including the city’s main stadium. The delegation also assessed possible locations for hosting the “FIFA Fan Festival”, focusing on Agadir’s iconic beac
h as the main option. In addition, the seaside resort of Taghazout was examined as a potential location for team base camps.

On Friday, an online meeting was held with FIFA representatives, focusing on the bidding process and its progress. This meeting was followed by working sessions within the tripartite steering committee to review various aspects and finalize adjustments to the bid form, added the FRMF in the statement.

“The committee is delighted with the quality of the collaboration between all the stakeholders and reaffirms its commitment to continue working in close cooperation with FIFA and the local authorities of the three countries to present a solid final bid for the 2030 World Cup,” concluded the same source.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Royal Referral to Higher Council of Ulema, Constitutional Measure to Complete Process of Revising Family Code (Academic)

Rabat – The Royal Referral to the Higher Council of Ulema regarding certain proposals of a religious nature, brought to the High Appreciation of His Majesty King Mohammed VI by the Body in charge of revising the Family Code, is a constitutional measure aimed at completing the process of revising this legislation, said Abderrahim Lamine, professor at the Rabat-Agdal Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences and an expert in family and childhood issues.

In a statement to MAP, Lamine noted that the Royal Office’s statement contains clear Guidelines for the Higher Council of Ulema, the institution exclusively empowered by the Constitution to issue Fatwas, noting that these Guidelines focus on the choice of open and constructive Ijtihad to find innovative and constructive solutions in line with the principles and precepts of Islam and aimed at ensuring the enshrinement of full rights for all components of the family.

The Royal approach, he added, also aims to provide modern legislation capable of preserving
the cohesion of the Moroccan family as a pillar of the national community, so that it can fulfill its social-educational roles.

In this respect, he emphasized the central role of the monarchical institution in framing Ijtihad on the basis of the norm that “one cannot authorize what is prohibited, nor prohibit what is authorized”, noting that this does not prevent a relevant Ijtihad for the explanation of religious prescriptions and for reaching innovative theological solutions through a renewed and realistic reading of religious texts.

Lamine also stressed that the Higher Council of Ulema has the theological and scientific skills needed to issue a modern Fatwa in line with the aims of religion, and in phase with social reality and developments in society and the family unit.

On Friday, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, Chairman of the Higher Council of Ulema, kindly gave His High Directives to the said Council, to examine certain questions contained in the proposals of the Body in charge of
revising the Family Code, with reference to the principles and precepts of the holy religion of Islam and its tolerant purposes, and to submit a Fatwa on their subject to the Sovereign’s High Appreciation.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse