Head of State meets German ambassador in Tunis at end of his mission

Tunis: President Kais Saied met on Friday at Carthage Palace with the German Ambassador to Tunisia, Peter Prgel, at the end of his mission.

The President of the Republic praised the relations of friendship and cooperation between Tunisia and Germany in many fields at the bilateral level and within the framework of the European Union, according to a Presidency statement.

He stressed Tunisia’s keenness to continue developing them to the highest levels.

For his part, the German ambassador expressed his gratitude to the Tunisian leadership and people for the support and care he received during his tenure.

He stressed his country’s willingness to develop its relations with Tunisia at all levels for the benefit of both peoples.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Hatem Zoghlami appointed head of General Directorate of Prisons and Rehabilitation

Tunis: Hatem Zoghlami, a third rank judge, has been appointed head of the General Directorate of Prisons and Rehabilitation, replacing Imed Aouji, who was dismissed, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Justice on Friday evening.

Aouji was appointed to head the directorate, which is affiliated to the Ministry of Justice, in mid-September 2023.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Two officials of capital’s municipality dismissed after President’s visits Thursday (Interior)

Tunis: The Ministry of the Interior announced on Friday evening the dismissal of the acting head of the Tunis municipality and the director general of roads, green spaces and parks in the capital’s municipality.

The ministry attributed the decisions to the numerous shortcomings of the two departments and their equipment, as well as the negligence of municipal officials in carrying out their duties.

On Thursday, President Kais Saied visited the Tunis Municipality’s equipment and cleanliness departments and met with a number of officials at the Tunis Municipal Palace, urging them to assume their responsibilities, quickly remedy the situation and redouble their efforts to meet the needs of citizens.

The President of the Republic also visited the Tunis Municipality’s Department of Health and Environmental Protection and the adjacent municipal park, where he inspected the facility’s shortcomings.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Family Code Review: Royal Referral Reinforces Morocco’s Role as Beacon of Moderate Sunni Thought

The Royal Referral to the Higher Council of Ulema regarding some proposals of a religious nature, submitted to the High Appreciation of His Majesty King Mohammed VI by the Body in charge of revising the Family Code, reinforces Morocco’s role as a beacon of moderate Sunni thought based on Ijtihad and openness.

This Royal Initiative, which aims to check and strengthen the legal basis of these proposals reflects the Kingdom’s position as a leading country in this area.

It is a dynamic, open, inclusive and forward-looking approach to issues relating to religion, which reinforces Morocco’s position as a unique country that has always advocated a moderate interpretation of Islam, taking into account the virtues of Ijtihad to serve the interest of the family.

The Royal Referral, which draws its essence from the prerogatives of the Commandership of the Faithful Institution, stems from the Sovereign’s concern to broaden the institutional consultation process relating to the revision of the Family Code, to meet the
expectations of Moroccan citizens.

It is meant to highlight the importance of Ijtihad in understanding situations arising from the evolution of society and to underline the ability of legal prescriptions of a religious nature to adapt to new realities.

The Sovereign’s Initiative also refers to the central role of Moroccan scholars, renowned for their competence and moderation, in respecting religious precepts and supporting societal developments.


By referring the matter to the Higher Council of Ulema, His Majesty the King enshrines the choice of open and constructive Ijtihad, illustrating once again the High Royal solicitude towards the family, this pillar of the national community.

Indeed, through the far-sighted Royal Initiative, which is part of the constitutional prerogatives of the Sovereign, in His capacity as Commander of the Faithful and Chairman of the Higher Council of Ulema, this Institution is called upon to issue a collec
tive Fatwa, which will strengthen the proposals submitted by the Body in charge of revising the Family Code and consolidate the use of Ijtihad to improve the fate of all members of the family.

Moroccan scholars are thus called upon to issue an opinion in accordance with the values of Islam while respecting the purposes of religion and their change over time.

His Majesty the King ensures, through this Referral, to involve scholars and their constitutional institution in the collective reflection on the revision of the Family Code, which stands out from other legal texts since some of its provisions have a religious reference. The aim is to check and strengthen the legal basis of some proposals of the Body in charge of revising the Family Code with regard to religion through Ijtihad.

Through this reform, Morocco, under the far-sighted leadership of His Majesty the King, intends to successfully complete this major societal project, which will meet the aspirations of the whole society and enshrine the full rig
hts of Moroccan family components.

The Royal Referral also supports the social proposals and demands expressed, in a renewal-oriented consensual framework, taking into consideration the interest of the family, the stability of marital relations and the sustainability of tranquility and affection between all family components.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

Family Code: Royal Referral to Higher Council of Ulema Stands Out as ‘Inclusive, Moderate, Consensual’

The Royal Referral to the Higher Council of Ulema, to contribute to the collective reflection on the Family Code review, stands out for its inclusive, moderate and consensual nature, with a view to follow societal development.

Driven above all by the will to protect the well-being and stability of the family, the approach of HM King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, leads the way to constructive Ijtihad so as to bring forward legislation that will meet the expectations and needs of all family components.

Scholars, through their Higher Council, the institution exclusively empowered by the Constitution to issue Fatwas, are thus invited to examine and deliver their opinion on the proposals with a religious nature put forward by the body in charge of revising the Family Code and submitted to the High Appreciation of the Sovereign.

“The Family Law was a major step forward. However, it is no longer sufficient”, the Sovereign stated in the 2022 Throne Speech.

In this respect, HM the King has called for all
the players and institutions concerned to be involved in the reform process, including the National Council for Human Rights, the Government Authority in charge of Solidarity, Social Integration and the Family and the Higher Council of Ulema, while opening up to civil society, researchers and specialists in family issues.

In other words, the Kingdom is preparing not only to take a new step in the overhaul of the Family Code, but also to redefine the outlines of a society in harmony with societal developments and changes.


There is no doubt that the referral of this matter to the Higher Council of Ulema is in line with the Royal ambition to meet the demands of society and keep pace with new social circumstances, within a renewal-oriented consensual framework that focuses on the stability of marital relations and enduring affection between all components of the family, the basic unit of society.

The Council is invited to issue a collective Fatwa to stop the various in
dividual interpretations that are out of step with the reality of Moroccan society, while respecting the values of religion and taking account of the virtues of Ijtihad in the interests of the Moroccan family.

The future Family Code shall therefore be in line with the development of Moroccan society, and the Royal Referral is perfectly in keeping with this spirit, to support the proposals and social demands expressed, taking into consideration the interests of the Family and the stability of marital relations.

This bold approach shapes a resolutely forward-looking path, not only to build a dynamic society driven by the vigor and diversity of all its components, but also to make this new reform a catalyst for development.

Women’s rights and family issues in general are at the top of HM the King’s priorities, as demonstrated by the letter sent by the Sovereign to the Head of Government concerning the Family Code review.

In line with the High Royal Directives, consultations on this subject have embodied the
innovative participatory approach that the Sovereign has called for, so as to respond eloquently to the expectations expressed by various social sensitivities, without exception.

Enshrining this dynamic, inclusive, open and forward-looking approach, the Royal Referral is governed by well-defined limits reminding the Higher Council of Ulema of Fatwa foundations based on the principles and rules of Islam and its purposes, as well as the content of the Royal Letter to the Head of Government, in which the Sovereign advocates the use of moderation and open and constructive Ijtihad to successfully revise the Family Code.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

Agreement Signed in Paris for Hosting in Morocco of 36th International Coordinating Council of UNESCO’s MAB Programme

Morocco’s Ambassador and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, Samir Addahre, and UNESCO’s Deputy Director-General, Xing Qu, signed an agreement in Paris on Friday on the organization in the Kingdom of the 36th session of the International Coordinating Council of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme (ICC-MAB).

This session, to take place on July 1-5 in Agadir, will be held in partnership with the Agence nationale pour le Développement des Zones Oasiennes et de l’Arganier (ANDZOA).

The Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme is an intergovernmental scientific programme that aims to establish a scientific basis for enhancing the relationship between people and their environments. It combines the natural and social sciences with a view to improving human livelihoods and safeguarding natural and managed ecosystems, thus promoting innovative approaches to economic development that are socially and culturally appropriate and environmentally sustainable.

On 1 July, the MAB-ICC will welcome a one day Conference on soil
and its crucial role in supporting biodiversity and ecosystems and the cycling of nutrients. This conference, entitled “Rooted in Resilience: Unearthing the importance of soil in Sustainable Development”, aims to discuss activities to measure soil-health in UNESCO designated sites, engage stakeholders for capacity building in sustainable soil usage, and empower development of lighthouse projects demonstrating best practices.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

Mr Hammouchi Holds Talks with French Security Officials on Means of Promoting Bilateral Security Cooperation

At the official invitation of the officials of the French security services, the Director-General of National Security (DGSN) and Territorial Surveillance (DGST), Mr. Abdellatif Hammouchi, paid a working visit to France, during which he held talks with his counterparts of the National Police, Internal Security and External Security in France.

During the talks, they discussed mechanisms to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various security fields of mutual interest, said the DGSN-DGST Cluster in a statement.

As part of this visit (June 26-28), the Director-General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance held a series of meetings and talks, respectively, with Céline BERTHON, Director-General of Internal Security, and Nicolas LERNER, Director-General of External Security of France.

The talks explored means and ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the fight against terrorism and organized crime, and to promote coordination and exchange of intelligence and operational data on various threats
posed by extremist organizations and transnational crime networks.

During these talks, the Director-General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance was accompanied by an important security delegation representing the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance.

The Director-General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance also met with Fréderic VEAUX, Director General of the French National Police, with whom he held intensive discussions.

The meeting, which was attended by an important delegation from the General Directorate of National Security, examined mechanisms for advanced cooperation and coordination between the two sides in various security fields, particularly with regard to the development of proactive mechanisms for risk assessment and data exchange on the sidelines of joint action in securing the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris, the statement noted.

In tribute to the exemplary Morocco-France cooperation in various security areas, the Director-General of National Secur
ity and Territorial Surveillance was awarded the Gold Medal of Honor by the French National Police, in recognition of his efforts to consolidate and develop joint security cooperation.

The visit provided an opportunity for the French and Moroccan sides to discuss ways to further strengthen bilateral cooperation in a range of areas to combat transnational crime, especially smuggling of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, illegal migration networks and human trafficking, along with practical mechanisms for cooperation in implementing joint security measures and operations.

The visit attests to the importance of boosting bilateral security cooperation between Morocco and France, which share many bilateral action and coordination programs and face common security challenges, the same source added.

It is also part of the engagement of General Directorate of National Security and the General Directorate of National Territorial Surveillance in international security cooperation to ensure effective contrib
ution to combating terrorist and criminal threats at the regional and international levels.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

Sahara: Germany Regards Moroccan Autonomy Plan as Good Basis for Definitive Solution (Baerbock)

Germany considers the Moroccan autonomy plan to be “a good basis and a very good foundation for the final settlement” of the Moroccan Sahara conflict, said, on Friday in Berlin, German Federal Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock.

Speaking at a press conference held at the end of the 1st session of the bilateral strategic dialogue between Morocco and Germany, which she co-chaired with Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, Baerbock highlighted the relevance of the Moroccan autonomy initiative.

She also reiterated her support for UN efforts to find a political solution to the Sahara conflict.

On Friday, Bourita and Baerbock held the first session of the bilateral strategic dialogue, in accordance with the joint declaration adopted on the occasion of Baerbock’s visit to Morocco on August 25, 2022.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

Germany Closely Follows Royal Initiative to Enable Atlantic Ocean Access for Sahel States (Joint Declaration)

Germany said on Friday it is closely following the initiatives launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI for Africa, citing the Royal Initiative to enable Atlantic Ocean access for Sahel States.

Germany is “closely following the initiatives launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI for the African continent, including that of November 6, 2023 for the Sahel region” with the aim of facilitating access to the Atlantic Ocean for the countries of the region, underlines the joint declaration adopted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates of the Kingdom of Morocco, Nasser Bourita, who held on Friday in Berlin the 1st session of the Morocco-German Multidimensional Strategic Dialogue.

Germany also commended Morocco’s active and constructive role and contribution, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, to peace and stability in the region, reaffirming that the Kingdom is an
essential partner of the European Union, NATO and Germany in Africa, and a crucial link between North and South.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

Berlin: Morocco, Germany Hold First Session of Multidimensional Strategic Dialogue

Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, held the first session of the Multidimensional Strategic Dialogue in Berlin on Friday, as agreed in the Joint Morocco-German Declaration of August 25, 2022.

At the end of this first session of the Dialogue, the two ministers reaffirmed their shared interest in pursuing the implementation of the Joint Declaration and strengthening the multi-faceted partnership in all policy areas.

They also reaffirmed their desire to further develop bilateral economic and trade relations, and encouraged economic players in this respect. They underlined Morocco’s significant investment potential, as highlighted by the Moroccan Investment Charter.

In the field of migration cooperation, the ministers expressed their support for the work of the bilateral Joint Migration Group, which held its inaugural session on January 23, 2024, and welcomed the regula
r working meetings.

They agreed that reducing irregular migration is a common challenge and requires a comprehensive approach, guaranteeing international human rights standards. They thus agreed to continue improving professional mobility, legal migration, return, readmission and reintegration.

In terms of security cooperation, they welcomed the joint declaration signed by the Interior Ministers on October 31, 2023, aimed at resuming cooperation in all areas of domestic policy.

The two ministers stressed their shared ambition to deepen dialogue to tackle terrorism and other security challenges together, notably within the Global Coalition against Daesh and the Global Counterterrorism Forum.

They underlined their fruitful cooperation in the fields of climate policy, biodiversity, renewable energies and green hydrogen, which will be intensified at a strategic level.

Bourita and Baerbock agreed to promote bilateral cooperation in the cultural and academic fields and to strengthen ties between peoples.

also placed particular emphasis on promoting regional and international peace and security, and strengthening multilateral institutions.

The Multidimensional Strategic Dialogue is held once every two years, alternately between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Federal Republic of Germany, and is chaired by the Foreign Ministers of both countries.

This Strategic Dialogue is based on shared values and mutual respect, with the aim of establishing the principles and foundations of relations between Morocco and Germany, defining the bases on which they will be developed, and safeguarding the priority interests of both parties.

It serves as a basis for moving forward in bilateral relations and strengthening coherence between the different areas of bilateral cooperation.

It also acts as a platform for discussion and consultation on strategic matters of mutual interest, including regional and international security and development issues.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

Germany Commends Morocco’s Reforms under HM the King’s Leadership (Joint Declaration)

Germany commended on Friday the reforms carried out by Morocco under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, for a more open and dynamic Moroccan society and economy.

In a joint declaration adopted in Berlin by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates of the Kingdom of Morocco, Nasser Bourita, Germany welcomed “the reforms carried out by Morocco, under the Leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, for a more open and dynamic Moroccan society and economy.’

In the Declaration, issued following the 1st session of the bilateral Strategic Dialogue, Germany also praised Morocco’s active and constructive role and contribution, under the Sovereign’s leadership, to peace and stability in the region.

To this end, Berlin reaffirmed Germany’s vision of Morocco as an essential partner of the European Union, NATO and Germany in Africa, and a crucial link between North and South.

any also indicated that it was “closely following the initiatives launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI for the African continent, including that of November 6, 2023 for the Sahel region.”

On Friday, Bourita and Baerbock held the first session of the bilateral strategic dialogue, in accordance with the joint declaration adopted on the occasion of Baerbock’s visit to Morocco on August 25, 2022.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

Baccalaureate 2024: The province of Sourou records a success rate of 40.33%

The province of Sourou, in the Boucle du Mouhoun, obtained a success rate of 40.33% following the announcement of the results of the first round of the baccalaureate session of 2024.

The results of the first round of the 2024 baccalaureate session of the three juries were announced this Thursday, June 27, 2024 in Tougan.

Out of a total number of 724 candidates presented for the 2024 baccalaureate exam, the province recorded 292 admitted including 167 boys and 125 girls, i.e. a success rate of 40.33%.

Note that 212 students are in the second round of the BAC session 2024 scheduled for Monday July 1, 2024.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

BAC 2024: the Koudougou Scientific high school achieves 100%

The results of the BAC, 1st round, fell this Thursday, June 27, 2024. The Koudougou Scientific High School is doing well with 17 admitted out of 17 presented to the BAC C.

All seventeen admitted hit hard with either the ‘very good’ or ‘good’ mention. In other words, there is no ‘fair’ rating.

When the results were announced, these new high school graduates were all enthusiastic and calm.

One of them blurts out: ‘. Oh yes, throughout the school year we have demonstrated diligence, punctuality and rigor in our work.’ And added: ‘We also thank our teachers who gave the best of themselves in our supervision.’

And the promotion delegate also expressed himself in these terms: “We are proud of our results because it is the first time that the establishment has obtained such a performance in three participations in the BAC..

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Zondoma/Baccalaureate: 277 admitted out of 718 in the first round

The results of the first round of the Baccalaureate exam session 2024 were announced on Thursday July 27, 2024. 277 candidates validated their session in the first round.

There were 718 candidates registered for the baccalaureate exam session 2024 in the province of Zondoma, i.e. 241 in series A and 477 in D.

At the end of the first round, the province recorded 277 admissions, a success rate of 38.84%. It should be noted that 187 candidates are authorized to compose for the second round

Source: Burkina Information Agency

South-West/Peace effort: CEP examiners contribute more than 5 million CFA francs

Examiners involved in the organization of the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP, 2024) in the South-West region have mobilized 5 million 272 thousand 500 FCFA for the peace effort.

At the initiative of the South-West regional directorate of preschool, primary and non-formal education, more than 2000 teachers, supervisors and administrative staff involved in the CEP and entry into 6th grade school exams of the session of 2024 have decided to donate part of their support to the Patriotic Support Fund (FSP).

In total, 5,272,500 FCFA were collected to support the Transition as part of the fight against terrorism.

After returning the sum to the treasury, the regional director of preschool, primary and non-formal education in the South-West, Jean Joseph Somda, came to present the supporting documents to the governor of the South-West, Boureima Savadogo.

The receipt for payment to the treasury was given on Wednesday June 26, 2024 to the Governor of the South-West, in the presence of the defense and security fo

According to Jean Joseph Somda, the initiative to contribute to the FSP started from the preparatory meeting for the exams in Diébougou, where the actors unanimously decided to make their contribution to the peace effort.

This is a voluntary contribution which takes into account all stakeholders involved in the CEP school exams, 2024 session, he maintained.

‘We are very satisfied, because at the start of the project, we planned to collect 3,000,000 CFA francs, but we collected more than 5,000,000 FCFA. Some even contributed beyond what was asked of them,’ rejoiced Mr. Somda, while specifying that the amount to contribute for category B agents was 2,000 FCFA and 5,000 F CFA for those of category A.

The governor of the region expressed his gratitude to the initiators for this mobilization of funds.

‘This is an opportunity to thank the initiators and all those who contributed voluntarily. This further demonstrates that we have men in Burkina Faso who think about the stability of their country,’ rejoic
ed Boureima Savadogo.

He took the opportunity to invite other layers of the region who have not yet reacted to follow the example of the regional directorate of preschool, primary and non-formal education in the South-West.

Source: Burkina Information Agency