Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group to Deliver around Two Dozen Liquid-Based Hydrogen Stations in South Korea

Hydrogen bus
Hydrogen bus at refueling station in South Korea

Hydrogen bus refueling at Nikkiso-equipped liquid-based hydrogen station in South Korea.

TEMECULA, Calif., June 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, part of Nikkiso Co. Ltd.’s Industrial division, announced that after its most recent award by SK Plug Hyverse, the Group has contracts to build and maintain approximately two dozen liquid-based hydrogen (LH2) fueling stations in South Korea.

As more buses and heavy-duty trucks look to lower carbon emissions while keeping long-distance driving capabilities, many fleet operators, transit authorities, and agencies are looking to liquid hydrogen as a solution for quick-fills and long-distance routes. Nikkiso’s experience developing and manufacturing cryogenic pumps for more than 70 years and alternative fuels fueling stations for 26 years is attracting companies like SK Plug Hyverse that want capable partners to help grow South Korea’s hydrogen infrastructure and economy.

“SK Plug Hyverse is a tremendous partner for Nikkiso in South Korea because together we bring exceptional capabilities and people to support South Korea’s progressive approach to establishing a competitive hydrogen economy,” said Peter Wagner, CEO, Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases. “Nikkiso admires South Korea’s productive and pragmatic approach to scaling up the hydrogen economy, and we look forward to further opportunities supporting its efforts.”

“There aren’t many companies that have Nikkiso’s vertically integrated fueling station with in-house liquification systems and trailer loading systems, cryogenic pumps, vacuum insulated pipe, vacuum insulated vessels, cryogenic vaporizer, industrial controls, permitting, installation, and maintenance services,” said Mike Mackey, President, Fueling & Solutions, Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases. “We’ve been building alternative fueling stations since 1998 and are proud that the work we do supports a cleaner, healthier world.”

Several liquid hydrogen stations in South Korea have already been commissioned, successfully fueling buses back-to-back, and ramping up to capacity. The remaining stations in South Korea will be brought online over the next 12 months.

About Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

The Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group is a leading provider of cryogenic equipment, technologies and applications for clean energy and industrial gas market segments. The Group employs more than 1,600 people in 22 countries and is headed by Cryogenic Industries, Inc. in Southern California, U.S., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

Media contact
Lisa Adams
Mobile: +1 (405) 492-1689

About Nikkiso Co. Ltd.

Since its establishment in 1953, Nikkiso has contributed to solving social issues by anticipating the changing times with world-first and Japan-first technologies and products. In the industrial business, Nikkiso has created new markets by developing products in the energy field, hemodialysis-related products in the medical business, and CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastic) aerostructures in the aerospace business.

About SK Plug Hyverse

SKPH is a joint venture between SK E&S and Plug Power Inc, a leading provider of turnkey hydrogen solutions for the global green hydrogen economy, to pursue integrated solution businesses throughout the clean hydrogen value chain in Asia.

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EY annonce que, cette année, le lauréat du prix Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2024 New England est Mike Jackowski de Duck Creek Technologies

Mise à l’honneur des leaders audacieux qui perturbent les marchés, révolutionnent les industries et transforment les vies

BOSTON, 19 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — , 18 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) a annoncé que Mike Jackowski, PDG de Duck Creek Technologies, a remporté le prix Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2024 New England. Le programme Entrepreneur Of The Year est le principal programme de récompenses délivrées sur concours pour les entrepreneurs et les dirigeants d’entreprises à forte croissance.

Monsieur Jackowski a été sélectionné par un jury indépendant composé de précédents lauréats, de chefs d’entreprise de premier plan et d’autres chefs d’entreprise. Les candidats ont été évalués selon différents indicateurs clés, notamment leur capacité à créer de la valeur à long terme grâce à leur esprit d’entreprise, leur engagement pour atteindre leur objectif et la démonstration de leur croissance et de leur impact substantiel.

« Je suis très honoré d’être reconnu pour mon travail et d’avoir remporté le prix Entrepreneur Of The Year® en Nouvelle-Angleterre », a déclaré Monsieur Jackowski. « J’ai le privilège de travailler aux côtés de certains des meilleurs et des plus talentueux professionnels du secteur de l’assurance et ce prix n’aurait pas été possible sans le soutien de toute l’équipe de Duck Creek. Au nom de Duck Creek, je remercie Ernst & Young et le jury de nous avoir décerné cette récompense. »

En tant que lauréat du prix de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, Jackowski est désormais éligible pour concourir aux prix nationaux de l’Entrepreneur Of The Year 2024. Les lauréats des prix nationaux, y compris le lauréat du prix Entrepreneur Of The Year National Overall, seront annoncés en novembre à l’occasion du Strategic Growth Forum®, l’un des plus prestigieux rassemblements nationaux d’entreprises à forte croissance et à la pointe du marché. Le lauréat du prix Entrepreneur Of The Year National Overall participera ensuite à la compétition pour le prix World Entrepreneur Of The Year® en juin 2025.

Le programme Entrepreneur Of The Year récompense différents types de chefs d’entreprise pour leur ingéniosité, leur courage et leur esprit d’entreprise. Le programme met à l’honneur les fondateurs originaux qui sont partis de rien et ont lancé leur entreprise ou qui ont levé des capitaux extérieurs pour la développer, les PDG inventifs qui ont insufflé un vent d’innovation dans une organisation existante pour catapulter sa trajectoire et les dirigeants d’entreprises familiales multigénérationnelles qui ont réinventé un modèle d’entreprise patrimoniale pour le fortifier pour l’avenir.

Le programme Entrepreneur Of The Year a déjà récompensé le leadership d’entrepreneurs tels que :

  • Daymond John de FUBU
  • Hamdi Ulukaya de Chobani, Inc.
  • Holly Thaggard et Amanda Baldwin de Supergoop!
  • Howard Schultz de Starbucks Coffee Company
  • James Park de Fitbit
  • Jodi Berg de Vitamix
  • Kendra Scott de Kendra Scott LLC
  • Michael Happe de Winnebago Industries
  • Reid Hoffman et Jeff Weiner de LinkedIn Corporation
  • Sheila Mikhail de AskBio

Les lauréats du prix Entrepreneur Of The Year sont membres à vie d’une communauté mondiale et multisectorielle d’entrepreneurs. Ils bénéficient d’un accès exclusif et permanent à l’expérience, à la perspicacité et à la sagesse des anciens du programme et d’autres membres de l’écosystème réparti dans plus de 60 pays, tout en s’appuyant sur les vastes ressources d’EY.

En plus de l’Entrepreneur Of The Year, EY US soutient d’autres entrepreneurs à travers le programme EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women™ (les femmes qui gagnent) et le réseau EY Entrepreneurs Access Network (EAN) pour aider à mettre en relation les femmes fondatrices avec les entrepreneurs noirs et/ou hispaniques/latinos en apportant les ressources, le réseau et l’accès nécessaires pour libérer tout leur potentiel.


Créés et organisés par Ernst & Young LLP, les prix Entrepreneur Of The Year comptent parmi leurs sponsors PNC Bank, Cresa, Marsh USA, SAP et la fondation Ewing Marion Kauffman. En Nouvelle-Angleterre, les sponsors comprennent également un sponsor principal, DLA Piper.

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui trace les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systèmes d’assurance modernes reposent sur nos solutions et capitalisent sur le potentiel du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et évolutives.

Authenticité, détermination et transparence, voilà les maîtres-mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l’assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises, au moment, à l’endroit et de la manière dont ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du marché, sont commercialisées à l’unité ou sous forme de suite packagée et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand. Visitez le site pour en savoir plus. Suivez-nous sur les réseaux pour découvrir nos dernières informations : LinkedIn et X.

À propos du prix Entrepreneur Of The Year®

Créé en 1986, le prix Entrepreneur Of The Year® a récompensé plus de 11 000 visionnaires ambitieux à la tête d’entreprises dynamiques et prospères aux États-Unis et s’est depuis étendu à près de 80 pays et territoires dans le monde.

Le programme américain se compose de 17 programmes régionaux dont les jurys indépendants sélectionnent les lauréats régionaux chaque année au mois de juin. Ces lauréats concourent pour une reconnaissance nationale à l’occasion du Strategic Growth Forum® en novembre, où les finalistes et les lauréats nationaux sont annoncés. Le grand gagnant national représente les États-Unis au concours World Entrepreneur Of The Year®. Visitez le site

À propos d’EY

La raison d’être d’EY est de construire un monde du travail meilleur, en aidant à créer de la valeur à long terme pour les clients, les personnes et la société et en renforçant la confiance dans les marchés financiers.

Grâce aux données et à la technologie, les diverses équipes d’EY, réparties dans plus de 150 pays, apportent la confiance nécessaire par le biais de l’assurance et aident les clients à se développer, à se transformer et à opérer.

Travaillant dans les domaines de l’assurance, du conseil, du droit, de la stratégie, de la fiscalité et des transactions, les équipes d’EY posent de meilleures questions pour trouver de nouvelles réponses aux problèmes complexes auxquels notre monde est aujourd’hui confronté.

EY se base sur son organisation mondiale et peut désigner un ou plusieurs cabinets membres d’Ernst & Young Global Limited, chacun d’entre eux étant une entité juridique distincte. Ernst & Young Global Limited, une société britannique à responsabilité limitée par garantie, ne fournit pas de services aux clients. Des informations sur la manière dont EY collecte et utilise les données personnelles, ainsi qu’une description des droits dont disposent les individus en vertu de la législation sur la protection des données, sont disponibles sur Les cabinets membres d’EY ne pratiquent pas le droit là où les lois locales l’interdisent. Pour plus d’informations sur notre organisation, veuillez consulter le site

Contacts médias :
Dennis Dougherty

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9156078

EY Divulga a Nomeação de Mike Jackowski da Duck Creek Technologies Como Vencedor do Prêmio Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2024 da Nova Inglaterra

Em comemoração aos líderes audaciosos que revolucionam os mercados e as indústrias, e transformam vidas

BOSTON, June 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) anunciou que Mike Jackowski, CEO da Duck Creek Technologies, foi nomeado vencedor do Prêmio Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2024 da Nova Inglaterra. O Entrepreneur Of The Year (Empreendedor do Ano) é o principal programa de premiação competitiva de empreendedores e líderes de empresas de alto crescimento.

Jackowski foi selecionado por um painel de jurados independentes composto por vencedores de prêmios anteriores, CEOs líderes e outros líderes empresariais. Os candidatos foram avaliados com base na sua capacidade de criar valor a longo prazo através do espírito empreendedor, compromisso com o seu propósito e demonstração de crescimento e impacto substancial, entre outros indicadores principais.

“É uma honra para mim ser reconhecido como Entrepreneur Of The Year® da Nova Inglaterra”, disse Jackowski. “Tenho o privilégio de trabalhar ao lado de alguns dos melhores e mais talentosos profissionais do setor de seguros e este prêmio não seria possível sem o apoio de toda a equipe da Duck Creek. Em nome da Duck Creek, agradeço à Ernst & Young e ao júri por nos conceder este prêmio.”

Como vencedor do prêmio da Nova Inglaterra, Jackowski passou a ser elegível para ser considerado para o Prêmio Entrepreneur Of The Year 2024 Nacional. Os vencedores do Prêmio Nacional, incluindo o vencedor do Prêmio Entrepreneur Of The Year Geral Nacional, serão anunciados em novembro no Strategic Growth Forum®, um dos encontros de maior prestígio do país de empresas líderes de mercado e de alto crescimento. O vencedor do Prêmio Entrepreneur Of The Year Geral Nacional passará a competir pelo Prêmio Entrepreneur Of The Year® do Mundo em junho de 2025.

O Empreendedor do Ano reconhece muitos tipos diferentes de líderes empresariais por sua engenhosidade, coragem e espírito empreendedor. O programa celebra fundadores originais que iniciaram seus negócios ou que levantaram capital externo para expandir sua empresa; CEOs transformacionais que infundiram inovação em uma organização existente para catapultar sua trajetória; e líderes de empresas familiares multigeracionais que reimaginaram um modelo de negócios legado para fortalecê-lo para o futuro.

O programa Empreendedor do Ano reconheceu a liderança de empreendedores como:

  • Daymond John da FUBU
  • Hamdi Ulukaya da Chobani, Inc.
  • Holly Thaggard e Amanda Baldwin da Supergoop!
  • Howard Schultz da Starbucks Coffee Company
  • James Park da Fitbit
  • Jodi Berg da Vitamix
  • Kendra Scott da Kendra Scott LLC
  • Michael Happe da Winnebago Industries
  • Reid Hoffman e Jeff Weiner, da LinkedIn Corporation
  • Sheila Mikhail da AskBio

Os vencedores do Entrepreneur Of The Year Award tornam-se membros vitalícios de uma comunidade global e multi-industrial de empreendedores. Eles recebem acesso exclusivo e contínuo à experiência, visão e sabedoria de ex-alunos do programa e outros membros do ecossistema em mais de 60 países — todos apoiados por vastos recursos da EY.

Além do Empreendedor do Ano, a EY US apoia outros empreendedores por meio do programa EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women™ (Mulheres Vencedoras) e da EY Entrepreneurs Access Network (EAN) para ajudar a conectar mulheres fundadoras e empreendedores negros e hispânicos/latinos, respectivamente, com recursos, rede e acesso necessários para revelar todo o seu potencial.


Fundado e produzido pela Ernst & Young LLP, o Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards inclui os patrocinadores PNC Bank, Cresa, Marsh USA, SAP e a Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Na Nova Inglaterra, os patrocinadores também incluem um patrocinador principal, a DLA Piper.

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes.

Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e X.

Sobre o Entrepreneur Of The Year®

Fundado em 1986, a Entrepreneur Of The Year® celebrou mais de 11.000 visionários ambiciosos que lideram negócios dinâmicos e bem-sucedidos nos EUA e, desde então, expandiu-se para quase 80 países e territórios em todo o mundo.

O programa dos EUA consiste em 17 programas regionais cujos painéis de juízes independentes selecionam os vencedores dos prêmios regionais todo mês de junho. Esses vencedores competem pelo reconhecimento nacional no Strategic Growth Forum® em novembro, onde são anunciados os finalistas nacionais e os vencedores dos prêmios. O vencedor Nacional Geral representa os EUA na competição World Entrepreneur Of The Year®. Visite

Sobre a EY

A EY está voltada para a criação de um mundo de trabalho melhor, ajudando a criar valor a longo prazo para clientes, pessoas e sociedade, e estabelecer confiança nos mercados de capitais.

Habilitadas por dados e tecnologia, diversas equipes da EY em mais de 150 países fornecem confiança por meio da garantia e ajudam os clientes a crescer, transformar e operar.

Trabalhando com garantia, consultoria, direito, estratégia, impostos e transações, as equipes da EY fazem perguntas melhores para encontrar novas respostas para os problemas complexos que nosso mundo enfrenta hoje.

A EY refere-se à organização global e pode se referir a uma ou mais firmas-membro da Ernst & Young Global Limited, cada uma delas uma entidade legal separada. A Ernst & Young Global Limited, uma empresa do Reino Unido limitada por garantia, não presta serviços aos clientes. Informações sobre como a EY coleta e usa dados pessoais e uma descrição dos direitos que os indivíduos têm sob a legislação de proteção de dados estão disponíveis em As firmas-membro da EY não praticam a lei onde proibido pelas leis locais. Para mais informações sobre a nossa organização, visite

Contato com a Mídia:
Dennis Dougherty

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9156078

Gabes: Quality support project for universities underway

GABES: The University of Gabès has received a batch of new equipment as part of a quality support project aimed at modernising a number of university facilities.

These include the International Centre for Teacher Training and Pedagogical Innovation (CIFIP), the renovated project incubator, the pilot library, and areas for student activities and professional integration.

According to the university’s internal newsletter, the university is currently building the headquarters of the Higher Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia in Gabès, at a total estimated cost of around 16 million dinars, the headquarters of the Higher Institute of Water Science and Technology, at a cost of 12 million dinars, and the forthcoming launch of the project to build the headquarters of the Higher Institute of Legal Studies in Gabes.

A research department is also being built at the National Engineering School in Gabès, at a cost of over 12.5 million dinars.

In the same context, the scientific research system at the Universi
ty of Gabès has recently been strengthened with the creation of a new research laboratory at the National Engineering School of Gabès, namely the “Mechanical Modelling, Energy and Materials” laboratory.

The number of research laboratories at the University of Gabès has increased to 19, compared to 4 in 2017.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Kourweogo/BAC 2024: The High Commissioner invites candidates to have serenity and self-confidence

The High Commissioner of the Kourweogo province, Siaka Barro, invited candidates to serenity and self-confidence, on Tuesday June 18, 2024 in Boussé, during the official launch of the written baccalaureate tests.

The written baccalaureate tests were launched on Tuesday June 18, 2024 in Boussé, by the high commissioner of the Kourweogo province, Siaka Barro.

He encouraged the candidates and invited them to serenity and self-confidence.

The province of Kourweogo has 5 juries spread across the communes of Laye and Boussé.

The candidates present in series A4 and D are 329 from Laye and 781 from Boussé, or 1,110 candidates from establishments in Sourgoubila, Bantogdo and Laye center, for juries 459 and 460.

In Boussé, juries 456, 457, 458 welcome students, in addition to those from Boussé, students from final year classes from the municipalities of Toéghin and Niou.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kourweogo/CEP and BEPC 2024 assessment: The province records an overall success rate of 87.45%

The final results of the examinations for the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) and the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC), 2024 session, were published on Tuesday June 18, 2024. The province of Kourweogo came out with 3,631 admitted out of 4,152 candidates presented, an overall success rate of 87.45%.

After the compilation and verification work, the provincial directors in charge of primary education and post-primary education made public the results of the examinations for the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) and the Brevet d’études du premier cycle. (BEPC) of the 2024 session.

The province of Kourweogo came out with 3,631 admitted out of 4,152 candidates presented, representing an overall success rate of 87.45%.

For free candidates, out of 140 registered, 117 composed including 61 girls with a success rate of 87.53%.

The basic education district (CEB) of Laye comes first with a rate of 95.63% and that of Boussé B, with 100% success.

For the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC), the prov
ince recorded a total of 952 admitted out of 2,216 candidates presented, i.e. a 42.96% success rate.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

The Federation of Blood Donors says it is ‘hurt’ by the controversy surrounding the exemplary act of the President of Faso

Ouagadougou: The Federation of Voluntary Blood Donor Associations of Burkina Faso (FADOSAB-BF), said it was ‘hurt’ on Wednesday by individuals who doubt the authenticity of blood donation, carried out by President Ibrahim Traoré on June 14, 2024 at the Koulouba presidential palace in Ouagadougou.

‘His Excellency the Head of State has indeed set an example by donating his blood on June 14, 2024 at the Koulouba Palace. We were all there, including those in charge of the National Blood Transfusion Center (CNTS),’ declared FADOSAB-BF President Jean Bosco Zoundi.

Mr. Zoundi responded during a press conference to those who allege that the images of the blood donation session, in which the Head of State is seen donating blood, are archive images from 2023.

According to him, it was before his eyes that Captain Ibrahim Traoré carried out all the recommended steps in terms of blood donation before agreeing to have his own blood collected by qualified agents in this area.

According to him, the presence on the scene
of the director general of the National Blood Transfusion Center, Dr Désiré Nezien, proves that the images in question do not date from 2023, because he was appointed barely three months ago.

FADOSAB says it is hurt by this false information which tarnishes the image of its activities and which discourages voluntary blood donors as well as all stakeholders.

According to the president of the federation, legal proceedings will be taken against the authors of this false information.

As a reminder, a controversy arose over the authenticity of the images showing the President of Faso donating blood on the occasion of World Blood Donor Day.

Before this media release from FADOSAB, the director general, Dr Désiré Nezien, had indicated on the BF television channel that the allegations of archive images from 2023 are false.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

The province of Tuy achieves a rate of 46.63%

The province of Tuy recorded a success rate of 46.63% in the First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC) examination 2024 session. Out of 2952 registered candidates, 2867 including 1339 boys and 1528 girls responded.

According to statistics, the province of Tuy achieved a success rate of 46.63% in the 2024 First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC) exam. Out of 2,867 candidates (1,339 boys and 1,528 girls) who took part in the tests, 1,337 were declared admitted, including 876 in the 1st round and 461 in the 2nd round. The success rate is 50.41% for boys compared to 43.32% for girls.

As a reminder, during the 2023 session of the BEPC, with 2713 candidates present, the province of Tuy achieved a success rate of 31.26%.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

CEP2024: 84.74% success rate in Passoré

The final results of the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) session of 2024 in the province of Passoré fell on Tuesday June 18, 2024 with a success rate of 84.74%.

The 12 basic education districts (CEB) of the Passoré province achieved a success rate of 84.74% in the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) session of 2024 compared to 66.1% in that of 2023.

At the end of the final results, the province obtained 9698 admissions including 5795 girls and 3905 boys out of 11,445 candidates presented.

With this rate, Passoré thus achieves progress of 18.67%, compared to last year which was 66.1%.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Bam: More than 86% success at CEP 2024

The province of Bam achieved a success rate of 86.45% in the Primary Education Certificate (CEP) exam, we learned from the Examinations and Competitions Service of the provincial directorate of primary and non-formal preschool education of Bam.

Out of 4039 registered candidates, 3940 candidates actually wrote the exam. At the deliberation, 3406 were admitted, ie 1832 girls and 1574 boys.

The provincial director of primary and non-formal preschool education of Bam Naba Ilboudo, on the occasion, congratulated all stakeholders for the work done during the school year to achieve these results.

As a reminder, the province of Bam operated this school year with 7 basic education districts (CEBs) out of 10. The CEBs of Zimtanga, Nasseré and Rollo remained closed.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kourittenga: 2,884 candidates in the running for the baccalaureate

The high commissioner of the Kourittenga province, Aïssata Angélina Traoré, opened the first envelope of the written tests for the baccalaureate exam on Tuesday June 18, 2024 in Pouytenga. It was in the presence of different education stakeholders.

Like the other provinces of Burkina Faso, Kourittenga baccalaureate candidates also began the written tests on the morning of Tuesday June 18, 2024.

There are a total of 2,884 candidates from series A and D, embarking on the quest for the first university diploma.

A figure which has seen a decline, according to the provincial director of post-primary and secondary education in Kourittenga, Dieudonné Belemsigri.

‘Last year we had around 3,000 candidates. So there is a slight drop in numbers,’ he said.

For him, efforts have been made by the supervisors since the start of the school year. So it is up to the candidates to use the knowledge acquired in order to achieve an acceptable result.

‘I tell myself that today, they can and must succeed brilliantly. We expec
t them to give the best of themselves and to have self-confidence because self-confidence is the first asset to succeed,’ he concluded.

The high commissioner of Kourittenga province, Aïssata Angélina Traoré, encouraged the candidates.

‘We made the trip to Pouytenga to deconcentrate the opening and show all the students of the province from Pouytenga that our hearts are with them and that we really want them to succeed because success is a good thing. common,’ she reassured.

Aïssata Angélina Traoré, also renewed her gratitude to all stakeholders in the world of education in the province for their efforts and actions.

She welcomed the presence of health workers on the scene and especially the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) for their contribution to securing the composition centers.

Given the difficult context, the high commissioner of the Kourittenga province invited the population to make their contribution so that the composition can finish in style.

‘I call on the entire population to always remain
vigilant, unite and contribute to ensuring that information is given on time and also to warn in the event of the presence of a suspected individual so that the tests take place in very good conditions,’ she added.

The municipalities of Gounghin, Koupèla and Pouytenga are the three localities which house the twelve juries present in Kourittenga.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

CEP 2024: The province of Kénédougou comes first in the Hauts-Bassins region.

The results of the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP), 2024 session, were known this Tuesday, June 18, 2024 in Orodara. The province of Kénédougou achieves a success rate of 83.24% and comes first in the Hauts-Bassins region.

The proclamation of the results of the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) took place on Tuesday June 18, 2024 in Orodara.

Out of a total of 7,819 registered candidates, 7,733 applied, 6,437 were admitted including 3,449 girls and 2,998 boys, representing a success rate of 83.24? at the provincial level.

According to the Provincial Director in charge of Primary Education in Kénédougou, Pié Coulibaly, this success rate has allowed the province of Kénédougou to occupy first place in the Hauts-Bassins region.

‘The harvest is very good and many schools in the province have done 100%,’ said Mr. Coulibaly.

He expressed his gratitude to the various actors who worked in one way or another to achieve these results.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Nahouri/CEP 2024: The results are satisfactory, according to the provincial director

The provincial director in charge of Education of Nahouri, Noaga Damiba, judged on Tuesday June 18, 2024 in Pô, that the results are satisfactory, following the proclamation of the results of the exam of the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) and entry into sixth form, 2024 session, in the five (05) Nahouri juries.

Out of a total of 4,794 candidates presented, 4,271 including 2,236 girls and 2,035 boys, were declared admitted following the announcement of the results of the five (5) juries in the Kourittenga province, ie a success rate of 89.09%.

According to the provincial director in charge of Nahouri Education, Noaga Damiba, the results are satisfactory and places this achievement to the credit of all stakeholders in Nahouri education.

‘These results place Nahouri second, at the regional level behind the province of Zoundwéogo,’ he indicated.

Noaga Damiba, affirmed that this rate is up compared to the previous session which was 78%.

Of the five basic education districts (CEB) of the province, the CE
B of Zecco is 1st with 98.57%, that of Ziou is 2nd with 94.30%, that of Tiebelé 3rd with 94.53%, Guiaro 4th with 87.27% and the CEB of Pô with 84.27%.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

BEPC: The province of Séno achieved a success rate of 49.46%

The province of Séno achieved a success rate of 49.46% in the BEPC exam session 2024 at the end of the two rounds.

According to the provincial director of post-primary and secondary education (DPEPS) of Séno, Mr. Damien Tiendrébéogo, there were 1,122 candidates, including 607 girls and 515 boys registered at the BEPC for this session. 1102 candidates including 597 girls and 505 boys actually took part in the exam. To continue, Mr. Tiendrébéogo, in the first round, the province recorded 384 admissions, including 183 girls and 201 boys. In the second round, 161 people were admitted, including 91 girls and 70 boys.

Over the two rounds, the province recorded 545 admissions including 274 girls and 271 boys. The province of Séno has therefore, according to Mr. Tiendrébéogo, recorded a cumulative success rate of 49.46%, including 43.82% for girls and 54.68% for boys. And the DPEPS of Séno concluded that overall the examination took place without major difficulty.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Loroum/CEP 2024: Titao sites obtain the best score of 99.10%

The results of the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) were announced on Tuesday June 18, 2024. In Titao, where two examination centers were opened for groups of students on sites run by volunteers, obtained a success rate of 99.10%.

The two examination centers, open in Titao, for groupings of students on sites run by volunteers, obtained a success rate of 99.10%, on Tuesday June 18, 2024, during the proclamation of the results of the Primary education certificate (CEP).

Out of a total of 705 registered candidates, 693 actually took part in the written and oral tests for the First Cycle Certificate of Studies (CEP).

658 candidates including 391 girls and 267 boys were declared admitted following the announcement of the results of the two juries, a success rate of 94.95%.

In the Titao I jury with centers in Ouahigouya and Titao, 383 candidates (222 girls and 161 boys) passed their parchment, a success rate of 96.72%.

In the Titao II jury which also opened examination centers in Ouahigouya and Titao, ther
e were 148 candidates, ie 84 girls and 64 boys.

These candidates, 127 candidates (70 girls and 57 boys) passed their exam, for a success rate of 85.81%.

As for the Ouindigui jury opened exclusively in Ouahigouya, out of 149 candidates present, ie 100 girls and 49 boys, 148 (99 girls and 49 boys) were declared admitted, ie a success rate of 99.33%.

A ceremony was organized on Saturday June 15, 2024 in Titao, to reward the best actors.

Source: Burkina Information Agency