Morocco, Italy Discuss Strengthening Health, Social Protection Cooperation

Rabat – Minister of Health and Social Protection, Khalid Ait Taleb, held talks, on Thursday in Rabat, with the Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to Morocco, Armando Barrocco, accompanied by a large delegation from his country, on the means to strengthen cooperation opportunities in the health and social protection sectors.

This meeting is part of the policy of strengthening bilateral relations in a number of areas, notably the promotion of fruitful cooperation in the health and social protection sector, in line with the shared aspirations of the two countries, and in accordance with the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI to launch a radical and far-reaching reform of the national health system.

On this occasion, a Foundation project ‘Mama Sofia: Reducing care distances’ was presented by its founder and president, Zakia Seddiki. It is meant to establish a partnership between the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and this charity, which provides social protection and healthcare for chi
ldren in difficult situations around the world, particularly in African countries.

Speaking at the meeting, Aït Taleb pointed out that the “Mama Sofia” pilot project came at the perfect time, given the ongoing overhaul of the national healthcare system, launched by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection to accompany the Royal Project for the generalization of social protection.

“Digitization is a major pillar, given its role in improving the management of health resources and the decision-making process,” he added, underlining the “full momentum” underway to set up an integrated, intelligent national health information system based on electronic patient records.

Essentially aligned with this pillar, the Mama Sofia project will be a cutting-edge initiative promoting more efficient management of healthcare resources, reduced costs, improved efficiency of care, and equity and quality in access to care across the country, he said.

For Seddiki, this cooperation project makes Italian technological excelle
nce available to Moroccan healthcare professionals.

This project, which enables technology to be disseminated on a massive scale, bears witness to concrete collaboration between institutions, civil society and business, and also reflects the commitment of the “Mama Sofia” Foundation to promoting ethical and social values, she stressed.

For his part, the Italian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco was “very satisfied” with bilateral relations, which are enjoying a very positive dynamic in all areas of cooperation, stressing the need to strengthen this cooperation in the health sector through the provision of shared skills and expertise.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

World Water Forum: Morocco, Mali Strengthen Cooperation in Water Realms

Bali (Indonesia) – Morocco and Mali agreed, Thursday in Bali (Indonesia), to strengthen their cooperation in the water sector.

“We have agreed to strengthen bilateral cooperation between our two countries in the water sector”, said Equipment and Water Minister, Nizar Baraka, following a meeting with Mali’s Minister of Environment, Sanitation and Sustainable Development, Mamadou Samake, on the fringes of the 10th World Water Forum.

Praising the historic ties between the two brotherly countries, Baraka noted that the meeting provided an opportunity to discuss several areas of bilateral cooperation in the water field, including dams, sanitation, financing, adaptation and integrated water resource management.

In addition, the two ministers mentioned the Atlantic Initiative launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI to promote access to the Atlantic Ocean for Sahel states.

Discussions also focused on the initiative of Adaptation of African Agriculture (AAA), launched by HM King Mohammed VI at COP22, and ways for
Mali to benefit from this initiative to adapt its agricultural sector to climate change.

For his part, Samake praised Morocco’s expertise in the fields of dams, water management and irrigation, noting that this expertise was of great interest to Mali.

The meeting also discussed potential projects to strengthen the resilience of populations living in desert or Sahel zones, which remain particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

“Morocco and Mali share strong relations. We want to further strengthen and deepen our cooperation for the common interest of the people of both countries”, he said.

“We have agreed to organize a ministerial visit to Morocco in order to exchange views on the various issues discussed today, and to define a roadmap for the vision that drives our two countries”, he added.

Held at the Moroccan Pavillon, the meeting was attended by Morocco’s ambassador to Indonesia, Ouadia Benabdellah.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco, UK Ink MoU to Bolster Cooperation in Archives

London – The Moroccan Archives and the British National Archives inked, on Thursday in London, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to strengthen cooperation between the two institutions.

Signed by the Director of the Moroccan Archives, JamaS Baida, and the Director General and Keeper of the British National Archives, Jeff James, the MoU aims to bolster collaboration between the two institutions, particularly in terms of exchanging documents and sharing experience and expertise.

Speaking on the occasion, the Moroccan official noted that the signing of this MoU consolidates the long history between the United Kingdom and Morocco, which dates back to the 13th century and has led to the creation of several archives that bear witness to the richness of this partnership.

The British national archives have a wealth of experience in organizing and managing archives, which will benefit the Moroccan institution, he said, adding that the MoU also covers the exchange of archives, particularly those that have already b
een digitalized.

These documents could thus be made available to researchers and academics to boost research into the extremely rich Moroccan-British relations, Baida explained.

For his part, Morocco’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, Hakim Hajoui, said that this partnership reflects the depth of the relationship between the two kingdoms, as it sheds light on centuries of cooperation in many fields between two of the oldest monarchies in the world.

Access to this common history offers the opportunity to understand better the past, which will help to shape an even better future, the diplomat said.

To mark the conclusion of this partnership, documents about Morocco were displayed at the British National Archives, including a peace and trade treaty dating back over three centuries and exchanges of letters between the Sovereigns of the two countries dating back to the 16th century.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Fez Festival of World Sacred Music, International Platform of Intercultural Dialogue (Spain’s Ambassador)

Rabat – Fez Festival of World Sacred Music, whose 27th edition is scheduled for May 24 May to 1st June, is an international platform of intercultural dialogue, Spain’s Ambassador to Morocco, Enrique Ojeda Vila, said.

This festival, which has transcended its regional borders to achieve international prominence, represents an annual rendezvous to “promote dialogue and understanding between cultures and civilizations”, he pointed out in an interview with MAP.

The Spanish Ambassador welcomed his country’s participation as a guest of honor of the 2024 edition, themed ‘The Quest for the Spirit of Al Andalus’, stressing the historic and cultural ties between the two countries.

The festival, which honors Andalusian Nubat, Cantigas, Ladino Chants and Flamenco, is a platform to celebrate culture in its larger sense, he added, emphasizing the spirit of Al Andalus as a symbol of a civilization built on the meeting of the three monotheist religions and their cultures.

The Spanish diplomat said that his country will be
strongly represented during the ten days of the festival through music performances, including renowned Flamenco guitarist Vicente Amigo and Raices musicales gallegas group.

He also stressed the excellent cultural ties between the two countries, based on numerous common points between Spanish and Moroccan societies, as well as geographic and human proximity that favors creative exchange in various fields, adding that this proximity promotes the implementation of joint creative projects in art, music, education and scientific research.

He cited, as examples, the joint events organized by both countries to strengthen intercultural dialogue, like the Festival of African Cinema of Tarifa-Tangier (FCAT) in Tangier.

Fez Festival for World Sacred Music and its forum, which were created in 1994 and 2001 respectively, are part of the city’s scholarly, artistic and spiritual tradition.

In 2001, the festival was designated by the UN as one of the main events that contribute to the dialogue of civilizations. The even
t rallied artists with international fame from all horizons, who shared their quest for the sacred.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Hajj 1445: HM the King Calls on Moroccan Pilgrims to Represent Their Country in Best Way Possible, Adhere to Islam’s Quintessential Values

Rabat – His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, may God assist Him, called on Moroccan pilgrims to represent their country in the great Hajj season in the best way possible, by adhering to the quintessential values of Islam, including sincere brotherhood, unwavering tolerance, and effective solidarity.

“Therefore, I want you to be ambassadors for your country, reflecting that glorious image of your nation. Keep in mind that it is these immutable national values that have given our country the security and stability it is enjoying; it is thanks to them that our nation is continuing its victorious march under my leadership, with a view to achieving further progress and prosperity,’ the Sovereign underlined in a message addressed on Thursday to Moroccan pilgrims bound for the Holy Places of Islam for the year 1445 AH.

HM the King, Commander of the Faithful, urged Moroccan pilgrims to represent their country properly and reflect its time-honoured civilization, in the same way their ancestors di
d throughout the centuries, who ‘were committed to unity, cohesion, and adherence to religious and national sacred values that are based on moderation and the unity of our religious rite’.

In this message, which was read out by Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq, on the occasion of the departure of the first group of pilgrims from Rabat-Salé Airport, the Sovereign reminded pilgrims that they are expected during the Hajj season to embody the lofty values of Islam, including those of integrity, proper treatment of others, solidarity and sincerity when turning to the Lord of the Worlds.

HM the King also invited pilgrims to strictly adhere ‘to the regulatory measures taken by the relevant authorities in our sister nation, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to provide for the comfort and safety of the guests of the Almighty. The aim is also to ensure the Hajj season proceeds safely and smoothly, in keeping with the high instructions given by my venerable brother, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mos
ques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – may God grant him a long, healthy life. May he be actively and effectively supported by my dearest and most honourable brother, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Chairman of the Council of Ministers – may God protect him and grant him a long life.’

In this regard, the Sovereign takes the opportunity to commend the fraternal relations uniting the two Kingdoms and peoples in the two sister nations, calling on Moroccan pilgrims to respect the measures taken and the arrangements made by the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs to provide for their comfort throughout their journey and to enable them to perform their rituals in the best conditions possible.

To this end, the Sovereign said, the Ministry has dispatched ‘specialized teams which will accompany you from the time you leave until your return home,’ noting that these teams include administrators, male and female religious scholars and guides as well as male and fema
le doctors and nurses, who will be looking after the pilgrims and will be working around the clock to provide the services needed by pilgrims immediately.

HM the King, Commander of the Faithful, also called on Moroccan pilgrims to ‘remember to pray fervently for your King, who ensures your security and prosperity as well as your country’s unity, sovereignty and dignity, and who sees to it that your nation holds its rightful place in its region and within the Islamic world’.

“Pray that Almighty God may always grant me success and support, as well as good health and well-being; pray for me and my esteemed family. Pray that I may see in His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, only such things as delight the heart and please the eye. Pray that my revered grandfather, His late Majesty King Mohammed V, and my venerable father, His late Majesty King Hassan II, may rest in peace. Pray, also, that the Almighty may continue to protect our homeland,’ HM the King in the message underlined.

The Sovereign also
called on Moroccan pilgrims to make sure, while in the Holy Land for Hajj, to perform all rites, obligatory rituals and recommended practices and also see to it that not a single moment of their precious time there passes without they engaging in supplication, remembering the Almighty and seeking His forgiveness.

“In that way, you may obtain what God has promised believers as a reward for performing an accepted Hajj,’ added HM the King, inviting pilgrims, while visiting al-Masjid an-Nabawi in Medina, to stand, with reverence and veneration, before the Seal of all Prophets and Messengers, Prophet Muhammad – may peace and blessings be upon Him.

“Remember that you should show special humility and reverence in that most dignified place, given that Prophet Muhammed was sent by the Almighty as a sign of compassion and mercy for mankind,’ His Majesty the King said.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

HM the King, Commander of the Faithful, Addresses Message to Moroccan Pilgrims Heading for Islam Holy Sites (Full Text)

Rabat – His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, addressed a message to Moroccan pilgrims heading for Islam holy sites for the year 1445 H.

Here follows the full text of the Royal Message which was read out by Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq, on the occasion of the departure of the first group of pilgrims, on Thursday from the Rabat-Salé airport:

‘Praise be to God

May peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, His Kith and Kin

Honorable pilgrims,

May Almighty God bless you and protect you.

As the Commander of the Faithful and protector of the faith and of the nation, it gives me great pleasure to send you this message, as the first group of our esteemed pilgrims departs for Hajj. I congratulate you on the favour Almighty God has bestowed upon you by enabling you to go on the pilgrimage this year. I share the emotions you are feeling regarding the holy places and the visit to the blessed Rawdah near the tomb of my ancestor Prophet Muhammad – may peace and blessings
be upon Him. I pray that Almighty God accept your Hajj rituals, fulfil your hopes and expectations and bring you back safe and sound to your homeland – He is All-Hearing, Oft-Responding.

My message to you stems from the special importance I have always attached to sacred religious values. It also shows how keen I am to make sure you represent your country – the Kingdom of Morocco – in the great Hajj season in the best way possible, by adhering to the quintessential values of Islam, including sincere brotherhood, unwavering tolerance, and effective solidarity. This is my reminder to you as to what needs to be observed – for reminders benefit the believers. Almighty God says: ‘For Hajj are the months well known. If anyone undertakes that duty therein let there be no obscenity nor wickedness nor wrangling in the Hajj. And whatever good you do (be sure) God knows it. And take a provision (with you) for the journey but the best of provisions is right conduct. So fear Me, o you that are wise!’

While in the Holy L
and for Hajj, make sure – may God protect you – that you perform all rites, obligatory rituals and recommended practices. Also, see to it that not a single moment of your precious time there passes without you engaging in supplication, remembering the Almighty and seeking His forgiveness. In that way, you may obtain what God has promised believers as a reward for performing an accepted Hajj; indeed, the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon Him – said: ‘For an accepted Hajj, there is no other reward than Paradise.’

Honorable pilgrims,

As you know, performing Hajj obligations, including the rituals, such as standing at the holy sites and moving around between the holy places, requires knowledge of the pillars, obligations and traditions of Hajj, which I am sure you already have. In addition to that, you need to respect the measures taken and the arrangements made by the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs to provide for your comfort throughout your journey. The aim is to enable you to perform your rit
uals in the best conditions possible, thanks to the specialized teams which will accompany you from the time you leave until your return home. These teams include administrators, male and female religious scholars and guides as well as male and female doctors and nurses, who will be looking after you. They will be working around the clock to provide the services needed by pilgrims immediately.

I am sure you realize that performing the Hajj rituals in these holy places requires strict adherence to the regulatory measures taken by the relevant authorities in our sister nation, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to provide for the comfort and safety of the guests of the Almighty. The aim is also to ensure the Hajj season proceeds safely and smoothly, in keeping with the high instructions given by my venerable brother, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – may God grant him a long, healthy life. May he be actively and effectively supported by my dearest and m
ost honourable brother, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Chairman of the Council of Ministers – may God protect him and grant him a long life. In this regard, I should like to take this opportunity to commend the fraternal relations uniting our Kingdoms and our peoples in the two sister nations.

Honorable pilgrims,

You must be reminded – for reminding is beneficial to believers – that during the Hajj season you are expected to embody the lofty values of Islam, including those of integrity, proper treatment of others, solidarity and sincerity when turning to the Lord of the Worlds. You must also represent your country properly and reflect its time-honoured civilization, in the same way my ancestors did throughout the centuries. Indeed, they were committed to unity, cohesion, and adherence to religious and national sacred values that are based on moderation and the unity of our religious rite. Therefore, I want you to be ambassadors for your country, reflecting that glorious image of your
nation. Keep in mind that it is these immutable national values that have given our country the security and stability it is enjoying; it is thanks to them that our nation is continuing its victorious march under my leadership, with a view to achieving further progress and prosperity.

And while you are in those awe-inspiring places – especially when you stand on Mount Arafat – remember your duty to pray for your King, who provides for your comfort, security and development, as well as for your country’s unity. Pray that Almighty God may always grant me success and support, as well as good health and well-being; pray for me and my esteemed family. Pray that I may see in His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, only such things as delight the heart and please the eye. Pray that my revered grandfather, His late Majesty King Mohammed V, and my venerable father, His late Majesty King Hassan II, may rest in peace. Pray, also, that the Almighty may continue to protect our homeland.

Honorable pilgrims,

am sure you are eagerly looking forward to fulfilling your spiritual aspirations during the great Hajj season, by visiting al-Masjid an-Nabawi in Medina, and by standing, with reverence and veneration, before the Seal of all Prophets and Messengers, my ancestor Prophet Muhammad – may peace and blessings be upon Him.

Remember that you should show special humility and reverence in that most dignified place, given that Prophet Muhammed was sent by the Almighty as a sign of compassion and mercy for mankind. In that way, you might be blessed with God’s promise, as reported by Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon Him – who said: ‘Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah will send blessings upon him ten times’.

In every holy place you pass through during your highly spiritual journey, remember to pray fervently for your King, who ensures your security and prosperity as well as your country’s unity, sovereignty and dignity, and who sees to it that your nation holds its rightful place in its region and within the Isl
amic world.

Before concluding, I wish you, once again, honourable pilgrims, an accepted Hajj, abundant rewards and a safe journey back home. Allah is Omnipotent, Oft-Responding.

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh”.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

HM the King Congratulates Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona on Re-election as President of Dominican Republic

Rabat – HM King Mohammed VI sent a message of congratulations to Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona on the occasion of his re-election as president of the Dominican Republic.

In this message, the Sovereign expresses to the Dominican Head of State His warmest congratulations and sincere wishes for success in his mission to serve his country and its people, and to achieve their aspirations for greater progress and prosperity.

HM the King takes this opportunity to express His satisfaction with the distinguished nature of the friendly relations uniting the two countries, reiterating His firm determination to continue working together with Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona to further consolidate the rapprochement and fruitful cooperation in the various fields at the service of the two friendly peoples.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse