As 20 melhores universidades de IA formam a primeira turma de Ph.D.

101 formandos impulsionam o ecossistema de IA dos Emirados Árabes Unidos com avanços em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e aplicações comerciais – criando um centro tecnológico de IA do Sul Global

ABU DHABI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, June 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sua Alteza Xeque Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Príncipe Herdeiro de Abu Dhabi e Presidente do Conselho Executivo de Abu Dhabi, participou da cerimônia de formatura de 2024 da Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) em 6 de junho, na qual foram diplomados 101 alunos de 22 países, que receberam títulos de pós-graduação nas principais áreas de IA, incluindo visão computacional (CV), aprendizado de máquina (ML) e processamento de linguagem natural (NLP).

O evento também contou com a presença de Sua Excelência o Dr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Ministro da Indústria e Tecnologia Avançada dos Emirados Árabes Unidos e Presidente Fundador do Conselho de Administração da MBZUAI, além de outras autoridades.

“Antes de muitos outros países reconhecerem seu potencial, as políticas lideradas pelo governo incentivaram a expansão da IA nos Emirados Árabes Unidos”, disse o Dr. Al Jaber. “Essas políticas promoveram o sucesso de empresas como a G42 e grandes modelos de linguagem como a Falcon. Consequentemente, esse pequeno país está criando um ecossistema de alto nível para talentos e empreendedorismo em IA. Estamos atraindo grandes investimentos de proeminentes empresas de tecnologia, como a Microsoft, e emergindo como um importante centro de inovação e aplicação de IA.”

O Dr. Al Jaber observou que o crescimento da IA é uma das três megatendências que moldam o futuro, juntamente com o ritmo acelerado da transição energética e a ascensão dos mercados emergentes e do Sul Global: “A crescente experiência da turma de 2024 será fundamental para solucionar alguns dos desafios mais urgentes do mundo. Na verdade, se quisermos atingir as metas ambiciosas do histórico Consenso dos Emirados Árabes Unidos, acordado na COP28 em dezembro em Dubai, a IA deve ter um papel crítico.”

A terceira e maior formatura da MBZUAI celebrou o primeiro Ph.D. da universidade em ML, além de mestres em ML (55), CV (28) e PNL (12), contando com alunos provenientes de países como Emirados Árabes Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, França, Índia, Vietnã, Paquistão, Etiópia e Sri Lanka.

O presidente da MBZUAI e professor universitário, Eric Xing, disse: “A turma de 2024 da MBZUAI é composta pelos futuros líderes de tecnologia, inovação e criatividade, e está preparada para aceitar a responsabilidade inerente à administração de algo tão poderoso e transformador. Eles nos deixam com o conhecimento, as habilidades e uma profunda compreensão da oportunidade que têm diante de si – a chance de moldar um futuro em que a IA sirva à humanidade com compaixão e padrões éticos inabaláveis – estão prontos para enfrentar os maiores desafios do mundo atual.”

Cinco anos depois de sua criação, a MBZUAI é hoje reconhecida como uma das 100 melhores universidades do mundo em ciência da computação e está classificada entre as 20 melhores por suas especializações em IA, CV, ML, PNL e robótica (CSRankings).

Para se candidatar à admissão, acesse ou entre em contato com Para comunicação social, entre em contato com:

Amy Rogers, Senior Communications Specialist da MBZUAI

Roger Field/Aya Hassan

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L’université classée parmi les 20 premières dans le domaine de l’IA décerne le diplôme de Ph.D. à sa première promotion

Au total, 101 diplômés dynamisent l’écosystème de recherche, de développement et d’applications commerciales de l’IA aux Émirats arabes unis, créant ainsi un pôle technologique de l’IA dans le Sud global

ABU DHABI, Émirats arabes unis, 08 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Son Altesse Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Prince héritier d’Abu Dhabi et Président du Conseil exécutif d’Abu Dhabi, ont assisté le 6 juin à la cérémonie de remise des diplômes 2024 de l’Université Mohamed bin Zayed d’intelligence artificielle (MBZUAI), récompensant 101 diplômés originaires de 22 pays, qui ont obtenu des diplômes de troisième cycle dans des domaines clés de l’IA, notamment la vision artificielle (CV), l’apprentissage automatique (ML) et le traitement du langage naturel (NLP).

Son Excellence Dr Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, ministre de l’Industrie et des technologies avancées des Émirats arabes unis et président fondateur du conseil d’administration du MBZUAI, a également assisté à l’événement, parmi d’autres dignitaires.

« Les politiques gouvernementales ont encouragé la promotion de l’IA aux Émirats arabes unis avant que de nombreux autres pays n’en reconnaissent le potentiel », a déclaré Dr Al Jaber. « Elles ont favorisé le succès d’entreprises comme G42 et de grands modèles de langage comme Falcon, et permis à ce petit pays de créer un écosystème de classe mondiale pour les talents et l’esprit d’entreprise dans le domaine de l’IA. Nous attirons des investissements importants de la part de leaders technologiques tels que Microsoft et devenons un centre important pour l’innovation et l’application de l’IA. »

Dr Al Jaber a souligné que l’essor de l’IA est l’une des trois grandes tendances qui déterminent l’avenir, avec l’accélération du rythme de la transition énergétique et la montée en puissance des marchés émergents et du Sud global : « L’expertise croissante de la promotion 2024 permettra de trouver des solutions aux défis les plus pressants du monde. En effet, si nous voulons atteindre les objectifs ambitieux du consensus historique des Émirats arabes unis adopté lors de la COP28 en décembre à Dubaï, l’IA doit jouer un rôle essentiel. »

À l’occasion de sa troisième et plus grande cérémonie de remise des diplômes, l’université MBZUAI a décerné ses premiers diplômes de doctorat (Ph.D.), ainsi que des maîtrises en apprentissage automatique (55), vision artificielle (28) et traitement du langage naturel (12), aux étudiants originaires de pays tels que les Émirats arabes unis, le Canada, le Royaume-Uni, la France, l’Inde, le Vietnam, le Pakistan, l’Éthiopie et le Sri Lanka.

Eric Xing, Président de MBZUAI et professeur d’université, a ajouté : « La promotion 2024 de MBZUAI comprend les futurs leaders de la technologie, de l’innovation et de la créativité, préparés pour accepter la responsabilité qui accompagne la gestion d’une révolution aussi puissante et transformatrice. Ils nous quittent avec les connaissances, les compétences et une compréhension profonde de l’opportunité qui s’offre à eux, la chance de façonner un avenir où l’IA sert l’humanité avec compassion selon des normes éthiques inébranlables, et ils sont prêts à relever les plus grands défis auxquels notre monde est confronté aujourd’hui. »

Cinq ans après sa création, MBZUAI est aujourd’hui reconnue comme l’une des 100 meilleures universités d’informatique au monde et se classe parmi les 20 premières pour ses spécialisations en IA, CV, ML, NLP et robotique (CSRankings).

Pour présenter une demande d’admission, consultez le site ou contactez Pour les demandes médias, veuillez contacter :

Amy Rogers, Chargée de communication principale de MBZUAI

Roger Field/Aya Hassan

Une photo accompagnant le présent communiqué est disponible sur

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000965294

Head of State chairs meeting to review and complete certain provisions of Commercial Code

President Kais Saied chaired a meeting at Carthage Palace on Friday to review and complete certain provisions of the Commercial Code relating to the legal system of cheques, in addition to the draft law amending Article 411 of the Commercial Code, which is currently before the Assembly of People’s Representatives.

The President of the Republic reiterated the need to achieve the desired balance between all parties and to allow those who have been convicted or are on the run a reasonable period of time to regularise their situation, according to a statement from the Presidency.

“In addition to allowing debtors to recover their money, this draft will not only have a positive impact on creditors and debtors, but will also increase the security of cheque transactions and improve banking practices in order to achieve economic development and social justice,” the statement quoted the Head of State as saying.

“Prisons and flight are not the solution and neither SMEs nor the economy can thrive under the current unj
ust legal system, which it is time to put an end to once and for all,” he added.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Temperatures to exceed seasonal norms by 8°C, Saturday

Temperatures will rise considerably this Saturday, exceeding seasonal norms by 8°C, engineer at the National Institute of Meteorology (INM) Sobhi Ben Ahmed told TAP.

This rise will be felt particularly in the north-western regions, including Kef, Jendouba and Siliana, where highs will reach 43°C with sirocco wind blows. Seasonal norms for June vary between 27°C and 31°C in coastal regions, and between 32°C and 37°C elsewhere.

The rise in temperatures in these regions is due to the south-west wind blowing in from the Algerian desert, carrying a warm, dry mass of air, explained Ben Ahmed.

He added that the mercury will rise to 38°C in Tunis this afternoon, with sirocco wind blows across the capital.

Highs will range between 31°C and 36°C in eastern coast regions and between 37°C and and 43°C elsewhere.

With the exception of the Serrat region, the sea will be relatively calm and suitable for bathing in most coastal regions.

A relative drop in temperatures is expected from Sunday June 9 in the northern regi
ons, due to northerly air currents, the INM engineer pointed out, adding that the heat will persist in the centre and south.

Finally, the mercury is expected to drop across the country from Wednesday June 12.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Weather generally cloudy Saturday, isolated showers

The weather is generally cloudy on Saturday, to gradually cloudy in the afternoon over western regions of the north and midland with local storm cells and isolated showers.

The wind is blowing east in the north and midland and south in the south, relatively strong near coasts and light to moderate inland.

The sea is rough to very rough in the afternoon in the north, and slightly choppy elsewhere.

Highs range between 31 and 36°C in eastern coast regions and between 37 and 43°C elsewhere.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Central Banks and Climate Change: “Financial stability cannot be achieved without greening financial system” (Moez Labidi)

Central Banks and Climate Change: “Financial stability cannot be achieved without greening financial system” (Moez Labidi)

08/06/2024 13:58, TUNIS/Tunisia

Tunis, June 8 (TAP)-The need to green monetary policies in the Arab region to encourage the transition to more ecologically sustainable economies was underlined by adviser to the management of the Arab Planning Institute, economist Moez Labidi.

In his recent brief brief entitled “Central Banks and Climate Change: Monetary Policies for Achieving Environmental Transition in the Arab Region,” Labidi considered that “the threats of climate change have not yet been given the place they deserve on central banks’ policy agenda, in the Arab region.”

“In the last few years, many central banks have become aware of the climate-related financial risks. Two factors explain

this trend reversal. On one side, financial stability cannot be achieved without greening the existing financial system. On the other side, price stability remains difficult to achieve given the
new potential inflationary threats generated by a new age of energy price inflation, either because of the physical risks (climateflation) or from transition risks (greenflation and fossilflation), and without the fluidity of transmission channels that could be affected by financial climate-related risks,” the economist explained.

“Fossilflation is historically associated with inflation generated by geopolitical tensions (oil shocks of the 1970s, the Ukraine war in 2022, …). However, recently, the rise of climate change has left its mark. The fight against climate change marks fossil fuels more expensive especially when green technology is slow to meet the rise of global demand for renewable

energy and green products,” he said.

Greening monetary policy in Arab region is handicapped by persistent poor toolbox

“Greening monetary policy and prudential framework is not an easy task for central banks in the Arab region. Several conditions must be met in this regard: ‘green bonds’ issues, a dynamic secondary bo
nd market, a resilient banking sector, a clear and credible ‘transition plan,’ a comfortable fiscal space, an economy that is not heavily dependent on fossil energy, availability of granular data, a well-equipped macroprudential toolbox, etc…All these conditions are not actually met by

the countries of the region,” according to the brief.

“The awareness of environmental problems has come a long way in the Arab region, but for central banks it is still in a rather embryonic state. Certain central banks have only joined the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS),” Labidi considered, adding that NGFS is a network composed of central banks and financial supervisors, that aims to “define, promote and contribute to the development of best practices to be implemented within and outside of the Membership of the NGFS and to conduct or commission analytical work on green finance” (NGFS, 2017).”

“Several Arab institutions have also joined NGFS, such as the Abu Dhabi Financial Services Regulatory Authority (
2019) and the Financial Regulatory Authority of Egypt (2020). Other countries have been led to issue ‘green bonds’ only in their domestic markets such as Morocco (USD 356 million, in 2018) and Lebanon (USD 60 million, in 2018). However, until now, all these bond issues have not served to greening monetary policy, in so far as the central banks of these countries have

not used green quantitative easing or a new regulation favoring ‘green bonds’ during refinancing operations at the central bank window,” the brief reads.

//Courses of action

The economist estimates that “the Central banks in Arab region will have to review their traditional mandates

considering the increased climate-related risks. Only a combination of different monetary, prudential, and fiscal measures and incentives can make the difference between a successful environmental transition and a failed one.”

“The implementation of structural reforms remains crucial to improve fiscal space to make financing for the environmental

transition more
accessible. The development of the local bond market in the Arab region could play a significant role in boosting ‘green’ bond issuance and support the greening of monetary and macroprudential policies.”

It is also essential to “improve the resilience of the banking sector to ensure the effectiveness of monetary policy. The banking sector remains the main channel for transmitting monetary policy in the Arab region and a major investment lever for greening monetary policy,” he indicated.

“Central banks should adopt the environmental footprint approach (carbon footprint and water scarcity footprint) to enhance the efficiency of the greening of monetary and macroprudential policies. Climate resilience remains the best guarantee of

energy security, food security and debt sustainability,” Labidi underlined.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Broiler production grows 1.3% in first five months of 2024 (ONAGRI)

Broiler production saw an upward trend during the first five months of 2024 (+1.3%) compared to the same period in 2023, according to figures by the National Observatory of Agriculture (ONAGRI).

This production reached 12,500 tonnes in May 2024, posting a 3.7% rise compared to the same month last year and dipping 0.6% on April 2024.

Eggs for consumption in the first five months of 2024 showed a steady progression with a growth rate of 1.2%. Compared to the same period in 2023, production edged up 4.1%, ONAGRI’s May 2024 agricultural sector report revealed.

In May 2024, the production of eggs for consumption rose 4.1% compared to the same month last year, going up from 152,900 units to 159,100. However, compared to April 2024, production was slightly up (+ 0.1%).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

President Kais Saied and Libyan Prime Minister discuss reopening of Ras Jedir border crossing in phone call

President Kais Saied and Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity of Libya, Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, held a phone call on Friday during which they reaffirmed their common concern to remove all obstacles to the reopening of the Ras Jedir border crossing.

The keenness to provide best conditions for travellers in both directions and to facilitate trade between the two countries was also underlined, according to a statement from the Presidency.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

President of the Republic stresses ISIE’s duty to ensure compliance with constitutional provisions on electoral process

President Kais Saied stressed the duty of the Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) to ensure compliance with all the constitutional provisions relating to the electoral process, particularly Article 89 and the Organic Law on Elections and Referendums and impose a legal penalty for any violation by any party.

This was at a meeting with president of ISIE, Farouk Bouasker on Friday at Carthage Palace, according to a Presidency statement.

At the beginning of the meeting, the President of the Republic noted that Tunisia had respected all the dates on which the sovereign Tunisian people had expressed their will. These included the referendum on the draft constitution on July 25, 2022, which was preceded by a national consultation and the elections of members of the Assembly of the People’s Representatives and then the elections of the members of the National Council of Districts and Regions.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Last group of pilgrims to leave Tunis for Holy Shrines, next Tuesday

The last group of Tunisian pilgrims will leave Tunis-Carthage airport next Tuesday, bound for the Holy Shrines to perform the rites of the Great Pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca 1445-2024.

The first flight, with 227 pilgrims on board, left Tunis-Carthage airport on May 22 for Prince Mohamed Ben Abdelaziz International Airport in Medina.

Flights for Tunisian pilgrims, totalling 10,982 this year, are operated by the national carrier Tunisair (22 flights) and the Saudi Arabian airline (20 flights), from eight Tunisian airports.

The pilgrims will return between June 21 and July 9, 2024.

According to data provided by Religious Affairs Minister Brahim Chaïbi, almost 217,000 Tunisians have applied for the hajj 2024, exclusively through online registration on the platform made available to them by the Religious Affairs Department.

The quota reserved for Tunisians amounts to 10,982 people, including the administrative delegation members.

A 520-member delegation will escort the Tunisian pilgrims, comprising the medical
, religious guidance and services and assistance delegations.

The average age of the Tunisian pilgrims is 56.

The oldest Tunisian pilgrim for the hajj 2024 is Regaya Hakim (104). She flew to the holy sites from Djerba-Zarzis airport together with her family members.

Tunisia is seeking to increase the quota reserved for its pilgrims based on the results of the general population census conducted every 10 years, said the Minister of Religious Affairs.

In 2014, the date of the last population census, the quota reserved for Tunisian pilgrims was close to 8,730.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Beja: Efforts continue to bring two fires in Nefza and Northern Beja under control

Civil protection units in Beja are continuing their efforts to contain two fires that broke out on Saturday in El Hchachna, Nefza and at a rubbish dump in northern Beja.

Local civil protection director, Moez Ben Khlifa, told TAP the first fire was caused by work carried out by a citizen, adding that three fire engines had been mobilised to prevent the fire from spreading to neighbouring houses and mountains.

Ben Khlifa stressed that civil protection units and forestry services are now on alert to fight any fires that may occur following the remarkable rise in temperatures.

He called for vigilance in the face of fire risks, especially as the heat and gusty winds are conducive to fires.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Sidi Bouzid: grain reference prices to be announced in coming days (Grain Board)

The reference price for grain stored in the collection centres would be announced in the next few days, Saloua Ben Hadid Zouari, CEO of the Grain Board, said during a visit to Sidi Bouzid.

At a meeting with the governor of Sidi Bouzid, she added that she remained optimistic about the good quality of grain in the region, where the quantities collected should amount to around 120,000 quintals of wheat and 20,000 quintals of barley.

For his part, Governor Abdelhalim Hamdi said that measures had been taken to ensure a successful harvest season in the region, including raising farmers’ awareness of fire prevention and monitoring crop storage conditions at the collection centres, which are mainly located in Lassouda, Sidi Ali Ben Aoun, Mazouna and Menzel Bouzaiane.

According to estimates by the local agricultural authorities, grain production in Sidi Bouzid will increase this season to 267,000 quintals, due to an increase in sown areas, which exceeded 7,492 hectares compared to 5,640 hectares last season.

In a
recent press release, the Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fisheries (UTAP) called on the competent authorities to publish the reference prices for grain and to maintain the exceptional premium, estimated at 10 dinars, in view of the low yields and deteriorating quality in the current agricultural season.

UTAP pointed out that the request to publish the prices is aimed at avoiding delays in the collection operations.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

GO4YOUTH project: steering committee meets

The Steering Committee of the GO4YOUTH project met Friday under the chairmanship of Minister of Employment and Vocational Training Lotfi Dhieb.

The project is carried out in partnership with the National Agency for Employment and Self-Employment (French : ANETI) and the World Bank, with the support of the European Union.

The meeting was attended by a number of ministry and ANETI officials and a team of experts from the WB and the EU.

The project, part of ANETI’s vision by 2030, is designed to enhance labour market intermediation and better meet the expectations of job seekers and the needs of enterprises by means of digitising services and modernising support mechanisms.

A pilot experience was conducted, as part of the implementation of the project, in six emplopyment and self-employment offices in Tunis, Ben Arous, Gafsa, Gabés, Kef and Sousse. Access to services will be expanded to more offices by 2025.

The minister commended progress in implementing the project as part of a participatory approach invo
lving the ANETI and the WB.

The project is part of the ministry’s strategic guidelines to develop services made available by ANETI to job seekers, entrepreneurs and businesses.

This project fits within an integrated programme for the modernisation and digitisation of services and is designed to upgrade the agency’s performances.

There is need to build on positive results and forge ahead with efforts to attain gaols set, the minister further said.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Hajj 2024: official delegation flies to Holy Shrines

The official delegation accompanying Tunisian pilgrims, led by Minister of Religious Affairs Brahim Chaïbi, left Tunis on Saturday for the Holy Shrines.

The ministry provided 2,504 theoretical courses to guide pilgrims through rites, Chaïbi said.

A team of 520 people, including a delegation of physicians and paramedics and religious staff, will be mobilised to assist pilgrims.

The ministry made sure this year Hajj flights have two doctors and a nurse on board, considering the condition of some pilgrims.

A total of forty-two flights are scheduled to the Holy Shrines; they are operated by national carrier Tunisair (22 flights) and the Saudi airline (20) from eight Tunisian airports. The last flight from Tunis is due on June 11.

A first return flight will take off on June 21; travellers will depart from Saudi Arabia on the last return flight on July 9.

Ministry data show nearly 217,000 Tunisians applied for Hajj permits. Hajj quota for Tunisia stood at 10,982, including the members of the administrative d

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunis Faculty of Medicine celebrates 60 years and ISO 21001 version 2018 certification

The Faculty of Medicine in Tunis celebrated its 60th anniversary on Saturday, as well as its certification according to the “ISO 21001″ standard, version 2018.

In a statement to TAP on the sidelines of the ceremony held at the faculty’s headquarters, Mohamed Jouini, dean of the Faculty of Medicine in Tunis, said that it took two years to prepare the certification file, which required considerable effort.

He stressed that this certification was the fruit of hard work by generations of professors to ensure quality training.

This certification will help reinforce the good reputation of Tunisian medical training internationally and increase the recognition of Tunisian medical skills abroad,” he said.

He added that the faculty will continue its efforts to remedy shortcomings and maintain a good level of training.

Minister of Health, Ali Mrabet, pointed out that the Tunisian Faculty of Medicine had received this certification after a thorough internal and external evaluation, which confirmed its compliance wit
h ‘strict’ international standards for the management of academic and training institutions.

The Minister said “Tunisia’s position in the health sector, both nationally and internationally, is the result of the determination and perseverance of its teachers, doctors and practitioners”.

On the sidelines of the ceremony, a tribute was paid to around one hundred former lecturers at the Tunis Faculty of Medicine.

ISO 21001:2018 specifies requirements for a SMOE certification of management systems for education and training, where such an organisation needs to demonstrate its ability to support the acquisition and development of competence through education, training, learning or research.

It aims to increase the satisfaction of learners, other beneficiaries and staff through the effective application of its SMOE, including processes for system improvement and assurance of compliance with the requirements of learners and other beneficiaries.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse