The return of the first Hajj 2024 pilgrims dominates the front pages of Burkinabe daily newspapers

Ouagadougou: This Thursday’s newspapers largely echo the return of the first Burkinabè pilgrims from Mecca for the 2024 Hajj.

‘Hajj 2024: A first wave of 432 pilgrims returning to Ouagadougou’, reads its front page, the dean of Burkinabè private newspapers, L’Observateur Paalga.

The private daily informs that after having completed the rites linked to the 5th pillar of Islam in Saudi Arabia, 432 Burkinabè pilgrims once again set foot on the tarmac of Ouagadougou international airport on June 26, 2024.

The newspaper also comments on the words of the Regional Director (DR) of Health of the Center, Daniel Yerbanga who maintains that: ‘It is not covid-19 that we are tracking’, regarding the arrival of pilgrims.

Still in the vein, the state daily Sidwaya, for its part, specifies that a medical system has been put in place to detect cases of illness.

As for the private newspaper Le Pays, it adds that the pilgrims were warmly welcomed by their families and loved ones.

In another register, The private daily l’E
xpress du Faso evokes the second ordinary session of the year 2024 of the special delegation of the city of Bobo-Dioulasso.

According to him, the commune of Bobo held its second ordinary session of the year 2024 yesterday, Wednesday, with several subjects on the agenda, of which improving tax revenue was the central point of discussions.

In the commune of Ouagadougou, on the other hand, the public newspaper Sidwaya announces that a network of fuel thieves from the Ouagadougou Public Transport Company (SOTRACO) has been dismantled.

The private newspaper Le pays dwells on the fight against drugs in Burkina, indicating that 48 tonnes of prohibited products were incinerated yesterday, Wednesday, in the rural commune of Komsilga by the National Committee for the Fight against Drugs.

According to him, this cremation was on the sidelines of the celebration of the 37th international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking.

He concludes that at the national level, this day was placed under the theme: ‘The
problem of the management of disorders linked to drug consumption in Burkina Faso’.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: The war against terrorism is shifting into the digital world, warns the CSC

Ouagadougou: The president of the Superior Council of Communication (CSC), Idrissa Ouédraogo, warned yesterday Wednesday that the war against terrorism is shifting into the digital domain, hence the need to continue to regulate to preserve the sovereignty of Burkina Faso.

The war against terrorism ‘is shifting to the digital domain. You have to keep your eyes peeled, especially with informed technicians. In any case, the regulatory work will continue, certainly to preserve our sovereignty,’ affirmed Idrissa Ouédraogo.

‘We should not think of sovereignty just in terms of physical space, nor should we think of it just in terms of material resources. The media constitute a heritage that must be preserved as much as territories and national treasures. It is obligatory that we look at this and it is always good given that the countries of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) do not remain behind on these issues,’ added Mr. Ouédraogo.

The president of the Superior Council of Communication (CSC), who had at his sid
e the Minister of Digital Transition Aminata Zerbo/Sabane, spoke yesterday at the Burkina embassy in Bamako, during a courtesy visit to the Ambassador Julienne Dembélé/Sanon and her collaborators.

The Burkinabè delegation is staying in Bamako as part of the second edition of National Digital Week.

‘We therefore reassured ourselves about the false rumors that were already circulating. This has already been well done by the media and the authorities and we have come to reinforce it. We also received news from our compatriots. Relations are strengthened with the brother country of Mali,’ confided the president of the CSC.

As a reminder, in mid-June Burkina Faso suffered a vast media and digital campaign over supposed mutinies and the overthrow of President Ibrahim Traoré.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina/performance of state companies: SONABHY and SONABEL in the lead

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè National Hydrocarbons Company (SONABHY) with a turnover of 192.856 billion FCFA and the National Electricity Company of Burkina (SONABEL)

with 19.618 billion FCFA, are the two public companies that achieved the best results in 2023.

The performance of state companies for the year 2023 is mainly supported by SONABHY and SONABEL whose turnover increased respectively by 192.856 billion and 19.618 billion CFA francs between 2022 and 2023, indicated the 2023 report on the performance of public companies.

According to the same source, the increase in the turnover of the National Hydrocarbons is due to the removal of the subsidy on the price of diesel intended for industrial companies, the increase in the price of super 91 at the pump and the strong consumption of diesel and Super.

Regarding the electricity company, the report indicates that its achievement by reorganizing its tariff schedule since October 2023 has increased the number of subscribers thanks to the various extensions an
d the strengthening of its network.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sourou: 708 goats to boost the income of IDPs and host populations

OCADES Dédougou in partnership with the 3D3C project in Sourou handed over on Wednesday June 26, 2024 in Tougan, 708 goats to 236 beneficiaries including displaced people and host populations to boost their income in the agriculture sector. breeding.

236 people including displaced people and host populations benefited on Wednesday June 26, 2024 in Tougan, from 708 goats from OCADES Dédougou, through the 3D3C project in Sourou.

This animal handover ceremony took place in the presence of the provincial director of Agriculture and animal and fisheries resources, Jacques Nadembga and the project coordinator of the 3D3C project, Kambou Innocent in Sourou.

It is as part of the implementation of the activities of the 3D3C project financed by the FAO that OCADES Dédougou in Sourou, in charge of piloting the said project, made this donation to improve the income of the beneficiaries. On occasion, everyone returned home with a goat and two goats.

For the allocation of animals, livestock service agents responsible f
or supervising the project activity first examined the health of the animal and then administered a dose of antibiotic.

The provincial director of Agriculture and Animal and Fisheries Resources, Jacques Nadembga provided advice to beneficiaries on the maintenance and feeding of animals.

Mr. Nadembga informed them that any attempt to sell, whatever the reason, will be punished in accordance with the law.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

BBDA: a new boss at the head of the Koudougou agency

The director general of the Burkinabè Copyright Office (BBDA), Dr Hamed Patrick Lega, proceeded, on Monday June 24, 2024, to the installation of the new head of the Koudougou agency in the person by Christian Kientega, cultural affairs advisor.

We must now count on Christian Kientega at the BBDA Center-West regional agency to ensure continuity of service. That is to say, always remaining close to the creators and users of literary and artistic works.

By installing Mr. Kientega, the CEO of the BBDA, Dr. Hamed Patrick Lega, urged him to open up to users for good collaboration.

Anything which, in his opinion, will make it possible to maintain the agency’s current level of performance or even exceed it.

He also expressed, on the one hand, his gratitude to all the regional actors who are engaged with the agency for the promotion of literary and artistic property and, on the other hand, invited everyone to register in the same dynamic so that culture and copyright live in Burkina Faso.

The new agency head says
he is aware of the challenges to be met in this region and this, he said, because the agency is a privileged witness to the cultural and tourist vitality of the region.

To all users of artistic and literary works (hoteliers, restaurateurs, festival and event organizers, audiovisual media, commercial agencies), he launched an appeal so that together they can save art and culture through the payment of copyright royalties.

Mr. Kientega replaces Paul Nagalo in this position, recipient of a scholarship at the African Intellectual Property Organization based in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

A delegation from the Burkinabè ministry in charge of culture in Chad, guest of honor at the 29th Fespaco

Ouagadougou: A Burkinabè delegation led by the secretary general of the ministry in charge of culture, Fidèle Betamou Aymar Tamini, met Wednesday in N’Djamena with the Chadian Prime Minister, Allah-Maye Halina, around the participation of Chad, guest country of honor, in the 29th edition of the Pan-African Cinema and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (Fespaco).

‘The delegation came to discuss with the head of government on the different stages of Chad’s preparation for its participation in Fespaco, this unique cultural event which brings together filmmakers from different African countries,’ reports the communications services of the Chadian Prime Minister.

The Chadian Prime Minister was ‘very enthusiastic about the significant participation of Chad’ in the next edition of Fespaco, indicates the same source.

Chad ‘is a country which has been in artistic collaboration with Burkina Faso for a very long time » confided, in February, the general delegate of the Festival, Alex Moussa Sawadogo.

The 29th editio
n of Fespaco is scheduled for February 22 to March 1, 2024, under the theme ‘African Cinemas and Cultural Identities’

The previous edition of Fespaco took place from February 25 to March 4, 2023 with Mali as guest. ‘honor.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: AFRICHECK equips journalists to counter disinformation

Ouagadougou: The AFRICHECK platform in collaboration with Fasocheck equipped around twenty journalists from June 25 to 26 in Ouagadougou on factchecking, a practice consisting of the verification and rigorous processing of facts in order to deal with false information especially on social networks.

For the AFRICHECK consultant, it was necessary to equip journalists with regard to the proliferation of ‘Fakenews’ or false information on social networks.

‘For some time now, we have noted a fairly advanced proliferation of false information on social networks. With the advent of social networks, everyone becomes a journalist or broadcaster of information,’ lamented Mr. Ayivi.

For him, it is the time to equip journalists, the key players in information, to be able to verify the information circulating on social networks. This is so that they do not carry or disseminate false information to citizens because they constitute reliable sources for public opinion.

He appealed to journalists to practice fact-checking
on a daily basis. For him, this practice must become part of the journalist’s habits to be able to counter the profusion of false information circulating on the web.

According to him, this rigorous fact-checking practice allows media men and women to disseminate credible information.

The training was provided by Isidore Bouda and Adnan Sidibé from Fasockeck, the first fact-checking platform in Burkina Faso.

For journalist Gustave Konaté, this 48-hour training constitutes an additional skill.

For Mr. Konaté, the skills acquired during this session will allow him, in the current context of the country, to ‘distinguish false information from true information in order to inform readers’.

He also hoped that the training would be extended to all journalists but also to populations who are consumers of information.

For 48 hours, AFRICHECK provided around twenty journalists from Ouagadougou and the interior of the country with the tools necessary to deal effectively and efficiently with fake news.

The modules
focused, among other things, on understanding the disinformation environment, the concepts and real issues of disinformation, its harmful effects, online verification techniques and tools, journalistic ethics and the regulation of social networks.

AFRICHECK is a platform dedicated to monitoring and raising awareness among Internet users in favor of critical reading of information. Its objective is to establish a network of fact-checking journalists across the African continent.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Bilateral cooperation: seven (07) new ambassadors hand over figurative copies of their Letters of Credence to the Minister Delegate in charge of Regional Cooperation

Ouagadougou: Mrs. Stella Eldine KABRE/KABORE, Minister Delegate for Regional Cooperation, received this Thursday, June 27, the illustrated copies of the Letters of Credence of seven new ambassadors accredited to Burkina Faso.

They are:

– HE Madame Joann LOCKARD, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Burkina Faso with residence in Ouagadougou;

– HE Madam Selma MANSOURI, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Democratic and Popular Algerian Republic to Burkina Faso with residence in Ouagadougou;

– HE Christophe BAZIVAMO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Rwanda to Burkina Faso with residence in Abuja (Nigeria);

– HE Antonio Guillen HIDALGO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Spain to Burkina Faso with residence in Bamako (Mali);

– HE Armando Albino AFARA, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Republic of Guinea Bissau to Burkina Faso with residence in Dakar (Senegal);

-SEM Bartho
miej ZDANIUK, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Burkina Faso with residence in Dakar (Senegal);

-and finally HE General Major Anjum ENAYAT, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Burkina Faso with residence in Tripoli (Libya).

These newly accredited diplomats all thanked the highest authorities of Burkina Faso for the warm welcome given to them.

They expressed their joy and pride in serving in Burkina Faso, and they all made a commitment to work to strengthen and develop cooperation ties between their countries and the country of upright men.

Receiving the figurative copies of the letters of credence of the new diplomats, Mrs. Stella Eldine KABRE/KABORE welcomed them and every success in their respective mandates.

She took the opportunity to explain to them the vision of the Burkinabe authorities in terms of bilateral cooperation.

A vision which is in line with the Action Plan for Stabilization and Development, with the
4 axes of the fight against terrorism, the management of the humanitarian crisis, the rebuilding of the State and national reconciliation .

She explained to them that the priority remains the fight against terrorism, specifying that in addition to endogenous initiatives such as the call launched by the President of Faso for a mobilization of Burkinabè for the benefit of the Patriotic Support Fund, Burkina Faso is counting on sincere partners, truly friendly countries, to meet the security challenge.

To all the new ambassadors, Mrs. Stella Eldine KABRE/KABORE indicated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabè Abroad, is available and willing to support them in the success of their missions in Burkina Faso.

Please note that the delivery of the Figured Copies precedes the presentation of the Letters of Credence to the President of Faso Head of State Captain Ibrahim TRAORE who will take place on Friday June 28, 2024

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Parliament votes to withdraw the privatization of three companies, for strategic reasons

Ouagadougou: The Transitional Legislative Assembly voted this Thursday, a law which withdraws from privatization the Bureau of Mines and Geology of Burkina (Bumigeb), the Burkinabè National Hydrocarbon Company (Sonabhy ) and the Motor Vehicle Control Center (CCVA), for strategic reasons.

This law, a government initiative, was adopted unanimously by 70 deputies in order to strengthen state control over ‘strategic sectors’ in a context of security and humanitarian crises, according to the report of the Parliamentary Commission in charge general, institutional affairs and human rights (CAGIDH).

It deprivatizes CCVA, 51% of which is privately held, and keeps Sonabhy and Bumigeb within the fold of public companies.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Niger: Rice sold at the social price of 13,500F per 25kg bag

Ouagadougou: The Nigerien authorities launched yesterday Wednesday an operation to sell rice at moderate prices, offering consumers a 25kg bag of rice at 13,500 F instead of 17,000 F, according to the Nigerien press agency. .

The operation known as ‘Zantchen Kassa’ or ‘Labou Sanni’ began with around ten points of sale opened in 5 communes of Niamey and will be gradually extended to the entire country, details the ANP.

At the launch of the operation, the minister in charge of trade, Seydou Asman, from the same source, invited buyers and sellers to scrupulously respect the instructions, warning of ‘any breach of the rule’.

Niger is facing terrorist attacks creating a difficult economic and humanitarian context for the population.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Mediators Soglo and Boni Yayi return to Benin, dressed in white and without saying a word

Ouagadougou: The former presidents of Benin, Nicéphore Soglo and Boni Yayi, arrived Tuesday in Niamey for mediation actions with the Nigerien authorities, returned this Thursday to Benin, dressed in white boubous, but without doing declaration.

During their 72-hour stay, the two Beninese mediators met the Head of State of Niger, General Abdourahamane Tiani and his predecessors including Salou Djibo and Ousmane Mahamane, to try to bring together the two countries whose relations are increasingly more tense.

‘They left Niamey this Thursday, June 27, 2024 early in the morning,’ accompanied to the airport by the Minister of State, Minister in charge of the Interior, General Mohamed Toumba, specifies the Niger Press Agency.

‘They did not have any declaration upon their arrival,’ declares the Beninese information site, Le Matinal.

Yayi Boni and Nicéphore Solgo went to Niger after the exacerbation of tensions between the two neighboring countries, resulting from the arrest followed by imprisonment, on June 5, 20
24, of a team of Nigerien supervisors at the Sèmè port terminal -Kodji.

The members of this team, including the deputy general director of WAPCO-Niger, were tried and given suspended sentences for ‘usurpation of title and use of falsified computer data’.

Since then, the Niger authorities have decided to close the valves on the Niger-Benin pipeline and are considering turning to Chad to sell the country’s crude on the international market.

The border between the two countries is kept closed by the Niamey authorities who cite security issues and accuse Benin of maintaining terrorist bases.

After the fall of Bazoum, the Beninese authorities were in favor of militarily attacking Niger through ECOWAS forces in order to dislodge General Tiani and reinstate the deposed president to power.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Nearly 70% of Americans are concerned about Biden’s age as head of state

Ouagadougou: Outgoing President of the United States Joe Biden, 81, seems to 70% of Americans too old to effectively carry out his duties. At the same time, 45% of the population believes that the age of the leader represents a serious problem making him absolutely incapable of exercising power. This results from a poll organized by The New York Times newspaper in conjunction with the Siena College research institute.

According to the same source, if the vote took place now, 48% of voters would vote for Republican Donald Trump, aged 78, while Joe Biden would receive 42% of the votes.

The survey was carried out from June 20 to 25, 1,125 citizens participated. The margin of error is 3%.

The next US presidential election will take place in November. On April 25, 2023, Joe Biden announced his intention to seek re-election. For his part, his predecessor Donald Trump declared that he would run for office in November 2022.

Source: Burkina Information Agency