Baccalaureate 2024: The South-West region records a rate of 42.74%

The South-West region obtained a success rate of 42.74% following the announcement of the results of the first round of the baccalaureate session of 2024.

The results of the first round of the 2024 baccalaureate session are known in the South-West region.

Out of a total of 3,870 candidates present for the composition of the tests, the region recorded in the first round 1,654 admitted including 971 boys and 683 girls, i.e. a success rate of 42.74%, according to data from the regional directorate of the post-primary and secondary education in the South-West.

The first promotion to the BAC series C achieved a success rate of 96.67%. While awaiting the final results of the second round, the province of Bougouriba comes first regionally with 52.54%. It is followed by the province of Poni with 42.74%. Ioba province is ranked third with 39.74%. The province of Noumbiel comes in fourth position with 30.83%.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kourweogo: The province displays a 30.90% success rate in the 1st round

The provincial directorate in charge of secondary education in Kourwéogo, announced on June 27, 2024 in Boussé, the results of the first round of the baccalaureate, 2024 session, with a success rate of 30.90%.

1,110 candidates in the province took part in obtaining their first university diploma.

At the end of the results of the first round, 179 boys, 164 girls, or a total of 343 candidates, validated their exam for a success rate of 30.90%.

At Boussé juries 456, 457 and 458, we noted respectively 114 admitted in series A4 and 124 for series D.

In Laye, in juries 459 and 460, series A4 recorded 76 admitted and 29 for series D.

The candidates for the 2nd round are a total of 319, i.e. 147 girls and 172 boys.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Demonstrators once again demand the relocation of the French embassy

Ouagadougou: Citizen watch movements reiterated, on Friday, their request for the relocation of the French embassy to Ouagadougou, due to its very close proximity to the presidency of Faso.

Citizen watch movements had given an ultimatum to the French embassy to leave its current site. This ultimatum ends on June 28, 2024.

To this end, they came out this morning to reiterate their request to the authorities to change the current site of the French embassy.

According to Kalga Ibrahim, of the Faso Sidsoré movement, given the quality of current relations between Burkina Faso and France, it is not prudent to keep the embassy near the presidency.

For him, the site’s position is strategic, especially as it straddles the presidency, the public treasury and national television.

‘France does not help us fight terrorism. ‘It is of no use to us,’ he said.

Note that the police first used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators before they later returned to give their message.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Baccalaureate 2024: 45.73% success rate in Sissili

The province of Sissili obtained on Thursday July 27, 2024, a success rate of 45.73%, following the proclamation of the results of the first round of the baccalaureate session of 2024.

According to the provincial director of secondary and post-primary education of Sissili, Mimtiri Oualbéogo, out of a total of 1,131 candidates registered for the 2024 baccalaureate, 1,124 students comprised 570 boys and 554 girls.

When the results of the first round were announced on Thursday July 27, 2024, 514 candidates including 257 boys and 257 girls were declared admitted with a provincial success rate of 45.73%.

261 students are in the second round of candidates scheduled for Monday 1st .

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Iranians in Burkina vote to elect their new president

Ouagadougou: Iranians living in Burkina voted on Friday in Ouagadougou, to choose from among 6 candidates in the running, the new president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 40 days after the death of President Ebrahim Raissi in a helicopter crash.

‘I am very happy and very moved to be able to take part in this election to contribute to the choice of our new president and entrust the management of the country to a new person,’ said the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Burkina Faso. , Mr. Faghihi Mojtaba.

For this election, 6 candidates were selected on the final list. It takes place 40 days after the death of President Ebrahim Raissi following a helicopter crash.

For the ambassador, the competition is tough between the different candidates and no one knows ‘at the moment’ who will be the new president of Iran. ‘This choice belongs to the population,’ he added.

The Iranian citizen living in Burkina, Ms. Mojagan Faghihi, expresses her joy after fulfilling her civic duty.

‘It’s really a great op
portunity and a chance for us to contribute to the choice of our president,’ she said.

For her, Iranian women have the same rights as men and vote in the same way as men.

‘It’s really a great opportunity for us women to also allow ourselves to have a say in the choice of our president,’ she insisted.

This election marks the 14th of its kind since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in January 1979.

According to the Iranian Constitution, the interior minister is responsible for making all arrangements to organize the elections.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

A journalist calls out the bad habits of the Burkinabè through a collection of chronicles

Ouagadougou: Journalist Charles Kiendrébéogo signed on Thursday his work entitled ‘I sketched the news on Radio Burkina’, a collection of 60 columns which denounce the bad habits of society while raising awareness among the populations .

‘I sketched the news on Radio Burkina’ is a collection of social chronicles by National Radio journalist Charles Kiendrébéogo, well known for his various chronicles on public radio. The 133-page work includes 60 chronicles broadcast between 2015 and 2017 on Radio Burkina.

‘Once citizens have listened to the radio reports, it’s over. We said to ourselves why not record them in a document for future generations,’ said journalist Charles Kiendrébéogo during the dedication ceremony of his work. According to him, the Burkinabè will be able to draw inspiration from it for their research work.

According to the author, his masterpiece could be useful to society because it raises awareness among the population about ‘sketched’, caricatured and amplified current events. The writer c
larified that this approach aims to draw the public’s attention to certain bad habits such as alcohol consumption and unsanitary conditions.

‘We did not edit these works like that, we tried to place them in their context, which allows us to relive the events in the country from 2015 to 2017,’ argued Charles Kiendrébéogo.

The Director General (DG) of Burkina Faso Television Broadcasting (RTB), Atéridar Galip Somé, for his part, congratulated the journalist-columnist for the work accomplished. According to him, Charles Kiendrébéogo showed courage and tenacity to take up the social chronicle after the death of his predecessor René Sébego.

The CEO of RTB noted that Mr. Kiendrébéogo was able to leave his mark through the chronicle through the strength of his work by giving it a second life thanks to the recording of certain productions in a work. ‘By deciding to produce volume 1 dedicated to this chronicle, the author allows the Burkinabè public to benefit from the benefits and advice conveyed through this work
,’ he added.

Mr. Somé also urged other RTB journalists to move towards this type of project which allows them to immortalize their time in the house. As a reminder, the journalist-columnist had put on the market a first work entitled ‘The fruits of the flowerless tree’.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Vitality of Burkinabè diplomacy: Ten new ambassadors present their letters of credence to the President of Faso

Ouagadougou: The President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE received, this Friday morning, the letters of credence of ten new ambassadors accredited to our country. This act of great interest for international cooperation reflects the vitality of Burkinabe diplomacy.

The first diplomat to present his credentials to the Head of State is Mr. Dietrich BECKER, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Burkina Faso with residence in Ouagadougou. A career diplomat, Dietrich BECKER has already been his country’s ambassador to Bamako in Mali and Reykjavik in Iceland.

Following him, the Russian diplomat Igor MARTYNOV presented his credentials to Captain Ibrahim TRAORE. Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Burkina Faso, Mr. Igor MARTYNOV resides in Ouagadougou. Before his appointment, he served as Chief Advisor to the Middle East and North Africa Department at his country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The third diplomat who presented her c
redentials is Madame Joann Marie LOCKARD, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Burkina Faso with residence in Ouagadougou. A career diplomat, she has held several high positions in the public administration of her country.

Mrs. Selma MANSOURI, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the democratic and popular Algerian Republic to Burkina Faso, also presented her letters of credence to the President of Faso. The Algerian diplomat, who resides in Ouagadougou, served as First Secretary at her country’s permanent mission to the United Nations in New York.

The Head of State then received the credentials of Mr. Elio Francisco Colmenares GOYO, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to Burkina Faso, with residence in Bamako in Mali.

Mr. Christophe BAZIVAMO, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda to Burkina Faso, also presented his credentials to the Head of State. With an established res
idence in Abuja, Nigeria, the Rwandan diplomat is an agricultural engineer by training.

Following the Rwandan diplomat, it is the turn of Mr. Antonio Guillen HIDALGO, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to Burkina Faso to present his letters of credence to President Ibrahim TRAORE. With residence in Bamako, Mali, Ambassador HIDALGO has a law degree.

Armando Albino ARAFA, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau to Burkina Faso also presented his credentials to the President of Faso. With residence in Dakar, Senegal, the Guinea-Bissau ambassador is a career diplomat.

The Republic of Poland is now represented in Burkina Faso by Mr. Barthelemy ZDANIUK, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of his country to Burkina Faso, with residence in Dakar, Senegal. Holder of a doctorate in Human Sciences, he was his country’s ambassador to Chisinau in the Republic of Moldova.

The tenth ambassador who presented his credentials is Mr. Anjum ENAY
AT, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Burkina Faso. His residence is Tripoli in Libya.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Mouhoun/Baccalauréat 2024: 36.13% success rate in the first round in the region

The results of the first round of the Baccalaureate session of 2024 in the Boucle du Mouhoun region were announced on Thursday June 27, 2024 in the various juries. The region recorded a success rate of 36.13% in the first round.

For the first round of the Baccalaureate exam session of 2024, the Boucle du Mouhoun region recorded 2,951 admitted candidates including 1,442 girls and 1,509 boys, representing a success rate of 36.13%.

The province of Kossi comes first with a success rate of 44.88%, followed by Sourou with 40.33%, Mouhoun 38.78%, Banwa 34.83%, Balé 30.55% and finally Nayala with 27.65%.

When analyzing the results and compared to the 2023 session, the region recorded a success rate of 31.36% in the first round, i.e. a net gain of 4.77 points.

The provinces most affected by the security situation in the region, namely Kossi and Sourou, occupy the first places in terms of success.

The region is awaiting the results of the second round to provide an overall update on the Baccalaureate examination f
or the 2024 session.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Zondoma: The late patriarch of ‘Warma’ receives tributes from the population

Died at the age of 103, the funeral of the patriarch of the royal family of Gourcy took place on Friday June 28, 2024 in Gourcy, noted the AIB.

The funeral of El Hadj Abdoulaye Ouédraogo known as ‘Sambolgo’ took place on Friday June 28, 2024 at the family home in sector 2 of Gourcy.

“Old Sambolgo” was the patriarch of the “Warma” family (the reigning family on the throne of the canton of Gourcy).

Retired in 1976 after several years of service in the public administration, he bowed out on Friday, June 21, 2024 at the age of 103.

‘The old man led all the battles of his generation,’ said most of those who knew him on the occasion of these funerals which serve as the ‘doua’ of the 7th day.

He would be the last in the line of ‘fathers’ of the ‘Warma’ family from which the current head of Gourcy, Naaba Baongho, comes.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Leraba: 318 candidates admitted to the first round of the baccalaureate

318 candidates out of 922 were declared admitted on Thursday June 27, 2024, to the baccalaureate all series combined session of 2024 in the province of Léraba.

There were a total of 922 candidates in the race for the baccalaureate session of 2024, all series combined in Léraba.

318 candidates, including 200 boys and 118 girls, were declared admitted following the results of the first round of this session, with an overall success rate of 34.49%.

In series A4, 563 candidates presented themselves and 239 were successful, i.e. a success rate of 42.45%, while in series D, there were 363 candidates and 79 were admitted, i.e. 21.76% success rate.

At the end of the results, it emerged that 321 candidates, i.e. 197 boys and 124 girls, were declared eligible for the second round scheduled for Monday July 1, 2024.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Mouhoun: The governor once again bans the transport of livestock and food in Nayala and Sourou

The governor of the Boucle du Mouhoun region, Babo Pierre Bassinga, extended on June 26, 2024, the decree suspending the transport of livestock and food from the provinces of Nayala and Sourou to other destinations.

This decree, of which the AIB had a copy, extending the ban on the transport of livestock and food from the provinces of Nayala and Sourou to other destinations signed on June 26, 2024.

Following the security situation experienced by the Boucle du Mouhoun region, particularly the provinces of Nayala and Sourou, an order was signed by the regional authority on February 27, 2023 suspending the transport of livestock and food from these provinces to other destinations.

In view of the security situation which still remains worrying in these provinces, the order has been extended several times.

This time, the extension covers the six-month period from July 1 to December 31, 2024.

According to the terms of the decree and in its article 2, stipulates that the high commissioners of the provinces of N
ayala and Sourou must with full responsibility and on a case by case basis, in conjunction with the competent technical services, study and decide on the necessity of evacuate livestock and food to marketing areas, with all the required security guarantees.

Also, this same article specifies that any violator of the provisions of the decree is liable to the seizure of the aforementioned goods for the benefit of the patriotic support fund, without prejudice to the criminal sanctions provided for by the texts in force.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Artificial Intelligence: ‘made in Burkina’ applications to diagnose certain pathologies

Ouagadougou: Burkinabe teacher-researchers working on artificial intelligence and data mining have developed applications that will make it possible to predict diseases, diagnose pathologies and improve patient monitoring, learned the AIB on Friday with them.

A team of researchers from the Mathematics and Computer Science Laboratory (LAMI) of Ki-Zerbo University organized a seminar on Friday to promote artificial intelligence in the field of health in Burkina Faso.

These are Burkinabe teacher-researchers working on artificial intelligence and data mining who have developed applications that will make it possible to predict diseases, diagnose pathologies or improve patient monitoring.

According to the head of the Mathematics and Computer Science Laboratory (LAMI) at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Professor Stanislas Ouaro, this seminar will present applications designed by Burkinabè specialists, which will help the Ministry of Health to develop its health policy. .

According to Professor Ouaro, this meeting i
s also a scientific exchange aimed not only at further improving already functional software, but also at inviting donors to believe in Burkinabè expertise by financing embryonic but promising tools.

For the director of the information system of the Ministry in charge of Health, Dimitri Ouattara, this seminar is an opportunity to understand the innovations that exist in the university community on health data, on the one hand, and on the other hand , a way to popularize what the Ministry of Health does.

The organization of this seminar was supported by the Center of Interdisciplinary Excellence in Artificial Intelligence for Development (CITADEL), a structure affiliated with the Virtual University of Burkina Faso, which aims to be a ‘catalyst for innovation in intelligence artificial in the sub-region.

Source: Burkina Information Agency