Basketball – Pro A Championship: US Monastir Tunisian champions for 9th time in their history

Tunis: US Monastir retained the Tunisian basketball championship title (2023-2024 season) thanks to their 78-58 win over Club Africain in the decisive game (Game 5) of the final played on Thursday in Monastir.

This is the ninth title for the Monastir-based club and the sixth in a row.

US Monastir had won Games 1 and 2 of the final at home by scores of 83-72 and 76-65 before C. Africain levelled the scores at two apiece by winning the other two games (3 and 4) at El Gorjani, Tunis 81-58 and 69-56.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Meeting in Rabat on Preparations for 2024 General Population & Housing Census

Rabat – A meeting devoted to examining the preparations underway for the organization of the General Population and Housing Census (RGPH-2024) was held on Thursday at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior, under the chairmanship of Minister of the Interior, Abdelouafi Laftit, and High Commissioner for Planning, Ahmed Lahlimi Alami.

This meeting is part of the implementation of the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI for the upcoming general census, as outlined in the letter sent by the Sovereign, may God assist Him, to the Head of Government on June 20th regarding the preparation for the general census scheduled throughout September of this year, according to a statement by the Ministry of the Interior.

It was an opportunity to review the High Royal Directives aimed at ensuring the rigorous organization of this major national event, given the important and multiple data and indicators it will provide on Moroccan society, which are of interest to national and international institutio
ns, political, social and economic players, civil society, Moroccan families and foreign communities residing in Morocco, the same source added.

The meeting was also an occasion to reiterate His Majesty the King’s firm commitment to ensuring the success of the next general census, which the Sovereign hopes will be innovative in terms of the approach and technological resources to be mobilized for data collection and processing, and ambitious in terms of the scope of the survey, which will be extended to include topical issues that enjoy the Royal High Solicitude, including the structuring societal project to generalize social protection.

In addition, the forthcoming general population and housing census will contribute to the achievement of the social project and the deployment of the development model, built on the principles of political democracy, economic efficiency, human development and social and territorial cohesion.

Based on the High Royal Orientations, all the measures to be implemented were exam
ined in order to promote the full success of this important national event, which requires, in addition to the overall mobilization of significant human and logistical resources, broad support and close and effective coordination on the part of all administrations, public establishments and deconcentrated services, in addition to regional, provincial and local authorities and communities, noted the Ministry of the Interior.

In this regard, emphasis was placed on the importance of effective coordination between the services of the Ministry of the Interior and the High Commission for Planning (HCP), as well as with all government departments in supporting all the preparatory and procedural stages of the general census, the statement added, underlining the essential role of walis and governors, alongside elected councils and the deconcentrated services of ministries, in terms of logistical and human support and in determining the manner of their contribution to carrying out the census.

With regard to the curre
nt state of preparations, the HCP is working to implement the necessary measures to mobilize human resources, through the completion of the selection process for the teams in charge of field missions relating to data collection from families, monitoring and supervision, as well as preparations for a training session to be held for members of these teams over the months of July and August, with a view to collecting and exploiting these data using the technological resources deployed by the HCP for the conduct of this large-scale national operation.

The meeting was also an opportunity to recall the contents of the Letter addressed by HM King Mohammed VI to the Head of Government, in which the Sovereign calls on citizens to demonstrate full cooperation and active participation in this exercise of general interest by providing reliable and accurate information, which will be used in drawing up public policies in line with the country’s interests and in keeping with the development projects and programs carried o
ut under the far-sighted guidance of His Majesty the King, the statement concluded.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

HM the King Congratulates Djibouti’s President on Independence Day

Rabat – His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of congratulations to the President of the Republic of Djibouti, Ismaël Omar Guelleh, on his country’s Independence Day.

In this message, the Sovereign expresses His warm congratulations and His best wishes for health and happiness to Guelleh and progress and prosperity to the Djiboutian people.

On this occasion, His Majesty the King reaffirms His pride in the bonds of brotherhood between the two Heads of State and the two countries, stressing His firm determination to continue working with the Djiboutian President to promote bilateral cooperation and raise it to the highest level for the two brotherly peoples and in the service of the African continent.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Gourma/Baccalaureate 2024: Jury 342 records a success rate of 26.42%

The results of the first round of the baccalaureate for the 2024 session were announced this Thursday, June 27, 2024. Jury 342 obtained a success rate of 26.42%.

From a workforce of 258 candidates present including 135 boys and 123 girls for the 2024 baccalaureate exam, jury 342 recorded 70 admitted including 40 boys and 30 girls, i.e. a success rate of 26.42%.

The announcement of the results of the first round took place on Thursday June 27, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma.

69 candidates are declared eligible for the 2nd round tests.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kossi/Baccalauréat 2024: The province records 368 admitted to the 1st round with a success rate of 44.88%

The results of the baccalaureate at the end of the proclamation this Thursday, June 27, 2024, of the 1st round, gave a success rate of 44.88% or 368 admitted including 163 girls and 205 boys.

The province of Kossi announced the baccalaureate results on Thursday June 27, 2024.

There were 368 candidates admitted to the first round, i.e. 163 girls and 205 boys out of 834 registered, with a success rate of 44.88%.

14 candidates were unable to compose.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Baccalaureate: 43.83% success in the first round in the Sahel region

The Sahel region recorded a success rate of 43.83% at the end of the first round of the baccalaureate, with a special mention to the meat and egg processing series (TVO ) which did 100%.

In the Sahel region, there were 799 candidates including 467 boys and 332 girls to register for the baccalaureate exam in all series for this session.

12 candidates including 10 boys and 2 girls were absent.

787 candidates including 487 boys and 330 girls actually took part in the exam.

At the end of the first round tests, 345 candidates including 205 boys and 140 girls were definitively admitted to the baccalaureate in all series combined.

This represents an overall success rate of 43.83%, including 44.85% for boys and 42.42% for girls.

199 candidates including 69 boys and 89 girls are declared eligible for the second round.

It should be noted that the meat and egg processing (TVO) series had a 100% success rate with a total number of 12 candidates including 3 boys and 9 girls.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Noumbiel/Bac: 74 admitted out of 240 candidates in the first round

The results of the 1st round of the baccalaureate session of 2024 are now known in Noumbiel. After a long wait, the candidates finally have their results in the different series.

In the A4 philosophy and literature literary series, out of 147 candidates composed, 29 boys and 22 girls won the precious pass, making a total of 51 admitted, representing a success rate of 33.77%.

54 candidates are eligible for the second round. Regarding series D, out of 93 candidates, 23 are admitted, i.e. 10 boys and 13 girls with a success rate of 24.47%.

27 candidates are authorized to take the second round tests for a second chance.

It is very happy that Alima Diallo, candidate admitted to the baccalaureate series A4, expressed her joy: ‘I thank the Good Lord, my parents and my teachers. Today, thanks to them, my efforts have paid off.’

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Nahouri: The province records its first promotion in BAC G2 with 20 admitted out of 30

Ouagadougou: The province of Nahouri recorded its very first promotion this year in BAC G2 with 20 candidates admitted including 11 girls and 9 boys out of 30 presented and 8 in the second round.

The results of the first round of the Baccalaureate exam, session 2024, in A4, D, G2 were announced at the end of the morning of Thursday June 17, 2024 in the 4 juries of the two composition centers in the province of Nahouri.

For this year, the first promotion in BAC G2 was recorded, with 20 candidates admitted including 11 girls and 9 boys out of 30 presented and 8 in the second round.

The province obtained a success rate, all series combined, of 45.69% with 493 admitted in the first round and 291 in the second round.

Out of a total of 1,079 candidates presented including 587 girls and 492 boys, 216 girls and 277 boys obtained their parchment and the 291 will compose on July 1 for the second round.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Banwa: The province achieves a success rate of 34.83% in the first round of the baccalaureate session 2024

The results of the first round of the baccalaureate exam session of 2024 announced this Thursday, June 27, 2024 give a success rate of 34.83% for the Banwa province.

Out of a total of 365 registered on the list, 356 candidates were able to sit on the two juries in the Banwa province. A total of 124 candidates obtained their baccalaureate diplomas in the first round, a percentage of 34.83%.

There are 92 candidates vying for the second round scheduled for Monday July 1, 2024,

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Baccalaureate: 27.32% success rate in the first round in Gnagna

The province of Gnagna recorded a success rate of 27.32% at the end of the first round of the baccalaureate, 2024 session.

Of the 765 candidates presented for the baccalaureate examination, all series combined at this session, 209 candidates were declared admitted following the announcement of the results of the 1st round. The success rate is estimated at 27.32%.

217 candidates including 112 boys and 105 girls are declared eligible for the second round.

The administration of the second round tests will begin on Monday July 1, 2024.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Baccalaureate 2024: 34.19% success rate in Namentenga

The province of Namentenga, in the Center-North region recorded this Thursday, June 27, 2024, a success rate of 34.19%, following the proclamation of the results of the 1st of baccalaureate for the 2024 session.

The results of the 1st of the baccalaureate session of 2024 in the province of Namentenga fell this Thursday, June 27, 2024 in Boulsa.

Out of 544 candidates who composed in the two series A4 and D, 186 were admitted to the exam, i.e. a success rate of 34.19% with 161 students in the second round on the 1st .

While awaiting the final results of the baccalaureate, the provincial director of post-primary and secondary education, Abdoulaye Yarbanga congratulated the actors for the results they achieved.

Mr. Yarbanga also urged the candidates in the second round to be calm in order to pass their exam.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

A fan falls from the stands next to Cristiano Ronaldo after the Euro match

Ouagadougou: During the Euro match between Portugal and Georgia played on Wednesday in Germany, a supporter jumped from the stands and almost landed on the captain of the Portuguese national team Cristiano Ronaldo, we learned from media sources.

The incident occurred after the match, in which the Georgian national team won with a score of 2-0.

Ronaldo left the pitch and was about to enter a room under the stands, but a fan jumped onto the steps to try to meet him. The police separated Ronaldo from the fan.

Earlier, during a match between the national teams of Portugal and Turkey, a young fan ran onto the field and took a photo with Ronaldo. The appearance of fans on the pitch was also recorded during other matches of the tournament.

The European Championship will end on July 14.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Emmanuel Macron, at the risk of breaking with the French

Ouagadougou: ‘I take my risk,’ Emmanuel Macron likes to say. A fan of poker moves, this young president who wanted to dynamize political life in France and managed to overcome countless crises perhaps took the risk too much. After the dissolution of the National Assembly, his ex-Prime Minister Edouard Philippe had this lapidary judgment: ‘It is the President of the Republic who killed the presidential majority’. Macron, the gravedigger of Macronism, as observers, opponents and even allies of the head of the Republic assert more and more openly. ‘State ?

The shock decision to call legislative elections on the evening of his camp’s rout in the European elections in any case served as an accelerator for an end to his reign that was perceptible from the start of this second five-year term, hampered by the absence of an absolute majority.

Once adored by those who accompanied his meteoric rise, respected by those who joined him once in power, Emmanuel Macron, who risks no longer having all the levers the day afte
r July 7 and will not be able to run for a third term in 2027 , is today dropped or looked down upon by many supporters.

This rejection, spontaneous and uninhibited, is evident among many French people, further opening the way to the far right of the National Rally (RN), led by Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella.

‘It’s not that I support Jordan Bardella but I want Macron to be as humiliated as possible,’ says bluntly a fifty-year-old who voted for National Rally in the European elections.

‘Clearance is taking hold,’ squeaks François Patriat, who was one of the first faithful and will remain among the last whatever happens. For the boss of the Macronist senators, ‘there is a desire for revenge from politicians who could not support his arrival’.

– ‘Ancient world’ –

It must be said that she shook the ‘old world’ then mocked by those around her.

Born in Amiens, where he met his future wife Brigitte, twenty-five years his senior, this son of doctors increased his daring and successes to conquer Paris.

always the same self-confidence, perhaps based on his initial transgression. ‘He fell in love with his drama teacher at 16, he said he was going to marry her and he married her. It’s tough all the same,’ says a former friend of the ENA (National School of Administration, nursery of senior French civil servants).

When he chose in 2016 to free himself from socialist president François Hollande, the challenge seemed impossible for this finance inspector who worked with the philosopher Paul Ricoeur before being enlisted at the Elysée and then as Minister of the Economy.

But he does it, creates En Marche! – EM, like its initials – to personalize the adventure. And, on May 7, 2017, the candidate who promotes the ‘Revolution’ in his book won the presidential election at only 39 years old.

Even at 46 today, his temples white after seven years at the Elysée, Emmanuel Macron remains the youngest president of the Fifth Republic.

‘I am the fruit of a form of brutality of History, a break-in because France was unhappy
and worried,’ said later the man who presents himself as an ‘unwavering optimist.’

– ‘President of the rich’

On the evening of the victory, after a slow solitary march to the sound of the European anthem, he pledged in front of the Louvre Pyramid to do ‘everything’ so that the French ‘no longer have any reason to vote for the extremes’ .

An oath that will continue him, as the RN rises, today at the gates of power.

Coming from the social-liberal left, Emmanuel Macron was elected to the center on the promise of a progressive ‘overcoming’ of traditional divisions.

Its economic doctrine has one unshakable constant: the pro-business supply-side policy. And a dogma: the refusal of tax increases, even if it is to put the ultra-rich to work.

He defends the image of the ‘first in line’, the one who succeeds and can pull the less well-off on his way up. This is what justifies the abolition of the wealth solidarity tax (ISF), and which immediately earned the former investment banker at Rothschild the label of ‘pre
sident of the rich’.

Retirement at 64, imposed forceps despite rare protest in the streets and in Parliament, reinforces this image.

‘If I loved money, I wouldn’t have gone into politics,’ he replies.

The president is convinced of this, his economic record speaks for him: reindustrialization, with this much-vaunted title of the most attractive country in Europe for foreign investments; and the end of mass unemployment, about which we talk too little in his eyes.

He would like to be credited for the first successes of his ‘French-style ecology’, but around him, we recognize a discourse that is ‘much too techno’.

And he admits that he has not gone far enough for ’emancipation’ and ‘equal opportunities’.

– ‘Great European’ –

And then, Emmanuel Macron is also a crisis president. anti-tax revolt of the yellow vests, Covid-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine, urban riots… The ‘return of tragedy in History’ that he narrates in his speeches, he faces on the front line.

So many crises from which he somehow manages to

The ‘big debates’ to appease the ‘France of the roundabouts’ help to forge the idea of ??a president who dares to ‘make contact’. The reopening of schools despite the pandemic, in May 2020, will prove to be the right intuition.

In Europe, his voice carries, even when it hurts.

‘There’s no need to quibble. He is the great European of his time,’ applauds Daniel Cohn-Bendit, even though he has distanced himself.

For the Franco-German ecologist, ‘Macron’s problem is sometimes his character, being convinced of being right’. This ‘hubris’ denounced by the late Gérard Collomb, the former mayor of Lyon who left the Ministry of the Interior warning against the ‘lack of humility’ of the Macronists.

By wanting to be on the front line, the head of state, whom his diplomatic advisors readily present as president-mediator, is often misunderstood.

When Moscow invaded Ukraine in February 2022, France’s support for kyiv was in unison with the West. But Emmanuel Macron annoys a number of allies by continuing to d
ialogue with Vladimir Putin and calling for ‘not to humiliate Russia’.

Two years later, it is the opposite: by refusing to rule out sending troops to Ukrainian soil, the French president attracts Western criticism.

– To the right –

Emmanuel Macron has a formula to describe Macronism: ‘at the same time’ left and right. But over time, he moved further and further to the right, at the risk of being accused of opportunism.

The same one which is inspired by an old slogan of the New Anticapitalist Party to get re-elected in 2022 (‘our lives are worth more than their profits’) later takes up that of the far right Eric Zemmour version, ‘so that France remains France.’ From the art of ‘triangulation’, which consists of picking at the lexical or ideological lands of adversaries to pull the rug out from under them.

The immigration law, passed at the end of 2023 with the voices of the far right which applauds an ‘ideological victory’ over ‘national preference’, already seals a point of no return for many historic ‘m

‘He turns his back on the doctrinal software of 2017 and humanist values,’ laments his former special advisor Philippe Grangeon.

For an influential member of his entourage, however, there is no ‘right-wing turning point’: ‘the president adapts to an opinion that is changing’.

‘He has a plasticity, an incredible self-confidence which is at the same time his strength and his weakness’, analyzed Marine Le Pen, his rival in the second round of the presidential election in 2017 and in 2022, with whom he established a face -sustainable face-to-face.

– Short sentences –

Others criticize him for having contributed to the rise of extremes.

He replies that he has twice beaten the extreme right in the supreme vote.

With varying results, he has multiplied initiatives – gadgets, say his detractors – to get out of difficult times, bypass these intermediary bodies that he considers responsible for a form of inertia, or overcome the absence of an absolute majority. of the second five-year term.

But the meth
od of government of this ‘Jupiterian’ president remains vertical. And, if he has calmed down a little and sketched a few mea culpa, the little sentences from the beginning about the “Gauls resistant to change” or the unemployed who would only have to “cross the street” to find a job left traces. ‘There are a lot of people who think I’m haughty,’ he admits.

However, this boxing fan can have a warm touch.

‘He is extraordinarily attractive in a direct relationship so he tricks you,’ says historical support. “Isn’t he deceiving himself?” »

At the time of the dissolution, the weight of his entourage, mainly male, in this palace at 55 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré which confines and isolates, is more criticized than ever.

‘He always preferred blows, and their +blast+ effect, to the consequences of a decision,’ says a former executive advisor. ‘He has no field networks. The people around him are the same, they do not represent the mood of the times,’ adds a former government leader.

Few people dare to tell him t
hat he is wrong. Brigitte Macron is one of them. ‘She has always been an agent of temperance,’ summarizes her comrade from the ENA.

Emmanuel Macron brushes aside these criticisms: ‘The heaviest decisions, you make them alone’

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: 19 state companies achieved a turnover of more than 1910 billion in 2023

Ouagadougou: The Minister in charge of Trade, Serge Poda affirmed Thursday that 19 public companies in Burkina Faso achieved a cumulative turnover of more than 1910 billion in 2023 compared to 1694 billion 473 million FCFA in 2022, an increase of 12.76%.

The Minister in charge of trade and industrial development, Serge Poda, indicated Thursday that the financial results of state companies for the year 2023 are green despite the security challenge, with a total turnover of 1910 billion 743 million compared to 1694 billion 473 million FCFA in 2022, an increase of 12.76%.

The minister spoke in Ouagadougou, during the official opening ceremony of the 32nd session of the General Assembly of State companies and Public Social Welfare establishments, chaired by the Head of Government, Dr Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla.

With this performance, ‘The contribution of state companies to the formation of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased from 238 billion 516 million in 2022 to 261 billion 979 million CFA francs i
n 2023, an increase of 23.463 billion CFA francs. CFA in absolute value,’ declared Minister Poda.

While congratulating the actors for the results achieved, the Prime Minister, Dr Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla, urged the actors to make public enterprises engines of social cohesion and economic growth.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Fraudulent water connections cause ONEA to lose 150 million FCFA

Ouagadougou: The National Office of Water and Sanitation (ONEA) of the Center says it has lost around 150 million CFA francs in 2023, due to fraudulent connections operated by a network of alleged criminals.

The members of the network dismantled by the national gendarmerie were presented to the press on Thursday, in the presence of the Regional Director (DR) of ONEA-Centre, Moussa Semdé.

Moussa Semdé explained that the cases of fraud concern all the 5 ONEA agencies in Ouagadougou (central agency, Tampouy, the Zone of Various Activities (ZAD), 1,200 housing units and that of Gounghin.

The financial damage linked to these fraudulent connections is growing day by day, according to him.

‘We have a lot of water loss that we cannot explain and just yesterday, we arrested another person who engages in this practice,’ he said.

According to the head of the economic and financial unit of the gendarmerie research section in Ouagadougou, chief warrant officer Aimé Yaméogo, the ZAD agency alone suffered a loss of 30,
862,606 CFA francs from 2020 to 2024 due to water fraudsters.

According to the chief warrant officer, one of the operating methods consists of direct connections outside the meters and keeping the houses always closed, preventing agents from having access to them.

They also use meters not approved by ONEA.

‘They acquire the meters that are on the market and place them in the house to give the impression that there is a meter. However, due to the fact that it is not part of our network, the consumption of this meter is beyond ONEA’s control,’ clarified Mr. Yaméogo.

He specified that in this fraud case 23 of the 42 suspected households were investigated.

‘These investigations made it possible to arrest 5 alleged fraudsters who will be presented to the Faso prosecutor, near the Ouaga I high court, for further action,’ said Chief Warrant Officer Aimé Yaméogo.

He also informed the press that other cases of fraudulent connections exist in the city of Ouagadougou and that the gendarmerie is continuing the inve
stigation in order to unmask all the perpetrators of this practice.

Source: Burkina Information Agency