Sixty-year-old: Souleymane Sawadogo welcomes the renewed vitality of the AIB

Ouagadougou: The former Director of the AIB, Souleymane Sawadogo, welcomed on Monday the renewed vitality of the AIB before urging the first authorities to grant it substantial resources to do truly from her, the wholesaler of information.

‘We need to think carefully in order to provide the AIB with substantial human, logistical and financial resources to enable it to play its role as an information wholesaler,’ said Souleymane Sawadogo, in an interview on Monday.

According to Mr. Sawadogo, in 2017 the ministry in charge of Communication considered the need to improve the status of the agency and to this end, a strategic plan was adopted for the period 2017-2019.

‘This plan has never prospered, while the press agency is above all the showcase of a country where official information is conveyed,’ lamented Mr. Sawadogo, director of the AIB from 2014 to 2018.

However, he welcomed the renewed vitality of the AIB which, more and more, is the channel of official information. This could be the beginnings of reco
gnition of the value, role and importance of a press agency by the public authority, continued the director.

While hoping that the political will is displayed in the construction of a viable press agency, Mr. Sawadgo hoped that the AIB would live on. He expressed his encouragement to all the agents and the management team of the AIB, who are doing a fantastic job.’

Finally, he invited ‘young journalists to put on the cloak of humility, anything that allows them to learn quickly and well and to use it for their own career.

He also congratulated the young journalists who ‘agree to go through the press agency to expand their training, even if some think that working there does not allow you to make a name, which is not true. After a career in an agency, a young journalist always remains seasoned. »

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Boulgou: Sanitation day at the Cinkansé bus station

The town hall of the commune of Yargatenga initiated a sanitation day at the Cinkansé bus station, on Saturday May 25, 2014.

The special delegation of the commune of Yargatenga, in the province of Koulpelogo initiated a sanitation day at the Cinkansé bus station, on Saturday May 25, 2024.

This activity is a response to the government’s call to make their living environment clean.

In this town on the border of Burkina and Togo, there are many plastic bags thrown all over the town by users.

These sachets are the cause of disease and environmental pollution.

To remedy this unsanitary situation, the president of the special delegation of the municipality of Yargatenga, Jean Saré, invited each citizen to play their part. For Mr. Saré, cleaning up his living environment must be a civic act.

He invited ‘The entire population of the commune of Yargatenga participated actively in this cleanliness day by collecting the bags and putting them in bins’.

On this clean day, we noted the presence of civil society orga
nizations, the Yargatenga social action service, citizen monitoring actors, village development committees (CVD), and law enforcement.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Africa Day: The African Diplomatic Group expresses ‘its solidarity with Burkina Faso’

Ouagadougou: On the occasion of Africa Day, the African Diplomatic Group expressed on Saturday May 25, 2024 in the evening in Ouagadougou, ‘its solidarity with Burkina Faso’ and reiterated ‘its availability to support the country in meeting the challenges that arise, by supporting the efforts underway during this period of Transition.

‘The celebration of Africa Day offers us the opportunity to send to the High Authorities and the Burkinabe Government our most sincere wishes for a happy Africa Day, and we also express our wishes for peace, prosperity and well-being for the brotherly Burkinabè people,’ said Saturday evening in Ouagadougou, the Dean of the African Diplomatic Group and Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Burkina Faso Youssef Slaoui.

Mr. Slaoui spoke on the occasion of the reception marking the celebration of the 61st anniversary of Africa Day in the presence of the Minister Delegate in charge of Regional Cooperation Stella Kabré and several diplomats accredited to Burkina Faso.

The African
Group, through the voice of its Dean, wished Burkina Faso every success in the implementation of ‘its various development and cooperation programs on the African and international levels to achieve the objectives set by the Government so that the country experience the growth necessary for its development for the advent of a prosperous and triumphant Burkina’.

The 61st anniversary of Africa Day is being held under the theme ‘Educating and qualifying Africa for the 21st century’. The Moroccan diplomat stressed that Africa has made significant progress in education over the past 60 years, with more girls in school and students in higher education than ever before.

‘In 2024, the African continent will have the largest population of young people on the planet. By 2030, around 230 million jobs in Africa will require digital skills. School practices must evolve to meet these future employability needs and promote creativity, critical thinking and problem solving,’ he said.

The Dean of the African Diplomatic Grou
p indicated that ‘Africa Day is an annual celebration of the achievements and potential of Africa and a moment of reflection on the future of our continent, its place on the international stage’ .

He maintained that ‘Africa is gradually asserting its role as an engine of growth in the world economy. The continent is expected to maintain average annual growth above 4.3%. Annual investment growth in Africa has reached 11% and manufacturing industries are expected to reach US$930 billion. Africa’s vast natural and agricultural resources further strengthen its economic prospects.

The delegate minister responsible for cooperation reaffirmed ‘Burkina Faso’s commitment to working with brother African countries to promote peace, security and development’ of the continent as well as ‘for stronger integration and governance based on the principles of solidarity, justice and truth.

Ms Kabré invited African countries to ‘build inclusive institutions anchored in solidarity, truth and justice’. In his opinion, ‘African
solidarity is our greatest strength and in the face of multiple crises, whether security, food, economic and health, our unity is essential and must remain the key word’.

‘We must intensify our efforts to combat terrorism, promote good governance and ensure inclusive development,’ she said.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kourittenga: 18 new traditional chiefs crowned

His Majesty Naaba Yemdé the Kourit-Yir-Soaba, crowned, on Saturday May 25, 2024, 18 new customary chiefs, in the royal court of Koupèla. The ceremony was attended by the populations of their respective jurisdictions.

The royal court of Koupéla refused people, on Saturday May 25, 2024, for the ceremony initiated for around thirty suitors from various localities, in search of the ‘ancestral cap’.

The afternoon was devoted to rituals to distinguish the people among the thirty who will have the privilege of accessing the circle of customary chiefdom.

At the end of various procedures for the distinction, 18 contenders officially benefited from the privilege of traditional leader.

According to Napam-boum Naaba, one of His Majesty’s ministers, this initiative aims to find in each locality a competent guarantor in the service of customary chiefdom.

‘You know that one finger does not pick up the flour. It is by being united that we can achieve our goals. We are all satisfied with this initiative, because a villag
e without a leader can fall into disorder, which can harm the development of the community,’ he said.

Especially in this period of great concern, added Napam-boum Naaba, leaders play a crucial role in calming certain situations in the respective localities.

‘Now, several villages that did not have traditional leaders now have them,’ he said.

For him, each new leader knows his responsibilities and must fully play his role to achieve the set objectives.

‘Before benefiting from this privilege, each of them was accompanied by elders and young people from their locality to come and greet His Majesty. This shows that they are already aware of the tasks reserved for them,’ suggested His Majesty’s Minister.

According to him, the power they received does not mean that they are above their community, but that they must commit to serving the population to better manage and contribute to the development of their locality to the happiness of the communities. . They are there to mediate on certain situations at their
level without the intervention of His Majesty Naaba Yemdé.

Napam-boum Naaba also encouraged competitors who have not had the privilege to collaborate with new ones for effective management of their respective localities.

‘I invite the competitors, once back home, to collaborate with the new leaders and support them in the management of their community,’ he added.

The new leaders are called upon to work in close collaboration with the communities for the harmonious development of the localities.

The appointment is therefore given for next year.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Zaghouan: Grain production estimated at 380,000 quintals

Zaghouan: The various regional directorates in the Zaghouan governorate announced on Monday the start of the harvest of 33,000 hectares of barley for the 2023 – 2024 agricultural season.

The grain harvest in Zaghouan governorate for this season is estimated at around 380,000 quintals, or 44% of the average production over the last five years, said head of the crop production department at the Regional Agricultural Development Authority (French: CRDA), Ali Hammami.

At a meeting held on Monday at the governorate headquarters to prepare for the smooth running of crop production, the authorities concerned also announced the start of the durum and soft wheat harvest next Thursday, covering an estimated 30,000 hectares.

In a statement to TAP, Ali Hammami, stressed that all procedures had been put in place to ensure a successful harvest, including the development of agricultural roads to combat fires, the monitoring of collection and storage centres, and the maintenance of 168 combine harvesters.

made at the meeting included the need to comply with storage conditions and the terms of the agreement signed with the Grain Board, as well as ensuring that storage centres continue to operate on a daily basis and facilitating grain transfer procedures.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Sidi Bouzid: Signing of tripartite agreement as part of operationalisation of ‘Impact’ Fund

Sidi Bouzid: CDC Gestion and CDC Croissance, two funds of the Tunisian “Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations” and economic development companies in the governorates of Sidi Bouzid, Kasserine and Kairouan signed on Monday a tripartite agreement as part of the activation of the “Impact” fund for the creation of projects in the economic development corridor.

The agreement, signed during a working session at the headquarters of the Sidi Bouzid governorate, is part of the continuation of the economic development corridor project in the governorates of Kasserine, Sidi Bouzid and Sfax, financed by the World Bank. The latter provides for the financing of the National Road 13 project and the financing and support of projects and micro-enterprises in the regions.

Governor of Sidi Bouzid, Abdelhalim Hamdi, stressed that the aim of the economic development corridor project (doubling of the National Road 13) is to reduce the disparities between the regions by developing the infrastructure sector in accordance with the gen
eral orientations of the state to achieve a comprehensive and inclusive development to be a suitable ground for the establishment of a sovereign economy.

He pointed out that the agreement will ensure equal opportunities to achieve economic growth in the areas through which the economic development corridor passes through the economic development companies.

“There will be a follow-up, evaluation and correction of the funding path to ensure the achievement of the goals set,” he stressed.

For his part, the Governor of Kasserine, Ridha Rokbeni, said that the trend towards supporting the resilience of SMEs is a development option and an economic necessity in the existing process within the regionalisation project aimed at achieving equitable development and reducing disparities between regions.

The signing ceremony was attended by the CEO of the CDC, the CEO of Agence Foncière Industrielle, the CEO of the CDC Gestion, the CEO of the CDC Croissance, the directors of the economic development companies and local
officials from the governorates of Sidi Bouzid, Kasserine and Kairouan.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunisia attends 26th Francophone Health Meetings in Geneva

Tunis: Health Minister Ali Mrabet said on Sunday as he attended the 26th francophone Health Meetings in Geneva, Switzerland, there is need to strengthen North-South relations as well as tripartite cooperation in the French-speaking world.

The event is held annually by the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) on the theme : Modern Approaches in the service of Healthcare services as part of the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland (27 May – 1 June) 2024.

Mrabet said the private sector plays a key role in the public-private partnership which serves world health.

Tunisia, he further said, lends paramount importance to innovation and development in the health sector, mainly by means of boosting e-health and securing healthcare access for all. The theme of this year’s Health Assembly is: All for Health, Health for All.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Geneva: Health Minister stresses need to give top priority to health situation in Palestine

Tunis: During his participation in the 60th regular session of the Council of Arab Health Ministers, Health Minister Ali Mrabet stressed, on Monday, in Geneva (Switzerland) the need to give a top priority to the health situation in Palestine following the «barbaric» aggression of the Zionist occupying forces against innocent Palestinians, particularly in the Gaza Strip.

The minister called for an immediate ceasefire allowing the urgent entry of humanitarian aid and the lifting of the unjust embargo imposed on the Palestinian territories, emphasizing Tunisia’s firm stance in favor of the legitimate rights of Palestinian people to establish an independent State throughout, with Al Quds as its capital.

The 60th session of the Council of Arab Health Ministers is held this year under the presidency of Iraq. It is part of the 77th session of the World Health Assembly which is being held in Geneva from May 27 to 1 June 2024.

Mrabet also reiterated the need to coordinate the positions of Arab countries on issues t
o be addressed by the World Health Organisation, when considering the adoption of the 14th WHO Action Programme for 2025-2028.

The Health Minister also reviewed the progress made by Tunisia in hosting a Coordination Office of the Arab Council for Medical Specializations, which is supposed to contribute effectively to the training of Arab healthcare professionals in the field of relief.

On the sidelines of the event, the Minister of Health had several meetings with Arab Health Ministers and the WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Kourittenga: Promotion outing of 27 learners in sewing and hairdressing

27 learners including 19 students from the 11th promotion in sewing and 08 from the 1st promotion in hairdressing from the Notre Dame des GrSces ‘Arts et Métiers’ professional training center, went on Saturday May 25, 2024 to Koupela. The ceremony took place in the presence of administrative authorities, religious authorities, parents, friends and students of the center.

There are a total of 27 learners who are at the end of their apprenticeship cycle at the Notre Dame des GrSces ‘Arts et Métiers’ Vocational Training Center, including 19 students in sewing and 8 in hairdressing.

The ceremony took place on Saturday May 25, 2024 in Koupéla.

The director of the Center, Sister Marie Dieudonné Ouédraogo, was delighted with the bravery and will of the learners.

According to her, she was in front of women and girls who are full of talent.

‘It’s a feeling of joy and satisfaction that drives me. The girls surprised me very pleasantly with their creation. Their creativity was enormous. Frankly, I remain speechless
for their surprises. And I am proud. The training has achieved the objectives and they are ready for the field,’ she said.

According to Sister Marie Dieudonné Ouédraogo, those who are in the passing class, the level is there, they have understood that they must play their part.

‘Many parents were able to follow up. They stopped by from time to time to see the progress of their daughters and this encouraged and galvanized us. We understood that parents partnered with us for the education of their children, and for that, we gave the best of ourselves,’ explained the director.

The learners thanked everyone who worked for their well-being during their learning time.

For Jacqueline Tougma, at the end of her sewing cutting training, ‘I have just finished my sewing cutting training. I thank my supervisors for everything they have done for us. And from here, I plan to open my own workshop.

The parents of the students did not regret having enrolled their daughters in this center because given the hairstyle and se
wing models created by them, they are convinced that they are well supervised to integrate into life professional.

The President of the center’s parents, Charles Désiré Pouya, said that it is impeccable work, whether in sewing or hairdressing, from the 1st year, everyone manages to do their hair or braid their head. a client.

‘In terms of tailoring, each learner manages to cut and dress themselves. In all sincerity, it is professional work that is being done. When I take up sewing, They are called to integrate into society,’ he added. The President of the special delegation (PDS) of the commune of Koupéla, also godmother, Alice Belemviré/Nikiéma, said that one of the reasons for the existence of this center is to work to bring smiles back to young girls and local women while teaching them to carry out an activity.

According to him, they work to build customer loyalty by respecting appointments, as well as with hairdressing.

‘A manual worker who cannot keep appointments calls into question his training of
several years,’ continued Charles Désiré Pouya.

‘Our girls are no longer left to their own devices. They have what they need to learn to meet their needs and be independent and full women. We are happy about it. I invite them to remain persistent and put into practice all the advice they have received,’ noted the PDS.

The Metropolitan Archbishop of Koupéla, Monseigneur Gabriel Sayaogo, invited the laureates to apply what they have learned as soon as possible.

‘We witnessed what they were able to do over the course of a year. I would like to thank them for the beautiful hairstyles we saw. I only hope that those in the 3rd year have the chance to be integrated into working life. We are meeting for those of the 2nd and 1st year at the next school year in order to continue what we started together. May the Lord give peace to Burkina Faso,’ wished Monsignor Gabriel Sayaogo.

The three best students in each class were rewarded.

Those in the 3rd year in sewing and the 2nd year in hairdressing who are at the end
of their training, each received a certificate and a kit.

Burkina Faso Information Agency



205993~2: Jacqueline Tougma at the end of her training in sewing cutting

20BF58~1: Photo of presentation of certificates to sewing learners who are at the end of their apprenticeship by the Provincial Director of Culture and Art of the province of Kouritenga, Amédée Wend-La-Sida Silga

2030E5~1: Family photo of the authorities with the hairdressers at the end of the course

20D16E~1: Photo of the parade of girls from the second year in hairdressing at the end of the course

20C597~1: Photo of the guests

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kénédougou/Oratory art: Eloquence in schools magnified.

The final of the 3rd edition of the school oratory competition took place on Saturday, May 25, 2024 in Orodara. The initiative is from the Network of Young Pioneers and Entrepreneurs (RAJEPE).

At the end of this final, the Municipal High School occupies first place followed by the Diongolo Traoré Provincial High School of Orodara.

Five (05) schools from the city of Orodara took part in the public speaking competition. The final which took place on Saturday May 25, 2024 in Orodara, pitted the Diongolo Traoré provincial high school against the Orodara municipal high school, which occupied first place.

According to the president of the Network of Young Pioneers and Entrepreneurs (RAJEPE), Loé Fousséni Barro, this competition was born from an observation that there is a difference between having diplomas and having knowledge but also and above all knowing the transmit according to the circumstances .

The representative of the sponsors and the High Commissioner of the province of Kénédougou, Saïdou Sakira, tha
nked the organizing committee for the initiative.

The different winners each received prizes in kind and in cash by the organizing committee.

As a reminder, the main objective of this competition is to encourage and raise awareness among young people with a view to their participation in political governance through training in intellectual and ideological development.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Trainees express their talent for the 60th anniversary of the AIB

Ouagadougou: On the occasion of the 60 years of existence of the Burkina Information Agency (AIB), students and student civilian servants who completed their internship at the agency imagined a logo to symbolize the Diamond Jubilee.

Alongside the official logo of the event, this work by the AIB trainees marks their ‘happy passage’ in this service, they say.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Nahouri/Sport and school talents: The Tiébélé departmental high school wins the trophy by 3 goals to 1

The provincial directorate of post-primary and secondary education of Nahouri, closed on Saturday May 25, 2024 in Pô, in the province of Nahouri, the 1st edition of Nahouri sport and school talents on the theme: ‘Sport and culture in schools: factors of development and social cohesion’. The Tiébélé departmental high school won the trophy by 3 goals to 1 against the CEG of Koumbili.

Placed on the theme ‘Sport and culture in schools: factors of development and social cohesion’, the provincial directorate of post-primary and secondary education of Nahouri, closed the activities of the 1st edition of Nahouri sport and school talents, on Saturday May 25, 2024.

Started last February, public and private high schools and colleges in the Nahouri province took part in this edition.

The Tiébélé Departmental High School and the CEG of Koumbili (Commune of Guiaro), played in the football final, in the presence of administrative and provincial authorities.

It was by 3 goals to 1 that the Tiébélé departmental high schoo
l won the trophy of this first edition.

According to the provincial director of post-primary and secondary education of Nahouri, Noélie Yonli/Tasopba, the students competed for four months in a spirit of fraternity and fair play around activities such as, among others, culinary and oratorical art, traditional and modern dance, athletics and football.

Ms. Yonli praised the sporting performances, the artistic creations of the students, the spirit of camaraderie and the enthusiasm of the students around these different activities.

For her, they are sources of inspiration for all education stakeholders.

The Tiébélé departmental high school team, in addition to the trophy, receives an envelope of 30,000 CFA francs, a set of jerseys and a ball.

The Koumbili CEG pockets 20,000 CFA francs, a set of jerseys and a ball.

The establishments ranked 3rd and 4th were also rewarded.

High schools and colleges ranked best in culinary arts, oratory, traditional and modern dance, athletics, slam, sketch, football and stor
ytelling received prizes according to genre.

The High Commissioner of the province of Nahouri, Auguste Kinda and the technical advisor to the Minister of Education Guy Ouango who took part in this final, invited education stakeholders to seize this opportunity which allows young people to to flourish around cultural and sporting activities.

For them, they are not simple entertainment but rather fundamental pillars for promoting the cultures specific to each locality.

This first edition was sponsored by the CEO of the Société de transit du Burkina (STB), Lingani Aboubacar.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sixty-year-old: ‘The AIB has not yet exploited a thousandth of its potential’, Jean-Phillipe Tougma

Ouagadougou: The former director of the AIB Jean Philipe Toougouma, affirmed Monday that despite its sixty years of existence, the agency has not yet exploited a thousandth of its potential.

Jean Philipe Toougouma underlined that the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the AIB constitutes a stopover to look in the rearview mirror and project ourselves into the future in terms of communication.

Mr. Toougouma, who led the AIB from December 2008 to December 2009, assured that the ‘box’ has not yet exploited a thousandth of its fullness in terms of information in the country.

‘Today, the AIB is in the 13 regions of Burkina plus the 45 provinces, which makes for a large number of correspondents,’ he added.

For Mr. Toougouma, the AIB must explore other regions such as border areas to obtain a broader field of action in this security context.

‘Today your fame is based on the security crisis. You are a relay of information from the front,’ confided the former boss of the AIB.

He called on the agency to reorg
anize itself further on development issues in addition to security and military issues.

Listening to him, the AIB must take stock of the degree of coverage of its papers by other press organs and above all lobby institutions such as the Higher Council of Communication and others, with a view to strengthen freelance correspondents and improve working conditions.

‘Catch the ball at the right time and give a broader perspective to the AIB,’ he hoped.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sixty years old: Jolivet Emmas Sidibé Pagbelguem calls on the authorities to give the AIB its former place

Ouagadougou: The former director of the Burkina Faso Information Agency (AIB), Jolivet Emmas Sidibé Pagbelguem, called on Monday, on the occasion of the media’s 60th anniversary, the authorities to give to the agency, the place it must occupy in the media landscape in Burkina Faso.

The Burkina Information Agency (AIB) celebrates this Monday, May 27, 2024 in its premises, its diamond jubilee marking its 60 years of existence.

According to the former director of the AIB, Jolivet Emmas Sidibé Pagbelguem, the agency has been able to move forward today with the terrorist danger facing the country and this is now the opportunity to bring the debate back to the table. modern taste so that it can play its role of yesteryear.

‘It is truly a source of pride that this agency which has made rain and shine in the information landscape of Burkina has been able to resist despite all the changes that have occurred in the media landscape,’ he maintained.

Mr. Pagbelguem, also a technical advisor to the general management o
f Editions Sidwaya, specified that the security situation has placed the AIB at the heart of the communication of state journalism and that all Burkinabè currently see the importance of this tool of information.

The former boss who headed the AIB from December 2009 to June 2011, also pointed out that with the various mutations in the 2000s, the agency was attached to the public newspaper Sidwaya and that this team is not to agency advantage.

He paid tribute to the pioneers and to all those who are currently working to give more visibility, voices, writings and images to the communication tool.

‘The successive general directors of Editions Sidwaya understand the issue and I think that the current general management is working hard to ensure that the AIB truly regains its place in the Burkinabè media landscape,’ added the former director of the AIB.

According to him, through this celebration of the diamond jubilee, a new era is dawning for the agency and it must sixteen this opportunity to better assert its

Jolivet Emmas Sidibé Pagbelguem, urged the AIB to stay on the fundamentals by providing information and nothing but information while avoiding opinion journalism.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Niger Benin finally agree to unblock their common border for the resumption of trade

Ouagadougou: The Beninese and Nigerien authorities have agreed to resume the movement of goods at their common border, closed to trade for almost nine months, according to information relayed on several international media.

Following consultations between the two capitals, the border post near the Beninese town of Ségbana was opened, allowing the resumption of the trade corridor between Benin and Niger, notes the press release. This border post is located in northern Benin, on the Niger River.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) imposed sanctions in summer 2023 against Niger, where the military took power following a coup. Among the sanction measures was the closure of borders. As a result, Benin, whose territory is crossed by the trade corridor to Niger from seaports, lost a significant part of its income, which affected the standard of living of the population. In February this year, ECOWAS lifted economic sanctions, but the border between Niger and Benin remained closed.

Earlier this
month, Benin’s government banned tankers from entering national waters to ship oil from the newly commissioned pipeline between Niger and export terminals in the Gulf of Guinea. On May 15, Beninese authorities allowed an oil tanker, chartered by a Chinese company, to enter to load the first cargo of oil from the pipeline. Two other tankers approaching the Beninese coast were refused entry into national waters.

It is not yet clear whether the agreement between Benin and Niger on the reopening of the Ségbana border post implies a complete lifting of the ban on tankers entering Beninese territorial waters to load Nigerien oil.

Source: Burkina Information Agency