Acrow fornecerá 186 pontes modulares de aço à República de Angola

Grande programa de infraestrutura irá melhorar as interligações e promover um desenvolvimento econômico transformador

PARSIPPANY, Nova Jersey, June 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Acrow, uma grande empresa internacional de engenharia e fornecimento de pontes, tem a satisfação de anunciar um projeto, que fornecerá 186 pontes modulares de aço à República de Angola. As estruturas ajudarão no trabalho de modernização das infraestruturas rodoviárias e de transporte de Angola e serão instaladas em todo o país por engenheiros, técnicos e empreiteiros angolanos, que serão treinados pela Acrow para montar, instalar e fazer a manutenção das pontes.

Os acordos de financiamento do projeto foram formalizados durante a recente U.S.-Africa Business Summit (Reunião de Cúpula empresarial EUA-África), realizada de 6 a 9 de maio de 2024, em Dallas, no Texas. Sendo o principal evento anual do Corporate Council on Africa (Conselho Empresarial sobre a África), a Reunião de Cúpula foi um fórum para que mais de 1.500 executivos, representantes governamentais, investidores e empresários dos setores público e privado dos EUA e da África criassem parcerias comerciais sustentáveis.

A Acrow tem fornecido soluções de infraestrutura sustentável a mais de 150 países em todo o mundo, desde a sua fundação em 1951. Desde a década de 1990, a empresa já forneceu mais de duas mil pontes para mais de 40 países africanos. Essas infraestruturas duráveis e permanentes foram projetadas para resistir às condições mais adversas e são especialmente adequadas a redes de estradas rurais e secundárias. Fabricadas de acordo com os melhores padrões internacionais de qualidade, são facilmente personalizadas para atender os requisitos do local. Apresentam um bom custo-benefício, podem ser transportadas rapidamente até os mais remotos ou desafiadores locais, e montadas em dias ou semanas com mão de obra local e um mínimo de equipamentos pesados.

Por meio do modelo com financiamento completo do Programa de Desenvolvimento de Pontes, a Acrow pode utilizar uma rede global de instituições financeiras e outras fontes de capital para conseguir financiamento para projetos de pontes que atendem a certos critérios e facilitar o processo de obtenção de garantias de crédito de exportação e outros acordos de financiamento de desenvolvimento. No passado, a Acrow trabalhou em projetos de desenvolvimento de infraestruturas transformadoras de grande porte em vários países, dentre eles, projetos recentes em Gana, nos Camarões e na Zâmbia.

“Durante décadas, a missão da Acrow tem sido fornecer programas de desenvolvimento de infraestruturas transformadoras de pequeno e grande porte, mais voltados para a África. Nossa experiência em reunir os três elementos fundamentais desses programas – pontes, financiamento, treinamento – faz de nós um parceiro ideal para os mais complexos projetos”, afirmou Paul Sullivan, presidente de negócios internacionais da Acrow.

Bill Killeen, diretor-presidente da Acrow, acrescentou: “Na Acrow, entendemos a importância de infraestruturas de transporte sustentáveis de alta qualidade e o impacto geracional que podem ter nas comunidades servidas por elas. Estamos muito contentes em poder ajudar a República de Angola a fomentar a modernização das infraestruturas rodoviárias e de transporte em todo o país, e esperamos continuar a parceria à medida que o projeto se desenvolve.”

O projeto em Angola será financiado através do Standard Chartered Bank e apoiado por garantias de empréstimos emitidas pelo Export-Import Bank of the United States (Banco de Exportação e Importação dos Estados Unidos – EXIM), a agência oficial de crédito de exportação do país.

Em outubro de 2023, foi anunciado que os parceiros de projeto Acrow, o Standard Chartered Bank e o Ministério das Finanças da República de Angola foram os ganhadores do prêmio inaugural do EXIM, o Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment Deal of the Year. A Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (Parceria de Infraestruturas e Investimentos Globais) é uma iniciativa da Administração Biden-Harris dedicada a desenvolver uma parceria de alto impacto, orientada por valores, com outras nações do G7 para atender as necessidades de infraestruturas de países de renda baixa e média.

Media contact:
Tracy Van Buskirk
Marketcom PR
001 (203) 246-6165

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9171045

Acrow chargée de fournir 186 ponts modulaires en acier à la République d’Angola

Un important programme d’infrastructure améliora la connectivité et soutenir un développement économique transformateur

PARSIPPANY, New Jersey, 28 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Acrow, l’une des principales sociétés internationales d’ingénierie et de fourniture de ponts, a le plaisir d’annoncer un projet visant à fournir 186 ponts modulaires en acier à la République d’Angola. Les structures contribueront aux efforts de modernisation des infrastructures routières et de transport de l’Angola. Elles seront installées dans tout le pays par des ingénieurs, des techniciens et des entrepreneurs angolais qui seront formés par Acrow à l’assemblage, l’installation et la maintenance des ponts.

Les accords de financement du projet ont été formalisés au cours du récent U.S.-Africa Business Summit qui s’est tenu du 6 au 9 mai 2024 à Dallas, au Texas. Premier événement annuel du Corporate Council on Africa (CCA), le sommet a constitué un espace de discussion pour plus de 1.500 cadres des secteurs public et privé, représentants du gouvernement, investisseurs et entrepreneurs américains et africains, en vue de promouvoir des partenariats commerciaux durables.

Depuis sa création en 1951, Acrow a fourni des solutions d’infrastructure durable à plus de 150 pays dans le monde. Depuis les années 1990, l’entreprise a livré plus de deux mille ponts à plus de 40 États africains. Ces équipements d’infrastructure durables et permanents sont conçus pour résister aux conditions les plus difficiles et sont particulièrement adaptés aux réseaux routiers secondaires et ruraux. Fabriqués selon les normes de qualité internationales les plus strictes, ils sont facilement adaptables aux exigences du site. Ils sont rentables, rapidement transportés vers les sites les plus éloignés ou les plus difficiles, et peuvent être assemblés en quelques jours ou semaines en utilisant la main-d’œuvre locale et un minimum d’équipement lourd.

Grâce à son modèle de programme de développement de ponts à financement complet, Acrow peut tirer parti d’un réseau mondial d’institutions financières et d’autres sources de capital pour organiser le financement de projets de ponts qualifiés et faciliter le processus d’obtention de garanties de crédit à l’exportation et d’autres accords de financement du développement. Par le passé, Acrow a travaillé sur des projets transformateurs de développement d’infrastructures à grande échelle dans de nombreux pays, y compris des projets récents au Ghana, au Cameroun et en Zambie.

« Depuis des décennies, l’une des missions d’Acrow consiste à fournir des programmes transformateurs de développement d’infrastructures à petite et grande échelle, en mettant l’accent sur l’Afrique. Notre expérience dans le regroupement des trois éléments clés de ces programmes – ponts, financement, formation – fait de nous un partenaire idéal pour les projets les plus complexes », a déclaré Paul Sullivan, président de l’activité internationale d’Acrow.

Bill Killeen, PDG d’Acrow, a ajouté : « Chez Acrow, nous comprenons l’importance des infrastructures de transport de haute qualité et durables et l’impact générationnel qu’elles peuvent avoir sur les communautés qu’elles desservent. Nous sommes ravis de pouvoir servir la République d’Angola en soutenant la modernisation des infrastructures routières et de transport à travers le pays, et nous nous réjouissons de ou suivre ce partenariat à mesure que le projet se développe. »

Le projet en Angola sera financé par la Standard Chartered Bank et soutenu par des garanties de prêt émises par l’Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM), l’agence officielle de crédit à l’exportation du pays.

En octobre 2023, les partenaires du projet, Acrow, Standard Chartered Bank et le ministère des Finances de la République d’Angola, ont été désignés lauréats du premier prix du « Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment Deal of the Year Award » décerné par l’EXIM. The ‘Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment’ (le partenariat pour l’infrastructure et les investissements mondiaux) est une initiative de l’administration Biden-Harris visant à mettre en place un partenariat à fort impact, fondé sur des valeurs, avec d’autres pays du G7, afin de répondre aux besoins en infrastructures des pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire.

À propos d’Acrow

Acrow est au service des industries du transport et de la construction depuis plus de 70 ans. Avec une large gamme de solutions de ponts modulaires en acier pour des utilisations permanentes, temporaires, militaires et d’urgence, notre présence internationale étendue comprend le leadership dans le développement et la mise en œuvre de projets d’infrastructure de ponts dans plus de 150 pays à travers l’Afrique, l’Asie, les Amériques, l’Europe et le Moyen-Orient. Pour plus d’information, veuillez consulter

Media contact:
Tracy Van Buskirk
Marketcom PR
001 (203) 246-6165

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9171045

Acrow to Supply 186 Modular Steel Bridges to the Republic of Angola

Major infrastructure program will enhance connectivity and support transformative economic development

PARSIPPANY, N.J., June 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Acrow, a leading international bridge engineering and supply company, is pleased to announce a project to supply 186 modular steel bridges to the Republic of Angola. The structures will contribute to efforts to modernize Angola’s road and transportation infrastructure and will be installed throughout the country by Angolan engineers, technicians and contractors who will be trained by Acrow in the assembly, installation and maintenance of the bridges.

The financing arrangements for the project were formalized during the recent U.S.-Africa Business Summit held May 6-9, 2024, in Dallas, Texas. The premier annual event of the Corporate Council on Africa, the Summit provided a forum for more than 1,500 U.S. and African public and private sector executives, government representatives, investors, and entrepreneurs to advance sustainable business partnerships.

Acrow has provided sustainable infrastructure solutions to more than 150 countries worldwide since its founding in 1951. Since the 1990s, the firm has supplied more than two thousand bridges to more than 40 African nations. These durable and permanent infrastructure assets are designed to withstand the most rugged conditions and are particularly well-suited for secondary and rural road networks. Manufactured to the finest international quality standards, they are easily customized to meet site requirements. They are cost-effective, quickly transported to the most remote or challenging sites, and can be assembled in days or weeks using local labor and minimal heavy equipment.

Through its comprehensive financed Bridge Development Program model, Acrow can leverage a global network of financial institutions and other sources of capital to arrange financing for qualified bridge projects and facilitate the process of securing export credit guarantees and other development finance arrangements. In the past, Acrow has worked on transformative, large-scale infrastructure development projects in numerous nations including recent projects in Ghana, Cameroon and Zambia.

“For decades, a mission of Acrow’s has been to provide transformative small and large-scale infrastructure development programs with a focus on Africa. Our experience in bringing the three key elements of these programs together – bridges, finance, training – makes us an ideal partner for the most complex projects,” said Paul Sullivan, President – International Business at Acrow.

Bill Killeen, Acrow CEO, added, “At Acrow, we understand the importance of high-quality, sustainable transportation infrastructure and the generational impact it can have on the communities it serves. We are delighted to be able to be of service to the Republic of Angola in support of the modernization of the road and transportation infrastructure across the country, and we look forward to a continuing partnership as the project develops.”

The project in Angola will be financed through Standard Chartered Bank and supported by loan guarantees issued by the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM), the nation’s official export credit agency.

In October 2023, project partners Acrow, Standard Chartered Bank and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic Angola were announced as winners of EXIM’s inaugural “Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment Deal of the Year Award.” The Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment is a Biden-Harris Administration initiative dedicated to developing a values-driven, high-impact partnership with other G7 nations to meet the infrastructure needs of low- and middle-income countries.

About Acrow
Acrow has been serving the transportation and construction industries for more than 70 years with a wide range of modular steel bridging solutions for permanent, temporary, military and emergency use. Acrow’s extensive international presence includes leadership in the development and implementation of bridge infrastructure projects in over 150 countries across Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Middle East. For more information, please visit

Media contact:
Tracy Van Buskirk
Marketcom PR
Main: (212) 537-5177, ext. 8; Mobile: (203) 246-6165

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9171045

Fortrea Lança AI Innovation Studio para Galvanizar Tecnologia e Soluções Humanas para Aprimoramento da Entrega de Ensaios Clínicos

DURHAM, N.C., June 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE), uma organização líder global de pesquisa por contrato (CRO), anunciou hoje o lançamento do seu AI Innovation Studio, sinalizando um investimento estratégico na reformulação da execução de ensaios clínicos hoje e no futuro.

O Studio desenvolverá e implantará tecnologias de IA e aprendizado de máquina (ML) para impulsionar a velocidade, agilidade, qualidade e segurança aprimorada do paciente no processo de pesquisa clínica, equipando e capacitando as pessoas a se concentrarem no elemento humano tão essencial nos ensaios clínicos.

“Pacientes de todo o mundo estão esperando por novos tratamentos que irão mudar suas vidas. Com a IA, agora temos o poder – e a obrigação – de ajudar a fornecer soluções para esses pacientes mais rapidamente”, disse o diretor de informações da Fortrea, Alejandro Martinez Galindo.

“O AI Innovation Studio da Fortrea viabilizará os recursos tecnológicos aprimorados que permitirão que os sistemas habilitados para IA executem processos de ponta – como simulações de testes, análises preditivas e reconhecimento de padrões – além de tarefas repetitivas, administrativas e fáceis de operar. Isso permite que as pessoas possam contribuir com a criatividade humana e a conexão com o ensaio clínico futuro e se concentrar no que é o mais importante: o paciente.”

O AI Innovation Studio da Fortrea visa:

  • Estabelecer parcerias em toda a Fortrea e com nossos clientes para fornecimento de soluções tecnológicas para estratégias de inovação sob medida para locais e patrocinadores;
  • Desenvolver inovações tecnológicas novas e inovadoras que aprimorem holisticamente a entrega de ensaios clínicos para patrocinadores, locais, pacientes e nossas equipes; e
  • Apoiar a infraestrutura e as operações existentes com tecnologia aprimorada para viabilizar novas e aprimoradas maneiras de trabalho e criação das melhores experiências de usuário da categoria.

As tecnologias em desenvolvimento no Studio incluem coleta de dados habilitada para smartphones; grandes modelos de linguagens especializados para compreensão e geração de texto; IA simbólica com lógica de valor real (ou seja, criação de lógica de decisão com cenários e dados do mundo real); realidade mista e inteligência aumentada; mineração avançada de dados e análise preditiva; e geminação digital.

A aplicação estratégica dessas tecnologias deve resultar em avanços significativos no recrutamento e retenção de pacientes, criação/otimização de protocolos, monitoramento de qualidade baseado em risco e velocidade e qualidade gerais da entrega. Essas tecnologias também podem proporcionar uma melhor experiência para o paciente e maior produtividade para os clientes, locais e funcionários da Fortrea.

Os desenvolvimentos do AI Innovation Studio serão fundamentais para a plataforma de tecnologia clínica da Fortrea que está sendo projetada para integrar a tecnologia de ensaios clínicos em uma experiência de nível de consumidor, independente de localização, omnicanal e baseada em persona, acessível por meio de uma única tela.

“A Fortrea está focada em uma visão de futuro da indústria de CRO que nos permite criar Voltados para o futuro e Não para o passado”, disse Brian Dolan, Vice-Presidente de Inteligência Artificial e Aprendizado de Máquina. “Estamos sendo bem cautelosos e levando em consideração o desenvolvimento e a implantação responsáveis e éticos da IA, priorizando fazer a coisa certa pelas razões certas e protegendo a segurança e a privacidade do paciente e a propriedade intelectual dos nossos clientes.”

Sobre a Fortrea
A Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) é fornecedora líder global de soluções para o desenvolvimento clínico para a indústria de ciências da vida. Fazemos parcerias com grandes e emergentes empresas biofarmacêuticas, de biotecnologia, de dispositivos médicos e de diagnóstico para impulsionar a inovação na saúde que acelera terapias que mudam a vida dos pacientes. A Fortrea fornece gerenciamento de testes clínicos de fase I-IV, farmacologia clínica e serviços de consultoria. As soluções da Fortrea utilizam suas três décadas de experiência abrangendo mais de 20 áreas terapêuticas, sua dedicação ao rigor científico, insights excepcionais e uma forte rede de pesquisadores. Nossa equipe talentosa e diversificada que trabalha em mais de 90 países é dimensionada para fornecer soluções focadas e ágeis para clientes de todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre como a Fortrea está se tornando uma força transformadora de pipeline para pacientes na e siga-nos no LinkedIn e X (antigo Twitter).

Contatos da Fortrea:
Hima Inguva (Investidores) – 877-495-0816,
Jennifer Minx (Mídia) – 919-410-4195,
Kate Dillon (Mídia) – 646-818-9115,

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9170901

Fortrea lance un studio d’innovation en IA pour galvaniser les solutions technologiques et humaines afin d’améliorer la réalisation des essais cliniques

DURHAM, État de Caroline du Nord, 28 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortrea (Nasdaq : FTRE), un organisme de recherche sous contrat (« ORC ») de premier plan au niveau mondial, a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de son studio d’innovation en intelligence artificielle (« IA »), marquant ainsi un investissement stratégique visant à remodeler l’exécution des essais cliniques aujourd’hui et à l’avenir.

Le studio développera et déploiera des technologies d’IA et d’apprentissage automatique visant à favoriser la rapidité, l’agilité, la qualité et le renforcement de la sécurité des patients dans le processus de recherche clinique en équipant et en habilitant les personnes à se concentrer sur l’élément humain critique des essais cliniques.

« Partout dans le monde, des patients attendent des traitements novateurs qui changeront leur vie. Grâce à l’IA, nous avons désormais le pouvoir — et l’obligation — de les aider à trouver des solutions plus rapidement », a déclaré Alejandro Martinez Galindo, directeur des systèmes d’information de Fortrea, avant d’ajouter :

« Le studio d’innovation en IA de Fortrea offrira des capacités technologiques améliorées qui permettront aux systèmes dotés d’IA d’exécuter des processus de pointe, tels que des simulations d’essai, des analyses prédictives et la reconnaissance de motifs, ainsi que des tâches administratives répétitives, « adaptées aux machines ». Cela permet de libérer la disponibilité des personnes pour qu’elles puissent apporter leur créativité humaine et leur connexion à l’essai clinique de demain et se concentrer sur ce qui compte : le patient. »

Le studio d’innovation en IA de Fortrea vise à :

  • établir des partenariats au sein de Fortrea et avec nos clients afin de fournir des solutions technologiques pour des stratégies d’innovation sur mesure pour les centres et les promoteurs ;
  • développer de nouvelles innovations technologiques nettes qui améliorent de manière globale la réalisation des essais cliniques pour les promoteurs, les centres, les patients et nos équipes ; et
  • soutenir l’infrastructure et les opérations existantes avec une technologie améliorée afin de permettre de nouvelles et meilleures méthodes de travail et créer les meilleures expériences pour les utilisateurs.

Les technologies en cours de développement dans le studio comprennent la collecte de données à l’aide de smartphones, des modèles linguistiques spécialisés à grande échelle pour la compréhension et la génération de textes, l’IA symbolique avec une logique à valeurs réelles (c.-à-d. la construction d’une logique de décision à l’aide de scénarios et de données en situation réelle), la réalité mixte et l’intelligence augmentée, l’exploration de données avancées et l’analyse prédictive, ainsi que le jumelage numérique.

L’application stratégique de ces technologies devrait permettre des avancées significatives en matière de recrutement et de fidélisation des patients, de création et d’optimisation des protocoles, de contrôle de la qualité en fonction des risques, ainsi que de rapidité et de qualité globales des prestations. Ces technologies peuvent également améliorer l’expérience des patients et la productivité des clients, des centres et des employés de Fortrea.

Les développements du studio d’innovation en IA seront essentiels pour la plateforme technologique clinique de Fortrea, qui est conçue pour intégrer la technologie des essais cliniques dans une expérience utilisateur, indépendante de la localisation, omnicanale et basée sur les personas, accessible à partir d’un seul écran.

« Fortrea se concentre sur une vision future du secteur des ORC, ce qui nous permet de construire POUR l’avenir plutôt que POUR le passé », a déclaré Brian Dolan, vice-président du Département d’intelligence artificielle et d’apprentissage automatique, avant d’ajouter : « Nous accordons une grande attention au développement et au déploiement responsables et éthiques de l’IA, en privilégiant les bonnes actions pour les bonnes raisons et en protégeant la sécurité et la vie privée des patients, ainsi que la propriété intellectuelle de nos clients. »

À propos de Fortrea
Fortrea (Nasdaq : FTRE) est l’un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de solutions de développement clinique dans le secteur des sciences de la vie. Nous nous associons à des entreprises émergentes et établies du secteur biopharmaceutique, de la biotechnologie, des dispositifs médicaux et du diagnostic pour stimuler l’innovation dans le domaine de la santé et accélérer la mise à disposition de traitements révolutionnaires pour les patients. Fortrea propose des services de gestion d’essais cliniques de phase I à IV, de pharmacologie clinique et de consulting. Nos solutions s’appuient sur 30 ans d’expérience dans 20 domaines thérapeutiques, une passion pour la rigueur scientifique, des connaissances exceptionnelles et un solide réseau de centres de recherche. Notre équipe talentueuse et diversifiée répartie dans plus de 90 pays est dimensionnée pour fournir des solutions ciblées et agiles à nos clients, partout dans le monde. Pour en savoir plus sur la manière dont Fortrea est un moteur d’influence du pipeline au patient, rendez-vous sur et suivez-nous sur LinkedIn et X (anciennement Twitter).

Coordonnées de Fortrea :
Hima Inguva (Investisseurs) – 877-495-0816,
Jennifer Minx (Médias) – 919-410-4195,
Kate Dillon (Médias) – 646-818-9115,

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9170901

AACSB Sets Direction for Business Schools to Lead in AI

AACSB uses new report and global events to set strategic direction for business schools to advance education and lead boldly in AI.

TAMPA, Fla., June 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AACSB International (AACSB) is leading the way for business schools to utilize and innovate with AI. With a recently released report that explores how business schools can better understand and embrace the capabilities of generative AI (GenAI), in addition to its first AI conference in the U.S., AACSB is excited to announce renowned AI thought leader Ethan Mollick as a keynote speaker at its Deans Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada in February 2025.

Ethan Mollick is an Associate Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he studies and teaches innovation and entrepreneurship, and examines the effects of artificial intelligence on work and education. He also leads Wharton Interactive, an effort to democratize education using games, simulations, and AI. Prior to his time in academia, Ethan co-founded a startup company, and currently advises a number of startups and organizations.

This news comes shortly after AACSB hosted its first AI Conference in Santa Clara, California. This conference focused on the intersection of AI in business education and applied business, the importance of the capabilities of AI, and how AI improves efficiencies without replacing the soft skills; an important focus of business education. AACSB also plans to host a similar AI conference in Paris on October 9 and 10.

This work builds off of AACSB’s recently released report Building Future-Ready Business Schools With Generative AI, which takes an in-depth look at potential threats and opportunities for business education, outlining ways that schools can efficiently use GenAI in their curriculum and learner experiences, while achieving institutional goals.

The impacts of AI are just beginning to unfold in education, business, and society, and these efforts serve as a catalyst to further explore, discuss, and study the dynamics of this evolving digital technology.

About AACSB International

Established in 1916, AACSB International (AACSB) is the world’s largest business education alliance, connecting educators, learners, and business to create the next generation of great leaders. With members in over 100 countries and territories, AACSB fosters engagement, accelerates innovation, and amplifies impact in business education. Learn how AACSB and business schools from around the world are leading boldly in business education at

For More Information Contact:
Leah McBride

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9170636

Spiking temperatures continue on Friday

Tunis: High temperatures continue on Friday with highs ranging between 31°C and 36°C near coasts and 37°C and 43°C elsewhere, except in the southwest and the far south where they are expected to hit 45°C to 48°C with Sirocco winds.

The weather is a bit cloudy to sometimes cloudy in the afternoon in northwestern hights with scattered showers.

The wind is blowing east relatively strong near northern coasts, light to moderate elsewhere save in the southwest.

The sea is choppy in the region of Serrat and the Gulf of Gabès, a bit choppy elsewhere.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Interministerial Network for Ecological Transition officially launched

Tunis: The Interministerial Network for Ecological Transition to monitor and evaluate the 2035/2050 National Strategy for Ecological Transition was officially launched at the 2nd National Conference on Ecological Transition (NCET) held Friday in Tunis.

Made up of representatives of the Presidency of the Republic, the Prime Minsitry and various ministries, the network aims to inform, raise awareness, communicate about and monitor the implementation of the measures of this strategy, Deputy Director of the Tunis International Centre for Environmental Technologies (French: CITET) Ahmed Herzi said.

The creation of this network was one of the main recommendations of the 1st edition of the NCET, held in June 2023, he added. Participants had insisted on the mobilisation of all stakeholders from all sectors and funding so as to implement the 53 measures included in the National Strategy for Ecological Transition.

This strategy is based on the promotion of human well-being, in its tangible

and intangible aspects, t
he achievement of social equity and intra- and inter-generational justice, protection of the environment in all its components, and continuous and progressive quest for sustainability and circularity in all its dimensions.

Taking the floor, Environment Minister Leila Chikhaoui said the five pillars of this strategy are governance and financing, climate change, sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems, including the fight against desertification and drought resilience, the promotion of sustainable consumption and production patterns and the fight against all forms of pollution, and development of culture, science and knowledge in the service of ecological transition.

A proposed charter to be signed by all municipalities and to be supported by UN-Habitat Tunisia was also presented during this event.

Head of UN-Habitat Tunisia Aida Robbana said this charter will be proposed to the 350 municipalities in order to align their actions with the National Strategy for Ecological Transition.

The mu
nicipalities’ commitment should focus on three points, namely governance and financing, climate change and natural resources and ecosystems, she highlighted.

This event provided an opportunity to define the building blocks for the implementation of the National Strategy for Ecological Transition over the coming years, starting with the decade 2025/2035.

This conference takes place every year and provides an opportunity to review the results achieved in relation to the previous edition and identify efforts still to be made by all stakeholders in order to speed up the implementation of ecological transition.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunindex closes Friday’s session down 0.15%

Tunis: Tunindex closed Friday’s session down 0.15% to 9,726.08 points with a reduced volume of TND 4.5 million, said broker Tunisie Valeurs.

UNIMED shares were the best performers after rising by 5.5% to TND6.750, generating a capital of TND 132,000.

Poulina Group Holding shares also performed well. The share price edged up 3.7% to TND 9.090 with a volume of TND 90,000.

Tunisair shares fell by 2.5% to TND 0.380, trading for only TND 2,000 over the session.

SOTIPAPIER shares also dropped by 2.4% to TND 4.550, generating only TND 15,000.

SAH LILAS shares were the most traded. The share price rose by 1.9% to TND 8.830, feeding the market with a capital of TND 1.4 million.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunis Stock Exchange: Tunindex closes week down (-0.5%)

Tunis: “Up and down, the stock market closed the week of June 24 to 28 June in the red, down 0.5% to 9726.08 points.

Since the beginning of the year, the Tunindex has posted a commendable performance of 11.1%, according to an analysis by stock market broker, Tunisie Valeurs.

Last week was characterised by a fairly sustained pace of trading, totalling TND 26.6 million, i.e. a daily average of TND 5.3 million.

Trading was boosted by six block trades totalling TND 9.4 million. These transactions were in the following stocks: Delice Holding (TND 3.9 million), ATB (TND 2.9 million) and BIAT (TND 2.6 million).

Stock analysis

SOTEMAIL was the best performer of the week. Off-exchange, the ceramic tile specialist’s share price rose 13.3% to TND 1.790.

SITS shares were among the week’s top gainers. The property developer’s share price rose 9.2% to TND 1.900. The stock attracted a total volume of 55,000 dinars during the week.

ELECTROSTAR was the red lantern of the TUNINDEX. The company’s share price fell by -11.
8% to TND 0.300, with the stock attracting almost zero weekly flow.

Delice Holding was the week’s top performer. The dairy specialist was the most traded stock with a volume of around TND 4.8 million or 18.1% of the total volume traded on the market, thanks to the completion of two block trades worth TND 3.9 million.

The share price rose by 1% to TND 13.160.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

“There is an urgent need to adopt Innovation Act,” says President of Tunisian Startups

Tunis: There is an urgent need to adopt the Innovation Act in order to improve the results of the Startup Act, develop the startup ecosystem and increase its contribution to the national economy, said the president of Tunisian Startups, Oussama Messaoud.

As a reminder, the concept of startups was initiated by the Startup Act, promulgated in 2018, and came into force in April 2019 with the granting of the first label, but this framework did not anticipate the next phase, explains the president of Tunisian Startups, an NGO founded in 2016 and aiming to be the voice of the startup ecosystem in Tunisia.

The Startup Act achieved its objective by creating an initial pool of startups (around 1,000) based on innovation and scalability (the ability to adapt and grow efficiently in response to an increase in demand for products or services), but today there is a feeling that the ecosystem has been “left behind”, hence the urgent need to update the law in question, he argued.

He went on to say that, following this ob
servation, a task force bringing together the public and private sectors and comprising the Ministries of the Economy and Planning and Communication Technologies, the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation, Tunisian Startups and several other stakeholders, worked on updating and developing the Startup Act in 2022 and 2023.

// Innovation Act, a framework better suited to start-ups and innovative companies

The “Innovation Act”, which is now a bill, was drafted using a participatory approach and aims to create a framework more suited to start-ups and innovative companies.

Indeed, investing in start-ups – a risk-taking model with a very high potential return on investment that has proven its worth in several countries – is not a priority for local investors. What’s more, the current legal framework (startup law/foreign exchange regulations, etc.) is not conducive to attracting foreign investors, says Messaoud, himself a start-up entrepreneur.

In his view, the lack of international funding mechani
sms and the small size of the Tunisian market are the reasons why many Tunisian start-ups have emigrated to seek international funding from foreign investors in order to expand.

Several countries have copied the Tunisian law and have been able to move forward,” says Messaoud, “but it’s time to improve and take things to a new level that will increase performance and catch up with the rest of the world, because it’s no longer possible for certain startups to develop and operate from Tunisia within this regulatory framework.

A new wave of measures

The draft law includes a new set of measures aimed at making procedures more flexible, guaranteeing greater impact and capitalising on innovation as a way out of the crisis, since it (the law) concerns not only startups but also innovative companies.

Indeed, the new draft proposes, among other things, the introduction of new activities, especially as some of them (activities) are either prohibited by law (drones) or over-regulated (fintech), making it impossible t
o innovate, according to Messaoud.

He added that this will be made possible by the creation of sectoral sandboxes, like the one set up at the Central Bank of Tunisia (BCT), to test innovative financial solutions before validating them.

The draft law also provides for new financing mechanisms tailored to start-ups and in line with international standards.

In terms of attracting world-class talent, the bill provides for the granting of talent visas while facilitating procedures (online platform with rapid response) to enable Tunisian startups to recruit foreign talent to benefit from their expertise.

It also includes incentives for Tunisian skills (employees of start-ups and innovative companies) to encourage the retention of Tunisian talent.

For example, the bill provides for the payment of part of salaries in foreign currency and the possibility of acquiring a stake in the capital of the start-up (stock options) through a target-based equity plan or in the company’s foreign subsidiaries.

Digitisation an
d simplification of procedures

The bill also provides for the creation of specific legal forms for start-ups, instead of the current SARL, SUARL and SA, which are not very suitable.

Indeed, Messaoud explains, the governance of SARLs and SUARLs is not too formalised (shareholders and directors), while SAs are too rigid for start-ups. “We have proposed more simplified forms, such as simplified joint stock companies (SAS),” says the association’s president.

The bill also proposes the creation of specialised investment funds, better suited to start-ups and innovation, with simplified conditions. These would be regulated funds with few procedures, accessible via a digital platform.

Funds that currently go through the Financial Market Council (CMF) and are not very suitable for start-ups are more used to investing in the industrial sector and large companies,” explains Messaoud.

Messaoud also points out that part of the bill is reserved for the post-label phase, which is limited in time.

The startup no longer
has the Startup Act label, either because it has not achieved scalability, or because it has not complied with the law, or because the validity of the label (eight years) has expired, or if the startup is successful and expands (more than 100 employees and a turnover of more than 15 million dinars).

If the startup is successful and the label period expires, it is no longer considered a startup but an innovative company, he added.

During this phase, a number of benefits are withdrawn, including the payment of employer and employee contributions by the National Agency for Employment and Self-Employment (ANETI) and the holding of a foreign currency account. However, Messaoud points out that these advantages, which have allowed the company to grow, should be gradually withdrawn to avoid destabilising it, while at the same time allowing new start-ups to benefit from them.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Appointment of new directors general for number of sectoral technical centres

TUNIS: The Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy announced on Friday the appointment of Noureddine Guizani as Director General of the Technical Centre for Mechanical and Electrical Industries (CETIME), and Issam Krid as Director General of the Technical Centre for Agri-foodstuffs (CTAA).

In a press release issued on Friday in Tunis, the Ministry also appointed Narjes Maslah Hammar, Director General of the Packaging Technical Centre (PACKTEC), and Riadh Ben Rejeb, Director General of the National Leather and Footwear Centre (CNCC).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

President Kais Saied receives BCT’s 2023 financial statements and auditors’ report

Tunis: President Kais Saied received the Central Bank of Tunisia’s (BCT) financial statements for 2023 and the auditor’s report, during a meeting with BCT Governor Fethi Zouhair Nouri at Carthage Palace on Friday.

“The results achieved by Tunisia, based on its free choices stemming from the will of its people, have confounded all the expectations raised by many circles,” Saied was quoted as saying in a statement from the Presidency of the Republic.

“The figures on inflation, debt repayment, foreign currency reserves and other indicators prove that many obstacles and difficulties can be overcome,” he added.

“Today, Tunisia is paying dearly for mistakes and choices, many of which amount to crimes, as well as for a global situation and economic and financial crises at the international level, which neither Tunisia nor the developing countries have caused,” the President of the Republic said.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia’s Travel & Tourism sector is set to inject TND 23 billion into national economy in 2024 (WTTC)

Tunis: Tunisia’s Travel and Tourism sector is set to inject a record-breaking TND 23 billion into the national economy in 2024, The World Travel and Tourism Council’s (WTTC) 2024 Economic Impact Research (EIR) has revealed.

With the right government support, WTTC is forecasting that the sector could grow its annual GDP contribution to more than TND 32BN by 2034.

The latest data by the WTTC show that across its economic contribution, job numbers, and domestic visitor spending, Travel and Tourism is expected to surpass all previous records in 2024.

“An increase of 16% in the annual contribution of the tourism sector to the Tunisian economy is forecast if this sector is supported, which will ensure the employment of more than 485,000 people by 2034,” according to the same source.

Julia Simpson, WTTC President and CEO, said; “Tunisia’s Travel and Tourism sector has almost fully recovered, though international visitor spending is still catching up.

‘We are confident that Tunisia’s resilient sector w
ill continue to thrive and play a vital role in the nation’s economic future,” she added.

Simpson also pointed out that the reestablishment of the Higher Council of Tourism by the Tunisian Government will further help Travel and Tourism achieve these forecasts as it brings together the public and private sector.

Travel and Tourism’s economic contribution will represent 14% of the overall economy in 2024, while sector jobs are projected to grow 3.9% year-on-year.

Domestic visitor spending is anticipated to grow 5% from last year to reach TND 11.7BN – 0.7% ahead of 2019, while international visitor spending is expected to grow more than 12% to reach almost TND 11 billion, according to the WTTC.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

ASBU, China sign MoU on audiovisual cooperation

Tunis: A memorandum of understanding and cooperation agreements in the audiovisual sector were signed Thursday in Tunis by the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) and China represented by the National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA).

The MoU was inked as part of the China-Arab states Audiovisual Cooperation Forum held within the framework of the 24th edition of the Arab Radio and Television Festival.

The China-Arab States Forum was attended by deputy head of the NRTA Dong Xin, ASBU President Mohammed bin Fahd Al-Harthi and the broadcasting authority’s Director General Abdul Rahim Suleiman.

The signing ceremony took place in the presence of China’s Ambassador to Tunisia Wan Li and some Arab and Chinese audiovisual professionals.

The agreements provide for the development of audiovisual partnership and the exchange of expertise and experiences.

This cooperation forum, organised by China’s NRTA) in cooperation with the ASBU is a key platform for both sides, said Dong Xin.

The event is designd
to scale up cooperation with Arab countries, broadcasting programmes in Arabic and supporting co-productions.

The Chinese official said there are electronic audiovisual plateforms in China which broadcast massively in Arabic. They have grown into a quite important medium of audiovisual exchange and cooperation with the Arab world.

The State Council Information Office of China and the NRTA have been participating in the ASBU festival since 2016 in a bid to encouraging and helping audiovisual institutions broaden the scope of exchange and cooperation with Arab countries in copyright and content co-production.

Some twenty audiovisual institutions brodcast over seventy audiovisual productions in the Arab world. Partnership is expected to gain momentum, the official added.

China and the Arab world boast a rich cultural heritage, in addition to the common visions and objectives in connection to the production of audiovisual content and its promotion across the world.

China, he further said, is keen to boost pa
rtnerships with Arab countries as testifies to that the China-Arab Audiovisual Forum held with attendance of experts from both sides to exchange ideas, experiences, epertise and networking.

ASBU Director General placed emphasis on the importance of this event in boosting partnership opportunities, mainly in relation to programmes of training and cooperation in Artifical Intelligence.

Cooperation with Chines media is one of the strategies which the ASBU seeks to bolster to increase the exchange of experiences and expertise.

The 24th edition of the Arab Radio and Television Festival opened on Wednesday evening at the Roman amphitheatre of Carthage under the sign of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

The festival is organised by the ASBU in partenership with ministry of Cultural Affairs, the Tunisian Radio and Television Corporations and the Arab satellite communication organisation (Arabsat)

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse