ASBU Festival: 3 prizes for Tunisia in Arab TV and Radio Programme Exchange Competition

Tunis: Tunisia was awarded three prizes, including two for National Television productions, in the 24th Arab Radio and Television Festival’s competition for TV and Radio Programmes Exchange, hosted in Tunis on June 26-29.

The award ceremony was held on Friday evening at the “Thétres des Créateurs” in the City of Culture.

Iraq took the lion’s share of this year’s awards, winning eight prizes in the various categories of the television and radio programmes exchange competition.

The Tunisian programme “Musée National du Bardo trésors des civilisations,” broadcast on the National TV channel, won second prize in the documentary programme category dedicated to “museums in the Arab world.”

A special mention was awarded to the documentary “Bint Sejnan. La plante sauvage” (The wild plant) in the category for joint Arab TV production “La version 7” (Version 7) of the programme “L’histoire d’une lutte” (The story of a struggle).

Tunisian Radio was awarded second prize in the radio programme exchange competition.

unisians were also among the personalities honoured by the ASBU festival management, including radio presenter Adel Chabchoub, in addition to the members of the juries for the radio, official and parallel competitions: Khaled ben Feghir (Tunisia), Ala Mohsen (Iraq), Yacoub Erroussi (United Arab Emirates) and Adnene Saidi (Saudi Arabia).

Members of the official and parallel TV competitions are Hajer Ben Nasser (Tunisia), Faouzi Ghouil (Libya), Ines Yacoub (Bahrain), Chadi Fakhrani (Egypt), Ali Rahri (Morocco), Salem Ali Mansour (Sultanate of Oman) and Mowadfak Matar (Palestine).

This year, the ASBU Festival received 289 entries, including 147 TV programmes, with 108 in the official competition and 39 in the parallel section. These entries were submitted by 20 television channels, including 6 private channels, in addition to 18 production companies.

As for radio, 142 radio programmes were submitted, including 125 in the official competition and 17 in the parallel section, an unprecedented number in the histo
ry of the festival. A record number of radio broadcasters participated in the official competition, with 20 entries, including 8 private and other international radio stations broadcasting in Arabic, as well as production companies in the parallel section.

ASBU is a pan-Arab institution set up in February 1969 in Khartoum (Sudan) to foster cooperation between Arab broadcasting organisations.

The Asbu Festival aims to promote Arab radio and TV production and to showcase the latest technological innovations in audiovisual production. It seeks to contribute to the development of Arab radio and TV production and to improve the quality of audiovisual content.

The winners of the official and parallel television and radio competitions will be announced at the closing ceremony scheduled for Saturday evening at the Thétre de l’Opéra in Tunis. The ceremony will be broadcast live on various public and private Arab TV and radio stations.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Vocational training: integrated information system project at centre of working session

Tunis: The follow-up of the implementation of a project to put in place an integrated information system to manage vocational training activities and propose management methods was at the heart of a working session held Friday.

The meeting brought together Minister of Employment and Vocational Training Lotfi Dhieb, members of the project steering committe, head of “Towards a Holistic Approach to Labour Migration Governance and Labour Mobility in North Africa-THAMM’ project Hélène Hammouda and representative of the French office of Migration and Integration (OFII) Saber Neffati.

The project, the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training said in a press release, is designed to put in place a system to monitor in real time the activities of private sector vocational training facilites so as to upgrade services provided to sector stakeholders.

The integrated information system will foster data exchange and provide statistics needed in the follow-up, appraisal and decision-making.

The project, Minister Lo
tfi Dhieb said, fits within international cooperation between the ministry, the European Union and the OFII.

It is a strategic project intended to secure the sector’s good governance to better meet the needs of all players.

It is also aimed to improve services and adapt them to international quality standards so as to enhance vocational training – seen as a pathway to success for several developed countries.

There is likewise need to speed up the implementation of the different components of the project and convene periodic meetings to address possible challenges.

OFII Representative in Tunisia said the office is fully committed to intensifying cooperation and technical coordination with the ministry in implementing this project.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

‘Prospects for cooperation in Migration’ theme of working session between ONM and OFII

Tunis: A working session was held, Friday, in Tunis between the National Migration Observatory (French: ONM) and the French Office of Immigration and Integration (French: OFII) during which a focus was placed on reviewing prospects for cooperation and exchange of experiences in the field of migration.

OFII Representative Helene Hamouda spoke of the international cooperation project entitled «Towards a Holistic Approach to Labour Migration Governance and Labour Mobility in North Africa (THAMM)». It was launched in January 2022 and will run until December 2025 with funding from the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (UTF for Africa).

According to a press release published by the ONM, this project seeks to help Tunisian authorities to promote appropriate mechanisms so as to encourage return and resettlement.

The meeting, which was chaired by the Director General of the ONM, was attended by representatives of the OFII2 and executives of the observatory.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Nearly 100,000 Tunisians have coeliac disease (Association of Coeliac Patients)

Tunis: An estimated 100,000 Tunisians have coeliac disease, that is about 1% of the population, said member of the Tunisian Association of Coeliac Patients Mouna Dakhlaoui.

Only 25,000 cases were diagnosed and fewer patients are observing the gluten-free diet regularly owing to its high cost, Dakhlaoui further told TAP on Saturday on the sidelines of an awareness event in La Marsa, Tunis northern suburbs.

The event is aimed to bring light on the disease and emphasise the importance of early detection.

The high cost of gluten-free products is one main challenge facing patients, in addition to them being uncovered by health insurance.

The Coeliac disease is an illness caused by an immune reaction to eating gluten- the general name for the proteins found in wheat, rye, barley and triticale

The Tunisian Association of Coeliac Patients seeks to help patients observe a gluten-free diet, raise the awareness of their families and the public with a view to fostering a better understanding of the disease and advoc
ate their interests before manufacturers of food products, authorities and insurance bodies.

A network of gluten-free bakeries is an additional target along with the provision of support to creating such projects in regions. The Tunisian Association managed to create two 100% gluten-free bakeries in Tunis and Djerba.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tozeur: Workshop on second photovoltaic power plant project

Tozeur: A second photovoltaic power plant is being built on a 100-hectare site on National Road 3 between the towns of Tozeur and Nefta.

This project, with a production capacity of 50 MW, will make better use of solar energy to produce electricity in the region, governor of Tozeur, Mohamed Aymen Bejaoui, told TAP.

To this end, a working session on the project was held on Friday at the governorate’s headquarters. It was attended by representatives of the private company that won the tender and of the departments involved, in order to examine the difficulties and problems that could hinder the implementation of the project.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

ISIE to publish decision on presidential election soon (Statement)

Tunis: The Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) will soon publish the regulatory decision on the presidential election, said ISIE board member Mourad Chaalali.

The revision of the electoral law is among the prerogatives of parliament, Chaalali told the media on the sidelines of a conference on the electoral law organised on Saturday by the Chahed Observatory for the Monitoring of Elections.

He also pointed out that the Elections Authority is working on a candidate endorsement model which will shortly be published on the official ISIE website.

The electoral register is currently being updated and automatic registration, adopted by the ISIE, is a successful experiment that has proved its worth in several countries, the official underlined.

The presidential election is held every five years during the last 90 days of the presidential term, which ends on October 23, 2024, Executive Director of the Chahed Observatory Naceur Harrabi specified.

The writ for the presidential election should be publish
ed 90 days before October 23, 2024, he added.

The electoral calendar should also be defined and set in consultation with the Presidency of the Republic, the Prime Ministry and Parliament, he pointed out.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia-Burkina Faso Joint Commission to take place on July 1 and 2 in Ouagadougou

Tunis: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad Nabil Ammar will lead the Tunisian delegation to the 8th Session of the Tunisia-Burkina Faso Joint Commission, scheduled in Ouagadougou on July 1 and 2.

In a statement issued by the Foreign Affairs Ministry, on Saturday, Nabil Ammar will have talks with senior Burkinabe officials. The talks will focus on ways to boost bilateral cooperation in various areas as well as on regional and international issues of mutual interest.

Nabil Ammar is expected to speak to Burkinabe media professionals and meet with the Tunisian diaspora based in Ouagadougou. He will also visit a number of Tunisian companies in the capital.

A Tunisia-Burkina Faso Economic Forum will be held on the sidelines of the Joint Commission, on July 1. It will be attended by Minister of Industrial Development, Trade and Small and Medium Enterprises Nandy Some-Diallo.

The forum will also be marked by the presence of a Tunisian delegation of businessmen, led by President of the Tuni
sian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA) Samir Majoul.

Burkina Faso is one of Tunisia’s main economic partners in West Africa, with a trade volume that has quintupled in recent years.

Bilateral trade has recorded a surplus in favor of Tunisia, particularly in the sectors of food, electricity and the export of construction materials.

Tunisia is seen is as a favorite destination to students and patients from Burkina Faso.

The last Tunisia-Burkina Faso Joint Commission took place in 2016.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia’s Basketball Cup – US Monastir and Club Africain through to final

Tunis: Title holders, US Monastir and Club Africain have qualified for the final of Tunsia’s basketball Cup, after their wins over Etoile du Sahel (76-70) and Etoile de Rades (95-54), respectively, in semi-final games played on Saturday.

The final will be played in Rades on July 6.


Monastir :

US Monastir – Etoile du Sahel 76-70

Gorjani :

Club Africain – Etoile de Rades 95-54

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia’s Volleyball Cup final – CS Sfaxien beat CF Carthage 3-2 to win Trophy

Tunis: Club Sportif Sfaxien won the Tunisian Women’s Volleyball Cup, after beating title holders Club Feminin de Carthage three sets to two (25-21, 25-19, 21-25, 17-25 and 15-9) in the final played at the El Menzah Sports Centre on Saturday.

This is the 10th Cup in Club Sportif Sfaxien’s trophy cabinet and the first since 2019.

Club Feminin de Carthage were crowned Tunisian champions.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Still hot

Tunis: The weather is temporarily cloudy in most regions with expected local storm cells and scattered rains in the afternoon on northwestern and midland heights.

The wind is blowing north in the far north and east elsewhere, relatively strong near northern coasts and the south with local sand storms, light to moderate elsewhere.

The sea is choppy in the north and a bit choppy elsewhere, to rough in the Gulf of Gabes.

Highs are ranging between 29°C and 36°C near coasts, 37°C and 42°C elsewhere, hitting 43°C to 47°C the southwest and far south with Sirocco wind blows.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia and Oman sign air services agreement between their territories and beyond

Tunis: An agreement was signed on Friday between the government of Tunisia and the government of Oman on air services between the two countries’ respective territories and beyond.

The signing ceremony was co-chaired by Minister of Equipment and Housing and in charge of the Transport Ministry’s management Sarra Zafrani Zenzri, and Oman’s ambassador to Tunisia Abdullah Al-Sanani.

This agreement subrogates the agreement signed between the two countries on November 16, 1985, to keep pace with legislative and regulatory changes and international standards in the air transport sector, notably in the field of aviation safety and civil aviation security.

Zafrani called in this regard, for further coordination to activate this agreement, to draw up joint programmes for sharing expertise and experiences in the civil aviation and airport sectors, and to forge partnerships between service providers and air carriers in the two countries.

Chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Naif bin Ali al Abri pointed out f
or his part, “the importance of this agreement in terms of Tunisia’s and Oman’s recognition of the role of air transport in consolidating and sustaining bilateral socio-economic relations.”

The signing ceremony, held at the Transport Ministry’s headquarters, was attended by ministry officials, the Chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Sultanate of Oman, the two CEOs of Tunisair and the Civil Aviation and Airports Authority (OACA), and a number of executives from the two countries.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Agreement to scale up triangular cooperation betweenTunisia, Netherlands and Africa, inked

Tunis: A partnership agreement was just inked between the Tunisia Africa Business Council (TABC) and the Netherlands-Africa Business Council (NABC) aimed at scaling up triangular cooperation between Tunisia, the Netherlands and Africa.

The agreement was signed on June 26 at the Dutch Embassy in Tunis by TABC President Anis Jaziri and NABC President Mattijs Renden, in the presence of Dutch Ambassador to Tunisia Josephine Frantzen.

The agreement aims to tap into opportunities for cooperation between Tunisian economic operators and their Dutch counterparts, and to step up bilateral trade, according to a TABC press release issued on Friday.

The agreement also intends to promote Tunisia to Dutch investors as a platform for Africa, making the most of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) agreements.

Under the terms of the agreement, the parties agreed to work closely together and to help each other in fields such as investment incentives
and trade, and to explore new avenues of collaboration together, notably on the occasion of the forthcoming FITA2025 international conference.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Scorching temperatures to persist, hitting 47°c in southwest

Tunis: Soaring temperatures are expected to continue until Monday, exceeding seasonal averages mainly in the south and the west with highs ranging between 37°c and 45°c, the National Institute of Meteorology said on Saturday.

Highs are expected to hit 47°c in the southwest, while ranging between 31°c and 36°c in the far north and eastern coasts.

Scorching temperatures are expected on July 1 in the midland and the south as well as in some areas in the northwest, well above seasonal norms (+9°c to 14°c). Highest maximum temperatures from 40°c to 47°c will be recorded, hitting 49°c in the southwest along with Sirocco winds.

Highs of 28°c to 33°c are expected to be reported in northern coastal regions. Temperatures will likely drop progressively starting Tuesday.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Monthly trade deficit widens by 12% in May (INS) [Upd 1]

Tunis: The monthly trade deficit widened by 12% in May 2024 compared with the previous month, to TND 1,442.1 million, compared with TND 1,268 million in April, according to the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

The export-import cover ratio fell by 2.3 points compared with April 2024, to stand at 78.6%.

In May, trade was marked by a 1.3% fall in exports, and a 1.5% rise in imports compared with the previous month.

Excluding energy products, exports were almost stagnant (0.1%), while imports were up by 6%.

//Exports in the agriculture and agri-food sector down 10.9%//

The decline in exports is explained by falls in certain sectors, notably agriculture and agri-food, which were down by 10.9%.

The energy and lubricants sector also suffered a decrease, down 26.1%. The mechanical and electrical engineering industry saw a slight fall of 1.5%.

Other sectors, on the other hand, recorded increases. Exports of textiles, clothing and leather grew by 13.9%, with a notable rise of

15.7% for textiles and clot
hing and 6.7% for leather and footwear.

In addition, the mining, phosphates and derivatives sector posted substantial growth of 18.3%. Exports of miscellaneous manufacturing industries were nearly stagnant at 0.4%.

Exports to the European Union increased by 6.1%, with a sharp rise of 28.3% to Germany. Exports to Spain were up by 7.9%, Italy by 1.7% and France by 1.3%.

Likewise, exports to the Maghreb Union countries picked up, with an increase of 27.2%, despite the 29.7% drop recorded with Egypt.

On the other hand, exports to the United States fell by 22.5%, the United Kingdom by 14% and Russia by 20.4%.

//Imports of raw materials and semi-finished products up by 14.6%//

Growth in imports was driven mainly by a 14.6% rise in imports of raw materials and semi-finished products.

Furthermore, after two months of decline, food imports rebounded by 20%.

Conversely, purchases of capital goods remained fairly stable, with a slight rise of 0.6%. Imports of energy products continued to fall for the second cons
ecutive month in a row, down by 15.4%. Consumer goods also fell by 5.4%.

Imports from the European Union were almost flat. However, imports showed major increases from Italy (+39.1%) and Spain (+33.7%).

Conversely, imports from Germany were down by 3.9%, Malta by 49.5% and the Netherlands by 18.9%.

Imports from the Maghreb region rose by 9.3%, with 35.3% increase from Egypt.

Meanwhile, imports from Russia fell by 35.6%, China by 2.6%, the UK by 6.6%, and Turkey by 9.3%.

Imports from Switzerland, however, rose by 113.1%, and from the United States by 36.1%.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia and Chinese group BYD seek to develop cooperation in electric transport

TUNIS: Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy Fatma Chiboub Thabet welcomed, during her meeting held on Saturday, with General Manager of BYD Middle East and Africa, AD Huang «the excellent Tunisian-Chinese relations in various areas.»

She added that «the investment areas will certainly boost joint cooperation with the Chinese BYD group, a leader in the automobile industry, motorcycles, electric buses and the rechargeable battery industry.»

The minister also spoke of the Tunisian expertise in the field of the car components industry, stressing that a significant number of global companies have expressed their interest in investing in Tunisia and launching new projects in the automotive components industry, the ministry said in a statement released on Saturday.

The minister highlighted that the development of electric transport will help reduce carbon, greenhouse gas emissions as well as energy costs at the national level «as the transport sector in Tunisia is the one that consumes the highest levels of hyd

AD Huang, who is accompanied by a high-level delegation, expressed will to invest in Tunisia and contribute to the development of the electric transport sector as well as provide smart solutions in the field of renewable energy.

The international group «BYD» is based in over 40 countries and creates nearly 600,000 jobs worldwide.

It is considered the 2nd supplier, internationally, in the rechargeable battery industry with the presentation of 15 patents daily in the field of electric transport.

The group’s Tunisian subsidiary was created in 2017. It invests in clean energy and in the automobile and electric bus industry as well as rechargeable batteries. The subsidiary is divided into three units.

The meeting, which was attended by a delegation from the group’s subsidiary in Tunisia “Helios Tunisie”, made it possible to review the prospects for cooperation and investment between the two parties in the fields of electric transport, research and development as well as in industry, renewable ener
gy, storage and electrical transport.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse