Sergei Lavrov underlines the ‘full growth’ of Russian-Burkinabe relations

Ouagadougou: Arriving this Tuesday in the Burkinabe capital for the first time, the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergei Lavrov, welcomed the vitality of relations regained between his country and Burkina Faso.

‘My delegation and I are very touched by the warm welcome, we feel at home. Our relations are booming, above all thanks to the agreements reached during the meeting of our presidents on the sidelines of the second Russia-Africa summit,’ recalled Sergei Lavrov.

Welcomed on his arrival by the head of Burkinabe diplomacy, Jean Marie Karamako Traoré, Lavrov is carrying out a 48-hour friendship and working visit to Burkina. Tomorrow he will meet the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

‘Thank you very much for your most effective assistance which allowed us to relaunch the work of our embassy in Ouagadougou. We are implementing a program to resume the activities of our embassies in Africa and Burkina Faso is practically the first country to do so. Our relations have a good history and are based on tru
st, mutual sympathy and respect. Contacts at all levels are very intense. It is obvious that our negotiations will contribute to achieving the objectives set by our presidents and to giving new impetus to our friendly relations,’ he said.

Minister Traoré said he was touched by the fact that the Russian minister accepted a working session as soon as he got off the plane after several hours of flight. Lavrov, who is currently on an African tour, arrived in Burkina with a large delegation from Congo.

Source:Burkina Information Agency

Bazèga: 7,561 candidates in the running for the 2024 CEP session

The official launch of the Primary Education Certificate (CEP) examination 2024 session took place on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 in the composition center of Kombissiri ‘B’ school. In the province of Bazèga , 7,561 candidates are vying for their first school diploma.

The written tests for the certificate of primary studies (CEP) session of 2024, began this Tuesday, June 4, 2024 across the entire national territory .

In the province of Bazèga , Center-South region, the High Commissioner of the province, Justine Kientega / Ilboudo , officially opened the envelope containing the first test in the composition center of the Kombissiri school “B”.

There are 7,561 candidates including 4,213 girls, registered for this session from 211 schools in the province which has 8 basic education districts. Before the composition began, the provincial authority toured some composition rooms of the center to provide advice and encouragement to the candidates.

According to the provincial director of preschool, primary and non-form
al education of Bazèga , Claude Ouédraogo, no difficulties are to be deplored on the organizational level. Everything is going according to plan, he added.

For this session of the CEP, the province has a total of 12 juries and 44 composition centers. At the sound of the siren at 7:30 a.m., the candidates began composition with the writing test, the subject of which is: ‘ Among the stories you have already read or listened to , tell the most interesting one’.

Source:Burkina Information Agency

‘Relations between Russia and Burkina Faso are based on mutual trust and respect,’ Lavrov

Ouagadougou: The head of Russian diplomacy Sergei Lavrov, who is making his first visit to Burkina Faso, declared Tuesday that relations between the two countries are based on mutual trust, sympathy and respect.

‘Our relations have a good history and are based on mutual trust, sympathy and respect. Contacts at all levels are very intense. It is obvious that our negotiations will help realize the goals set by our presidents and give new impetus to our friendly relations,’ Sergey Lavrov said.

The head of Russian diplomacy spoke Tuesday evening, shortly after his arrival in the Burkinabe capital for a friendship and working visit.

‘My delegation and I are very touched by the warm welcome, we feel at home. Our relations are booming, above all thanks to the agreements reached during the meeting of our presidents on the sidelines of the second Russia-Africa summit (July 2023, editor’s note),’ noted Mr. Lavrov.

Sergei Lavrov thanked his Burkinabè counterpart Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré for his help in reopening t
he Russian embassy in Burkina Faso in December 2023, after 31 years of closure.

‘Thank you very much for your most effective assistance which allowed us to relaunch the work of our embassy in Ouagadougou. We are implementing a program to resume the activities of our embassies in Africa and Burkina Faso is practically the first country to do so,’ he concluded.

Source:Burkina Information Agency

Gnagna: 2592 candidates to conquer CEP-2024 session of 2024

Police Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste Sia representing the High Commissioner of Gnagna launched, this Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the written tests for the Primary School Certificate exam ( CEP), session 2024, at the Tambousgou public primary school .

After a busy school year, the 2,592 candidates from the province of Gnagna began the written tests of the CEP exam, session 2024, on the morning of Tuesday June 4, 2024.

The starting point for the written tests was given in the examination center located at the Tambousgou school by Police Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste Sia representing the High Commissioner of Gnagna .

‘We came to encourage you and wish you good luck,’ said Police Lieutenant Jean-Baptiste. In doing so, he invited the candidates to remain focused and to always read the subjects carefully in order to provide the right answers.

The provincial director of preschool, primary and non-formal education of Gnagna , Salam Ouédraogo reassured that all conditions are met for the smooth running of the exam.

he praised the support of the provincial authorities during the school year and their implications in the successful organization of the exams.

In Gnagna , candidates compose in 60 rooms distributed in 18 examination centers of 7 juries notably in Bilanga , Piéla , Bogandé and Manni . Candidates from the Base Education District of Thion who have been relocated compose on site in Bogandé .

For the occasion, 158 teachers were mobilized to administer the written and sports tests. The tests will end on June 6 and the correction will be held from June 10 to 13, 2024.

Source:Burkina Information Agency

USAID announces $176 million in support for communities in Burkina and other countries affected by terrorism

Ouagadougou: The American Agency for International Development (USAID) announced humanitarian aid of nearly $176 million to benefit communities in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Mauritania, according to the Nigerien press agency, citing a press release from the American representation in Niamey.

According to the press release dated June 3, ‘this additional funding from USAID, which includes funds from the recently adopted bipartisan supplemental appropriation, will support communities in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Nigeria faced with humanitarian needs,’ specifies the ANP.

The American representation explains in the press release that this support will allow ‘our partners to reach more people with food assistance, nutrition, clean water, emergency health care and protection for the most vulnerable, as well as other essential assistance.

The countries receiving this American aid have been facing waves of terrorist attacks for two decades and in the face
of which the various interventions of the United States were not effective until certain partners asked them to leave their territories.

Source:Burkina Information Agency

Ganzourgou/School exams: Ganzourgou authorities encourage candidates

This Tuesday, June 4 marks the start of the written and oral exams for the B revet d’études du first cycle (B EPC ) and the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) session of 2024 throughout Burkina Faso. In Ganzourgou, the official launching ceremony took place at the Méguet departmental high school, located 25 km north of Zorgho, in the presence of several local authorities.

The High Commissioner, Mrs. Aminata Sorgho/Gouba, officially opened the first envelope containing the dictation test for the BEPC at the Méguet departmental high school . She was accompanied by the provincial director in charge of post-primary and secondary education, Salifou Séré, the representative of the president of the special municipal delegation of Méguet, the military and paramilitary authorities , as well as His Excellency Naba Saaga of Méguet .

Ms. Sorgho/Gouba sent a message of support and motivation to the candidates . She invited them to revisit all the rules of grammar, conjugation, vocabulary, everything they learned in cl
ass and apply them. ‘ The candidates must avoid cheating because they are the men of tomorrow who will build this Burkina , ‘ she said. She praised the efforts of education stakeholders who, despite the challenges linked to insecurity, have led the candidates to this day. She also thanked the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) as well as the auxiliary forces for the support.

The provincial director of post-primary and secondary education, Salifou Séré, expressed his satisfaction with the organization of the exams. ‘Everything that was planned is happening according to schedule. […] To the candidates, I send them a message of encouragement . I tell them that what we are asking of them today is no different from what they did in class , ‘ he said.

His Excellency Naba Saaga de Méguet also encouraged candidates to remain calm and to carefully reread their papers before submitting them.

For this session, the Ganzourgou province has 3,231 candidates registered for the BEPC, i.e. 1,109 boys and 2,122 girls. This n
umber is up by 400 candidates compared to the 2023 session. For the BEPC/CAP, 62 candidates are registered, including 33 boys and 29 girls. In all, 307 players (jury presidents, supervisors, correctors, secretaries) are mobilized to ensure the smooth running of the BEPC .

Concerning the CEP , the prefects President of the communal special delegation (PDS) and the heads of basic education districts with the anointing of the provincial director in charge of primary education launched the examination on various sites . The province recorded 8,470 candidates for this year, including 4,780 girls and 3,690 boys with an increase of 21 candidates compared to 2023. Among these candidates, 82 are internally displaced students (EDI). To supervise these exams, 9 coordinators, 13 jury presidents, 43 center presidents, 438 supervisors, 452 correctors and 58 secretaries were mobilized.

The Ganzourgou authorities wish good luck to all candidates and hope that the efforts of educational stakeholders will be rewarded with a
good success rate.

Source:Burkina Information Agency

The presentation of the trophy to the President of Faso by the Cadet Stallions and the work stoppage of the lawyers are making headlines in the newspapers

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè dailies on Tuesday were interested in the presentation of the trophy won by the Cadet Stallions at the UFOA-B tournament, to the President of Faso and the work stoppage of lawyers.

‘UFOA-B tournament: the cadet stallions present their trophy to the president of Faso’, writes Sidwaya on his front page. The newspaper of all Burkinabè informs that the U17 stallions, winners of the Union of West African Football Federations tournament, presented their trophy yesterday Monday to the President of Faso, captain Ibrahim Traoré.

According to the public daily, the Head of State expressed his joy at ‘the young VDP’ who carried the torch of Burkina high.

On the same subject, the leader, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, urged young people to keep this dynamic to maintain the flame and carry high the flag of Faso, reports the daily Le pays.

The work stoppage of Burkinabè lawyers is the other subject covered in the columns of the daily newspapers.

The Paalga Observer specifies that the lawyers are lea
ving the courtroom for 4 days from Tuesday June 4, 2024. In an interview given to the dean of private daily newspapers, the president of the bar association confides that this decision aims to challenge the authorities on human rights violations

In the same logic, the private newspaper Le Pays informs that the decision of the men in black robes was taken during an extraordinary general meeting of the council of the bar association.

Source:Burkina Information Agency

The presentation of the trophy to the President of Faso by the Cadet Stallions and the work stoppage of the lawyers are making headlines in the newspapers

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè dailies on Tuesday were interested in the presentation of the trophy won by the Cadet Stallions at the UFOA-B tournament, to the President of Faso and the work stoppage of lawyers.

‘UFOA-B tournament: the cadet stallions present their trophy to the president of Faso’, writes Sidwaya on his front page. The newspaper of all Burkinabè informs that the U17 stallions, winners of the Union of West African Football Federations tournament, presented their trophy yesterday Monday to the President of Faso, captain Ibrahim Traoré.

According to the public daily, the Head of State expressed his joy at ‘the young VDP’ who carried the torch of Burkina high.

On the same subject, the leader, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, urged young people to keep this dynamic to maintain the flame and carry high the flag of Faso, reports the daily Le pays.

The work stoppage of Burkinabè lawyers is the other subject covered in the columns of the daily newspapers.

The Paalga Observer specifies that the lawyers are lea
ving the courtroom for 4 days from Tuesday June 4, 2024. In an interview given to the dean of private daily newspapers, the president of the bar association confides that this decision aims to challenge the authorities on human rights violations

In the same logic, the private newspaper Le Pays informs that the decision of the men in black robes was taken during an extraordinary general meeting of the council of the bar association.

Source:Burkina Information Agency

Gourma/Education: The primary studies certificate and 6th grade entrance exams launched

The governor of the Eastern region, Ram Joseph Kafando, officially launched this Tuesday, June 4, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma, the examinations for the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP), session of 2024. The province registered 11,908 candidates, i.e. 5,510 boys and 6,398 girls.

It is in a context marked by a security challenge which has negatively impacted the education sector that the governor of the Eastern region, Ram Joseph Kafando, gave the starting point for the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) exams, on Tuesday June 4, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma.

‘Despite adversity, the highest authorities of the country, Education, military and paramilitary, have worked hard to ensure that the CEP exam and the 6th grade entrance exam take place,’ indicated the Governor of the Eastern Region, Ram Joseph Kafando.

He sent his congratulations and gratitude to educators and the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) who are fighting to ensure that our children’s right to education is ensured despite the security challenge.

regional director in charge of Primary Education, Yentéma David Thiombiano, suggested that the Eastern region recorded 11,908 registered candidates, i.e. 5,510 boys and 6,398 girls.

The region saw a drop of 1,580 candidates compared to the previous session

Source:Burkina Information Agency

Gourma/Education: The primary studies certificate and 6th grade entrance exams launched

The governor of the Eastern region, Ram Joseph Kafando, officially launched this Tuesday, June 4, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma, the examinations for the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP), session of 2024. The province registered 11,908 candidates, i.e. 5,510 boys and 6,398 girls.

It is in a context marked by a security challenge which has negatively impacted the education sector that the governor of the Eastern region, Ram Joseph Kafando, gave the starting point for the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) exams, on Tuesday June 4, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma.

‘Despite adversity, the highest authorities of the country, Education, military and paramilitary, have worked hard to ensure that the CEP exam and the 6th grade entrance exam take place,’ indicated the Governor of the Eastern Region, Ram Joseph Kafando.

He sent his congratulations and gratitude to educators and the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) who are fighting to ensure that our children’s right to education is ensured despite the security challenge.

regional director in charge of Primary Education, Yentéma David Thiombiano, suggested that the Eastern region recorded 11,908 registered candidates, i.e. 5,510 boys and 6,398 girls.

The region saw a drop of 1,580 candidates compared to the previous session

Source:Burkina Information Agency

The Minister in charge of National Education launches the start of the written tests for school exams

Ouagadougou: The Minister in charge of national education Sosthène Dingara launched the 2024 school exams session on Tuesday morning in Ouagadougou.

The Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP), the Certificate of First Cycle Studies (BEPC), the Certificate of Professional Aptitude (CAP) and the Certificate of Professional Studies (BEP) are the exams which started this Tuesday, June 4 2024.

For the official launch of these events, Minister Sosthène Dingara chose the Sainte Anne school complex in Kamboinsin to greet all the actors involved in the organization.

He was there with the Minister of State for Communication Jean Emmanuel Ouedraogo and the Secretary General of the Government Mathias Traoré.

Minister Dingara invited parents to provide more support to students during this exam period, which constitutes times of stress for him.

The head of the national education department also reassured parents and candidates of the security system put in place for the successful holding of exams throughout the territo

According to him, the security situation has improved this year with regard to the organization of exams.

‘The situation is not as dire as last year, given that many closed centers have been reopened,’ he said.

According to the minister, the 24 examination centers could not be opened last year due to insecurity in the Boucle du Mouhoun region and are open at this session.

The minister also indicated that in concert with key players, examination centers have been relocated to certain localities in order to put candidates in the right composition conditions.

The CEP, CAP, BEP and BEPC which began this Tuesday end respectively on June 13, 14, 15 and 17, 2024.

The baccalaureate begins on Tuesday June 18 and ends on Friday July 5, 2024 for all series combined.

Source:Burkina Information Agency

Kossi: 1,808 candidates are going to conquer the BEPC

The High Commissioner of the Kossi province, Noufo Dembelé, opened this Tuesday, June 4, 2024 in Nouna, the first envelope of the written tests of the BEPC, BEP and CAP, in the presence of the educational supervisors. 1808 registered candidates including 851 boys and 987 girls spread across 10 juries.

The written tests for the BEPC, BEP and CAP exams were launched on Tuesday June 4, 2024 in Nouna, by the High Commissioner of the Kossi province, Noufo Dembelé.

The registered candidates, numbering 1,808, including 851 boys and 987 girls, are going to win the First Cycle Certificate of Study diploma.

‘Insecurity has had a negative impact on the number of enrollees,’ said the Provincial Director of Post-Primary and Secondary Education of Kossi, Karfa Ferdinand Boni.

A visually impaired student, Bieta Dao, composes in Braille.

She received encouragement from the first manager of Kossi.

Source:Burkina Information Agency

Loroum/CEP 2024: 705 candidates set off to attack the first scroll

The primary studies certificate (CEP) and the 6th grade entrance exams in the districts of Titao I, Titao II and Ouindigui, in the province of Loroum began this Tuesday, June 4, 2024. 705 candidates, i.e. 426 girls and 281 boys, are ready to take on these tests.

The districts of Titao I, Titao II and Ouindigui, in the province of Loroum, began on Tuesday June 4, 2024, the examinations for the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) and the entrance exam to 6th grade.

These exams take place in 3 juries, part of which is based in Titao and another in Ouahigouya given the difficult security context which motivated the creation of education sites for the benefit of internally displaced students.

In total, 5 examination centers and 15 classrooms are provided for the administration of the tests.

40 supervisors, 38 correctors and 15 secretaries were mobilized for the occasion

Source:Burkina Information Agency

Sanematenga/ School exams: 26,618 candidates are competing for the CEP, CQP and BEPC

The governor of the Center-North region, Blaise Ouédraogo, gave the start, on Tuesday June 4, 2024 in Kaya, of the examinations for the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) and the Certificate of Qualification professional (CQP). The First Cycle Studies Certificate (BEPC) tests were launched by the High Commissioner of Sanmatenga, Idrissa Gamsonré.

The governor of the Center-North region, Blaise Ouédraogo opened the first envelope (auto mechanics), on Tuesday June 4, 2024 in Kaya, for the Professional Qualification Certificate (CQP) tests.

For the regional director in charge of Vocational Training for the Center-North, Nida Blanche Hien, 1,077 candidates including more than 600 girls, were registered for the Professional Qualification Certificate (CQP), spread across 9 professions such as auto mechanics and cyclo, sewing, plumbing, masonry, hairdressing, wood and metal carpentry, electricity.

She wished good luck to all the candidates for their theoretical and practical tests so that the results would be b

According to the Regional Director (DR) in charge of Primary Education in the North Centre, Moussa Ouédraogo, for this 2023-2024 session, 17,109 candidates took part in the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) and entry into 6th grade.

‘5,190 Internally Displaced Students (IDS) were registered and special arrangements were made for their effective participation in these exams,’ he added.

Moussa Ouédraogo indicated that there was profiling of students before the exams.

‘After that there was a clear message which consisted of telling the various educational leaders to proceed with recruitment or unconditional acceptance of these displaced students,’ he said.

According to him, there was support and monitoring in the field and remedial lessons.

According to the DR, other measures have also been taken to facilitate the hosting of these EDI and above all to ensure their security under the best composition conditions.

‘All these efforts made it possible to proceed with the examination,’ detailed Mr. Ou

He thanked the teaching staff and partners for their logistical and financial support.

‘At the beginning, we had around ten schools relocated due to insecurity. But with security gradually deteriorating at times, it was necessary to shelter the students at the last minute. Which led us to relocate certain composition centers,’ lamented Moussa Ouédraogo.

He hoped that all candidates from the Center-North region would be admitted.

The governor affirmed that the holding of the exams is a symbol of the resilience of the Burkinabe people in the face of the terrorist hydra.

‘Knowing certain realities on the ground, if we manage to hold the exams today, this is to be congratulated, because we have respected a fundamental right of children which is the right to education. Which guarantees a certain future for our dear homeland,’ he rejoiced.

He expressed a special thought to the EDI and the teaching staff for their spirit of resilience and patriotism.

Rasmata Ouédraogo, a first-time candidate, said sh
e was confident. She said she was not afraid and that she was going to succeed in the CEP.

For the Brevet d’études du first cycle (BEPC), the regional director in charge of post-primary education in the Centre-North, Djénéba Ouédraogo/Belemviré, 8,432 candidates including 66.60% girls are registered, i.e. 2,267 in the Bam province, 1,051 in Namentenga and 5,114 in Sanmatenga.

The first dictation test was unveiled by the High Commissioner of the Sanmantenga province, Idrissa Gamsonré, in Kaya.

He reassured the candidates of the security arrangements made so that the tests take place in complete peace and quiet throughout the regional territory.

Source:Burkina Information Agency

Gnagna: 1624 candidates make up the BEPC, 2024 session

The prefect, president of the special municipal delegation of Bogandé, Taugolo Paré opened, Tuesday morning in the jury n°1 housed at the provincial high school of Bogandé, the first envelope containing the dictation test of the examination for the Brevet d’études du premier cycle (BEPC), thus giving the starting point for the 2024 session in Gnagna.

Like other localities in Burkina, the launch of the written tests for the Brevet d’Études du Premier Cycle (BEPC) exam in the province of Gnagna took place this Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at the Bogandé provincial high school where Juries 1, to which the Manni secondary center is attached, and Jury 2 are housed.

The prefect, president of the special municipal delegation of Bogandé, Taugolo Paré opened the first envelope containing the BEPC dictation test, session 2024. He on the occasion encouraged the candidates by inviting them to serenity. “There is nothing special, read the subjects carefully and avoid erasures, lots of courage and good luck” he added.

In tota
l, 1624 candidates, i.e. 661 boys and 963 girls, are competing to win their scroll in Gnagna. They are divided into 6 juries to which 3 secondary centers are attached.

According to the provincial director of post-primary and secondary education in Gnagna, Adama Tondé, the administration of the tests has started well in the province and continues without any incident.

The results of the first round are expected no later than June 11, 2024.

Source:Burkina Information Agency