Palestine to take centre stage at Arab Radio and Television Festival in Tunis from June 26 to 29

Tunis: The 24th Arab Radio and Television Festival will be held in Tunis from June 26 to 29, 2024. The previous edition was held from June 12 to 15, 2023.

The festival takes place each year at the City of Culture, which hosts the various events planned for this festival, previously held in the seaside resort of Yasmine Hammamet.

The opening ceremony takes place in the Tunis Opera Theatre, while the closing ceremony is held in the ancient theatre of Carthage. The opening and closing ceremonies will be broadcast live on various Arab television channels and radio stations, both public and private.

The Palestinian cause and solidarity with the Palestinian people will be at the heart of this year’s festival, according to the festival’s website.

Programming will focus on the resistance of the Palestinian people and Arab and foreign media coverage of the situation in the occupied territories since the start of the war on Gaza on October 7, 2023.

Entries are currently being selected by the selection committees f
or the two competitions and the two parallel sections, as announced on the festival website.

The committees will continue their work for a fortnight, at the end of which the shortlisted entries will be announced.

The festival announced that it had received ‘289 entries, including 147 television programmes, 108 in the official competition and 39 in the parallel section’. These entries were submitted by ’20 television channels, including 6 private channels, in addition to 18 production companies’.

As for radio, ‘142 radio programmes were submitted, 125 in the official competition and 17 in the parallel section, an unprecedented number in the history of the Festival’, according to the same source.

TV and radio stations that are members of the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) take part in the official selection, which is aimed at audiovisual media professionals. Production companies take part in the parallel section.

Two competitions and two parallel sections are dedicated to the participating televisio
n and radio works.

Two winners will be selected in each of the many categories (programmes, series, podcasts, variety and talk shows, reports, interviews, etc.).

In addition to the competition, the festival offers a cultural and artistic programme of conferences, tributes and guests of honour from some of the most emblematic figures on the Arab audiovisual scene.

In the central hall of the City of Culture, exhibitors from all five continents will present the latest technological innovations in audiovisual production.

Last year, TAP news agency had its own stand at the ASBU Festival to promote its journalistic productions (texts, photos and videos).

The Arab Radio and Television Festival is organised by the Arab State Broadcasting Union (ASBU) in partnership with Tunisian Radio and Television Corporations and the Arab Satellite Communications Corporation (Arabsat).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Siliana: 10 people injured in overturning of light truck in Aouamra, Bargou

Siliana: Ten people, including nine women, sustained injuries of varying severity, as a light truck carrying a number of agricultural workers overturned in Aouamra, Bargou, on Monday evening, a civil protection source said.

Seven women were taken to the regional hospital in Siliana and two women and one man to the local hospital in Bargou.

Local health director in Siliana, Adel Haddadi, said seven people suffered some fractures and bruises, adding that they had all received treatment and first aid and their condition was “stable”.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Kourweogo/Food self-sufficiency: French Secours populaire offers tractors worth 14 million CFA francs

The Secours populaire français (SPF) handed over, on Saturday May 18, 2024 in Laye, agricultural equipment worth 14 million CFA francs to the Peasant Association of Laye (APL) , in the presence of the administrative authorities of the Kourwéogo province.

Made up of two tractors and field development tools, this equipment, with an estimated value of 14 million CFA francs, was delivered on Saturday May 18, 2024 to Laye, by the Secours populaire français (SPF).

According to the representative of the SPF and native of the commune, Gaston Zongo, praised the government and its branches for facilitating the procedures.

He also thanked the National Society for Land Development and Rural Equipment (SONATER) and the administrative authorities of the province for their support in carrying out this project.

Gaston Zongo then explained that this donation of agricultural equipment is part of the implementation of another aid formula for the populations of Laye.

‘In addition to its interventions in the areas of health
and education, the support of French popular relief also consisted of providing food to vulnerable households in the locality,’ he said.

For the SPF representative, government initiatives to fight for food self-sufficiency by increasing local production offer the opportunity to redirect aid towards strengthening the productive capacity of actors in order to make them less dependent.

In this sense, Mr. Zongo mentioned that the association benefited from financial support amounting to one million CFA francs as working capital.

In addition to the two drivers already available, he indicated that two other tractor drivers will be trained in order to strengthen the operationality of the machines.

The High Commissioner of Kourweogo province, Siaka Barro, sent his congratulations to the members of the association for the acquisitions.

He pointed out that the equipment thus made available to them constitutes challenges that the APL must take up, that of profitability and that of the sustainability of the activity

Siaka Barro invited them to the proper use of these acquisitions and effective management of the resources that will be generated by the activity.

The sponsor of the ceremony, the chief of Laye, Naaba Yilgha, thanked all the actors for the actions undertaken in favor of the well-being of the populations.

He invited the daughters and sons of Laye to understanding and commitment to the social and economic development of the commune.

The president of the Laye Peasant Association, Lucien Zongo, said that his Association is made up of groups of producers, both women and men from different villages and neighborhoods in the commune.

The operating plan for the machines takes into account, he said, certainly the interest of the members of the association and the profitability of the investment, it mainly aims to achieve the primary objective in the short term. of the project which is to contribute to the increase in household agricultural production.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kourittenga: Women’s savings groups mobilize 750 million FCFA

The NGO Plan International Burkina Faso, Center-East office based in Koupéla, organized on Saturday May 18, 2024 in Zaogo, in the commune of Koupèla, a provincial fair of women’s savings groups from Kourittenga, under the theme : ‘Empowerment of women through the promotion of savings groups: challenges and perspectives’. It was under the sponsorship of the wife of His Majesty Naaba Yemdé le Kourit-Yir-Soaba and the presidency of the secretary general of the province of Kourittenga, Moctar Ilboudo.

Since the introduction of the savings group approach in the province in 2012, 1,358 savings groups have been created, with 24,527 members.

According to the Director of Plan International for the Center-East region, Mohamet Ouédraogo, the provincial fair of savings groups aims to allow women to come together in a framework of solidarity, not only to save, but also to access credits.

‘This system allows members to have safe ways to take care of themselves. This fully contributes to their empowerment through income-
generating activities,’ he reassured.

Adèle Tirogo, weaver and member of the Teg-Wendé group from the village of Gampougdo, spoke about the benefits of this initiative.

‘In my first year of joining the savings group, I was able to buy some materials for my business and a door for my house. Subsequently, thanks to savings, I now have my own weaving business where I train more than ten people. I also manage to help my husband manage certain situations, notably our children’s education and their health,’ she said.

The secretary general of Kourittenga province, Moctar Ilboudo, welcomed Plan International’s initiative, while urging members of these savings groups to be more involved.

‘With an estimate of more than 700 million CFA francs in cumulative savings, we have noted that these savings groups succeed in collecting and mobilizing local savings. We see these groups as channels for promoting peace and social cohesion,’ said Mr. Ilboudo.

He urged members of these groups to be more engaged in order to addres
s development challenges at the grassroots.

For him, thanks to these savings groups, more than 700 million CFA francs are mobilized each year, a result considered satisfactory.

‘Per year, we can achieve cumulative savings of nearly 750 million. Considering this monetary mass that these savings and credit groups inject into the financial system, we have the ambition to organize them into a network so that in the future, they can become decentralized financial systems,’ added the secretary. general.

The fair was enlivened by various activities, including a women’s cycle race, a donkey race, traditional dance and a savings group parade.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Nassoumbou: Neutralization of terrorists exploiting a mining site

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè Combatant Forces killed several terrorists this weekend, seized weapons, livestock and other materials, particularly in the North, the Center-North and the Center-East, learned the AIB from security sources.

The Combatant Forces, assisted by air support, continue their territorial reconquest missions despite adversity and the enemy’s traps.

On May 17, 2024, lookouts from the Tenga marching battalion saw terrorists on motorcycles in the Lemmnoogo area between Ouahigouya and Titao.

Immediately, the battalion launched the assault with heavy firepower.

The terrorists flee, abandoning motorcycles, stolen livestock and logistics.

The same day, aerial vectors discovered, north of Nassoumbou, loaders, excavators, backhoe loaders and other mining machines used by criminals to search for the yellow metal.

The assassins smell danger and hurry to hide their logistics.

Wasted effort, a powerful bomb crashes on them, destroying the targeted machines.

The next day, May 18, 2024, the intell
igence services learned of the existence of a terrorist group at the gates of Seytenga.

The presence is confirmed by aerial vectors which see criminals heading straight for Seytenga around 4 p.m.

The air vectors carry out strikes on the leading elements of the column to stop them. Then friendly forces begin tracking them.

In east-central Burkina, the enemy is also on the move. This is how the lookouts at the Soudougui base detected, on May 19, 2024, some six kilometers from their position, criminals hiding under trees.

An aerial view shows individuals resting under trees until a missile crashes into their midst.

While many burn with their vehicles, survivors try to escape, but they suffer the same fate.

Soudougui’s fighting forces invade the scene to destroy any survivors and recover equipment that is still usable. On their return, they are treated to a grateful crowd.

Finally, today, May 20, terrorists who came in large numbers stormed the positions of the valiant Forces in Kossouka.

The boys are det
ermined and repel the attackers. The soldiers of the Séguénéga detachment and the Kossouka VDP chased them.

Upon arrival, the air vectors see a long column of assassins fleeing towards Djibo.

They decide to stop their race by firing a missile at the head of the column. Then the Forces arrive in the area and treat the survivors.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Kourittenga/International Museum Day: The population invited to discover heritage

The Minister in charge of Culture, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, officially closed on Saturday May 18, 2024, the 2nd of Burkinabè Heritage Month, on the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Museums in the town of Koupela. Placed under the theme: ‘Museums for education and research’, the activity was organized by the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

The celebration of International Museum Day, which is held on May 18 each year, was organized in the town of Koupéla through a conference, with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of museums and so that together we can consider the future of museum institutions.

For the Minister in charge of Culture, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, it is an opportunity to invite the Burkinabè to discover who we are, our identities, our values through visiting museums.

‘Museums are a space par excellence for discovering unique objects, witnesses of our history, our past, our values. The museum is also a space for education, learning and
research,’ he added.

Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, invited each Burkinabè to give themselves the mission of discovering their identity, their originality by cultivating themselves through museums.

‘Which will be a real cause for satisfaction,’ argued the Minister in charge of Culture.

The president of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) Burkina Faso, Sabari Christian Dao, indicated that in Burkina Faso, International Museum Day is celebrated as part of Burkinabe heritage month.

‘And this allowed all Burkinabè people to visit heritage places to discover history and identities. For development through culture and for culture, we must take concrete actions,’ he said.

Sabari Christian Dao invited each Burkinabè to take the necessary steps towards our cultural heritage.

The president of the special delegation from the commune of Koupéla, Alice Belemviré/Nikièma, expressed her recognition and satisfaction for the choice of Koupéla to host such a day.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Disappearance of President Raïssi: Burkina loses ‘a reliable ally and invaluable support’, PM

Ouagadougou: The Prime Minister of Burkina Faso, Me Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla, on Monday welcomed the memoirs of Iranian President Ebrahim Raïssi and his companions, calling them reliable allies and invaluable supporters of the Transition.

‘Burkina Faso has just lost friends, reliable allies and invaluable supporters of the cause of the Transition’, wrote Monday afternoon, Prime Minister Me Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla in the book of condolences opened at the embassy from Iran to Ouagadougou.

The head of the Burkinabe executive reacted following the loss, on Sunday, in a helicopter crash, of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raïssi, his Minister of Foreign Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian and other Iranian officials

‘I salute the memory of leaders attached to the sovereignty of Iran and the construction of a multipolar world respectful of the interests of all Nations,’ added Me Apollinaire Kyelem of Tambèla.

He also expressed, on behalf of the Burkinabè people, his compassion and
sincere condolences to the families of the illustrious deceased, to the government and to the entire Iranian people.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sissili/May 15: The customs of Léo implore the manes of the ancestors for peace

The association of traditional and customary chiefs of the commune of Léo celebrated Wednesday, May 15, 2024 in Léo, the day of traditions and customs. For the peace, the customs implored the spirits of the ancestors for peace and a good rainy season for Burkina Faso.

On the occasion of this day dedicated to traditions and customs, the guarantors of tradition and customs of the commune of Léo initiated a libation ceremony to ask the manes of the ancestors for the return of peace and a good rainy season for Burkina.

This ceremony was also marked by the presence of local authorities including the high commissioner of the Sissili province, Tewendé Isaac Sia, the president of the special delegation, Kassoum Koalaga and the population of Léo.

The college of wise men as well as all the customary leaders have, through the various rites, paid great tribute to the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, for this great initiative.

According to them, this approach by the President of the Transition invites communitie
s to reconsider ancestral values for the harmonious development of the country.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: 67.23% implementation rate of reforms to improve the business climate in 2023

Ouagadougou: The measures taken to improve the business climate in Burkina Faso have, for 2023, an estimated achievement rate of 67.23%, according to the monitoring and improvement steering committee. of the business climate, meeting in session this Monday in Ouagadougou, under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélèm de Tambèla.

‘Despite a difficult national and international context, there is an overall rate of implementation of reforms as of December 31, 2023 of 67.23%,’ noted the members of the steering committee for monitoring and improving the business climate.

During the work, the Prime Minister, Dr Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélèm de Tambèla, maintained that in the dynamic of a continuous improvement of the business climate in order to offer a framework conducive to private investment, the Burkinabè Government ensures tirelessly in implementing reforms.

He praised the resilience of the business world which, despite the many challenges facing our dear homeland, continues to self
lessly play its role as engine of the economy and creator of wealth and jobs.

He also thanked the partners for their constant support of the Government’s efforts in the process of improving the business environment in our country.

This performance reflects both a clear improvement compared to 2022 and the efforts made by all stakeholders in achieving this result according to the steering, monitoring and improvement of the business climate committee

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Sissili/Treasury: The new provincial treasurer Sami Son installed

The high commissioner of the province of Sissili, Tewendé Isaac Sia officially installed on Thursday, May 16, 2024, the new provincial treasurer (TP) of Sissili, Sami Son. This ceremony was attended by the Central-West regional treasurer, Maboudou Kekelé, the provincial bodies, friends and relatives of the outgoing and incoming provincial treasurer and numerous guests.

The new provincial treasurer (TP) of Sissili, Sami Son expressed his gratitude to his hierarchy for the trust placed in his modest person. Mr. Son replaces the treasury inspector, Saïdou Sawadogo, who has been called to other functions.

He reassured the population of Sissili that he will work to meet the expected challenges while counting on the support of his collaborators.

The incoming TP congratulated his predecessor for his services rendered to the State during his 6-year stay in the province of Sissili.

The regional treasurer of the Center-West, Maboudou Kékélé expressed all the recognition of the general management of the treasury to
the outgoing TP, whose spirit of commitment, discretion and availability allowed all entities to function well.

He urged the new TP to build on the achievements of his predecessor to add earth to the earth. Mr. Kékélé hoped that courage and resilience would guide him in accomplishing his mission.

Maboudou Kékélé also invited Mr. Son to prioritize communication with his collaborators and partners.

After 6 years at the head of the provincial treasury of Sissili, the outgoing treasurer, Saïdou Sawadogo was pleased with the results achieved.

Mr. Sawadogo expressed his gratitude to the high commissioner of the province, to the established bodies and to his superiors for the support and frank collaboration.

He congratulated his successor on his appointment as head of the provincial treasury of Sissili. The outgoing TP also invited the new one to do everything possible to meet the challenge.

The representative of the constituted bodies, Mimtiri Ouabéogo praised the TP released for the work accomplished during
his time at the head of the main treasury of Léo.

He thanked Saïdou Sawadogo for his availability to support the different structures in achieving their objectives. Mr. Ouabéogo also welcomed and wished a pleasant stay to the TP, Sami Son.

He asked him to grant all structures the same support and availability that they had with his predecessor.

‘The actions of all provincial directorates cannot be effective without the support of the state portfolio holders,’ concluded Mr. Ouabéogo.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina/Electricity: Fraudulent connections cause SONABEL to lose more than 16 million

Ouagadougou: The economic and financial unit of the research section of the 3rd Gendarmerie Legion, presented Monday, three alleged electricity thieves whose illicit activities cost the Société Nationale Burkinabè electricity , the sum of 16,997,175 FCFA.

According to the head of the economic and financial unit of the research section of the 3rd Gendarmerie Legion, Chief Warrant Officer Aimé Yaméogo, the modus operandi of these alleged electricity thieves consisted of making branch connections upstream of the meters to capture energy directly without it being counted.

‘It is a reprehensible practice which allows their authors and beneficiaries to directly capture energy without passing through the meters, which is synonymous with fraudulent maneuvers offering free and illicit consumption,’ said the chief warrant officer.

Alerted by SONABEL in May, the gendarmerie indicated that this organized theft of energy took place in several districts of Ouagadougou.

Listening to Aimé Yaméogo, the detailed investigat
ion opened with the aim of dismantling the network at the origin of these packages made it possible to establish that 5 fraudulent connections were made on the SONABEL network.

‘These connections, some of which date back to 2012, are intended for the households of NM, NA, CA and OA,’ clarified the head of the unit.

He also deplored the fact that the gendarmerie investigations indicate the existence of other cases of fraudulent connections to the SONABEL network in the city of Ouagadougou and elsewhere.

Chief Warrant Officer Aimé Yaméogo also informed that those arrested will be brought before the Faso prosecutor, at the Ouaga-I high court to answer for their actions.

In order to dismantle other possible suspects, the National Gendarmerie invites anyone with information to contact the following toll-free numbers: 1010 Monitoring and Alert Center, 16/80 00 11 45 National Gendarmerie, 17 Police National.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Namentenga: The new provincial director of the national police Olivier Baguimzanré installed

The new provincial director of the Namentenga national police, the main police commissioner, Olivier Baguimzanré officially took office on Thursday, May 16, 2024 in Boulsa, in the Center-North region. The ceremony was chaired by the secretary general of the province, Bassouleymane Ouattara.

The new provincial director of the Namentenga national police, the main police commissioner, Olivier Baguimzanré was officially installed in his functions on Thursday, May 16, 2024 in Boulsa, by the secretary general of the province, Bassouleymane Ouattara.

Baguimzanré also reassured the bodies and the hierarchy of his commitment to carry out his mission in Namentenga, in strict compliance with the rules.

The ceremony was attended by the provincial director of the national police of the province of Sanmatenga, the main police commissioner Aboubacar Tiétiembou representing the regional director of the Center-North and members of the established bodies of the province.

The new DP of the Namentenga national police replace
s the chief police commissioner, Léandre Sanou, in this position.

‘Help him succeed in his mission. You have our support and our accompaniment,’ implored Aboubacar Zoétienga, representative of the regional director of the national police of the Center-North.

For the occasion, the staff delegate, lieutenant, Diassioo Woba, translated the staff’s recognition to the chief police commissioner, Boukaré Bonkoungou who acted with professionalism and efficiency as provincial director.

Lieutenant Woba welcomed and every success to the new DP of the Namentenga national police, Olivier Baguimzanré, who he undertakes to support in his delicate and noble mission.

He also requested equipment and reinforcement of personnel to face the difficulties of the security institution.

The provincial director of post-primary and secondary education in Namentenga, Abdoulaye Yarbanga, reflected the commitment of all bodies to the success of the mission of the new DP of the national police.

He invited them to remain in synergy of
actions for the development of the province.

The secretary of the Namentenga province, Bassouleymane Ouattara, for his part, noted that incoming DP, Olivier Baguimzanré has all the support of the active forces in the success of his mission.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

The boss of the Yaramoko gold mine in Bagassi visits Minister Zabré Gouba

Ouagadougou: The president and CEO of the Canadian group Fortuna Silver Mines, Jorge Alberto Ganoza Durant, operating on the Yaramoko gold site in the commune of Bagassi (Mouhoun), presented the operations and projects of his group to Minister Yacouba Zabré Gouba, this Monday during an audience in Ouagadougou.

In addition to operating the Yaramoko gold mine which it purchased in July 2021 from Roxgold, another Canadian company, Fortuna Silver Mines also carries out exploration operations in other parts of the country.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Cleaning gutters in Bobo-Dioulasso: The municipality goes ‘to war’ against garbage

The special delegation of the municipality of Bobo-Dioulasso launched the gutters cleaning operation in the city on Thursday, May 16, 2024. Scheduled to last three days, this operation will clear 40 kilometers (km) of stream of debris in order to avoid flooding and the proliferation of mosquitoes.

The gutters cleaning operation in the town of Sya was launched in front of the Bobo-Dioulasso one-stop shop, an area which experiences frequent flooding during rainy seasons.

Trainees from gendarmerie schools, municipal officials, and water and forestry officials have mobilized to combat the garbage that is blocking the gutters preventing the water from flowing properly.

The cleaning will continue for three days (from May 16 to 18, 2024) and will make it possible to clean 40 kilometers (km) of these water evacuation channels.

It was the President of the special delegation (PDS) of the commune of Bobo-Dioulasso, Laurent Koutougou Kontogom, who broke the ground for this operation.

For him, this action falls withi
n the framework of the Presidential Initiative for Community Development and is an instruction from the three ministries, namely Health, Environment, and Decentralization.

The objective, continued Mr. Kontogom, is to clean the gutters to avoid flooding and epidemics of malaria or dengue fever.

‘Technically, it involves removing debris from the gutter and transporting it out of the city through logistical means,’ he explained the process of the operation.

The PDS invited the Bobolese population to join this campaign in order to clean up the city.

‘We appeal to the Bobolais that the work to which we are devoting ourselves this morning is a work which aims to protect them from diseases. We urge them to massively launch the operation to clean out the gutters and pile up garbage. The municipality will have the duty to collect them to take them out of the city,’ said M Kontogom.

He invited the Bobolais not to transform the gutters into a dump in order to allow them to play their role of evacuating water.

rce: Burkina Information Agency

Death of President Ebrahim Raîssi: Captain Traoré salutes the memory of a leader ‘committed to defending the interests of his people’

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè head of state, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, presented his condolences to the ‘friendly and brotherly people of Iran’ after the accidental death of its leader, Ebrahim Raïssi whom he raised to the rank of ‘leader committed to defending the interests of his people’, Monday in Ouagadougou.

On the presidency’s Facebook page, Captain Ibrahim Traoré expressed his condolences to the Iranian people, following the helicopter accident which led to the death of President Raïssi.

‘It is with sadness that I learned of the disappearance of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raïssi, this Sunday, May 19, 2024.

In this painful situation, I express on behalf of the Burkinabè people and my own, my sincere condolences and all my solidarity with the friendly and brotherly people of Iran. I salute the memory of a leader committed to defending the interests of his people and the sovereignty of his country,’ we read on the Facebook page.

Source: Burkina Information Agency