Putin offers ‘the most concrete conditions’ to end the conflict in Ukraine

Ouagadougou: Russian President Vladimir Putin’s new peace initiative has become the most detailed statement of Moscow’s conditions for ending the conflict in Ukraine. This opinion was expressed by the British newspaper Financial Times (FT).

The author of the article notes that “the demands of the Russian president, expressed during his speech on Friday, became the most concrete conditions that he put forward for a possible end” of the conflict. The article states that Mr. Putin “has made clear that he will adopt a maximalist position in any peace talks.” He emphasizes that Ukraine is unlikely to accept Moscow’s conditions.

Earlier, Mr. Putin said, during a meeting with the Foreign Ministry, that Russia was ready for a settlement of the conflict in Ukraine, which implied recognition of the status of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), of the Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions as subjects of Russia, the consolidation of the non-aligned and denuclearization status of Ukraine,
its demilitarization and denazification, as well as the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions. Mikhail Podoliak, advisor to the head of the Ukrainian president’s office, commenting on the proposal on his X page on the social network, rejected all elements of it.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gourma/Security: Cultivation of corn, sorghum and millet banned in urban centers

The high commissioner of the province of Gourma, Silas Nakanabo, has banned the cultivation of high speculation in the urban centers of the communes and around the concessions in the villages, in order to ensure security populations, with regard to the security context.

In a press release dated June 11, 2024, the high commissioner of the province of Gourma, Silas Nakanabo, banned the cultivation of high crops or dry cereals, including corn, sorghum and millet, in the urban centers of the communes. and around the concessions in the villages.

The same press release specifies that this measure aims to ensure the security of the populations, with regard to the security context, while facilitating the interventions of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), in the framework of securing and restoring the territory.

The same text underlines that it is strictly prohibited to cultivate crops grown on either side of main roads such as national road no. 4, regi
onal roads and rural roads within 50 meters.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Namentenga: A discussion meeting to develop an emergency relief plan

The high commissioner of the province of Namentenga, Adama Conseiga chaired on Friday June 14, 2024 in Boulsa, a meeting on the Relief Organization plan (ORSEC) with the technical services of the province, with a view to prepare for a possible disaster or catastrophe .

A meeting on the Emergency Organization plan (ORSEC) with the technical services of the province, with a view to responding to a possible disaster or disaster took place on Friday June 14, 2024 in Boulsa, capital of the province of Namentenga, in the North-Central region.

The participants took stock of the potential that could contribute to helping people in distress in the event of a disaster or natural disaster in the province.

They also recommended, among other things, the training and equipment of first aiders, the construction of road infrastructure, the adoption of hygiene and sanitation measures by the populations.

At the end of the analysis of the inventory in the different areas, it was recommended to the provincial directorate in
charge of Social Action, to map the flood zones, the probable reception sites of possible victims, the state of food and non-food storage stores. .

As a reminder, on May 28, the town of Boulsa suffered a violent wind which caused 5 deaths, numerous injuries and significant material damage.

Source: Burkina Information Agency