Nahouri/USSU-BF 2023-2024: Athletes present their trophies to the authorities

Ouagadougou: The athletes of Nahouri presented to the authorities and the population, this Monday, May 20, 2024 at the municipal stadium of Pô, the trophies won in Manga as part of the regional phases of the Union of School and University Sports of Burkina Faso (USSU-BF), session 2023-2024, which took place on May 18 and 19, 2024 in Manga, capital of the Center-South region.

The Nahouri Provincial Directorate of Sports and Leisure, in collaboration with supervisors and athletes from secondary schools in the Nahouri province, presented this Monday, May 20, 2024, the various trophies won during the regional phases of the Sports Union competitions. schools and universities (USSU-BF), session 2023-2024, to the authorities and the population of the province.

Out of a total of 17 trophies in competition for team and individual sport, the province of Nahouri took the lion’s share by winning 15 trophies out of the 17.

According to the provincial director of post-primary and secondary education, Noélie Yonli/Tasopb
a, these performances are the results of good preparation and compliance with the instructions given by supervisors.

She congratulated the latter whose commitment and professionalism allowed the athletes of the province to outperform the two other provinces in the region.

The High Commissioner of the Nahouri province, Auguste Kinda, who chaired the ceremony, said he was satisfied with the educational actors, supervisors and athletes for these performances.

He invited education stakeholders to stay the course for the end-of-year exams in order to raise the Nahouri province.

The trophy presentation ceremony also marks, according to the provincial director of Sports and Leisure of Nahouri, Urbain Bamogo, the return to sport in the province.

It should be remembered that the previous session, the Nahouri athletes had shown themselves to be intractable by winning 8 out of 9 trophies at the regional level.

Before the presentation of the trophies to the authorities, athletes and students from secondary schools
in the commune of Pô organized a popular cross-country race in the town and an aerobics session at the municipal stadium of Pô.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Tunisia’s volleyball Cup – Esperance ST and Etoile du Sahel through to final

Tunis: Defending champions Esperance de Tunis and Etoile du Sahel qualified for the final of Tunisia’s volleyball cup, after defeating CO Kelibia (3-0) and CS Sfaxien (3-2), respectively, in the semi-finals on Wednesday.

The CS Sfaxien-Etoile du Sahel match, played in Sfax, was stopped for over an hour in the third set after a clash between players from the two teams, before the referee decided to resume play.

The final will take place on May 29.


Wednesday, May 22


CO Kelibia – Esperance de Tunis 0-3 (16-25, 16-25, 18-25)


CS Sfaxien – Etoile du Sahel 2-3 (21-25, 25-18, 27-25, 33-35, 12-15)

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Europa League 2024: l’Atalanta Bergame s’offre le Bayer Leverkusen

Ouagadougou: The Italian club Atalanta Bergamo beat Bayer Leverkusen of Burkina Faso Edmond Tapsoba in the Europa League final on Wednesday, with a score of 3 goals to 0, thanks to a hat-trick from Nigerian Lookman Ademola .

The flawless season for Xavi Alonso’s men did not take place.

Against all expectations, they conceded their first defeat of this season in all competitions at Aviva Stadium in Ireland.

Burkinabe defender Edmond Tapsoba narrowly missed winning his second trophy of the season after that of German champion.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

CNCI presents its promotional programme in Tunisian pavilion at Cannes Film Festival

Tunis: A meeting to pay tribute to southern cinema and promotional activities for Tunisia as a filming location for foreign films have been organised at the Tunisian pavilion in the Pantiaro international village, on the fringes of the 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival, which runs from May 14 to 25.

In a press release issued on Wednesday, the National Centre of Cinema and Image (CNCI) announced that a meeting on southern cinema had been organised to coincide with the screening of the restored version of the film ‘Camp de Thiaroye’ by Ousmane Sembene and Thierno Faty Sow, selected in the Cannes Cassis section of the 77th Cannes Film Festival.

The meeting, held in the Tunisian pavilion, was attended by several producers and directors from various African countries, according to the centre.

The CNCI also presented “a promotional activity on the theme of Tunisia as a filming location, organised at the Tunisian pavilion in Cannes in the presence of mythical characters from the film “Star Wars”, the first
episode of which was shot in Tunisia”.

Organised in partnership with the Ciné Trip Tunisia initiative, this promotional event featured a presentation of Tunisia’s main filming locations and an introduction to the history of Tunisian cinema and its contribution to some of the world’s most famous films.

Launched by the Ministry of Tourism and Handicrafts in partnership with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), the Ciné Trip Tunisia initiative aims to raise awareness of the locations of famous international films in order to promote cultural tourism.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Morocco Re-elected Vice-Chair of Executive Committee of Council of Europe’s North-South Centre

Strasbourg – The Kingdom of Morocco has been unanimously re-elected as Vice-Chair of the Executive Committee of the Council of Europe’s European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity, commonly referred to as the “North-South Centre”.

Morocco’s reappointment to the vice-presidency of the aforementioned Committee, for a further two-year term, falls within the context of the renewal of the North-South Centre’s statutory bodies, subsequent to the elections held at the 32nd meeting of the Executive Committee, which took place on May 21, 2024, in Lisbon.

Besides demonstrating the quality of the rich and multi-dimensional relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Council of Europe, through a perennial and constructive political dialogue, operational cooperation encompassing the bulk of Moroccan institutional and non-governmental bodies. This re-election consolidates Morocco’s status as a reliable and credible partner of the North-South Centre while underpinning its proven commitment to the achiev
ement of the Centre’s missions and the shared ownership of its actions.

According to a statement by the Kingdom’s Consulate General in Strasbourg, this re-election is a recognition sign of Morocco’s pioneering role in promoting intercultural dialogue and establishing a horizontal approach to global challenges. It also testifies to the Kingdom’s strategic position in the various dynamics of the Euro-Mediterranean area.

The renewal of Morocco’s term as chair of this executive statutory body reflects, once again, the trust enjoyed by Morocco’s policy led under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, in terms of reform and democratic renewal, strengthening good governance and the rule of law, and promoting universally recognized human rights, noted the same source.

The Kingdom of Morocco was represented at the 32nd meeting of the North-South Centre’s Executive Committee by Omar Amghar, Moroccan Consul General in Strasbourg, in charge of relations with the Council of Europe.

: Agence Marocaine De Presse

C24: Sierra Leone Reaffirms Support for Moroccan Autonomy Plan

Caracas – Sierra Leone has reaffirmed, during the C24 Caribbean Seminar, held in Caracas (May 14 to 16), its support for the Autonomy initiative presented by Morocco to settle once and for all the regional dispute over the Sahara.

The Deputy Permanent Representative of Sierra Leone to the UN, Ambassador Amara Sowa, indicated that his country supports the Autonomy plan which the Security Council deemed as serious and credible in its successive resolutions since 2007.

The diplomat also welcomed the socio-economic and infrastructural development underway in the southern provinces of the Kingdom, stressing that this dynamic has favored the empowerment of local populations and the improvement of indices of human development in the region.

He further hailed the participation in this seminar of the democratically-elected representatives of the Moroccan Sahara.

Amara Sowa also expressed his country’s unwavering support for the political process carried out under the aegis of the UN Secretary-General, with the fac
ilitation of his Personal Envoy for the Moroccan Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, aimed at achieving to a realistic, pragmatic, lasting, mutually acceptable and compromise political solution.

He further stressed that Sierra Leone supports the resumption of the round table process in the same format and with the same participants, in accordance with Security Council Resolution 2703, considering that this process will improve communication and will lead to a peaceful settlement of this regional dispute.

The deputy permanent representative of Sierra Leone to the UN also praised the role of the regional commissions of the National Human Rights Council in Laayoune and Dakhla, as well as Morocco’s interaction with the special procedures of the United Nations Human Rights Council, as highlighted in Security Council Resolution 2703.

Referring to the humanitarian situation in the Tindouf camps in southwest Algeria, the diplomat called for the registration and census of the populations of these camps.

He also expressed
his country’s support for MINURSO and its contribution to the creation and maintenance of calm and stability in the region, emphasizing the need to continue to support the Mission in its mandate to monitor the ceasefire, as provided for in Security Council resolution 2703.

He also called for respect for the ceasefire agreement, noting that any renunciation of this agreement is a violation of the resolutions adopted by the Security Council and an obstacle to the resumption of the political process.

The diplomat invited all parties to engage in good faith and in a spirit of compromise in the current political process.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

C24: Senegal Reiterates “Constant Support” for Autonomy Plan, “Best Compromise Solution”

Caracas – Senegal reaffirmed, during the C24 regional seminar held recently in Caracas, its “constant support” for the Moroccan Autonomy initiative, considering it “the best compromise solution” to the regional dispute over the Sahara.

‘Senegal would like to seize the opportunity of this seminar to reiterate its constant support for the Moroccan Autonomy initiative, which it considers serious, credible and in accordance with international law, the UN Charter and the resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly’, underlined the Deputy Permanent Representative of Senegal to the UN in New York, Ambassador Diamane Diome.

He noted that this initiative is “the best compromise solution” to this regional dispute, noting that his country welcomes the reinforced international dynamic supporting it and materialized by the support of more than 100 member states of the UN.

It is also the firm trust in the relevance of this initiative which explains the decision of 30 States from Africa, the Arab world,
America and Asia, to open Consulates General in LaSyoune and Dakhla, with the assumed ambition to contribute to strengthening the economic and social opportunities offered by the Moroccan Sahara, as a hub for sustainable development, he indicated, adding that Senegal is proud to be among these countries.

The diplomat pointed out that alongside these thirty Consulates General, several offices of regional organizations in the vibrant cities of LaSyoune and Dakhla, contribute to the consolidation of the stability and influence of the southern provinces of the Kingdom.

Diome also welcomed the commitment to constructive dialogue by the representatives of the Moroccan Sahara, who were democratically re-elected during the elections of September 8, 2021, adding that this commitment is illustrated mainly by their sixth consecutive participation in the C24 regional seminar, as well as by their regular participation in the annual sessions of the Committee and the two round tables in Geneva.

‘This commitment is suppor
ted by the significant investments and projects implemented by Morocco as part of the New Development Model of the Moroccan Sahara, launched in 2015,’ he stressed, noting that these projects are accompanied by substantial progress in human rights, as evidenced, among other things, by Security Council resolution 2703.

He pointed to the strengthening of the role of the regional commissions of the National Human Rights Council in LaSyoune and Dakhla, and to the bilateral cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the treaty bodies and the special procedures of the UN Human Rights Council.

He further commended Morocco’s full respect of the ceasefire, and its “frank and complete” collaboration with MINURSO, inviting all stakeholders to do the same in order to guarantee peace and harmony and security conducive to the definitive settlement of this regional dispute and the development of the populations.

The Senegalese diplomat also invited all parties to continue and consolidate, under
the same format, the discussion process initiated by the Geneva round tables held in December 2018 and March 2019 in which Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and ‘Polisario’ participated.

He pursued that his country calls on all stakeholders to demonstrate realism and a spirit of compromise and good faith, with a view to reaching a political solution to this dispute, as requested by the Security Council.

Diome also noted that Senegal notes with satisfaction the efforts of the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for the Moroccan Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, aimed at facilitating the relaunch of the political process under the exclusive auspices of the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Brazil’s Top Police Chief Stresses Importance of Security Cooperation with Morocco

Agadir – Director-General of Brazilian Federal Police, Andrei Augusto Passos Rodriguese, stressed, on Tuesday in Agadir, the importance of cooperation and the exchange of experiences with Morocco in the security field.

In a statement to the press following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Director-General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance, Abdellatif Hammouchi, on strengthening bilateral cooperation and exchanging experiences in the security field, Rodriguese pointed out that this cooperation will contribute to fighting terrorism and organized crime, including drug and human trafficking.

‘Organized crime has no borders, therefore law enforcement agencies need to eliminate existing barriers in order to be able to exchange information quickly and with high quality and to strengthen the security of our countries,” he maintained, noting that the signing of this MoU with Morocco represents one of many future steps to be taken by both parties in the field of joint security c

The MoU, signed at the DGSN Open Days venue, aims to develop cooperation channels between Moroccan and Brazilian security services in the fight against transnational organized crime, including the fight against the trafficking of drugs, psychotropic substances, terrorism, trafficking in human beings and migrants, firearms, ammunition, explosives and their components, money laundering, document forgery and cybercrime.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Sahara Issue: Switzerland Supports “Just, Lasting and Mutually Acceptable” Political Solution

Rabat – President of the Swiss National Council, Eric Nussbaumer, expressed, Tuesday in Rabat, his country’s support for a ‘just, lasting and mutually acceptable’ political solution to the regional conflict over the Moroccan Sahara.

“Switzerland supports the efforts of the United Nations and the work of the UN Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy for the Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, to achieve a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution in accordance with international law and the relevant Security Council resolutions,” Nussbaumer told the press following talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita.

He stressed that Switzerland reiterates the importance of Morocco’s serious and credible efforts to find a political solution based on compromise, noting in this respect the autonomy initiative presented to the UN Secretary-General in 2007.

Nussbaumer added that his country also encourages all parties to pursue their commitment in a spirit of

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco’s FM Holds Talks with USAID Chief

Rabat – Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, held talks, here Wednesday, with Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Samantha Power.

At a press briefing following this meeting, the US official reiterated the United States’ support for the reforms carried out under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI in the fields of governance, education and development.

Welcoming Morocco’s numerous achievements in terms of reforms and development, she underlined the active role played by the Kingdom at continental and regional levels.

The US official also praised Morocco’s considerable efforts to promote the empowerment of youth and the fight against extremism

She also welcomed the kingdom’s breakthroughs in renewable energies, as well as Morocco’s impressive achievements in the fight against climate change.

Power also highly commended the effective management by the Moroccan authorities of the Al-Haouz earthquake effects.

Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco, Senegal Discuss Strengthening Relations

Dakar – Strengthening bilateral relations between Morocco and Senegal was the focus of a meeting held on Tuesday in Dakar between Senegalese Prime Minister Ousmane Sonko and Morocco’s ambassador to the Senegalese capital, Hassan Naciri.

In a press release, the Moroccan Embassy in Dakar noted that, “following the High Directions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, and of the President of the Republic of Senegal, Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye, new prospects for cooperation were explored – on this occasion – taking into account the economic and social priorities of both countries and in the spirit of complementarity and Pan-African integration.”

In this respect, the two parties expressed their satisfaction with the record of bilateral relations ‘made possible thanks to the bonds of trust, mutual respect and win-win partnership between the two countries,’ added the same source.

On the Moroccan Sahara issue, ‘the Senegalese Prime Minister reiterated, on behalf of the Head of State, Bassiou Diom
aye Faye, the clear and constant position of Senegal, a brotherly country, friend and ally, in support of Morocco’s territorial integrity, as well as its unwavering support for the Moroccan autonomy initiative,’ stressed the Kingdom’s diplomatic representation.

The Senegalese Prime Minister commended the opening of the Consulate General of Senegal in Dakhla, the same source added, pointing out that the audience ‘took place in an atmosphere of cordiality and African fraternity.’

The audience granted to the Kingdom’s ambassador is the first in a series of meetings with diplomats accredited to Senegal to be held by the Head of Government, Ousmane Sonko, appointed on April 5 following the presidential election of March 24.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco’s Lower House Speaker Attends PA-UfM Bureau, Extended Bureau Meeting in Madrid

Madrid – Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi El Alami, on Wednesday took part in the meeting of the Bureau and Enlarged Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean (PA-UfM) in Madrid.

The meeting, chaired by Speaker of the Spanish Congress of Deputies and Speaker of the PA-UfM, Francina Armengol, and attended by Pedro Manuel Rollán Ojeda, Speaker of the Senate, Marc Angel, Vice-President of the European Parliament, and Mohamed Abou El-Enein, Deputy Speaker of the Egyptian House of Representatives, was an opportunity for participants to coordinate their positions with regard to current issues and discuss the Parliamentary Assembly’s roadmap.

In a statement to MAP, Talbi El Alami stressed that Morocco’s participation in this meeting is part of the implementation of the Final Declaration of the 17th Session of the PA-UfM, dubbed ‘the spirit of Rabat’, which constitutes a plea for a ‘united front’ in the face of the major common challenges facing the Euro-Mediterran
ean region.

Emphasizing the importance of the PA-UfM as a forum for dialogue and consultation between the two shores of the Mediterranean to promote peace, stability and development in the region, the Lower House Speaker said the meeting had served to draw up a roadmap for the parliamentary assembly’s future activities.

For Talbi El Alami, this meeting is meant to exchange experiences and expertise and to maintain ongoing communication, adding that the main objective is to defend Morocco’s supreme interests in international forums.

He added that the meeting also provided an opportunity to examine organizational issues, including the establishment of the PA-UfM Secretariat General and the participation of other countries, such as Senegal and Mauritania, in future meetings of this regional parliamentary institution.

Morocco’s House of Representatives is one of the founders of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean, and has already held the presidency.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Pre

Lisbon: Morocco, Portugal Set to Promote Museum Cooperation

Lisbon – Strengthening cooperation in the field of museums was at the heart of intense activities carried out by president of the National Museums Foundation (FNM), Mehdi Qotbi, on Tuesday in Lisbon.

Qotbi held talks with Portugal’s Minister of Culture, Dalila Rodrigues, on ways of consolidating cooperation between Portugal and Morocco in the museum field. The meeting, attended by Morocco’s ambassador to Portugal, Othmane Bahnini, and Portugal’s ambassador in Rabat, Carlos Pereira Marques, provided an opportunity to explore the possibility of holding a joint exhibition between Morocco, Portugal and Spain.

The meeting was an opportunity to stress the importance of such an initiative in ‘highlighting the rich cultural heritage of the three countries, in the context of hosting the 2030 World Cup, an event which will be held for the first time on two different continents’.

The FNM president also took part in an international symposium held in the Portuguese capital to mark the 30th anniversary of the opening o
f the ‘Maria Helena Vieira da Silva and Árpád Szenes’ museum. An event dedicated to the pre-eminence and relevance of the works of the great Portuguese artist Vieira da Silva.

Speaking on this occasion, Qotbi highlighted ‘the importance of the works of this eminent artist and her exceptional contribution to enriching the contemporary artistic landscape of the 20th century’, recalling in this sense the organization of the successful exhibition ‘Maria Helena Vieira da Silva and Árpád Szenes: a love and art story’ at the Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, from October 18, 2023 to February 15, 2024.

On the sidelines of the symposium, Qotbi presented the photo album of the exhibition held in Morocco to president of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who praised the cultural cooperation between Rabat and Lisbon.

The Portuguese Head of State commended the holding of an exhibition dedicated to a Portuguese artist of particular significance, who enjoys an exceptional place among the P
ortuguese in Morocco, ‘friendly and brotherly country of Portugal’.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

HM the King Congratulates Chairman of Yemeni Presidential Council on National Day

Rabat – His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of congratulations to Chairman of the Presidential Council of Yemen, Rachad Mohammed Al-Alimi, on the occasion of Yemen’s National Day.

In this message, the Sovereign expresses his sincere congratulations to Al-Alimi and his best wishes to the Yemeni people, for the achievement of their aspirations for greater progress and prosperity, in a framework marked by tranquility, security and stability.

On this occasion, His Majesty the King voices His pride in the solid fraternal ties between the two countries, based on active solidarity, fruitful cooperation and mutual esteem, reiterating His constant determination to strengthen them further, in the interests of the two brotherly countries.

The Sovereign implores God to crown Mr. Al Alimi’s actions with success to serve the Yemeni people and promote peace and stability throughout the territory of brotherly Yemen.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco, France Discuss Boosting Cultural Cooperation

Paris – Strengthening cultural cooperation between Morocco and France was the focus of a working session held Wednesday in Paris between the Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, and his French peer Rachida Dati.

These talks, which follow on from last Saturday’s bilateral meeting in Cannes, provided an opportunity to review the various areas of Moroccan-French cooperation, notably in the fields of craftsmanship and cultural and creative industries, as well as ways of strengthening heritage protection, particularly in the face of appropriation attempts by some countries.

In a statement to MAP at the end of the meeting, which took place in the presence of His Majesty the King’s ambassador to Paris, Samira Sitaïl, Dati stressed the importance of the agreement on co-production and cinematographic exchanges signed last Saturday in Cannes with Bensaid, noting that Morocco and France are committed to developing this dynamic, which will be strengthened in the coming weeks.

The French
Minister, who emphasized that Morocco’s culture and values of hospitality, tolerance and respect, as well as its creativity, “show that it has a lot to teach us,” announced that it had been agreed at the meeting that Moroccan craftsmen and craftswomen could come to France for immersion and residencies, in particular with the public operator “Le Mobilier National”.

‘We are going to continue this cooperation, and we have decided to meet in Morocco very soon, because we have enough material to be able to amplify this dynamic,’ stated Dati.

In addition to cinema, discussions also focused on the museum sector and preventive archaeology, where Morocco has recently adopted a legal framework for heritage protection, according to the French Minister of Culture.

For his part, Bensaid pointed out that his trip to Paris today, which is part of his participation in UNESCO’s African Cultural Week but also in the context of the friendship between Morocco and France, is also an opportunity to continue ‘boosting this partn
ership and friendship,” through various conventions, agreements, the joint organization of conferences or through the presence of Moroccan heritage in France.

The Minister also welcomed Dati’s invitation to host Moroccan Maalem in France as part of immersion trips, with the aim of making their know-how better known, believing that the protection and preservation of heritage requires not only legislative and legal aspects, but also communication.

The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss the promotion of the Moroccan gaming industry, with a view to benefiting from French expertise and trying to develop it jointly, he said, pointing out that this market, worth $300 billion worldwide, with annual growth of 10%, represents an opportunity for Morocco in terms of job creation, development and growth for young people.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse