Axi lança sua maior competição global de trading, com prêmios de $250,000 USD

A competição de trading terá 49 vencedores, incluindo um grande prêmio de $100,000 USD

SYDNEY, Australia, June 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A principal corretora online de FX e CFD, Axi, lançou a maior competição global de trading de 2024, com um total de prêmios de $250,000 USD.

A Axi está agitando o mercado, convidando traders de todos os tamanhos a operarem seu melhor e ganharem mega prêmios, incluindo o grande prêmio de $100,000 USD. Mais de 45 prêmios serão distribuídos para ROI, maior volume de trading, melhor ROI de cada semana, além de cinco prêmios aleatórios de $500 USD por semana.

As inscrições para a competição já começaram, e a competição de quatro semanas ocorrerá de 3 a 30 de junho. Segundo a corretora, a competição está aberta tanto para novos clientes quanto para clientes existentes, e traders ambiciosos interessados em participar devem abrir ou já possuir uma conta real de trading na Axi, depositar um mínimo de $200 e operar pelo menos 1 lote.

Louis Cooper, Diretor Comercial da Axi, compartilha sua empolgação para a próxima competição: “’Opere seu melhor’ é nosso lema, e em junho convidamos nossos traders a fazer exatamente isso – operar seu melhor em seus mercados favoritos, como Forex, Ouro, Cripto, para ter a chance de ganhar prêmios em dinheiro incríveis, incluindo o prêmio máximo de $100,000 USD.”

Este foi um ano financeiro muito bem-sucedido para a corretora; eles recentemente introduziram novos programas inovadores e também expandiram seu portfólio de parcerias para incluir o time feminino do Man City, o clube da LaLiga Girona FC, e o inglês e seis vezes vencedor da Premier League, John Stones, como embaixador da marca da empresa.

Para saber mais sobre a competição e se inscrever, visite:

Sobre a Axi

A Axi é uma corretora global online de FX e CFDs. Uma corretora preferida por milhares de clientes ambiciosos em mais de 100 países ao redor do mundo, ajudamos todos os tipos de traders, empresas de trading, bancos e organizações financeiras a encontrar a vantagem de que precisam para alcançar seus objetivos financeiros por meio de transações informadas realizadas nos mercados financeiros mundiais. A Axi oferece uma ampla gama de ativos, incluindo CFDs para várias classes de ativos, como Forex, Ações, Petróleo, Metais Preciosos, Café, Índices e outras commodities.

Na Axi, temos orgulho de nossa reputação como uma corretora honesta, justo e responsável. Nossos numerosos prêmios globais e avaliações atestam a confiança e a credibilidade que conquistamos de nossos clientes, que valorizam nosso serviço excepcional, execução rápida, pagamentos seguros e retiradas fáceis. Da mesma forma, também trabalhamos proativamente com autoridades reguladoras líderes em todo o mundo para garantir que superamos os mais altos padrões da indústria.

A competição de trading está disponível apenas para clientes da AxiTrader Limited. CFDs carregam um alto risco de perda de investimento. Não disponível para residentes de AU, NZ, UE e Reino Unido. Aplicam-se termos e condições.

Para mais informações ou comentários adicionais da Axi, entre em contato:

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Adalvo obtient la première approbation générique de l’UE pour son stylo prérempli de liraglutide

SAN ĠWANN, Malte, 17 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adalvo annonce l’approbation par procédure décentralisée de son stylo prérempli de liraglutide, soit la toute première approbation générique dans l’UE.

En tant que version bio-équivalente du stylo prérempli Victoza®, indiqué pour le traitement du diabète de type 2, ce médicament peptidique a affiché des ventes mondiales supérieures à 4,8 milliards de dollars en 2023, comme le signale IQVIA.

Le développement réussi du liraglutide met en évidence la capacité d’Adalvo à proposer une gamme diversifiée et complète de traitements pour le diabète, intégrant à la fois des peptides complexes injectables et des traitements oraux à petites molécules.

L’engagement d’Adalvo à fournir un accès à des produits différenciés de haute qualité tout en en maîtrisant les enjeux de fabrication renforce sa position de leader reconnu au sein de l’industrie pharmaceutique.

Cliquez ici pour consulter la gamme de traitements pour le diabète conçue par Adalvo

Chez Adalvo, la notion de demi-mesure n’existe pas. À ce titre, les résultats sont toujours au rendez-vous. La mission de la Société est d’être plus rapide et plus performante que ses concurrents, à l’appui d’une équipe motivée au service de sa vision.

Adalvo s’engage à maintenir les normes d’excellence les plus strictes dans toutes ses activités et entend continuer à proposer des solutions de soins de santé novatrices qui apportent des changements positifs dans la vie des patients du monde entier.

À propos d’Adalvo

Adalvo est une entreprise pharmaceutique d’envergure mondiale et figure parmi les principales entreprises pharmaceutiques B2B d’Europe. Ses partenariats commerciaux sont actifs dans plus de 130 pays, à l’appui de plus de 140 partenaires commerciaux à l’échelle planétaire. L’objectif déclaré de l’entreprise vise l’amélioration de la vie des patients du monde entier au moyen d’un réseau de collaboration intelligent et d’un engagement à fournir des produits et services différenciés de la plus haute qualité à ses partenaires.

Adalvo est fière de sa capacité à accompagner ses partenaires dans la réalisation de leurs objectifs, qu’il s’agisse de relever leur chiffre d’affaires ou de conquérir de nouveaux marchés. Animée par un puissant désir d’apporter des résultats concrets à ses partenaires, Adalvo s’efforce sans relâche d’atteindre l’excellence dans toutes ses activités.

Grâce à sa culture axée sur les objectifs, l’entreprise s’engage à améliorer la vie des patients du monde entier. Son équipe de direction dynamique apporte une expérience et un savoir-faire industriels considérables ayant contribué à faire de l’entreprise un partenaire mondial fiable dans le secteur.

Contacts : Gabrielle Cassar,

Une photo annexée à ce communiqué est disponible sur

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000966644

Adalvo obtém primeira aprovação genérica da UE para caneta pré-cheia com liraglutida

SAN ĠWANN, Malta, June 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adalvo anuncia a aprovação bem-sucedida do DCP para a caneta pré-cheia com liraglutida, marcando-a como a primeira aprovação genérica na UE.

Como uma versão bioequivalente da caneta pré-cheia Victoza®, indicada para o tratamento do diabetes tipo 2, este medicamento peptídico alcançou vendas globais superiores a US$ 4,8 bilhões em 2023, conforme divulgado pela IQVIA.

O desenvolvimento bem-sucedido do liraglutida destaca a capacidade da Adalvo de oferecer um portfólio diversificado e abrangente para diabetes, abrangendo tanto injetáveis de peptídeos complexos quanto tratamentos orais de moléculas pequenas.

O compromisso da Adalvo em fornecer acesso a produtos diferenciados de alta qualidade e, ao mesmo tempo, navegar pelas complexidades de fabricação, reforça a posição da empresa como líder confiável na indústria farmacêutica.

Clique aqui para ver o portfólio de diabetes da Adalvo

Na Adalvo, não há meias medidas – eles sempre atingem o objetivo. A sua missão é ser mais rápida e mais forte que os seus concorrentes, promovendo sua visão com uma equipe vencedora.

A Adalvo tem o compromisso de manter os mais altos padrões de excelência em todos os seus empreendimentos e espera continuar a fornecer soluções de saúde inovadoras que façam a diferença na vida dos pacientes em todo o mundo.

Sobre a Adalvo

A Adalvo é uma empresa farmacêutica global e uma das empresas farmacêuticas B2B líderes na Europa, com parcerias comerciais em mais de 130 países e mais de 140 parceiros comerciais em todo o mundo. O objetivo declarado da empresa é fazer a diferença para os pacientes em todo o mundo, motivado por nossa rede de colaboração inteligente e pelo compromisso de fornecer produtos e serviços diferenciados da mais alta qualidade aos nossos parceiros.

A Adalvo se orgulha de sua capacidade de ajudar os parceiros a atingir suas metas, seja para aumentar a receita ou entrar em novos mercados. Busca incansavelmente a excelência em todos os seus empreendimentos, movida por uma paixão profundamente enraizada por fazer a diferença para os parceiros.

A cultura orientada para o propósito da empresa está comprometida em melhorar a vida dos pacientes em todo o mundo. A equipe de liderança dinâmica da Adalvo traz uma experiência significativa e conhecimento do setor, o que ajudou a estabelecer a empresa como um parceiro global confiável no setor.

Contatos: Gabrielle Cassar,

Uma foto que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000966644

Temperatures up

Tunis: The weather Monday is a bit cloudy nationwide in the morning. Local storm cells expected in the afternoon on northern and centre-west heights with scattered rain.

The wind is blowing south in the north and midland and east in the south relatively strong to strong near northern coasts to moderate elsewhere.

The sea is choppy to locally very choppy in the north.

Temperatures are up with highs ranging between 30°C and 34°C in eastern coast regions and 36°C and 43°C elsewher with local Sirocco wind blows.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Net foreign currency assets cover 107 days of imports on June 14, 2024 (BCT)

Tunis: Net foreign currency assets stood at TND 23.3 billion, or 107 days of imports, on June 14, 2024, compared with TND 22.7 billion (98 days of imports) a year earlier, according to monetary and financial indicators published recently by the Central Bank of Tunisia (BCT).

This increase was boosted by the rise in tourism receipts and accumulated earned income, which stood at TND 2.3 billion on June 10, 2024 (up 7.2% on the same period last year) and TND 3.1 billion (up 3.5%), respectively.

External debt services in turn were up by 91.3%, from TND 3.8 billion on June 10, 2023 to TND 7.3 billion on June 10, 2024.

The BCT also reported a 29% increase in the outstanding amount of short-term Treasury bills, to TND 10.3 billion, compared with a 5.9% fall in the outstanding amount of assimilable Treasury bills, to TND 15.9 billion.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Business mission to be organised in September in Paris for BATIMAT 2024 (CCIS)

Tunis: A business mission will be organised by the Sfax Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIS), in collaboration with the Tunisian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Promosalons, to visit BATIMAT 2024, the multi-specialist and international trade fair for the construction industry, scheduled for September 30 – October 3, 2024 at the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles exhibition centre.

BATIMAT will bring together Material and solution manufacturers and suppliers, professional and institutional organisations and service companies to exhibit or showcase their latest proposals and innovation to the national and international buying power: distributors, prescribers (architects, developers, installators) and implementation professionals.

Over 88,000 professionals are expected to attend, with more than 1,300 exhibitors including manufacturers and suppliers of materials and solutions.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Dams filling rate no higher than 31.5% on June 14, 2024 (ONAGRI)

Tunis: The filling rate of all Tunisian dams did not exceed 31.5% on June 14, 2024, i.e. water reserves of around 738.3 million m3, compared with 847.5 million m3 a year earlier, down 12.8%, according to data released recently by the National Observatory of Agriculture (ONAGRI).

Compared with the average recorded over the last 3 years (974 million m3), the dams filling rate in Tunisia is down by 24.2%.

ONAGRI pointed to a disparity in the level of filling from one region to another, since the dams in the north, which account for 97.5% of the water reserves available in all the country’s dams, have a filling rate of 37.6%, compared with 9.4% and 9.6% for the centre and Cap-Bon dams, respectively.

The Sidi Salem dam (in Beja in the north of the country) accounts for 25% of the country’s overall water reserves, while the Houareb dam in the centre and the Chiba dam in Cap Bon are nearly empty.

Water inflows into the dams on June 14, 2024 totalled 0.100 million m3, while total water use on the same day amounte
d to 1.829 million m3, mainly from the dams in the north (1.782 million m3).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Expatriate remittances grow to TND 3,167.8 million (BCT)

Tunis: Expatriate remittances from early January to June 10 grew 3.5% on last year, figures released by the Central Bank of Tunisia (French: BCT) show.

Remittances until June 10 amounted to TND 3, 167. 8 million compared to TND 3,055.5 on this same date last year (+ TND 112.3 million).

These tranfers, along with tourist receipts, helped raise Tunisia’s foreign currency reserves to TND 23 billion at the end of last week, that is 107 days of import cover.

Migrant remittances last year totalled TND 7 billion, pushing foreign currency reserves up and covering 65% of external debt.

The number of Tunisian documented migrants exceeds 1,800, 000 – that is 15% of the total poulation – most of them settled in European countries.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Gnagna: Muslims of Bogandé prayed for peace and security

The Muslim faithful of Bogandé celebrated Tabaski on Sunday June 16, 2024. On the occasion, they prayed for the return of peace and security to Burkina Faso.

The Muslim faithful stormed the old football field of the town of Bogandé, located in sector 3 at the provincial high school, on Sunday June 16, 2024 for the prayer of the Eid El-Kebir festival.

In his sermon, El hadj Amadou Dinyeri, Imam of the great mosque of Bogandé first taught the faithful the different prescriptions of the Holy Quran relating to the sheep festival.

Continuing, he invited all the faithful to be an actor of peace in order to promote the return of peace and security to Burkina.

On the occasion, the various leaders of the Muslim community of the surrounding villages also expressed wishes of health and abundance for the faithful but also and above all peace and security for the nation.

Immediately, the imam of the great mosque of Bogandé immolated a white ram in memory of Abraham’s sacrifice.

The administrative and security autho
rities took part in this prayer. The acting commander of the gendarmerie company, Sibiri Comboïgo, on behalf of the High Commissioner, wished a happy Tabaski holiday and a good rainy season to all the faithful.

In his role as a joking parent of the Gulmantché, Sibiri Comboïgo amused the Gulmantché faithful by demanding the head of the imam’s sheep.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

President of Palestine Congratulates HM the King on Eid Al Adha

Rabat – His Majesty King Mohammed VI has received a congratulatory message from the President of the State of Palestine, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Mahmoud Abbas on the occasion of Eid Al Adha.

In this message, President Abbas expresses to His Majesty the King his warm brotherly congratulations, praying to the Almighty to renew such an occasion for the Sovereign, the government, the Moroccan people as well as the Arab and Islamic Ummah in blessings, well-being and good fortune.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Kaya/Tabaski: The Ahmadyya community calls on the Burkinabè to sacrifice for their country

On the occasion of Tabaski, the Ahmadyya community of Kaya urged the Burkinabè to sacrifice their time, their wealth and their lives for their country because love of the Nation is part of faith.

The feast of Aid El Kebir or Tabaski was celebrated on Sunday June 16, 2024 by the Ahmadyya Islamic Jamaat of Kaya under the leadership of Ahmad Saadat, Central-North regional missionary.

‘The sacrifice of the ram reminds us that we must sacrifice what is dear to us for the sake of Allah and for the sake of our country, like the prophet Ibrahim who wanted to offer his only son as a sacrifice,’ insisted the missionary in his oath of the day.

He urged the faithful to change their behavior, to return to the right path and to pray for their children, the future elites of Burkina Faso.

‘We also prayed for our country which is going through a great crisis so that Allah brings peace. We called on the sons and daughters to sacrifice their time, their wealth and even their lives for the sake of the country because love o
f the country is a part of faith,’ said Ahmad Saadat after the prayer. .

Towards the families who were unable to acquire a sheep for the ritual, Ahmad invites the faithful to show solidarity with their neighbors, because Tabaski is a celebration of sharing.

‘The Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) slaughtered 2. One for himself, one for those who did not have the means to do so,’ he added.

For the community leader, the faithful Muslim who have the means have up to 3 days to sacrifice the sheep.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

HM the King, Commander of the Faithful, Performs Eid Al-Adha Prayer at Tetouan’s Hassan II Mosque, Receives Greetings on Joyous Occasion

Tetouan – His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, may God assist Him, accompanied by HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, HRH Prince Moulay Rachid, HH Prince Moulay Ahmed, and HH Prince Moulay Ismail, performed the blessed Eid Al-Adha prayer on Monday, 10 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH, corresponding to June 17, 2024, at the Hassan II mosque in Tetouan.

Numerous citizens lined the route taken by the royal procession to share the joy of this blessed day with His Majesty the King, Commander of the Faithful, and to wish the Sovereign a happy festival and a long life.

Upon His arrival at the mosque, the Sovereign reviewed a detachment of the Royal Guard who were presenting honors.

After the Eid prayer, the Imam highlighted in his sermon the profound meanings of Eid Al-Adha, which culminates the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah during which Muslims strengthen their faith in God and thank Him for the many blessings He has granted them. The Imam noted that this festival is a divine gift through which unity,
brotherhood, mutual assistance, and solidarity among Muslims are manifested.

Emphasizing that the Almighty had blessed the Kingdom of Morocco with the Institution of Commandery of the Faithful, the Imam affirmed that His Majesty the King, Commander of the Faithful, may God glorify Him, protector of the Nation and Religion, has wisely and insightfully made Morocco a prosperous nation through the structural projects He has launched, elevating the Kingdom among the Nations and making it a model at regional and international levels.

The Imam also noted that His Majesty the King, may God preserve Him, ensures above all the practice of worship and the consecration of its values and precepts.

The Imam concluded by praying to the Most High to preserve His Majesty the King, Commander of the Faithful, to crown His actions with success for the benefit of His faithful people, and to bless Him in the persons of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid, and all the member
s of the Illustrious Royal Family.

He also offered prayers for the souls of the late Sovereigns, His Majesty King Mohammed V and His Majesty King Hassan II, may God welcome them into His Holy Mercy.

Afterward, His Majesty the King, Commander of the Faithful, performed the ritual sacrifice, following the tradition of Prophet Sidna Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon Him. Subsequently, the mosque’s Imam performed the slaughter of the second sheep.

His Majesty the King then returned to the Royal Palace amidst the cheers of the numerous citizens who came to reiterate their unwavering attachment to the Glorious Alawid Throne and to the August person of His Majesty the King. At the same time, cannon shots resounded on the occasion of this festive day.

At the Royal Palace, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, may God assist Him, accompanied by HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, HRH Prince Moulay Rachid, and HH Prince Moulay Ahmed, received greetings from the Head of Government, the presiden
ts of the two Chambers of Parliament, the deputy president of the Supreme Council of the Judicial Power, First President of the Court of Cassation, the president of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Attorney General of the King at the Court of Cassation, the dean of the Islamic diplomatic corps in Morocco, Ambassador of Cameroon, the presidents of constitutional bodies, and several high-ranking civilian and military personalities.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Bazèga: The province records a success rate of 50.73% in the BEPC session 2024

The provincial directorate of post-primary and secondary education of Bazèga took stock of the final results of the First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC) session of 2024, on Saturday June 15, 2024 in Kombissiri. Out of a total of 3278 candidates presented, 1663 were declared admitted, representing a success rate of 50.73%.

In the province of Bazèga, the final results of the first and second of the first cycle study certificate (BEPC) session have been known since Saturday June 15, 2024.

According to the examination and competition services of the provincial directorate of post-primary and secondary education (DPEPS) of Bazèga, out of 3,335 registered candidates, 3,278 actually took part in this 2024 session of the BEPC.

At the end of the announcement of the results of the first and second rounds in the various juries of the province, 1663 candidates were declared admitted with a general success rate of 50.73% including 48.94% among girls and 53.48 % at the boys’ level.

As a reminder, the composition of th
e BEPC exam began on June 4, 2024 and according to the DPEPS of Bazèga, no incident has been reported.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Boulgou: Muslim faithful pray for peace in Bittou

The Muslim faithful of the commune of Bittou celebrated the Tabaski festival on Sunday June 16, 2024 in Bittou. They prayed for peace and social cohesion

The Tabaski festival prayer in Bittou was celebrated on Sunday June 16, 2024 on the empty land of sector 5 (barrasroundé) of Bittou by the grand imam, Issa Billa. He focused his sermon on the uniqueness of Muslims and then on the model of cohesion desired by Islam.

During the prayer, the customary and security authorities and the Muslim community made common wishes under the same prayer tent.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Tabaski 2024: The Muslim faithful of Sourou pray for the return of security

Muslim faithful in the town of Tougan prayed on Sunday, June 16, 2024 in Tougan, for the return of peace and security in the province and throughout the country.

It is the great mosque of Tougan, in the province which welcomed the Muslim faithful on Sunday June 16, 2024 for the Tabaski 2024 prayer or the sheep festival. This prayer was marked by desires for the return of peace and security to Burkina Faso.

For the representative of the Muslim community, El Hadj Mohamed Traoré, Tabaski is a great prayer for the Muslim faithful and the immolation of the sheep on the day of Eid El Kebir is very symbolic.

He praised the efforts of the authorities and the fighting forces (FDS and VDP) in the reconquest of the national territory. El hadj Traoré also hoped for good rainfall and the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their respective localities.

The high commissioner of the province, Désiré Badolo, accompanied by a large delegation, went to show his solidarity with Muslims at the great mosque in th
e town of Tougan.

‘We came this morning to demonstrate closeness and fraternity and to be in union of prayer with our brothers in the Muslim community,’ he confided.

Badolo invited the Muslim faithful to celebrate in sobriety, taking into account the particular context experienced by the country in general and the province of Sourou in particular.

‘I express the hope that these prayers for peace and security said on this day can be favorably received by Allah the Almighty, so that the actions of reconquest of the territory and security can be effective,’ added the High Commissioner of the Sourou.

He also hoped that the next Tabaski, internally displaced persons (IDPs) would be able to return to their localities of origin and a good 2024-2025 wet season for all farmers.

Source: Burkina Information Agency