Tuy: 35 seamstresses embrace the world of work

The Center for Education and Social Promotion (CEPS) of Houndé organized on Saturday June 1, 2024 the closing of its activities marking the exit of the 26th class of the center composed of 35 seamstresses in sewing.

The Houndé Center for Education and Social Promotion (CEPS) provided training for 113 learners including 41 in the 1st year, 37 in the 2nd year and 35 in the 3rd year during the 2023-2024 school year.

To end its activities in style, it organized, on Saturday June 1, 2024, a closing ceremony marking the exit of the 26th promotion from the center.

This ceremony was punctuated by performances by artists, a sketch dealing with the abandonment of child marriages and a fashion show highlighting the skills of the learners in cutting and tailoring. On the occasion, the 35 residents of the 3rd year each received their certificate of end of training.

According to the head of the CEPS department in Houndé Zakaria Ouédraogo, the center achieved a 95% success rate for this school year.

He praised the comm
itment and dedication of the staff, the provincial director in charge of humanitarian action as well as local partners whose financial and material support made it possible to strengthen the institutional capacities of the center.

The center manager also congratulated the learners for the satisfactory results while encouraging the residents at the end of their training to remain in the same dynamic in order to be models of success for future generations.

However, the tree should not hide the forest, according to Mr. Ouedraogo, because the results reached by CEPS hide several difficulties.

Among these, he cited the absence of subsidies for the operation of the center, the insufficiency and defective condition of sewing machines, the absence of working materials, the absence of support for girls at the end of training, the absence of electricity and running water at the center and the lack of partners at the local level.

For the survival of the CEPS of Houndé, Zakaria Ouédraogo launched a cry from the heart
to the competent authorities and to structures or people of good will.

The godmother of the 26th promotion, Marceline Tiaho, also a former CEPS resident, was delighted with the choice made on her person.

According to her, training in cutting and sewing will allow girls to build a professional life. Ms. Tiaho also provided advice to her goddaughters with a view to their socio-professional development.

The delegate of the 26th promotion of the center, Julie Nacoulma, expressed the pride of the promotion in embracing the world of work and promised to do everything possible to contribute to the development of Burkina through sewing.

According to the provincial director in charge of Humanitarian Action in Tuy, Brama Traoré, for more than 26 years the Ministry in charge of Humanitarian Action has worked tirelessly, through this center, to offer a second chance to young girls who have dropped out of school or out of school in Houndé.

In the Tuy province, he suggested, several dozen young girls went through the
education and social promotion centers of Houndé, Béréba and Founzan.

‘Through the cutting and sewing training, it is an opportunity for us to show them that despite the difficulties of daily life, we can always have a way out,’ explained Mr. Traoré.

The provincial director in charge of Humanitarian Action in Tuy congratulated the outgoing promotion before providing advice in turn.

‘The profession of fashion designer is open and at the same time very competitive. Therefore, you must demonstrate creativity, discipline, punctuality, rigor, integrity and above all humility which are fundamental values of the couturier profession to cultivate in your everyday life,’ indicated Mr. Traore.

As a reminder, it was in October 1996 that the CEPS of Houndé opened its doors with training in cutting and sewing. The target population is made up of disadvantaged young girls aged 13 to 35, particularly unmarried mothers, girls who are victims of forced or early marriage, girls who have dropped out of school or are not in

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Saudi Arabia’s 3,000 meat carcasses given priority to IDPs

Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso will serve the 3,000 sacrificial sheep carcasses offered by Saudi Arabia, as a priority to internally displaced people and populations in areas with strong security challenges, according to the Ministry of Humanitarian action.

This donation from Saudi Arabia will be distributed with a focus on areas with strong security challenges and a high concentration of internally displaced people, said yesterday Tuesday the Secretary General of the Ministry in charge of Humanitarian Action, Romain Compaoré.

For Mr. Compaoré, this gesture will provide some relief to the beneficiaries.

The ambassador of the Saudi Kingdom to Burkina Faso, Fahad Aldosari, handed over 32 tons of sheep meat to vulnerable groups in Ouagadougou.

‘This is my country’s contribution to Burkina Faso in these times of food crisis that Burkina Faso is going through,’ declared the Saudi diplomat.

This activity is part of the implementation of a Saudi Arabian project aimed at providing sacrificial meat to countries, throu
gh the Islamic Development Bank.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Saudi Arabia’s 3,000 meat carcasses given priority to IDPs

Ouagadougou: Burkina Faso will serve the 3,000 sacrificial sheep carcasses offered by Saudi Arabia, as a priority to internally displaced people and populations in areas with strong security challenges, according to the Ministry of Humanitarian action.

This donation from Saudi Arabia will be distributed with a focus on areas with strong security challenges and a high concentration of internally displaced people, said yesterday Tuesday the Secretary General of the Ministry in charge of Humanitarian Action, Romain Compaoré.

For Mr. Compaoré, this gesture will provide some relief to the beneficiaries.

The ambassador of the Saudi Kingdom to Burkina Faso, Fahad Aldosari, handed over 32 tons of sheep meat to vulnerable groups in Ouagadougou.

‘This is my country’s contribution to Burkina Faso in these times of food crisis that Burkina Faso is going through,’ declared the Saudi diplomat.

This activity is part of the implementation of a Saudi Arabian project aimed at providing sacrificial meat to countries, throu
gh the Islamic Development Bank.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

BURKINA Kourweogo/BEPC 2024: 565 candidates admitted

The province of Kourweogo recorded on Tuesday June 12, 2024, 565 candidates admitted including 272 girls, 293 boys, following the announcement of the results of the first round of the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC) .

565 candidates admitted including 272 girls, 293 boys, following the announcement of the results of the first round of the Brevet d’études du first cycle (BEPC) of the 8 juries in the Kourweogo province.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: 373 billion will be invested in 2024 for the benefit of ‘specific projects’ including power plants

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè government has decided to invest 373,139,550,866 FCFA in 2024, in ‘specific projects’ through the acquisition of equipment and the construction of infrastructure for the benefit of around ten ministries and institutions, according to the report of the council of ministers this Wednesday, consulted by the AIB.

Among these projects are the realization of investments and equipment for the benefit of the National Office of Major Projects of Burkina Faso (BN-GPB), the construction of power stations and the improvement of access to electricity and also the realization of infrastructure, drilling, hydro -agricultural development, the provision of intellectual services as well as the acquisition of seeds and plants, the acquisition of tool materials and industrial equipment.

Also included in the list is the acquisition of software, computer hardware and the creation of platforms, the construction and equipment of classrooms, the acquisition of food for the school canteen and school suppli
es, etc.

The financing of these investments ‘is provided by the State budget and technical and financial partners’, specifies the report.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gayéri/BEPC: 8 admitted out of 34 candidates in the first round

The results of the first round of the BEPC examination are known for the Gayéri center. Eight candidates are admitted to the first round while fifteen (15) are authorized to compose for the second round which will be held on Friday June 14.

Since yesterday Tuesday, June 11, BEPC candidates from the center of Gayéri have been impatiently awaiting the results of the first round of the BEPC exam.

It was necessary to maintain their patience until this morning of June 12, 2024 at around 8 am for the president of the center to announce the results.

Out of a total of thirty-four (34) presented, eight (08) succeeded in the first round and fifteen (15) authorized to compose for the second round.

Before the proclamation, the President of the center Mr. Ferdinand BAKOUAN provided advice to the candidates by asking them to control their joys and their emotions in order to avoid any unfortunate incident after the proclamation of the results.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kourittenga/BEPC 2024: The results of the first round announced

The results of the first round of the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC) session of 2024, fell on Tuesday June 12, 2024, with a success rate of 36.39%, out of 1763 students who composed including 779 boys and 984 girls.

The province of Kourittenga announced the results of the examination for the first round of the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC) session of 2024, on Tuesday June 12, 2024.

A success rate of 36.39% was found, on 1,763 students including 779 boys and 984 girls.

In total, the province recorded 4,927 students out of 4,845 students present, including 1,727 boys and 3,118 girls.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina-Namentenga-Results-BEPC Burkina/BEPC 2024: The province of Namentenga obtains a success rate of 26.98

The province of Namentenga, in the Center-North region obtained on Tuesday June 11, 2024, following the proclamation of the results of the first round of the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC) of the 2024 session, a success rate of 26.98.

Out of 1023 candidates who participated in the 4 juries in the province of Namentenga, 276 students were admitted to the first round of the BEPC session of 2024, ie a success rate of 26.98 and 456 candidates are in the second round.

The Tougouri jury, located 84 km north of Boulsa, recorded 10 admitted out of 64 candidates who composed, ie 15.63% success rate and 26 in the second round.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kénédougou: The province obtains a success rate of 27.21?

The province of Kénédougou obtained a success rate of 27.21? following the announcement of the results of the first round of the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC), 2024 session on Tuesday 11 June 2024.

The results of the first round of the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC), 2024 session, fell on Tuesday June 11, 2024.

Out of 4,745 candidates presented, a total of 1,291 candidates including 627 girls and 664 boys were declared admitted in the first round with a success rate of 27.21?.

For the second round, there were 2,262 candidates including 1,234 girls and 1,028 boys.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

North Central: Children Believe offers medical products

Children Believe offered, on Wednesday, medicines and medical consumables to the health districts of Kaya, Barsalogho, Boulsa and Tougouri worth around twelve million CFA francs.

Worth around twelve million CFA francs for the Center-North region, these drugs (antibiotics) and medical consumables are used in the treatment of diarrhea, malaria and coughs in children, according to the supervisor of zone at Children Believe, Augustin Kaboré.

According to him, the beneficiaries of these health products are the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and the host populations of the Health and Social Promotion Centers (CSPS) of Kalambaogo (Kaya), Pissila, sector 3 of Boulsa, Barsalogho, Pensa and the Tougouri Medical Center (CM).

Therefore, the donor wanted these medical products to be used wisely and above all to reach needy people.

According to Supervisor Kaboré, this donation is part of the implementation of the multi-sectoral and integrated assistance project for communities in the Eastern and Central North regi
ons affected by the humanitarian crisis (PAMSIC) executed by Children Believe in partnership with the Regional Humanitarian Fund for West and Central Africa (FHRAOC).

A gesture duly praised by the administrative authorities. For the head of the handover ceremony, the High Commissioner of Sanmatenga, Idrissa Gamsonré, this batch of medicines will make it possible to increase the provision of care in the beneficiary health districts.

‘In this context of a difficult security and humanitarian crisis, health facilities are ‘heavily’ in demand and this will be a relief for healthcare staff and patients,’ said Mr. Gamsonré. This is why he thanked Children Believe for this mark of generosity while inviting other partners to follow in the donor’s footsteps.

Same story for the Regional Director (DR) in charge of Health in the Center-North, Dr Anicet Poda.

‘These drugs will be used to treat common pathologies. This will strengthen the quality of care, since these products will be given free of charge to patients,’ r
eassured Mr. Poda.

Therefore, he thanked Children Believe for its continued endowment annually.

‘We hope that this partnership will continue so that we can also have other donations in the years to come in order to improve the care of patients,’ hoped Dr. Anicet Poda.

In terms of grievances, he urged his partners to lend them a helping hand in the effective fight against diseases linked to dengue and malaria during the upcoming rainy season through the financing of prevention and treatment activities. charge

Source: Burkina Information Agency

HM the King Congratulates Russian President on National Day

Rabat – HM King Mohammed VI has sent a message of congratulations to President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, on the occasion of his country’s National Day.

In this message, HM the King expresses, in his personal name and on behalf of the Moroccan people, His warmest congratulations to the Russian President and His best wishes for further progress and prosperity to the Russian people.

On this occasion, the Sovereign reiterates His resolve to continue working together with the Russian President, so as to broaden bilateral cooperation and strengthen the strategic partnership uniting the two countries, thereby serving the shared interests of the two friendly peoples.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

HM the King Congratulates Russian President on National Day

Rabat – HM King Mohammed VI has sent a message of congratulations to President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, on the occasion of his country’s National Day.

In this message, HM the King expresses, in his personal name and on behalf of the Moroccan people, His warmest congratulations to the Russian President and His best wishes for further progress and prosperity to the Russian people.

On this occasion, the Sovereign reiterates His resolve to continue working together with the Russian President, so as to broaden bilateral cooperation and strengthen the strategic partnership uniting the two countries, thereby serving the shared interests of the two friendly peoples.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Léraba/BEPC: The province records 452 admitted out of 2,206 registered

452 candidates out of 2,206 registered were admitted following the results of the first round of the First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC) 2024, this Tuesday, June 11, 2024, ie a success rate of 20, 49%.

The results of the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC) exam were released on Tuesday June 11, 2024 in Sindou.

2,206 composed out of the 2,208 candidates registered in search of the BEPC session 2024.

At the end of the first round, 452 were admitted including 276 boys and 176 girls with an overall success rate of 20.49%.

The other 915 candidates are expected on Friday June 14, 2024 for the second round.

The province of Léraba has 08 juries with 21 composition centers and 13 secondary centers.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

BEPC 2024 and cereal fraud dominate the front pages of Burkinabe newspapers

Ouagadougou: This Wednesday’s publications comment on the dismantling of a clandestine network responsible for the production and illegal export of corn flour and the results of the first round of the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC ) of the 2024 session.

‘BEPC 2024 deliberation: Make some noise! », exclaims on its headline, the dean of Burkina Faso’s private dailies, L’Observateur Paalga.

According to the private newspaper, deliberating an exam remains a distressing moment.

In this regard, the colleague informs that yesterday Tuesday in Ouagadougou, some students seeking the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC) experienced this feeling when the results were announced.

The state daily Sidwaya, for his part, reports strong emotions at the Marien-N’Gouabi high school, in the Burkinabe capital and specifies that jury no. 2 of the Ouézzin Coulibaly high school in Bobo-Dioulasso recorded 76 admissions out of 310 candidates.

The private newspaper Le Pays maintains that joy and sadness were the emotio
ns best shared during the proclamation of the BEPC results.

The private daily L’Express du Faso, published in Bobo-Dioulasso, shows on its first page: ‘BEPC/Result of the 1st round : Between cries of joy and tears of sadness for Bob’.

Under another chapter, the public newspaper Sidwaya headlines its front page: ‘Illegal production and export of corn flour: The gendarmerie dismantles a clandestine network in Yagma’.

The newspaper reports that the Yagma city gendarmerie brigade put an end yesterday Tuesday in Ouagadougou to the activities of an illegal network of production, packaging and export of corn flour.

On the same subject, Le Pays reveals that the members of the said network have committed several offenses such as the illegal exercise of industrial activities, deception of consumers, endangering the lives of others.

As for the Bobolais newspaper, L’Express du Faso, it returns to the balance still in deficit with the export and import of goods in Burkina Faso.

The private daily explains that accord
ing to a report from the general planning directorate, the Burkinabè economy shows signs of recovery.

Faced with this situation, L’Express du Faso wonders when will the economic gloom end?

On another aspect, the same newspaper dwells on citizen monitoring. According to him, the ‘Wayiyans’ of the Center were equipped yesterday Tuesday in Ouagadougou by the ministry in charge of sports, through the General Directorate of Youth and Continuing Education (DGJEP) to act better.

And the private newspaper Le pays concluded that the ‘Wayiyans’ were promoting the values of the Transition.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

BEPC exam: Nahouri records 31.24% success in the first round

The results of the first round of examinations for the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC) fell at the end of the evening of Tuesday June 11, 2024, in the 10 juries in the province of Nahouri, which recorded 31.24% success rate for 815 admitted in the first round and 950 in the second round.

The province of Nahouri announced the results of the Brevet d’études du first cycle (BEPC) on Tuesday June 11, 2024.

It recorded a 31.24% success rate for 815 admitted in the first round and 950 in the second round.

Out of a total of 2,609 candidates presented including 1,248 girls and 1,282 boys, 363 girls and 452 boys won their parchment and 950 in the second round.

Of the 10 juries in the province, the jury of Tiébélé 1 and 2 each recorded 38.93% and 37.50%, the highest rates in the first round.

The lowest rate is recorded at the Zecco jury, with 16.88%.

It should be noted that 77 candidates including 34 boys and 43 girls did not take the written tests in the first round.

Source: Burkina Information Agency