Balé/Nanou Cotton Festival: Satisfaction of stakeholders for the last 3 production campaigns

Cotton producers in Nanou, in the commune of Boromo, celebrated the cotton festival on Saturday, May 11, 2024. This day provided an opportunity to take stock of the last three white gold production campaigns and to distinguish sector players and resource people.

Nanou, located in the northwest of the commune of Boromo, is a model village in cotton and cereal production. Cotton has been the main source of income for populations for many years.

The village of Nanou alone has six cotton producer groups (GPC). According to testimonies, they are satisfied with the impact of cotton on the socio-economic development of the village.

To celebrate their success, the producers organized a day of popular celebration called ‘Nanou cotton festival’ under the sponsorship of the Director General (DG) of the Burkinabè Textile Fiber Company (SOFITEX), Bonossokom Gislain Arsène Somda, on Saturday May 11, 2024.

To this end, several executives from SOFITEX, the National Union of Cooperative Cotton Production Companies of Burk
ina (UNPCB), the banking sector, producers from the Boromo and Houndé areas attended the festivities at the village market.

The villagers welcomed their guests with a euphoria of joyful applause, gunshots and mask dances.

On the occasion of this day, producers took stock of the last three cotton production campaigns.

They also presented certificates of recognition to around fifteen people for their commitment to the smooth running of the campaigns.

They also expressed their gratitude to the SOFITEX and UNPC delegation for their attention to the peasant world. Regarding the results of the last three cotton campaigns, it emerged that the areas sown in Nanou increased from 814 hectares in 2021-2022 to 1,014 hectares for the 2023-2024 campaign.

For the past campaign, production is estimated at 1,371 tonnes of cotton, bringing in more than 255.34 million CFA francs to the village groups.

The village chief, Inoussa Coulibaly, said he was satisfied with this record recorded despite the vagaries of rainfall and
the high cost of inputs.

The success of the campaign, according to him, is partly linked to the application of good agricultural practices, the use of organic manure, new agricultural technologies, field processing drones, and the support of the technical agent. cotton.

He also welcomed the spirit of solidarity between producers and the ban on the sale of subsidized inputs. Village elders offered peace prayers for Burkina Faso and wishes for a good agricultural season to come.

As for the president of the UNPC, Nikiébo N’kambi, he praised the spirit of resilience of Nanou producers despite the high cost of inputs during the last campaign.

At the same time, he reassured producers for a drop in input prices for the upcoming campaign.

In the same dynamic, the CEO of SOFITEX urged producers in the Balé province to maintain the same commitment to production.

Moreover, he expressed his availability to receive their grievances at any time.

Arsène Somda declared that the new campaign is being prepared well, so
SOFITEX is hard at work to make it a success with all the stakeholders.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Government seeks to increase funds dedicated to clinical research (ministers)

Tunis: The government is seeking to increase funds dedicated to clinical research, said the Ministers of Health and Social Affairs during a meeting held, Monday, at the Medical School of Tunis, on the International Clinical Research Day observed each year on May 20.

Health Minister, Ali Mrabet, expressed his department’s willingness to increase funds destined to scientific research, noting that the involvement of all parties, namely the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the private sector, experts and specialists in the field of clinical research, will help improve the quality of healthcare services in the country as well as develop the pharmaceutical industry.

“Tunisia’s workforce is highly qualified, particularly in the field of research. This would allow it to become a hub for clinical research,” he pointed out.

“Tunisia conducted its first clinical research in 1947,” the minister highlighted, adding that “the Pasteur Institute of Tunisia, which celebrated its
130th anniversary this year, plays active role in the field of clinical research.”

Social Affairs Minister Malek Zahi stressed that the ministry is open to all financing options to promote clinical research through social funds, calling on technical teams from the ministries of social affairs and of health to discuss funding opportunities for research in this area.

He explained that the Social Affairs Ministry supports the health system through the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM), revealing that this fund has transferred more than 2,200 million dinars as contributions for the financing of health benefits during 2022.

During the same year, the CNAM disbursed 60% of contributions to fund the central pharmacy, public hospitals and service providers, he said, indicating that the health insurance system has been based for many years on the therapeutic aspect and must include, in the coming period, the prevention aspect.

Samia Charfi, Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister, underlined that Tunisia ranks ten
th worldwide in terms of the number of scientific publications, adding that the potential for scientific research is «significant yet not yet fully exploited.»

She stressed the need to consolidate partnership between the pharmaceutical industry and university research laboratories capable of enhancing the performance of clinical research.

Charfi recalled that the government approved tax incentives for drug manufacturing companies which dedicate funds to clinical research.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Canadian Embassy in Tunis to host Mobility Days Canada on June 19-20

Tunis: The Canadian Embassy in Tunis will organise the Mobility Days Canada on June 19-20 in collaboration with the Tunisian Agency of Technical Cooperation (ATCT), the Tunisian Agency of Vocational Training (ATFP), and the National Agency for Employment and Self-employment (ANETI).

The event is dedicated to French-speaking and bilingual candidates (French and English) with training and experience in early childhood, primary or secondary education and in healthcare professions, namely those looking for job opportunities in Canada (outside of Quebec).

During these days, interested candidates could network with employers who are seeking to hire higher education and vocational training candidates meeting eligibility criteria.

The event will be attended by representatives of the provincial economic development agencies who will hold discussions about their regions and communities’ needs, present their education systems and immigration programmes as well as answer questions about life in French-speaking Canada
(outside of Quebec).

Canada Mobility Days are an opportunity for French-speaking and bilingual candidates to learn about the various stages of the immigration process in Canadian provinces.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Minister of Higher Education leads Tunisian delegation to Education World Forum 2024 in London

Tunis: Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Moncef Boukthir, is taking part in the Education World Forum 2024 (EWF), which is held in London from May 19 to 22, 2024.

At the head of a Tunisian delegation to the Forum, Boukthir will present Tunisia’s experience in higher education and scientific research and take part in a ministerial panel discussion on funding, planning and the various priorities in this sector.

According to a press release issued by the Ministry of Higher Education, the Minister will hold meetings with ministers and international leaders in higher education and education, and will represent Tunisia at ministerial meetings held in conjunction with the Forum.

This annual forum is the largest gathering of ministers of education, higher education and scientific research.

More than 140 ministers from all over the world and international leaders will attend the 2024 edition.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Mouhoun: The staff of the Mgr Zéphyrin Toé diocesan medical center strengthens its capacities

Ouagadougou: The Mgr Zéphyrin Toé Diocesan Medical Center of Dédougou, initiated from April 21 to May 18, 2024, a series of training in order to equip its agents to meet the expectations of the populations, with themes relating to reception, communication, humanization of care, hospital hygiene and infection prevention.

As part of strengthening the capacities of its agents for adequate patient care, the Mgr Zéphyrin Toé Diocesan Medical Center in Dédougou, embarked on a series of training from April 21 to May 18, 2024, for the benefit of its agents.

The aim of these training courses was to upgrade the skills of agents so that they could meet the expectations of the population in terms of reception, care and professionalism in their activities.

The director of the Medical Center, Abbot Jean Zougouri, indicated that these training courses are part of the continuing training of agents in the sense that medicine is very evolving.

To do this, he said, several themes were addressed, notably on the clinical aspe
ct, the care of patients, reception, hygiene and the humanization of care at the Mgr Zéphyrin Toé medical center in Dédougou.

‘We have the challenge of making our structure a reference medical center in the sub-region, a center that can effectively meet the expectations of the population in terms of quality, care, cleanliness and accessibility on the question of cost and services’ explained Abbot Jean Zougouri.

He explained that the Diocesan Medical Center for this year 2024, aims to resize and further energize the reception and communication aspect in its various care units which make it up, to further strengthen its humanizing dimension of care and to be at the heart and closer to its users.

For the last day of these training courses, participants were entitled to communications on themes relating to reception, communication, humanization of care, hospital hygiene and infection prevention.

Indeed, understanding the issue of communication at the different levels of the hospital organization in turn allow
s us to better ensure patient care, although the hospital environment includes a multitude of activities, the act of care is an interaction which involves both gestures and communication because these two notions are closely associated.

Communication and reception therefore constitute an essential issue both for caregivers and for patients within hospitals.

For caregivers, communication constitutes the foundation on which a care relationship can be established to optimize care. It is also the condition for building confidence necessary for compliance with treatment, well-being, understanding of the condition, in a word, for the smooth running of the stay in the hospital.

Unfortunately, nowadays, more and more, the reception and communication dimension is put to the test in various ways, leading the Mgr Zéphyrin Toé diocesan medical center to train its agents on this crucial dimension for the success of care. patients.

Also, the hospital being a place with a concentration of germs and subjects particularly
receptive to infections responsible for significant morbidity.

The prevention of infections is based on compliance with good practices in hospital hygiene, which includes all the means and practices implemented in a hospital to prevent infections and protect medical and paramedical staff, patients, visitors and accompanying persons. against nosocomial infections.

To do this, participants engaged in hospital hygiene practices, reviewing cleaning protocols, infection prevention measures and safety standards that are essential to ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all.

The Monseigneur Zéphyrin TOE diocesan medical center, inaugurated on December 21, 2015, aims to provide health care to the populations, pastoral agents of the diocese and the populations of the Boucle du Mouhoun region.

This center is a contribution of the Catholic Church which, in its mission of evangelization and human promotion, and in its daily fight for integral human development in favor of all Burkinabè, works in the field of h
ealth, to the well-being and integral human development of poor and vulnerable groups.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

World Malaria Day: Eliminating the disease by 2030

Burkina Faso commemorated World Malaria Day on Friday, May 17, 2024 at the Place de la Nation in Gaoua on the theme: ‘Gender, health equity and human rights “.

Established by the Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2007, World Malaria Day provides an opportunity to affirm the need for continued investment and lasting political commitment to prevent and combat malaria.

Commemorated on April 25 each year, the 2024 edition of this Day in Burkina Faso was celebrated later on Friday, May 17, 2024 at the Place de la Nation in Gaoua, under the presidency of the Minister in charge of Health, represented by its secretary general, Dr Issa Ouédraogo.

According to data from the National Health Information System (SNIS) not yet validated, more than 10 million cases of malaria were reported in Burkina Faso health facilities in 2023 with unfortunately 3,400 deaths.

To this end, the country of Men of Integrity as well as all of its partners are resolutely committed to the elimination of malaria by 203
0, suggested Dr Issa Ouédraogo.

Despite the efforts made to intensify the fight against malaria, he said, a significant portion of the populations, notably internally displaced persons (IDPs), children living on the streets, people working on gold mining sites , the prison population, do not benefit from all the interventions they need to prevent, diagnose and treat malaria.

And added that this day represents a ‘valuable’ opportunity to take stock of the actions undertaken, and to define the prospects in the fierce fight against this disease.

This commemoration is placed under the theme: ‘Gender, health equity and human rights’.

For Dr Ouédraogo, he calls for a holistic vision that takes into account the needs of specific groups in actions to combat the disease.

As such, he called for the development of innovative approaches taking into account the needs of these specific groups, to make financing of vulnerable populations a priority and to implement the policy of free malaria services for the benefit of
vulnerable populations.

His conviction is that the elimination of malaria in Burkina Faso will only be possible if quality health services are accessible to all.

‘The challenge remains enormous, but achievable thanks to the commitment, determination, pooling of efforts of stakeholders and a high sense of individual and collective responsibility in preserving good health,’ he stressed, while making it clear that eliminating malaria from the country must not only be a leitmotif, but also remain a priority.

‘The fight against this scourge is everyone’s business,’ says Issa Ouédraogo. This is why everyone can and must make their contribution, he continued.

‘This contribution must be translated into support for interventions to eliminate malaria,’ declared the Secretary General.

He invited populations to use long-acting impregnated mosquito nets (LLINs), to identify and destroy larval breeding sites, and to consult a health worker in the event of symptoms appearing. , intermittent preventive treatment for pre
gnant women.

The representative of the leader of the Technical and Financial Partners (PTF), Saïdou Diallo, congratulated the Ministry of Health for the efforts made in recent years to reduce the burden attributable to malaria.

Diallo also welcomed the implementation of prevention strategies including seasonal chemo prevention of malaria, the distribution of LLINs, and recently the introduction of the malaria vaccine.

According to him, the introduction of this vaccine in Burkina Faso is a sign of hope for the populations. However, the fight against malaria remains multisectoral and requires the mobilization and commitment of all (communities, actors in the health system, development, education, etc.).

To do this, Saïdou Diallo reaffirmed the commitment of the TFPs in the health sector alongside the government in a spirit of alignment in order to accelerate the fight against malaria in Burkina Faso.

During the ceremony, trophies were awarded to the best regional hospital center in Burkina Faso and to the
four best health districts for their performances in the fight against malaria. Thus, the Fada regional hospital center is the best hospital center.

The health district of Saponé (Centre-South) is ranked first, followed by that of Karangasso-Vigué in the Hauts-Bassins region.

The health district of Léna comes in third position ahead of that of N’dorola, all in the Hauts-Bassins region.

Also, the best community-based agents in the South-West region received certificates of recognition.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gourma: Media people and journalists equipped for mobile journalism

The Eastern Regional Directorate of Communication, organized on May 16 and 17, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma, a capacity building workshop for media people and journalists on Mobile journalism (MOJO) on the theme: ‘ Digital journalism and the construction of peace in a context of security crisis’.

Like other localities in Burkina Faso, the eastern region is experiencing an unprecedented security and humanitarian crisis for several years.

Thus, communicating and informing populations in such a context without causing harm is a great challenge for these men.

This is why the Eastern Regional Communication Directorate organized, on May 16 and 17, 2024 in Fada N’Gourma, a workshop on the theme: ‘Digital journalism and the construction of peace in a context of security crisis.’

The representative of the regional directorate in charge of Communication, Yacouba Kina, indicated that the workshop is part of this deleterious context which demands more constructive messages from these men.

During the forty-eight (48), the j
ournalist, also trainer of this workshop, Yacouba Bagayiri, made the participants understand the key concepts, the advantages and the opportunities offered by mobile journalists, in the coverage of events linked to terrorism so that they contribute to peace and social cohesion.

He taught them the use of certain digital applications which could facilitate their daily tasks as journalists or media men and some techniques such as shooting techniques, poster making and video editing among others.

The participants also reflected on the actions that journalists could take to be more operational in order to contribute to the construction of peace and social cohesion.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Hauts-Bassins regional consultation framework: Psychosocial care for victims of terrorism under debate

The 1st ordinary session of the year of the Hauts-Bassins Regional Consultation Framework (CCR) was held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 in Houndé, in the province of Tuy. Under the chairmanship of the governor of Hauts-Bassins, Mariama Konaté, this first session focused on ‘the security and health crises in the Hauts-Bassins region: issues, challenges and control strategies’.

The statutory members of the Hauts-Bassins Regional Consultation Framework met on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 in Houndé in the province of Tuy for the holding of their first ordinary session of the year 2024 around the theme: ‘security and health crises in the Hauts -Basins region: issues, challenges and control strategies’.

According to the governor of the region, Mariama Konaté, the regional consultation framework is an appropriate framework for reflection on major themes linked to the development of the region.

She also said that the CCR provides an opportunity for statutory members to discuss current concerns.

In addition to the question of
psychosocial care for victims of terrorism, members of the Hauts-Bassins CCR reflected on the fight against malaria in general, and particularly dengue which hit the town of Bobo hard. -Dioulasso in 2023.

‘We will also have a communication relating to the contribution of the company Houndé gold operation to the development of the Hauts-Bassins region, and therefore of Burkina Faso as a whole,’ explained Mariama Konaté.

According to the president of the Hauts-Bassins CCR, the relocation of the said executive to the town of Houndé is explained by the desire to break with the tradition of always holding it in the regional capital and to be in phase with actors from the Tuy province.

For his part, the President of the special delegation from the commune of Houndé, Souleymane Dianda, was delighted with the choice of his commune to host such an ‘important’ meeting.

The work of the session focused on three communications.

First, regarding the contribution of the mining company to the development of the Hauts-Ba
ssins region and Burkina Faso, the social performance manager of Houndé gold operation (HGO), Nassé Ouédraogo, mentioned among other things the contribution to through the Local Mining Development Fund , corporate taxes, royalties, voluntary investments.

Then, it was the turn of the regional director of Health and Public Hygiene of Hauts-Bassins, Yeri Sylvie Youl, to talk to the participants about the dengue epidemic.

In her presentation, Ms. Youl successively addressed the causes, consequences and strategies and means of combating malaria and dengue fever.

The presentation by the medical commander, Modeste Ouédraogo on the issue of psychosocial support in the context of terrorism ended the series of communications.

According to the medical commander, the first health problem in a country or zone at war or in conflict is stress-related disorders and psychiatric disorders.

For effective mental health intervention and psychosocial support, Mr. Ouédraogo urged developing a primary prevention approach.

rce: Burkina Information Agency

Management of mining titles and authorizations: The texts explained to local authorities in the South-West

The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Quarries organized on Monday May 13, 2024 in Gaoua, for the benefit of local authorities and resource persons in the province of Poni, a workshop on mining regulations relating to the management of mining titles and authorizations, the process of collection and distribution of surface taxes.

The content of the texts relating to the management of mining titles and authorizations as well as the process of collection and distribution of surface taxes is unknown to local authorities.

Therefore, the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Quarries, through the General Directorate of Mining Cadastre (DGCM) organized a workshop on mining regulations, relating to the management of mining titles and authorizations, to the process of collection and distribution of surface taxes.

This workshop, held on Monday May 13, 2024 in Gaoua, aims to reassure local stakeholders of the merits of the various principles which contribute to good governance, transparency, but also the promotion of the mining

Through this session, the aim was to popularize the content of law n°36-2015 relating to the mining code of Burkina Faso and its implementing texts, to explain the role of local authorities in the process of the granting of authorizations for artisanal exploitation of mining substances and/or quarries as well as the content of the decree of the interministerial order relating to the modalities of distribution of surface taxes for the benefit of local authorities.

The workshop brought together, among others, local authorities, notably the Presidents of special delegations (PDS), the general secretaries of town halls, mining promoters, traditional and religious leaders.

The participants were thus equipped with mining regulations relating to the management of mining titles and authorizations.

According to the Secretary General of the South-West region, Robert Zoungrana, the objective is to allow a good understanding of the contents of the texts relating to the management of mining titles and authoriz
ations as well as the process of collection and distribution of surface taxes.

For him, the meeting is of ‘capital’ importance for the South-West which is an area par excellence of artisanal gold mining.

Robert Zoungrana is convinced that the workshop will allow participants to be in tune with the texts on mining regulations, especially on the new texts that they do not master.

Anything, he continued, which will allow them, in his opinion, to know the advantages of its texts in order to benefit from them, because local authorities need financial resources to operate.

For his part, Safiétou Rouamba, lawyer at the DGCM, urged the participants to appropriate these texts and to follow the various communications with attention and interest in order to have ‘frank and constructive’ exchanges.

Ms. Rouamba remains convinced that discussions will result in recommendations for effective management of mining titles and authorizations in Burkina Faso.

After the province of Poni, the awareness campaign continued wit
h the local authorities of the provinces of Ioba, Bougouriba and Noumbiel.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Ouagadougou: The gendarmerie educates students about the harmful effects of drugs.

Ouagadougou: The national gendarmerie initiated Monday at the headquarters of the Burkinabè Association for the Promotion of the Blind and Visually Impaired (ABPAM), an awareness day for the benefit of blind and visually impaired students, on the harmful effects of drug use and road safety.

The national gendarmerie today expressed its solidarity with young blind and visually impaired students, by organizing for their benefit an awareness session on themes such as drug use in schools, road safety and sexuality in schools.

According to the director of communications and public relations of the national gendarmerie, Lieutenant Judicaël Koné, this awareness-raising, which is part of the socio-educational activities of the gendarmerie, aims to translate the solidarity of the institution to these young living students. with a disability.

For the president of the National Union of Burkinabè Associations for the Promotion of the Blind and Visually Impaired, Christophe Oulé, ‘it is a source of pride to feel as much
a citizen as the others. The arrival of the gendarmerie is unexpected, so we are very honored by their presence.

For the students, ‘It’s unheard of, it’s a pleasure to be next to our dads and brothers, dressed bodies. It’s a joy to be in the company of the gendarmerie, we’re happy because they consider us as the other students.”

The awareness session was preceded by a national colors raising ceremony during which the students showed their resilience, brilliantly singing the national anthem. The police also gave canes to the students.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

The Israeli Prime Minister and the leader of Hamas in the sights of the ICC

Ouagadougou: The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, on Monday issued arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar for war crimes and crimes against humanity, several media report.

Arrest warrants also target Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, one of Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and the head of Hamas’ military branch. Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri.

A panel of ICC judges will now consider Prosecutor Khan’s request for arrest warrants.

These personalities are wanted for the number of people killed on October 7, 2023 in Israel by Hamas and for the very bloody response since then by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip with nearly 30,000 people killed.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina awards the medal of Knight of the Order of the Stallion to the Military Institute of Physical Culture of St. Petersburg which celebrates its 115th anniversary

Ouagadougou: The resident ambassador in Moscow, Ludovic R. Tapsoba, representing Burkina Faso at the celebration of the 115th anniversary of the Military Institute of Physical Culture of Saint Petersburg, awarded the Knight of the order of the standard at this institute where six Burkinabè officers are in training, the AIB learned this Monday.

‘The Ambassador of Burkina Faso to the Russian Federation decorated the flag of the Institute with the medal of Knight of the Order of the Stallion, in recognition of the hospitality and commitment of its officials to the training of Burkinabè soldiers,’ reports the communications service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the ministry’s website.

‘This recognition also reflects the excellence of bilateral relations between Burkina Faso and the Russian Federation,’ indicates the same source.

Ludovic R. Tapsoba also sent his warm congratulations to this prestigious Military Institute which currently hosts six active Burkinabe officials and which, according to him, h
as been the pride of the Russian Federation for more than a century

Source: Burkina Information Agency

The European Union highlights differences with Burkina but reassures that it remains committed alongside the Sahel countries

Ouagadougou: Received this Monday by the head of Burkinabe diplomacy, the special representative of the European Union for the Sahel, Emanuela Claudia Del Re, estimated Monday that there were ‘some divergences’ with Burkina Faso on certain issues but that there still remains a consensus for which the Union is still committed alongside the Sahel countries.

‘Despite some differences, there is a consensus and this consensus is that the EU remains committed alongside the countries of the Sahel’ indicated Emanuella Del Re after her meeting in Ouagadougou with Minister Jean Marie Karamoko Traoré and whose remarks were reported by the communications services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During the interview, the European diplomat asked for information on the perspectives of the Transition and the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) on relations between Burkina Faso and neighboring or non-neighboring African countries. and outside Africa, as well as on the attempts to violate human rights which have recently hit
the headlines.

‘We came to listen to you and see how we can strengthen our cooperation,’ added the diplomat, recalling that the EU is one of the main donors in Burkina Faso, with interventions mainly in the humanitarian field and in terms of development cooperation.

Human Rights Watch released a report last April accusing the defense and security forces of having violated human rights during counter-terrorism operations.

The European Union, which seems to give credence to these accusations, is putting pressure on the government.

For its part, the Burkinabè Government invited national and international organizations which present themselves as Burkina’s partners in the promotion and protection of Human Rights to distance themselves from any destabilizing enterprise and instead to cooperate in a spirit of sincerity and of mutual trust

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Fake buyers accused of fraud of more than 9 million FCFA

Ouagadougou: The technical and scientific police cell of the research section of the third legion of gendarmerie presented on Monday two alleged cybercriminals involved in cases of fraud and scam via social networks. The loot of this duo amounts to more than 9 million CFA francs.

The deputy head of the Technical and Scientific Police Cell of the research section of the Third Gendarmerie Legion, Chief Warrant Officer Nestor Bado, presented to the media this Monday, May 20, 2024 the loot of the alleged cybercriminals.

This loot, according to Nestor Bado, is made up of six televisions, eight air conditioners and five motorcycle-scooters, all worth 9,165,000 CFA francs.

Mr. Bado said the alleged scammers were operating with SIM cards from mobile phone companies available in Burkina, using collected Burkinabè national identity cards.

‘Once the discussions are conclusive with their victims (item traders), the criminals place an order and ask for a bank account number of the trader to make the payment of the amo
unt of the goods,’ he continued.

According to the explanations of Chief Warrant Officer Bado, at this stage of the operation, the group’s IT specialist enters the scene by establishing a false bank payment slip for the amount concluded on the victim’s account.

This document, he specified, will be scanned and sent to the victim’s WhatsApp number at a time when it is impossible for them to verify the effectiveness of the transaction on their account.

‘Then, the delinquents recruit two innocent tricycle drivers, the first of whom is responsible for contacting the victim to remove the goods and the second for transporting the loot to a location chosen by them while awaiting its final disposal. ‘, clarified Nestor Bado.

He also indicated that the last two delinquents will be presented shortly to the Prosecutor of Faso at the Ouaga I High Court to answer for their actions.

Léandre Bado, one of the victims, congratulated the speed of the work of the gendarmerie which made it possible to unmask this network.

hen we contacted the gendarmerie with the file, in less than a few days, they were able to arrest the thugs,’ admitted Mr. Bado.

The leaders of the cell also invited all citizens to collaborate more with the defense and security forces by denouncing any suspicious cases through the national monitoring and alert center at 1010, the gendarmerie at 16/ and the police at 17.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Human rights in Burkina: The government asks the EU to know how to make the right diagnosis

Ouagadougou: During an audience granted to the special representative of the European Union to the Sahel, the head of Burkinabe diplomacy, Jean Marie Karamoko Traoré, asked his EU partner to know how to make the right diagnosis, Monday in Ouagadougou.

‘The head of Burkinabe diplomacy asks the EU to know how to make the right diagnosis, avoiding taking initiatives or positions without having listened to the Sahelians who have the right measure of the situation they are experiencing,’ said the Minister Traoré to his host, in comments reported by the communications service of the Burkinabe Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Minister Traoré also deplored, from the same source, ‘the alignment of certain partners behind the NGO Human Right Watch regarding allegations of human rights violations by the fighting forces’,

The Special Representative of the European Union in the Sahel , Emanuella Del Re asked the Burkinabè government for information on the perspectives of the Transition and the Alliance of Sahel States (AES
) on relations between Burkina Faso and neighboring or non-neighboring countries, African and non-African. , as well as the attempts at human rights violations which have recently hit the headlines.

Responding to the subject of the Sahel countries integration project, Minister Traoré told the European diplomat that the AES is today the expression of a dynamic which highlights the principle of the sovereignty of its member states , which counts above all on endogenous means to emerge from the security crisis, while also counting on sincere partners who have an accurate reading of the situation prevailing in the Sahel.

The European Union envoy said he had taken note of the information received from the head of Burkinabe diplomacy.

Reassuring that her institution will continue to be a privileged partner of Burkina Faso, she called for the continuation of dialogue with a view to consolidating relations with the Land of Upright Men.

‘Despite some differences, there is a consensus and this consensus is that the
EU remains committed alongside the countries of the Sahel,’ she said.

Source: Burkina Information Agency