Initial draft of CNRD’s rules of procedure prepared, to be examined and approved after Eid al-Idha (Committee Spox)

Tunis: The drafting committee of the National Council of Regions and Districts (CNRD)’s rules of procedure has prepared an initial draft of the rules of procedure which is expected to be considered and approved after Eid al-Idha, said Spokesperson for this drafting committee Haythem Sfar.

Once this stage has been completed, the Council’s activities will begin, starting with the discussion of its draft budget for 2025, which will offer an opportunity for the two parliamentary chambers to collaborate and coordinate together, he told TAP on Sunday.

He assured in this regard, that coordination between the two chambres will be effective following the approval of the CNRD’s rules of procedure.

Pending the promulgation of the rules of procedure, the existing laws can be useful, he indicated.

Regarding the powers of the two chambers, he explained that, under the Constitution, the parliament has a legislative role, through the promulgation of laws, while the CNRD has a development role on the various issues relate
d to the implementation of the budget and development plans.

There is no conflict of powers between the two chambers, but rather complementarity and common ground, he pointed out.

Among the points addressed in this draft rules of procedure is the parliamentary immunity, set out in Chapter 3 of the 2022 Constitution for MPs, which the committee members propose should apply to CNRD deputies.

Members of the committee also agreed on the method of electing the CNRD President with a five-year term, who will have the same authorities as the ARP Speaker.

The draft rules of procedure further proposes the setting up of 6 committees within the CNRD, the most important of these is the Finance and Development Plans Committee, which will count 14 members, compared with just 10 for the other committees.

The drafting committee of the CNRD’s rules of procedure had kicked off works last April 29.

A Presidential Decree setting the relation between the two chambers, the provisions of each chamber, ways of settling disputes
in the event of disagreement over draft legislation, primarily the State budge, is expected to be issued.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Burkina: The globalist system is a scam for Africa (columnist)

Ouagadougou: The professor of philosophy, Kelgwendé André Sawadogo, indicated, Saturday during the official launch of his political columns entitled ‘The African Future’, that the globalist system constitutes a scam from which Africa must leave to self-determine.

According to the political columnist, Kelgwendé André Sawadogo, the globalist system compromises the future of African states which must emerge from it and reinvent themselves.

‘The globalist system is a coin whose front is ‘development and democracy’ and the very insidious (invisible) back represents science, school, information, the arts, religion, humanitarianism, terrorism,’ said the philosophy professor.

According to Mr. Sawadogo, this globalist system has subtly destructured and alienated societies around the world and African ones in particular, to impose a Western vision of things.

To achieve this, the system uses links such as ideologies (philosophy, human rights), UN and international organizations, international sporting, religious and
social organizations (FIFA, the Vatican, terrorism).

In his 23-page chronicles for the month, the columnist intends to make his contribution to further guide public policies and allow a better understanding of public opinion of the situation.

‘Le Devenir Africain’ by denouncing this globalist system, intends to lead Africans to deconstruct this imagination maintained by school, politics, sciences, communication, the arts, etc., explained its author.

For him, globalist programs and the World Bank never support endogenous development which is a cultural restructuring of the modern State.

Only self-determination is the guarantee of endogenous development which is based on the principles and values of the community through a nationalist system, added Kelgwendé André Sawadogo.

He also suggested that the dynamic of African self-determination is underway with the advent of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) and the institution in Burkina Faso of the day of May 15 dedicated to customs and traditions.

to the author, ‘Becoming African’ will be open to other thinkers. It is available in university libraries, booksellers and usual newspaper resellers at the price of 2000 FCFA and 5000 FCFA excluding AES.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkinabè living in Equatorial Guinea mobilizes 18 million for the patriotic support fund

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè community living in Equatorial Guinea has mobilized 18,044,000 FCFA for the benefit of the patriotic support fund.

The contribution was symbolically received by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, accompanied by the Minister Delegate for Regional Cooperation Stella Eldine Kabré/Kaboré.

For the spokesperson for the Burkinabè of Equatorial Guinea, Yacouba Ouangré, this is a response to the call from the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, to support peace efforts and the fight against insecurity in our country.

The head of Burkinabè diplomacy welcomed the gesture of these patriotic Burkinabè. ‘This gesture that they are making once again reflects their attachment to the homeland and especially their attachment to peace,’ he said.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

The Burkinabè of Sabha in Libya contributes 900,000 FCFA to support the peace effort in their country

Ouagadougou: The Association of Burkinabè people from Sabha, an oasis town in the south of Libya, has contributed 900,000 FCFA to the Patriotic Support Fund.

Their contribution was symbolically received by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, accompanied by the Minister Delegate for Regional Cooperation, Stella Eldine Kabré/Kaboré.

Jean Bourihourabou, the spokesperson for the Burkinabè association of Sabha, recalled that this contribution is a response to the call from the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, to support peace efforts and the fight against insecurity in our country.

Sabha is a town located on the Trans-African Highway3, linking Tripoli to Cape Town, South Africa. She had a bright future before the assassination of guide Muammar Gaddafi.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Information processing in times of security crisis: media actors in three regions see their capacities strengthened

Ouagadougou: The General Directorate of Communication and Media (DGCM) organized from June 5 to 7, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso a capacity building workshop for the benefit of journalists from the Hauts-bassins, Cascades, and South-West regions.

Around sixty journalists, including editors-in-chief, from the Hauts-Bassins, Cascades and South-West regions took part in this workshop. For 72 hours they were equipped with techniques for conducting interactive broadcasts, fact-checking and conflict-sensitive journalism (JsC).

While staying in Bobo-Dioulasso, the Minister of State, Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism, Jean Emmanuel OUEDRAOGO went to encourage the participants for the interest found in this exchange offer. According to the Head of the Communications Department, doing journalism in a crisis context calls for re-examining our reflexes and above all calls for more responsibility. It is not a question of having a censor behind each journalist but that the journalist faced with the informativ
e raw material can keep the context in mind.

Jean Emmanuel OUEDRAOGO reiterated the wish for ‘a professional and responsible journalistic practice and above all in line with the challenges of the moment’.

After the Bobo-Dioulasso stage, another session will be held in Tenkodogo and will mobilize media actors from the Center-East, Center-South and East regions.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Poni: 12 students arrested in Kampti for suspicion of BEPC fraud

Ouagadougou: Twelve students from Kampti suspected of having cheated on the BEPC 2024, were placed in prison last Friday, pending further investigations, the AIB learned on Sunday from several sources, including the Bafujiinfo website.

According to Bafujiinfo, the alleged fraudsters, made up of ten BEPC candidates and two second-year students, created a WhatsApp group before the session called ‘The Family’, with the slogan ‘Everything but shame’.

The deception consisted, for one or more members, of sending the tests in the WhatsApp group, which the second year students would process and send back to the platform, to allow the candidates in class to complete their composition sheets.

According to Bafujiinfo, the deception was discovered on Wednesday June 5, 2024, when a member of the group was caught in the act of copying down the answers.

He was expelled and his phone confiscated. Which made it possible to get hold of others.

A South-West education official confirmed the facts to the AIB but refused to s
ay more because, according to him, the matter is now in the hands of the courts.

This is not the first time that school exam candidates have been caught in the net of justice in Burkina Faso.

In July 2023, seven students who used their mobile phones and draft compositions during the Baccalaureate exams received, from the Ouaga I TGI, sentences ranging from 6 to 12 months in prison with a fine, all suspended.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

HM the King Congratulates Jordan’s Sovereigns on 25th Anniversary of Their Accession to Throne

His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of congratulations to King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein and Queen Rania, Sovereigns of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of their accession to the throne.

In this message, His Majesty the King expresses, in his personal name and on behalf of the Moroccan people, His warmest congratulations to the sovereigns of the Kingdom of Jordan on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their accession to the throne, praying God to grant them good health, happiness and long life, and to perpetuate prosperity and well-being over the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan under their wise leadership.

The Sovereign says he is ‘proud of the exceptional and close relations that unite our two countries, ties that we constantly and mutually aspire to strengthen further in various fields and at all levels’, in the interests of our two brotherly peoples.

His Majesty the King renews His congratulations as well as His warmest greetings to all members of
the noble Royal Family of Jordan and His best wishes to the brotherly Jordanian people.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Ouahigouya: dozens of terrorists killed in Ouedrassin

Ouagadougou: The Combatant Forces, thanks to air support, were able to repel terrorists this Sunday morning who came to attack one of their positions in Ouedrassin. Dozens of criminals were neutralized and equipment recovered, the AIB learned from security sources.

An armed terrorist group launched an assault on the morning of Sunday June 9, 2024 on a position of the Combatant Forces in Ouedrassin (Ouahigouya zone).

Alerted, the air vectors immediately rushed to the scene.

Air operators became aware of the intensity and violence of the fighting.

But thanks to their determination and firepower, the boys forced the attackers to flee.

Survivors hesitated between saving the wounded or saving themselves. But the choice was quickly made because the air vectors launched a first missile.

Panicked, the fugitives resumed their mad rush, but they were caught again by a second ball of fire.

Meanwhile, units from the Tenga battalion and the 14th BIR, which had come to support their colleagues, also launched the hun
t for criminals and completed the work started by the sky watchers.

As a result, dozens of criminals have been neutralized and still usable war material seized, while operations continue.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

HM the King Congratulates Narendra Modi on Inauguration as India’s PM for Third Term

His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of congratulations to Narendra Modi, on the occasion of his inauguration as Prime Minister of the Republic of India for a third term.

In this message, HM the King extends His warmest congratulations to Modi, on the occasion of his inauguration at the head of the government of the Republic of India, following the victory of his party ‘Bharatiya Janata’ in the legislative elections, wishing him continued success in his lofty mission to promote progress and prosperity for the benefit of the friendly Indian people.

The Sovereign takes this opportunity to express His deep satisfaction with the rapidly developing relations rooted in friendship and mutual esteem, reaffirming His determination to work together with Modi to strengthen the special ties between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of India, and to extend the close cooperation between the two countries to various other sectors, ‘as this would consolidate our strategic partnership and help us serve our peop
les’ shared interests’.

His Majesty the King also expresses His sincere congratulations to Modi and wishes him continued good health and happiness.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse