Banwa: Life returns to normal in Sanaba

The inhabitants of Sanaba, a town located 42 km from Solenzo, are finding a certain peace of mind, landmarks and their good old habits, after more than two years of difficult life caused by insecurity having led all population to find refusals in other areas

This Tuesday, May 28, the population who have been back for a few weeks are going about their business thanks to the FDS and VDP. The alleys and arteries of the city were cleaned as well as the various concessions upon their arrival under the supervision of the FDS and VDP.

From 8 am, the shops open their doors to welcome customers with the different goods that the merchants have been able to collect.

In some neighborhoods, there are cats in the courtyards while in other neighborhoods the red beer that is dolo is there.

Sanaba town hall sees its doors open and the president of the special delegation, Bassarmon Coulibaly, in his office, waiting for the rest of his staff who are still absent, according to him.

With the restoration of electricity, drink
ing establishments are actively and visibly preparing to open their doors in the days to come. The farmers are waiting for the sign from the FDS and VDP to begin field work.

A resident of Sanaba, Dofini Coulibaly, expresses his joy: “It has been a long time since I took the dolo at home, I give thanks to the spirits of the ancestors, to the FDS and VDP because life has now resumed again in Sanaba and I think our children will be able to go to school next year.’

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Houet/Caisse populaire du Burkina: Colsama has new headquarters

Bobo-Dioulasso: The Secretary General of the Hauts-Bassins region, Yiyé Abrahm Somdo, representing the governor of the region, inaugurated the new headquarters of the Caisse populaire de Colsama, on Friday May 24, 2024 in Bobo. It was under the sponsorship of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the BBS Sarl Company, and in the presence of the General Director of the Faitière des Caisses Populaires du Burkina (DG/FCPB), Zaratou Sondo.

Having been rented for around thirty years, the Caisse populaire de Colsama, in the town of Bobo-Dioulasso, has a new headquarters.

An imposing two-story building (R+2) proudly enthroned to the southwest of the Bobo-Dioulasso fruit market now houses the offices, the five counters and the ATM of this cash register.

‘After having gone through several rental premises, often very cramped, to accommodate our workers and our customers, we are pleased today to have inaugurated the headquarters of the Caisse populaire de Caolsama,’ rejoiced the General Director of the Head of the Cai
sses populaire du Burkina (DG/FCPB), Zaratou Sondo.

Built on an area of 525 m2, this building which cost nearly 500 million CFA francs officially opened its doors to users of the fund on Friday May 24, 2024 in the city of Sya.

This date, according to the Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of the Caisse populaire de Colsama, Seydou Gounouba, will remain engraved in memories.

‘Our fund comes from very far away. She finally just got her own seat. And this inaugural date of the jewel will be engraved in our memories for a long time,’ he was convinced.

The Colsama credit union, Mr. Gounouba said, covers districts no. 6 and no. 7 of the commune of Bobo-Dioulasso, and the rural communes of Toussiana and Péni, in the province of Houet.

Thus, the PCA invited the populations of these municipalities to use the services of their financial institution to fight against poverty.

‘We urge traders, farmers, breeders, artisans, salaried workers to open their accounts at the credit union in order to make their busin
esses prosper,’ invited Mr. Gounouba.

Sponsor of the inauguration ceremony of the headquarters of the Coalsama credit union, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the BBS Sarl Company, Boubacar Sidiki Barro, launched the same appeal to development actors to use the credit union to develop their activities and secure their money.

‘The credit union is there to help us develop our activities. Whether you are a farmer, trader, public or private worker, you can turn to the credit union for your financing needs. This is why I invite all stakeholders in the different development sectors to make the credit union their development tool,’ said Mr. Barro.

The credit union, continued the CEO of BBS Sarl, is a ‘real’ development tool.

For those who had doubts about the effectiveness of the credit union’s services, Souleymane Gounouba informed them that they have evolved over time.

According to him, they are able to satisfy their customers for financing any activity.

‘Credit unions are today at the forefront of techno
logical innovation through digital products, notably the digital tontine for collecting savings in places of business, and the magnetic card also called Danaya cash’, he informed.

Danaya cash, continued the PCA, allows withdrawals to be made in UEMOA (West African Economic and Monetary Union) countries.

The inauguration of the headquarters of the Colsama credit union, said the secretary general of the region (SGR) of Hauts-Bassins, Yiyé Abraham Somdo, representing the governor of Hauts-Bassins, constitutes an expansion of the family of the network of credit unions of Burkina.

This network, he said, currently totals 35 credit unions spread across the entire national territory which are coordinated by the Faitière des Caisses Populaires du Burkina (FCPB).

Before the inauguration of the headquarters, the SGR, Yiyé Abraham Somdo, accompanied by the general director of the FCPB, Zaratou Sondo, launched the drilling work for the Bobo-Dioulasso fruit market.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Boromo: The epidemiological situation marked by measles and malaria

The High Commissioner of Balé Province, Ibrahim Boly, chaired the first ordinary session of the year 2024 of the provincial epidemic management committee of the Boromo health district on Thursday, May 18 2024.

Participants followed a presentation of the epidemiological situation and the results of the Measles-Rubella campaign held from February 26 to March 3, 2024.

Measles and malaria are the diseases that have marked the epidemiological situation in the Balé province since the beginning of the year, according to the health information and epidemiological surveillance service (SISSE) of the Boromo health district.

The statistics on these diseases and the results of the response actions carried out were presented to the stakeholders of the provincial epidemic management committee during its first ordinary session of the year, held on May 18, 2024 in Boromo. The work of the session focused on the presentation of the epidemiological situation in the district, the results of the Measles-Rubella vaccination cam
paign in the province and the intervention of the Red Cross.

According to the information provided daily by the fifty (50) health facilities in the district during the first quarter, measles and malaria were the most worrying epidemic diseases.

Cases of measles have been reported in the communes of Fara, Poura, Sibi, Ouri and Boromo. The first cases, according to the head of SISSE, Robert Sorgho, appeared in the village of Thon, in the commune of Fara.

To stem the epidemic, a local response campaign was carried out from February 8 to 12, 2024, in addition to the national campaign which took place from February 26 to March 3, 2024.

Coverage of the two measles campaigns is satisfactory at district level; certain health facilities have even exceeded the threshold of one hundred percent of the affected vaccination target, according to the head of the expanded vaccination program, Issouf Dao. This campaign also revealed that several hundred children up to four years old have never had contact with a vaccine si
nce their birth.

The malaria situation in the province is worrying, especially among children, according to health officials. Statistics revealed 21,183 cases, including 7,138 among children. In the first quarter of the year, there were 897 cases of malaria among children, with 342 serious cases, including 5 deaths.

Boromo district is above the threshold set by the Ministry of Health, according to chief medical officer Hippolyte Bouda.

Faced with the situation, Doctor Hippolyte Bouda affirmed that a caravan to destroy mosquito nests in households and streets will take place in order to raise awareness among the population about practical individual and collective actions against malaria and dengue fever in the coming days. future.

High Commissioner Ibrahim Boly congratulated the agents of the Boromo health district for their commitment to the well-being of the populations and the satisfactory results obtained during the various vaccination campaigns.

However, Mr. Boly invited the various leaders of the s
ocio-professional strata to support the efforts of the health authorities. In addition, he instructed the prefects and presidents of special delegations for this purpose. The provincial authority also expressed gratitude to the Red Cross for supporting the district’s activities.

The representative of the Red Cross, Ahmadou Tall, declared the availability of his structure to support the district. He also presented the Red Cross and its missions to the participants. The session ended with recommendations and resolutions to facilitate the work of teams for better management of epidemics in the Balé province.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

National Tourism Entrepreneur Award: Registrations begin on May 28

Bobo-Dioulasso: The Ministry of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism, through its General Directorate of Tourism, launched the 6th edition of the National Tourism Entrepreneur Award, during a press conference, Friday May 24, 2024 in Bobo- Dioulasso.

With the aim of promoting achievements and encouraging investors in the tourism sector, the Ministry of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism has established the National Tourism Entrepreneur Award.

The objective of this competition is to highlight the creativity, dynamism and merit of men and women who work in the field of tourism.

With a view to launching the 6th edition of this national award, the Secretary General of the Ministry in charge of Tourism, Fidèle Aymar Tamini, hosted a press conference on Friday May 24, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso.

According to him, the 6th edition of the National Tourism Entrepreneur Award aims to honor, during one evening, entrepreneurs operating in the sectors of accommodation, catering, tours and travel who have distingui
shed themselves during the year.

‘Since the 4th edition, it has also aimed to pay a well-deserved tribute to the predecessors and pioneers of tourist activity in Burkina Faso,’ he underlined.

According to the speakers, the practical organization of this edition will be structured around 4 main phases.

This is the phase of registrations, pre-selection, selection or evaluation by juries, and the night of the tourist entrepreneur which constitutes the final phase of the process.

‘Registrations will be open from May 28 to June 25, 2024 throughout the national territory. Registrations can be made at the General Directorate of Tourism, in the regional or provincial directorates of the ministry in charge of Tourism or online,’ suggested Fidèle Aymar Tamini.

According to him, the award ceremony is planned to be held in Ouagadougou in September 2024.

When asked by journalists about the major innovations of this edition, the speakers mentioned the relocation of the launch of the prize to the economic capital of B
urkina Faso and the possibility for candidates to apply online.

The 6th edition of the National Tourism Entrepreneur Award will award a total of nine official prizes in the categories of accommodation, catering and travel and tourist circuits.

‘Each winner of these official prizes will receive the sum of one million FCFA, a trophy and a certificate,’ indicated the general director of tourism, Monique Ouédraogo.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kourittenga: The ‘Sahel Peace Initiative’ project advocates peace and social cohesion in schools

The diocesan justice and peace commission through the ‘Sahel Peace Initiative’ project, held a conference on Saturday May 25, 2024 in Koupéla, in order to create a framework for fraternization and mutual acceptance between the students. The ceremony was chaired by the High Commissioner of Kourittenga, Aissata Angélina Traoré.

Placed on the theme: ‘strengthening peace and social cohesion in schools in the diocese of Koupéla through the promotion of non-violent communication and the culture of citizenship’, the conference took place on Saturday May 25, 2024 at Koupela.

Organized by the diocesan justice and peace commission, the event took place in the presence of active forces and students from different establishments and parents.

Contributing to strengthening peace, social cohesion and living together through the promotion of non-violent communication in schools is the objective of the conference updated by the Koupéla diocesan justice and peace commission to strengthen skills.

‘This initiative aims to cr
eate a world of peace, given the socio-cultural context of our country, but starting with the first actors who are young people and in particular schoolchildren. I would say that it is a project where we come to sow the seed of justice, peace, social cohesion and non-violence,’ indicated the chaplain of high schools and colleges and youth of the diocese of Koupéla. , Abbot Emile Sawadogo.

According to Hatifatou Kouraogo, a second ‘A’ student at the Wend-Yam private high school in Koupéla, this conference raised awareness and what could bring a positive change in the behavior of communities to the happiness of everyone.

‘Promoting good citizenship in the school environment allowed me to know how to behave with my classmates to avoid offending them through my actions or comments and to cultivate good citizenship in my life,’ she added.

The diocesan president of youth, also headmaster of the Wend-Yam private high school in Koupéla, Simon Narcisse Tougma, was delighted with the holding of this edition which br
ought together students from different establishments so that they understand the need to cultivate peace and social cohesion between them.

‘We welcomed it with joy because there are several establishments which have mobilized around this activity. I think this will have a positive impact because these are students who communicated and put on theatrical plays. Which will help change their behavior in terms of communication,’ he declared.

The president of the Koupéla diocesan lay council, Désiré Marie Noel Lofo, appreciated the parents’ commitment to this initiative and encouraged the students to continue in the same dynamic.

‘Students from different establishments came to attend this conference. In these times, it is social cohesion that is very lacking in our families, I ask everyone to use good language in their environment to avoid quarrels,’ he maintained.

The High Commissioner of the Kourittenga province, Aïssata Angelina Traoré, thanked the initiators because according to her, this will create a fee
ling of acceptance between the students themselves and towards others.

She also invited parents to become more involved in the education of their children for a better future.

This initiative, through its program of activities, is to broaden the framework for the promotion of peace, living together, social cohesion through schools which are seen as first actors in the process of seeking the peace.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Houet/Festival ‘dioulaya gnongonbein’: To promote Dioula culture

Bobo-Dioulasso: The Dioula community of Bobo-Dioulasso held the 3rd edition of the ‘dioulaya gnongonbein’ Festival from May 24 to 26, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso. The sister communities of Mali, Ivory Coast and Ghana joined that of Bobo-Dioulasso, to fraternize and promote Dioula culture.

Three weeks after the 21st edition of the National Culture Week (SNC), Bobo 2024, the Dioula community of the town of Sya brought together its members from May 24 to 26, 2024, on the occasion of the 3rd edition of Dioulaya Gnongonbein Festival to fraternize and promote Dioula culture.

For 72 hours, the Dioula communities of Mali, Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Burkina Faso brought facets of Dioula culture to life at the place of the great mosque of Kong-Bougou.

The massively mobilized public at the opening ceremony was able to discover the cultural richness of the dioulas through a carnival of masks, dancers, ‘tall people with thin feet’, drummers, etc.

In a strong delegation, the Dioula community living in Ghana distinguished itsel
f at this opening ceremony with the dance steps of its leader accompanied by fireworks, and its instrumentalists who kept the festival-goers in suspense for a quarter of an hour. ‘clock.

This festival, according to the leader of the Dioula community in Ghana, should allow the great Dioula people to fraternize and promote Dioula culture and tradition.

This is why His Majesty wanted Dioulaya Gnongonbein to be perpetuated and to be more grandiose for future editions. For the project manager at the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism, Alassane Ouango, representing the Minister in charge of Culture, this festival is a bonus from the SNC which allows the Dioula community to commune and recreate at through its cultural values.

Festivals like the Dioulaya Gnongonbein Festival must multiply in the context of the security and humanitarian crisis in Burkina Faso to allow different communities to get to know each other, dialogue and advocate living together, according to the representative of the Minister in charge
of Culture.

The Dioulaya Gnongonbein festival, according to the explanations of the president of the organizing committee for the 3rd edition, Bapindjé Ouattara, aims to bring together dioulas and the well-being of this community.

The particularity of the 3rd edition , continued the president of the organizing committee, was the invitation to the sister communities of Mali, Ivory Coast, and Ghana to the party.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Tuy / Day of academic excellence The CEG of Kouloho rewards its best students

The General Education College (CEG) of Kouloho in the commune of Founzan, province of Tuy organized the first edition of the day of excellence, on Thursday May 23, 2024 in the said village under the theme: “Promotion of good citizenship and excellence in schools in a context of security crisis”.

The General Education College (CEG) of Kouloho, in the commune of Founzan, province of Tuy, recognized the merit of its students who distinguished themselves by their results during the 2023-2024 school year. It was during the first edition of the Day of Excellence organized on Thursday, May 23, 2024, under the patronage of the village chief, His Majesty Lotè Daourou in the presence of administrative and municipal authorities, religious and customary leaders and stakeholders. education. On the occasion, prizes were awarded to the 15 best students from the 5 classes in the college. They each benefited from a school kit and a financial envelope. The students ranked first each received a bicycle and special prizes.

ine Naba with 17.50/20 and Marie-Claire Daourou 19.16/20 are respectively first in 6th A and 6th B. With 18.16/20, Yiéyamouti Konaté is first in 5th. In 4th Zounouhan Fierro and Asmatou Ouattara are tied for first with 17.59/20. In 3rd, Ibrahim Lamy obtained the best average with 14.73/20. According to the director of the CEG of Kouloho, Babou Bamouni, the objective of this day is to create emulation between the students with a view to improving results. According to him, working conditions are not easy at the Kouloho CEG. ‘We have almost 100 students per class and the administration is outside under trees due to lack of offices,’ he lamented. However, Mr. Bamouni praised the college staff for their dedication which allows them to achieve satisfactory results. The correspondent of Ecole sans frontières 66 (ESF66), Lonkou Gérard Yaro, son of the locality and sponsor of this edition, said he was satisfied on the one hand to make his modest contribution to boost education and on the other part of promoting quali
ty and academic merit in the locality. He praised the efforts and the high sense of patriotism of the teaching staff who, despite the worrying security context, are fighting to train future executives. ‘Through your work, you give us hope that we can count on you to meet the challenge of an emerging Burkina Faso,’ he addressed the winners. Mr. Yaro also urged parents to become more involved in the academic monitoring of children because their success depends on it.

For the Secretary General of Founzan Town Hall, Vamara Ouattara representing the president of the special municipal delegation, the organization of this day reflects the determination of the initiators to make education a priority. He reassured of the availability and commitment of the special delegation to support this type of initiative. Mr. Ouattara also informed the winners that the prizes they have just received are an invitation to persevere in the conquest of knowledge. Concerning the lack of offices, the municipal authority announced very
soon the construction of an administrative building at the Kouloho CEG.

Long before, the CEG inter-class finals in athletics and football were played. On the occasion the winners in these competitions were also awarded prizes.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kourittenga/Dedication: ‘The triumph of life’, a book that allows you to overcome life’s obstacles

Bernard Nadembèga dedicated on Saturday May 25, 2024 to Koupèla, his first book entitled ‘The triumph of life’, which allows one to overcome life’s obstacles. The ceremony was chaired by the secretary general from the province of Kourittenga, Moctar Ilboudo.

‘The Triumph of Life’, the first novel by Bernard Nadembèga, was signed on Saturday May 25, 2024 in Koupèla.

According to Mr. Nadembèga, the passion for writing a book has been with him since high school.

‘I got into the habit of reading and searching. This is where I read a book by Adama Siguiré which inspired me a lot. And that’s where I got started, hence the appearance of this new work,’ he said.

Coming from a polygamous family, Bernard Nadembèga tells his life story while pretending to be Rayangnéwendé, the main character cited in his work.

Having managed to get through difficult times, he uses his pen to encourage everyone not to give up.

‘The field of literature is not that easy. So I urge writers and readers to maintain courage and hold on t
o persevere,’ explained Bernard Nadembèga.

The literary godfather, Lucien Noba, was delighted with the choice of his person.

For him, the work contains advice that encourages everyone.

‘The content of the work is edifying. The book tells the story of Rayangnéwendé, the main character who, despite life’s obstacles, was able to overcome. This beautiful example should inspire us all and lead us to know that not everything is won easily. Everyone must fight to get out. Actions of this magnitude which raise awareness among the population deserve encouragement,’ he added.

It is in this sense that the representative of the sponsors, Wendpouita Noel Béré, sent his congratulations to the author of the work and wished him good luck

‘What we saw during the dedication ceremony was very impressive. I can only encourage him on behalf of the sponsors. Our prayer is that he continues with this passion and determination. The sponsors promised to respond to his next call,’ he said.

According to him, this book will contri
bute to the bibliography of the locality.

‘We have seen in the light of the extracts from the work that have been read and also from literary criticism that it is a beautiful literary work. This work will not only have a positive impact on young people in their resilience, in their self-confidence,’ continued Wendpouita Noel Béré.

The representative of the sponsors also added that the work is a production which will contribute to the bibliography and at the same time grow the circle of writers in our province. What is produced in this book is beautifully crafted.

‘It’s really a book that we want to recommend to the youth of our province and to the youth of our country,’ he said.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Fight against terrorism, humanitarian aid and training are the priorities of the new Russian ambassador to Burkina

Ouagadougou: The new extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Russian Federation to Burkina Faso with residence in Ouagadougou, Igor Martynov, plans to work in the fight against terrorism, humanitarian aid and student training and executives of the Burkinabè administration, the AIB learned on Tuesday.

‘My mission will reflect what appears on the coat of arms of Burkina Faso, namely Unity, Progress and Justice,’ indicated the new extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Russian Federation to Burkina Faso Igor Martynov.

He intends to work in several areas of cooperation such as the fight against terrorism, humanitarian aid, training of students and executives of the Burkinabè Administration, investment promotion, etc.

The diplomat spoke on Tuesday in Ouagadougou, after handing over illustrated copies of his Letters of Credence to the head of Burkinabe diplomacy Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré.

Igor Martynov expressed his full willingness and commitment to working to promote cooperation betw
een the Russian Federation and Burkina Faso.

Minister Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré has shown his willingness to work in close collaboration with the Embassy of the Russian Federation to strengthen the Ouagadougou-Moscow axis.

According to him, the upcoming arrival of the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergei Lavrov, in Burkina Faso, is another significant guarantee of bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

President Kais Saied leaves for People’s Republic of China

Tunis: President Kais Saied left on Tuesday for a visit to China, at the invitation of the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping.

The President was seen off by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani, the first delegate and acting governor of Tunis, the secretary general of the Tunis municipality and acting mayor, and members of the presidential office, according to a statement issued by the presidency.

Saied’s state visit to China will last until June 1. He will be the guest of honour at the opening session of the 10th ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Beijing on May 30.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

60 years of the AIB: A word from the general director, Assétou Badoh

Ouagadougou: The celebration of sixty years of the Burkina Information Agency (AIB), this May 27, was marked by a rise in national colors at the agency’s headquarters, the symbolic planting tree and a word of encouragement from the general director, Assétou Badoh.

Here is the entire message from the general director

: ‘I would like, on behalf of the Minister of State, Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism, and on behalf of the chairman of the board of directors of Editions Sidwaya, to wish you joyful anniversary, for the journey of our agency.

Sixty years is not sixty days. I would like to tell you how proud we are of you, proud of the work that is done every day. I would also like to congratulate and thank all of our followers, these millions of Burkinabè in the country and in the diaspora, from all possible communities, who follow us around the world.

Today we have a large network of correspondents to whom we also pay tribute. Tell all the correspondents that we are proud of the local work they do ev
ery day.

Today, the time is not so much for celebration. Because whatever we have planned, if we lose an agent, the festive side, we lose something,’ she concluded by asking the Almighty to welcome the soul of Abel Edouard Bazié , from the distribution service, died early on May 27, 2024.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Most Tunisians refuse abortion for no reason or for economic reasons (Survey)

Tunis: Most Tunisians oppose abortion for no reason or for economic reasons, according to the latest survey by the pan-African research network Afrobarometer, carried out by the Tunisian institute “One to One for Research and Polling”.

Presented on Tuesday, the results of the “Gender Equality and Sexual and Reproductive Health” survey show that 88% of a sample of 1,200 Tunisian adults interviewed between February 25 and March 11, believe that abortion is justified when the pregnancy poses a risk to the woman’s health or is the result of rape or incest (66%), but never for economic reasons (50%) or any other reason (71%).

Youssef Meddeb, CEO and co-founder of One to One for Research and Polling, said the survey also revealed that 33% of respondents believe that women and girls in their community “sometimes” (20%) or “often” (13%) terminate their pregnancies.

83% of respondents agree that girls should be able to continue their studies if they become pregnant or parents, that they should be able to make their
own decisions about marriage (81%) and childbearing (59%), and that young people should be provided with sexuality education to help them make informed decisions (55%), he added.

The survey also found that 16% of respondents say that female students ‘often’ or ‘always’ face discrimination, harassment or sexual advances from their teachers.

41% say that women are ‘often’ or ‘always’ sexually harassed in public spaces, and 66% believe that ‘much more’ needs to be done to protect women and girls from sexual harassment.

Participants in this conference said that lack of information, limited access to health services, social norms, insecurity and lack of financial resources are all factors that undermine the situation of women in Tunisia, despite current legal and institutional achievements.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Cabinet discusses preparations for return of Tunisians abroad in summer season

Tunis: A Cabinet Meeting chaired by Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani on Tuesday at the Government Palace in Kasbah, discussed the preparations of various ministries to ensure the return of Tunisians abroad in the best conditions during the summer season.

These include mobilising all resources to facilitate the issuance of travel documents and improve services at airports, seaports, and land border crossings, said a Prime Ministry press release.

The meeting emphasised the “need to ensure a good reception for Tunisians abroad and to mobilise all resources to streamline travel procedures.”

The Ministry of Social Affairs will “review legal texts on social security for Tunisians abroad” and “work with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Migration, and Tunisians Abroad to raise awareness among the Tunisian Diaspora about their rights, enshrined in the various agreements signed with their host countries.”

The meeting was attended by Interior Minister, Khaled Nouri, Finance Minister, Sihem Boughdiri Nemsia, Social Affai
rs Minister, Kamel Madouri, Minister of Communication Technologies, Nizar Ben Neji, Tourism Minister Mohamed Moez Belhassine, Secretary of State to the Interor Minister in charge of National Security, Sofiane Ben Sadok, Secretary of State to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Mounir Ben Rjiba, Director General of Border Police and Foreigners, Imed Zoghlami, and Director General of Customs, Zouheir Mejri.

The meeting particularly addressed the implementation of decisions made during the cabinet meeting held on April 23 regarding the preparations for the return of Tunisians abroad during the summer season.

The April 23 meeting had approved a series of measures in favour of Tunisians abroad, including the allocation of 500 tickets at reduced prices to poor families, the creation of an outdoor area for travellers at the port of La Goulette and the doubling of the number of check-in desks (from 18 to 36) for the return of Tunisians abroad.

The measures approved by the Cabinet also
included the creation of a special area within the General Directorate of Borders and Aliens Police for obtaining travel documents for the Tunisian diaspora and the opening of passport offices at Tunis-Carthage airport and the ports of La Goulette and Zarzis.

The services of the Tunisian Customs have also been called upon to reduce waiting times for travellers, while ensuring that corridors are allocated to travellers without baggage and that an exchange office is opened at the port of La Goulette.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Health Minister stresses Tunisia’s commitment to international treaty on pandemic preparedness and response

Tunis: Health Minister Ali M’rabet delivered Tunisia’s speech at the 77th session of the World Health Assembly (WHA), which is currently being held in Geneva, Switzerland.

He highlighted Tunisia’s commitment to universal noble values and the establishment of an international treaty on pandemic preparedness and response, embodying the call made by President Kais Saied and several international leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Minister underlined the importance of the global health challenges and the efforts of the World Health Organisation (WHO) member states to address them through the adoption of the the organisation’s 14th work programme for the period 2025-2028.

He also stressed the importance of negotiations on the treaty on pandemic preparedness and response, and the revision of health regulations, as well as the review of international health emergencies, in particular the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The Health Minister reiterated Tunisia’s firm position calling for a
ceasefire, the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people, and the lifting of the unjust blockade imposed on them.

Minister M’rabet called on the World Health Assembly to adopt the draft resolution on social participation for UHC, health and well-being, proposed by Tunisia, France, Norway, Brazil, Thailand and Slovenia, which enshrines the recommendations outlined in the WHO’s guide for community participation, drawing on the leading experiences of several member states in this field, including Tunisia.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Gabes: New research laboratory at ENIG

Gabes: A new research laboratory has been set up at the National Engineering School of Gabès (ENI): the Mechanical Modelling, Energy and Materials Laboratory.

This brings the total number of laboratories at the University of Gabes to 19, compared to 4 in 2017.

These research laboratories at the University of Gabès are divided into 8 laboratories at the Faculty of Science of Gabes (FSG), 7 other laboratories at the National Engineering School of Gabes (ENIG), a laboratory at the Higher Institute of Applied Biology of Medenine (ISBAM), another laboratory at the Higher Institute of Water Science and Technology of Gabes (ISSTEG), a laboratory at the Higher Institute of Management (ISGG) and a laboratory at the Higher Institute of Arts and Crafts of Gabes (ISAMG).

During this academic year, the University of Gabes created a second doctoral school in “exact and natural sciences” at the Faculty of Science in Gabes, as part of its efforts to create a multidisciplinary sectoral platform for training and research, o
perating within the framework of the LMD system (Licence-Master-Doctorate).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse