Weather partly cloudy

Tunis: The weather Sunday is partly cloudy, getting very cloudy in the afternoon in the northwest and the midland with scattered showers. Rain is expected locally in the east.

The wind is blowing north in the north and east elsewhere, light to moderate in the north and the midland and moderate to quite strong near coasts and in the south with sandstorms.

The sea is choppy in the north, a bit choppy elsewhere. Highs range between 30°C and 36°C in the north, the midland and the southeast and 38°C and 43°C in the southwest with local Sirocco winds.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Gold standard 2023: Edmond Tapsoba and Hugues Fabrice Zango crowned

Ouagadougou: Edmond Tapsoba (Bayer Leverkusen, Germany) and Hugues Fabrice Zango (triple jump) respectively won the Gold Stallion trophies in football and associated disciplines, 2nd, on June 13 in Ouagadougou . their good performances. performances last season in their respective disciplines, noted the AIB.

If for the central defender of Bayer Leverkusen Edmond Tapsoba it is a first crowning, for the triple world champion Hugues Fabrice Zango, it is the 2nd coronation. The head of the Stallions defense beat his competitors Issoufou Dayo (winner in the first edition) and the Young African player Aziz Ki.

As for the king of the world triple jump Zango, neither Iron Biby, nor Marthe Koala, even less Paul Daumont made the weight. The world champion expressed his pride in winning the ‘Gold Standard’ for the second consecutive time before dedicating his trophy to all young Burkinabè and Africans who dream of reaching the top in what they do well.

Two special prizes were awarded to athletes who have best disting
uished themselves both at the sporting level and in terms of solidarity. The Bertrand Traoré Foundation, which works for people in difficulty, won the Noufou Ouédraogo trophy for solidarity and Marthe Koala won the Burkindi trophy for the female athlete who makes Faso’s star shine brighter in the world. She was in competition with the footballer Balkissa Sawadogo who plays for Morocco and Safoura Compaoré, body building athlete.

According to the general commissioner of ‘Etalon en Or’, Lassina Sawadogo, ‘the initiative aims not only to pay tribute to the Burkinabè athletes who have raised the Burkinabè flag very high throughout the world, but also to launch an appeal to the younger generation to perform to be honored in front of the world.’

In perspective, the organizers intend to continue to offer this kind of spectacle to all Burkinabè athletes in the rest of the world to show that Burkina Faso remains resilient despite the difficulties it is going through.

A Stallions jersey was put up for auction to sup
port the peace effort and purchased for 1 million FCFA by the former central defender of the Burkina Faso pennant team, Bakari Koné aka General Bako.

7 Burkinabè footballers who are champions in their respective championships also received special prizes. This 2nd edition of Etalons en Or was sponsored by Birahima Ouédraogo, son of the late Noufou Ouédraogo, club manager. An appointment has been made for the 3rd edition , next year.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Men’s Beach Handball World Championships: Tunisia to face China in first game

Tunis: Tunisia will participate in the 11th IHF Men’s Beach Handball World Championships to take place in Pingtan, China, on June 18-23.

Tunisia, drawn in Group B, will play hosts China on Tuesday before facing Brazil on Wednesday then Spain on the same day.

Tunisia are Africa’s only representatives in this event which will also see the participation of reigning champions Croatia, Oman, Qatar, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Puerto Rico, the USA, Australia, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.

The top four finishers qualify for quarter-finals.

The national team is made up of Aymen Touzi, Marwen Soussi, Bachar Rhimi, Wassim Zoriat, Achraf Marghli, Hamza Fallah, Marwen Chtioui, Hazem Chlagou, Aziz Ben Letaief and Nassim Ouji.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunis plays host to seminar on “Tunisian- Indonesian Relations, Bridge of Creativity for Constructive Culture”

Tunis: “Tunisian- Indonesian Relations, Bridge of Creativity for Constructive Culture” is the theme of an event held Saturday in Tunis in collaboratin with Indonesia’s embassy, with attendance of writers, poets and diplomats.

Such cultural events will undoubtedly bolster relations, said Indonesian Ambassador to Tunisia Zuhairi Al-Masrawy, as culture reflects the identity of peoples.

Prosperity and development are tightly linked to culture, he added. Sovereignty takes its roots in the economic, political and cultural dimensions .

Tunisia boasts cultural wealth and centuries-old cultural heritage, Zuhairi Al-Masrawy further said.

Indonesia is keen to scale up relations with countries, including Tunisia.

Cultural sovereignty is the pathway to development and stronger ties between countries.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Loroum/Tabaski 2024: Muslim faithful welcome the commitment of the fighting forces on the ground

Titao: The Muslim faithful of Titao celebrated the feast of Eid El Kebir on Sunday June 16, 2024. The imams preached for the return of peace and social cohesion to Burkina Faso and welcomed the commitment of combatant forces in the reconquest of national territory.

In the different sectors of the city of Titao, the Muslim faithful commemorated the festival of Eid El Kébir on Sunday June 16, 2024.

In Tansaliga, Imam Amadé Ouédraogo invited the Muslim faithful to promote the spirit of solidarity and sharing in this difficult security and humanitarian context.

The ceremony was attended by the High Commissioner of Loroum province, Djibril Bassolé, who came to provide the administration’s support to the Muslim faithful.

Mr. Bassolé invited religious leaders and communities to make a strong commitment to raising awareness among young people for strict compliance with the security instructions in place.

He also called on them for frank collaboration with the Defense and Security Forces (FDS).

The ceremony took
place in sector 6 at the large mosque of Bounayiri and in Sogodin, it was imam Mahamadi Kagoné, who prayed for peace.

The administrative authorities provided support to their Muslim brothers.

Imam Abdouramane Kirsi Ouédraogo praised the courage and determination of the national authorities and the fighting forces in the reconquest of the national territory.

In sector 3 of Titao, it is the place of the Sunni mosque, where imam Mamoudou Gamsonré led the prayer.

He invited the Muslim faithful to take advantage of this solemn day to invoke the Almighty for a return to peace and social cohesion.

The recent supply of supplies to the town of Titao made basic necessities available, thus making it easier for the population to celebrate.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Tabaski: Muslim faithful from Ouargaye prayed for peace and stability in Burkina Faso

Ouagadougou: The Muslim faithful of Ouargaye prayed on Sunday for peace and stability in the province of Koulpélogo and throughout Burkina Faso, noted the AIB on site.

The Muslim faithful of Ouargaye, like the other faithful of Burkina Faso, prayed for peace and stability in Koulpelogo in particular and in Burkina Faso in general this Sunday, June 16, 2024.

The prayer was led by Imam Amadou Bagagnan who, in his message, paid vibrant tribute to the FDS and VDP for their work done day and night to bring peace to the province of Koulpelogo. He also greeted the Christian delegation who came to attend this prayer before immolating his sheep.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Nahouri/Commune of Zecco: Imam Moctar Sinté invites Muslims to celebrate in moderation

Ouagadougou: The Muslim community of the commune of Zecco, a locality located a fiftieth of a km east of Pô, prayed on Sunday June 16, 2024, for the return of peace to Burkina and living together. Imam Moctar Sinté, who led the prayer, invited people to celebrate in moderation.

The Muslim faithful of the rural commune of Zecco, a locality located a fiftieth of a km east of Po and on the border with Ghana, celebrated this Sunday, June 16, 2024, the feast of Eid El-Kebir.

Imam El hadj Moctar Sinté, implored divine protection for the fighting forces engaged for the liberation of the national territory.

He hoped that everyone would think of the internally displaced people.

El hadj Moctar Sinté, invited the Muslim faithful and everyone to celebrate in moderation.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Mouhoun/Aïr El Kébir: The Muslim faithful invoke the protection of the fighting forces

Ouagadougou: The Muslim faithful of the town of Dédougou celebrated on Sunday June 16, 2024 in Dédougou, the festival of Aïr El Kébir called Tabaski. They invoked the protection of the fighting forces, the return of peace and good rainfall.

The Tabaski prayer took place on Sunday June 16, 2024 in Dédougou, in the presence of regional authorities and other religious faiths.

They prayed for the return of peace to Burkina Faso and good rainfall, the return of peace to our dear country and protection of the fighting forces engaged in the theater of operations.

Imam Mamadou BA invited the faithful to pray for the strengthening of faith, unity, forgiveness, sharing and solidarity, which are values ??that every Burkinabè should cultivate for peace and cohesion.

Blessings were made for the health of the Grand Imam who is out of the region for treatment.

Imam Ba recalled the meaning of the celebration which is the obedience of the prophet Abraham to God who wanted to sacrifice his son Isaac.

God recognizing the
obedience of the prophet, sent him a ram for him to sacrifice on his altar.

He therefore gave the example of the ritual by immolating his ram on site and at the same time invites every Muslim who can to do this same ritual at home.

The regional authorities and representatives of other religious faiths hoped for the return of peace, cohesion and a good agricultural campaign in the region and for all of Burkina.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Tabaski 2024: Muslim faithful perpetuated Abraham’s act in Dori

Ouagadougou: Muslim faithful celebrated the Tabaski festival, this Sunday, June 16, 2024 in Dori, through a prayer of two prayer units (rakat), a sermon and blessings (doua) formulated for the return of peace in Burkina Faso.

It was Imam Sita Diallo who officiated this prayer on the esplanade of schools B and F in Dori.

He performed two prayer units. After his final salute, Imam Diallo delivered a sermon in which he explained the basis of immolation, the animals to be sacrificed and the behaviors to adopt during this celebration.

He expressed wishes for health and above all for the return of peace to Burkina Faso.

The prayer had its epilogue with the symbolic immolation of the sheep of the iman, which gives authorization to the faithful to perpetuate Abraham’s act.

Burkina Faso Information Agency

Ali Mamoudou Maiga

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kossi/Eid El Kebir: Muslims pray for the return of peace to Nouna

Nouna: Imam Gaoussou Dao, prayed this Sunday, June 16, 2024, for the return of peace to Nouna, during the celebration of the Tabaski festival.

Chaired by Imam Gaoussou Dao, the prayer marking the Tabaski festival of the year 2024 took place on Sunday June 16, 2024 in Nouna.

The ceremony was attended by Muslim faithful from the commune of Nouna, administrative, customary and religious authorities.

After the prayer, Imam Dao implored divine protection for the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP), engaged on the front.

He also prayed for the return of displaced populations to their respective localities.

The Christian, traditional and Protestant communities accompanied their Muslim brothers in harmony, to magnify living together.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

More than 465 million contributions from Chinese-Burkinabe Li Yubao to the peace effort

Ouagadougou: Li Yubao, a Chinese entrepreneur, naturalized in Burkina Faso a year ago, signed a check for 44 million FCFA to fund the patriotic support fund, after a donation of more than 421 million there at six months.

Indeed, on November 14, 2023, Li Yubao CEO of China Yunong International Holding, contributed 421.7 million FCFA to support the equipment and care of volunteers for the defense of the homeland; which brings the total of its financial contributions to more than 465 million.

‘In our collective struggle and in our collective efforts, our country (Burkina Faso) will be developed and our populations will prosper,’ said Mr. Yubao, symbolically handing over, on June 14, the receipt for his contribution to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. , Jean Marie Karamoko Traoré, in the presence of the ambassador of Burkina Faso in Beijing, Daouda Bitié

‘On his own, he symbolizes several things; the symbol of generosity through the donations he makes and the symbol of the conviction and certainty that our cou
ntry will get through this; otherwise he would not make an investment here,’ reacted Minister Traoré

The minister hoped that the spirit that drives this entrepreneur would be ‘as contagious as possible’ and that skeptical investors would come without hesitation to take advantage of Burkina Faso’s potential.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Banwa/Eid El Kebir: The Muslim faithful of Solenzo pray for good rainfall

Solenzo: The Muslim faithful of Solenzo prayed on Sunday morning at the square of the great mosque of Solenzo for good rainfall and the return of IDPs to their respective villages.

Eid El Kebir or the sheep festival was celebrated everywhere in the Banwa province.

In Solenzo it is the square of the large mosque which welcomed the Muslim faithful.

Since 7:30 a.m., Muslims dressed in their best clothes have been converging towards the prayer square.

Men, women and children equipped with mats, rugs and others with rosaries took their places awaiting the arrival of the Grand Imam of Solenzo, El Hadj S-Zoumana Konaté for prayer.

It was around 8:30 a.m. that El Hadj BS-Zoumana Konaté arrived accompanied by his son El Hadj Mohamed Konaté.

The prayer led by El Hadj Mohamed Konaté took a few minutes and blessings followed.

‘We ask Allah for peace and nothing but peace so that our displaced brothers and sisters return to their homes in peace,’ implored the Grand Imman in his sermon.

The sheep was slaughtered in
front of the Muslim faithful and permission was given to all those who were able to acquire animals to join the houses for immolation.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Tabaski 2024: The Sunni Movement calls for social cohesion

Ouagadougou: The Sunni Movement of Burkina Faso (MSBF) implored Sunday, on the occasion of the Tabaski festival, Allah for the return of peace to the country.

In his sermon, Dr Mohamed Ishak Kindo implored Allah for the return of peace to Faso.

Dr Kindo leading the Eid el Kébir prayer or the Tabaski festival this Sunday, June 16, 2024, on the grounds of the Ouaga 2000 conference room, indicated that Islam is a religion of tolerance, forgiveness, solidarity , union and social cohesion.

Seizing the opportunity, he called on the Muslim faithful to share their meal with their neighbors on this day of the sheep sacrifice festival.

To listen to him, the Burkinabè must promote social cohesion, despite religious differences for the harmonious development of the country.

For Imam Kindo, the daughters and sons of the country must also join hands in order to drive the ‘forces of evil’ outside our borders. He paid vibrant tribute to the Fighting Forces who are fighting day and night to allow Burkina Faso to remain s

On this Tabaski 2024 holiday, a government delegation of four members went to the places of prayer.

These are the ministers in charge of Communication, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, Mines, Yacouba Zabré Gouba, Sports, Aboubakar Savadogo and Digital Transition, Aminata Zerbo/Sabané.

According to the spokesperson for the delegation, the Minister of Communication and Minister of State, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, the Burkinabè government came to show its solidarity with the Muslim faithful.

‘We are also here in union of prayer with all of our Muslim brothers to pray for peace,’ he maintained.

The president of the MSBF, El hadj Oumarou Zoungrana, noted that it is a special day for Muslims in Burkina and around the world.

According to El hadj Zoungrana, a Muslim can sacrifice a sheep, an ox, a camel or a goat, depending on his means.

‘The Tabaski festival is about worshiping Allah and performing rites towards him,’ he said.

According to him, the Sunni movement also made dua for the leaders, in this contex
t of security and humanitarian crisis in the country.

Source: Burkina Information Agency