TIF 2004, a unique platform to showcase Tunisia’s investment potential (Marcus Cornaro)

Tunis: The Tunisia Investment Forum (TIF) will serve as a unique platform to forge new partnerships, attract investment and showcase Tunisia’s vast investment potential in various sectors, said European Union (EU) Ambassador to Tunisia Marcus Cornaro.

Speaking in Tunis on Wednesday afternoon at the opening of the 21st edition of the TIF 2024, the European diplomat reiterated the EU’s commitment to support and assist the Tunisian government in its efforts to take the country to a higher level. ‘Tunisia has immense development potential and strong relations with its neighbours,’ he stressed.

This forum has attracted over 1,000 participants, with some 85 European companies registered for the event and ready to continue their cooperation with Tunisia, Cornaro said.

“The EU is supporting this forum within the framework of Tunisia-EU cooperation and in line with the commitments we made together under the Memorandum of Understanding signed last year.”

This MoU, the first of its kind in the region, marks an impor
tant milestone in five pillars of cooperation: macroeconomic stability, economy and trade, green energy transition, people-to-people contacts, and migration and mobility. After nine months, this MoU has already produced tangible results,” Cornaro added.

For his part, Samir Majoul, President of the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA), affirmed that while Tunisia has immense potential, a strong manufacturing base, a skilled workforce and highly innovative companies, it is crucial to implement appropriate policies to stimulate investment and innovation.

This includes removing unnecessary bureaucratic procedures and developing the regulatory framework to encourage business dynamism.

The UTICA president also called for the integration of the growth objective into the central bank’s policy, which should not be limited to controlling inflation.

He stressed the need to introduce a modern foreign exchange code, to promote the internationalisation of the Tunisian economy and to attract
foreign investment.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

TIF 2024: Team Europe initiative on investment in Tunisia launched

Tunis: Tunisia and the European Union (EU) on Wednesday evening officially launched the “Team Europe Initiative on Investment in Tunisia” in support of Tunisia’s national reform programme, as part of the 21st edition of the two-day Tunis Investment Forum (TIF2024).

Launched by EU Ambassador to Tunisia, Marcus Cornaro, the Team Europe initiative aims to boost public and private investments that create jobs, promote local development, environmental change and economic diversification.

Major new Team Europe projects include ELMED/ELMED+ in the energy sector, Medusa in the digital sector, the Sfax/Kasserine corridor in the transport sector and the revitalisation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the private sector.

These new projects add to the more than 120 projects underway or in the pipeline as part of the Team Europe initiative, with an estimated financial volume of more than 10 billion dinars for the period 2021-2027.

The Team Europe initiative on investment in Tunisia is a mobilisa
tion of support for Tunisia’s national reform programme that brings together the European Union, five EU Member States (France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain), technical and financial agencies, and multinational banks, namely the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, around a common objective based on three pillars.

The first pillar aims to improve the business climate and the general framework for investment, in particular by supporting the acceleration of structural reforms, but also by improving the delivery of public services to citizens and economic operators and by strengthening the trade partnership between Tunisia and the European Union.

The second pillar is to improve the economic infrastructure for a resilient and decarbonised economy, in particular through sustainable and affordable energy for households and businesses and better access to quality and affordable digital infrastructure.

The third pillar is to improve access to finance for m
icro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), in particular by promoting financial inclusion, finding alternative forms of financing or mobilising credit lines for inclusive entrepreneurship, decent job creation and local added value, without losing sight of quality technical assistance.

The Team Europe initiative is part of the European Union’s “Global Gateway” strategy, which aims to mobilise pound 300 billion of investment between 2021 and 2027 to support a sustainable global recovery.

“These initiatives aim to strengthen the coherence and coordination of the combined support provided by the members of Team Europe in order to promote programmes that can have an impact and transform partner countries.”

The initiative includes a package of projects that Tunisia is working to implement in cooperation with the European Union, Minister of Economy and Planning Feryel Ouerghi Sebai told reporters after the opening session of the Tunis Investment Forum, adding in a related context that the initiative aims t
o implement activities to boost the national economy.

EU Ambassador Marcus Cornaro told reporters that the initiative, which includes a financing package among other agreements, translates the enthusiasm to give impetus to the revitalisation of the private sector.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

EIB willing to support development projects of Ministries of Public Works and Transport, says its VP

Tunis: Ioannis Tsakiris, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), reaffirmed the EIB’s willingness to continue supporting the Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Transport in the implementation of its development projects and to examine projects and ways of further strengthening this cooperation in the future.

The Minister of Public Works, Housing and Transport, Sara Zaafrani Zanzari, received the EIB Vice President and his accompanying delegation on Wednesday afternoon on the sidelines of the Tunisia Investment Forum TIF 2024, held in Tunis from June 12 to 13, according to a statement from the Ministry.

The two sides discussed the joint work programme for the coming period, including the technical cooperation agreement for the doubling of National Road 13 between the governorates of Sfax, Kairouan, Sidi Bouzid and Kasserine, which will be signed between the Ministry and the EIB during the Tunis Investment Forum.

The two sides also discussed the prospects for cooperation in the field of tran
sport, including the development of the railway network, according to the same source.

They also reviewed a number of projects financed by the EIB in the fields of infrastructure and housing, looking at ongoing projects and what has been done to ensure their efficient completion.

The Minister praised the EIB’s efforts to support Tunisia’s development process and its contribution to the financing of several strategic projects of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing.

She called for the continuation and strengthening of this fruitful cooperation, particularly in the fields of road infrastructure, housing and transport.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia and Libya sign draft agreement on reopening of Ras Jedir border crossing

Tunis: A draft agreement to reopen the four gates of the Ras Jedir border crossing was signed on Wednesday during a meeting in Tripoli between Interior Minister Khaled Nouri and Libyan Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh.

According to the draft, no fees or fines that have been mutually agreed by both sides shall be imposed. It also provides for the opening of six electronic registration centres for Libyan citizens’ vehicles and the resolution of the problem of the similarity of names for citizens of both countries, according to a ministry press release.

Minister Nouri, accompanied by a high-level delegation, arrived in Tripoli on Wednesday morning. He was received at Mitiga International Airport by Libyan Minister of the Interior, Imad Trabelsi.

The purpose of the visit is to discuss the status of joint security cooperation between the two countries’ Ministries of Interior in a manner that serves their mutual interests, as well as to review procedures for the reopening of the Ras Jedir border crossing and t
he operational challenges it faces.

A joint meeting was held at the Libyan Ministry of Interior to discuss the mechanism for reopening the Ras Jedir border crossing, which facilitates trade between the two countries.

The meeting also examined ways to accelerate the maintenance and upgrading of the crossing to international standards.

The two sides explored ways to strengthen bilateral relations and work to overcome all obstacles hindering the movement of travellers and transit through the border crossings, including resolving the issue of similar names.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Niger: Insult and defamation on the internet harshly punished again

Ouagadougou: Defamation by means of electronic communication is punishable, in Niger, by a prison sentence of 1 to 3 years and a fine of 1 to 3 million FCFA while insult uttered under the same conditions is punishable by a prison sentence of 2 to 5 years and a fine ranging from 2 to 5 million FCFA.

These new sanctions were introduced into the law suppressing cybercrime in Niger through an order from General Abdourahamane Tiani signed on June 7, explains the Nigerien press agency.

The modification made by the presidential order ‘aims on the one hand to restore the balance between freedom of expression and the protection of individual rights and on the other hand to preserve public tranquility and security,’ explains the ANP.

In a press release relayed by this agency, the Nigerien Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Keeper of the Seals, Aliou Daouda, called on citizens to be vigilant and responsible in the use of media and digital platforms. .

‘Citizens, journalists, communication professionals must respe
ct the rights of each person, ensure not to harm the reputation and dignity of others and refrain from disseminating data likely to harm the national unity or public order,’ he said.

In addition, the dissemination of data likely to disturb public order or undermine human dignity is punishable by a prison sentence of 2 to 5 years and a fine of 2 to 5 million FCFA.

In the press release, the minister in charge of justice warns that ‘firm instructions have been given to public prosecutors’ so that they pursue ‘without weakness or complacency’ the perpetrators of the offenses in question.

Until now, defamation and insults on the internet were punishable by fines, with prison sentences having been abolished in 2022.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Loroum/BEPC 2024: 32% success rate in the first round

The Titao juries announced the results of the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC) on Tuesday June 11, 2024. Out of 107 candidates who composed, 40 including 13 boys and 27 girls, ie 32%, were admitted in the first round and 34% in the second round.

On jury 2 based at the Lycée provincial du Loroum, out of 111 registered candidates, 107 candidates responded to the call.

The results were announced on Tuesday June 11, 2024. 40 candidates including 13 boys and 27 girls passed the exam in the first round with a rate of 37%.

Out of 223 candidates registered for jury 1 based in Ouahigouya, 215 took part in the written tests.

66 candidates were admitted to the first round, including 34 boys and 32 girls, for a success rate of 30%.

In the two juries, 144 other candidates are called upon to compose for the second round which begins on Friday June 14, 2024.

Given the difficult security context, the province of Loroum has developed initiatives to ensure educational continuity both in Titao and in in Ouahigouya
where there is a large community of internally displaced people

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Bassolma Bazié chaired the 36th session of the Council of Ministers responsible for inter-African social security

Ouagadougou: The Minister of State, Minister in charge of Labor and Social Protection, Bassolma Bazié, chaired the 36th ordinary session of the Council of Ministers of the Inter-African Conference on Social Welfare (CIPRES), held from June 10 to 12, 2024 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Geneva, on the sidelines of the ILO Conference.

At the opening of the session which brings together technicians and ministers in charge of social protection, Minister Bazié asked the participants to work to find innovative mechanisms and financing capable of remedying the difficulties experienced by the social protection systems. social protection in Africa in general and in the CIPRES area (18 member states) in particular.

‘The files submitted to us present enormous challenges for the smooth running and survival of our institution. To this end, I invite my colleagues, ministers responsible for the technical supervision of our social security organizations, to conduct discussions marked by courtesy and without passion in the
direction of the common good,’ revealed Minister Bazié, who is also President in CIPRES exercise .

Twelve points were included on the agenda of this session, including the examination and adoption of the minutes of the 35th ordinary session of the Council of Ministers responsible for social security, held on December 15, 2023, in Ouagadougou, the examination and adoption of the activity report for the 2023 financial year of the Executive Secretary, of the request from the Minister of Public Health and Prevention of the Republic of Chad relating to the registration of the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAS) as an observer in the CIPRES portfolio.

Added to this are the appointment of representatives of central banks within the Social Insurance Supervisory Commission, the renewal of the mandate of the Executive Secretary, the revaluation of the advantages granted to members of the CIPRES bodies, an update on the situation contributions from Member States to the budget of the Conference…

According to Ministe
r Bazié, the ideas retained at the end of this session will help member states to make decisions to positively impact the lives of populations.

CIPRES includes Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Mali, Niger, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Guinea, Chad, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, DR Congo and Madagascar.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sourou/BEPC 2024: Five juries announce their results

The results of the first round of the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC) of 5 juries based in Tougan, in the province of Sourou, region of Boucle du Mouhoun were announced this Tuesday, June 11, 2024 in around 1 pm

Out of a total of 1298 candidates registered initially, 1282 were actually able to take part in the BEPC session of 2024, in the province of Sourou with 16 absent.

In the first round, 461 candidates were admitted out of 1282, ie 198 boys and 263 girls, representing a success rate of 35.96% and 498 candidates in the second round.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Tourism stakeholders urged to participate in the fight against money laundering

Ouagadougou: The General Directorate of Tourism (DGT) on Tuesday raised awareness among hoteliers, restaurateurs, travel operators and tourism in general, on their role and obligations in the fight against money laundering. capital, in order to dry up the financing of terrorism.

Tourism regulators led, Tuesday in Ouagadougou, reflection on the problem of the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Organized by the General Directorate of Tourism (DGT), the framework of reflection made it possible, according to the first head of the structure, Monique Ouédraogo/Ilboudo, to exchange with tourism leaders, hoteliers, restaurateurs and travel operators on their role and obligations in the fight against money laundering.

For Ms. Ouedraogo, the meeting on Tuesday June 11, 2024, also aimed to popularize the legal and institutional framework for the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism among tourism and hotel industry stakeholders.

This, with the aim of putting in pla
ce systems capable of stemming money laundering in order to stifle the sources of financing of terrorism which is plaguing the sub-region, she indicated.

According to Kadré Sawadogo, director of regulation and control, 14 obligations govern the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

These include, among other things, the obligation of vigilance and control, the conservation of documentation and the declaration of suspicious behavior to the national financial information unit.

For Mr. Sawadogo, there are two types of taxable persons, namely those in the financial sector and those in the non-financial sector including hoteliers, restaurateurs and travel agencies.

‘Each of them must work to prevent their platform from being used for the purposes of money laundering and terrorist financing,’ he concluded.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Past: International Nurses Day celebrated on delay

The Northern Regional Council of the Order of Nurses of Burina Faso celebrated International Nurses Day from June 7 to 9, 2024 in Yako. These days were placed under the theme: ‘Our nurses, our future. The economic power of care’.

As part of the delayed commemoration of International Nurses Day celebrated on May 12 each year, nurses from the Northern region met on Saturday June 8, 2024 in Yako to magnify their profession, through a series of activities.

These included a conference, diabetes and artificial hypertension screening campaigns, a football match, a walk, a blood donation and a dance evening.

Chaired by the High Commissioner of Passoré, Daouda Sangaré, the celebration was attended by administrative authorities, associations, customary and religious, military and paramilitary authorities and healthcare personnel from Passoré.

Placed under the theme: ‘Our nurses, our future, the economic power of care’, the conference was moderated by the president of the National Council of the Order of Nurses of B
urkina, Bonvouila Ouédraogo.

In his communication , Mr. Ouédrago made it known that the role and responsibility of nurses are unequivocal.

Because, he justified, no global health action program can be carried out without the efforts of nursing staff who play a central role in establishing health coverage, in order to achieve the sustainable development desired by the ‘ WHO since 2020 .

Continuing his intervention, the communicator explained that the economic power of care occupations an important place in the nursing profession and especially in the improvement of health care services, economic development, peace and the well-being of populations.

‘Its investment improves labor productivity by strengthening the health care system,’ he said.

The first manager in charge of the health structures of Passoré, Ousséni Sawadogo, appreciated the day while inviting the populations to give a place of their own to the nursing function in the healthcare system of Burkina Faso.

The godmother of the day, Bernadette K
ientéga/Ouédraogo, for her part, invited health workers to work with more enthusiasm in order to be models in the exercise of their duties.

Ms. Kientéga also invited them to love patients and users of health services while valuing the function.

For the president of the Northern Regional Council, Paul Ouédraogo, the choice of Yako for holding the activity is justified by the fact that its nursing population is the largest in terms of numbers, after the Ouahigouya health district.

‘We are traveling to hospitals and CSPS to think about how to change perceptions and demonstrated that strategic investment in nursing care can bring socio-economic benefits,’ he maintained.

The high commissioner of the Passoré province, Daouda Sangaré, specified that the day consists of mobilizing administrative officials, customary and religious leaders to understand the profession of nursing.

For him, the theme is significant and highlights the relationship between the well-being of a community and the nursing profession.

angaré explained that this leads the international community, global health officials and policy makers, to invest in the training and development of the workforce as well as the improvement of working conditions and the role of nurses. /ies in society.

At the end of the conference, the participants appreciated the content of the commemoration of Yako, like David Kouadjagué who admitted that the celebration of the said day allowed him to rediscover his identity and to reflect on his future.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Plateau-central: The KIFIFE festival wants to bring children closer to the cinema profession

Ouagadougou: The official opening of the KIFIFE children’s film festival, organized by the Village Opéra, took place on Tuesday in Ziniaré. The 5th edition promises cinema screenings as well as training in cinema professions for the benefit of children.

‘Cinema is still considered a luxury for children in the Central Plateau. It’s a region that is close to the city of Ouagadougou but there are really no opportunities for children to go see films,’ declares Marie Laurentine Bayala, Director of the KIFIFE Children’s Film Festival.

For her, cinema is not easily accessible to children in areas outside the capital.

Ms. Bayala spoke Tuesday, in Ziniaré, during the opening ceremony of the 5th Children’s Film Festival, called KIFIFE.

For five days, film screenings are planned in certain schools and villages in Ziniaré but also in Ouagadougou at night and during the day.

‘This year, we have expanded the screening sites to allow children to better enjoy this festival,’ notes Laurentine Bayala.

The Director of the
KIFIFE Children’s Film Festival called on children to massively participate in the various screenings.

The film ”garibou” by Malian director Seydou Cissé was screened at the end of the ceremony in the presence of students from the Dagnoën ”A” primary school.

‘The spirit of the festival is truly magnificent. The architectural framework and everything that goes with it is very appreciable,’ says Seydou Cissé.

‘In a fun way with the children, we are going to get into the basics of the 7th art . I will talk to them about the mechanisms for arriving at a story, about framing and sequencing,’ explains Mr. Cissé.

The closing of the festival is scheduled for this Saturday.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Banwa: A success rate of 25.99% in the 1st round at BEPC

The results of the first round of the examination for the Brevet d’Étude du Premier Cycle (BEPC) session of 2024 give a percentage rate of 25.99% in the 1st round at the BEPC in the 4 juries of the province.

According to the head of the examinations and competitions service, Siaka Koté, out of 757 registered candidates, 735 actually completed the exams.

According to Mr. Koté, after proclamation 191 candidates are admitted to the 1st round, representing a success percentage of 25.99% and 288 candidates must present themselves for the second round.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

UNA and Muslim World League launch 11 initiatives to garner international media support for recognition of Palestine

Ouagadougou: His Excellency the Secretary General of the World Islamic League, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, and His Excellency the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Mr. Hussein Ibrahim Taha, have launched last Sunday, June 9 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, ‘via videoconference’, the work of the international forum entitled ‘Media and Palestinian rights: practical measures to take advantage of Palestine recognition initiatives’.

The forum was organized in partnership between the Deputy Secretariat for Institutional Communication and the Union of News Agencies of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

It was opened with the participation of news agencies from Islamic countries, international media unions, heads of international news agencies and a group of diplomatic and intellectual figures.

At the end of its work, the Forum issued a number of recommendations, including eleven executive initiatives aimed at strengthening the support of Islamic and international media for th
e defense of the rights of the Palestinian people, including the creation of a platform interactive media form specialized in monitoring and documenting the international and popular movement with regard to compliance with international resolutions relating to the Palestinian cause, the publication of documented periodic reports on this subject, the intensification of the media dissemination of initiatives and statements issued by various countries around the world regarding the recognition of Palestine, the positive presentation of these statements and the launch of an electronic blog.

The initiatives included holding a periodic media forum in one of the world capitals to discuss practical steps to support the Palestinian cause in the media, coordinate joint action in this regard and launch a special branch in the ‘Federation of Islamic News Agencies Award’ announced last November, to honor the best journalistic works that support the Palestinian cause, contribute to properly publicizing it and support and
encourage international efforts aimed at resolving it.

Recommendations included strengthening cooperation and coordination between media organs of international organizations concerned with the Palestinian cause, such as the UN,

the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Islamic World League, to raise media awareness of the Palestinian cause, organize programs and activities designed for this purpose, and strive to intensify media monitoring of statements offensive to the Palestinian people published by some Israeli officials and far- right parties in Israel, and showing the violation of international human rights conventions that these statements represent.

HE the Secretary General of the Association opened the work of the forum with a speech in which he underlined that professional and objective media coverage of the bloody events in Gaza had become one of the pillars which relaunched the international debate on the need to accelerate an urgent , just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian qu

His Eminence reiterated that the tragic disasters and blatant attacks suffered by the Palestinian people will remain engraved in the consciousness of all living consciences and will testify to the level of effectiveness of the international community in supporting the oppressed, deterring the oppressor and the establishment of international standards of justice, noting that this platform is intended to be an effective platform to press for strong and firm measures to end the horrific crimes against the Palestinian people.

Mr. Al-Issa stressed that the media – with its various means and modern technologies – have an important role to play in effectively contributing to bringing the ship of our world to its end of life.

He stressed that since the beginning of the events in Gaza, the professional and honest media have played an important and leading role in denouncing “the crimes of Israeli aggression and in presenting a professional and honest picture of the violations unjust acts against the Palesti
nian people that are taking place on the bloody scene.

Dr. Al-Issa stressed that these positive steps and media successes coincided with intensive Arab-Islamic movements, led by the ministerial committee appointed by the Joint Arab-Islamic Summit, chaired by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where the committee worked to mobilize international support for an immediate end to the war in Gaza, and to discuss concrete and practical steps to implement the two-state solution and end the conflict in the region.

His Excellency Dr. Al-Issa highly appreciated, on behalf of the World Islamic League, and on behalf of the scholars and intellectuals of the Ummah and the Muslim peoples under the aegis of the League, the great efforts made by the Servant of two holy mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and His Royal Highness Crown Prince and Prime Minister, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, may God protect them, in order to support the Palestinian cause.

After that, HE Hussein Ibrahim
Taha, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), delivered an opening speech emphasizing the importance of convening such a forum to dedicate cooperation to serving the cause of Palestine and Al Quds Al Sharif.

In his speech, His Excellency spoke of the importance of the role of the media in documenting “the violations of international and humanitarian law by the Israeli authorities responsible for the aggression, and their lack of hesitation to systematically commit all forms of violence against the Palestinian people.

Taha stressed the importance of internationalizing the Palestinian cause and working thoughtfully through relevant international institutions and committees in order to achieve international recognition of the Palestinian state, according to a plan arising from a precise vision leading to a two-state solution based on relevant United Nations resolutions.

His Excellency stressed the need for significant intervention in order to end the Israeli occupation, thereby clo
sing the curtain on the entire colonial era, avoiding silence on what is happening in occupied Palestine and taking steps to consolidate the peace.

For his part, the general supervisor of the official media of the State of Palestine, Minister Ahmed Assaf, stressed that the recent wave of recognitions of the Palestinian State, namely those of Spain, Ireland, Norway and Slovenia, represents a reawakening of the world’s rejection of Israeli brutality practiced without restraint in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

He stressed that in the same context come the decisions of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court, the time when Israel can escape responsibility and punishment is over, and it is no longer acceptable to continue the policy double standards.

The Palestinian minister stressed that the media, with all their tools and means, have a decisive role in today’s world, and that – especially with regard to the Palestinian cause – can make a difference, because
essence of the conflict is in the novel, which is a difficult and complex conflict because it is intertwined with cultures and ambitions.

For his part, the Director General of the Union of News Agencies of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (UNA), Mr. Mohammed bin Abd Rabbo Al-Yami, called for investment in international initiatives to recognize Palestine and accompany it with a media discourse that reinforces it, emphasizing its importance in ending the conflict and establishing peace.

The forum included a number of round tables, during which a number of media experts and leaders of its international federations discussed a number of topics and issues, including “practical steps in cooperation of media to support initiatives to recognize the State of Palestine”, ” media terminology and support for the legitimate right of the Palestinian people”, in addition to “peace journalism and strengthening the role of the media in resolving international crises’.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Balé: The province records a BEPC success rate of 28.35%

All the juries announced the results of the first round of the BEPC on the afternoon of Tuesday June 12, 2024. The success rate is 28.35%.

The first round of the BEPC delivered its results. All juries in the province announced the results in the afternoon of Tuesday June 12, until late at night. 1238 candidates are admitted out of 4367 present for the composition of the tests.

There are 587 boys admitted and 651 girls admitted. 2,132 candidates are authorized to take part in the second round, which will take place on Friday June 14, 2024.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

BEPC results: 84.44% success in Sebba

The principal of the Sebba provincial high school Mr. Laré, president of the jury, announced the results of the BEPC session of 2024 this June 11, 2024 in the courtyard of the town hall with a success rate of 84.44%, noted the AIB on site.

It was around 3 pm that the students accompanied by their parents were invited to the courtyard of the town hall for the proclamation of the results of the BEPC session of 2024. Before the proclamation, the deliberation took place in the meeting room in the presence of examiners . The wait was long for parents and their children.

The president of the jury said that in total there were 45 registered, including 21 boys and 24 girls. 17 boys and 21 girls were admitted in the first round, respectively 80.95% and 87.5%, or a total of 38 admitted with a percentage of 84.44%. 7 students including 4 boys and 3 girls went to the second round.

In the court, emotion was very strong for most. For Djénéba Diabaté who was admitted ‘I am very happy because I gave up a few years ago. I
got married and thought it was the best solution for me. This year my husband and I talked and he encouraged me. I explained to my cousin who told me not to miss this chance. I got support and thank God I returned. I thank all the teachers and congratulations to all the others admitted.’

The provincial director of secondary education, Mr. Ouédraogo Somnoma, made a special mention to all the teachers who, despite the very difficult working conditions, put in the work and ‘here we are with results that we will discover together. The same goes for the FDS/VDP who work day and night to keep the population peaceful.’

He thanked the parents for their support and congratulated all the students. ‘I can’t wait for peace to return so that all classes can operate next year,’ he said.

The principal Mr. Laré told us that he encountered some problems, including downloading data and updating this data. ‘The wifi has a very low speed. There is no power in town. The town hall’s solar installation does not provide enough po
wer. I tried to request the connection from certain partners but it was not easy. We hope that working conditions will be improved in the years to come,’ he stressed.

Source: Burkina Information Agency