Burkina/Pharma expo BF: 1,300 visitors expected at the event scheduled for May 30 to June 1

Ouagadougou: Around 100 exhibitors and 1,300 visitors are expected at the 2nd edition of the International Pharmacy and Parapharmacy Exhibition (pharma expo BF), which will be held from May 30 to June 1 , with a view to boosting the pharmaceutical industry in Burkina Faso.

According to the President of the organizing committee (PCO) of the 2nd edition of the International Pharmacy and Parapharmacy Exhibition (pharma expo BF), Professor Rasmané Semdé, it is a meeting of exchanges, of strengthening the links of actors in the drug chain.

Professor Semdé specified that the show will bring together around 100 exhibitors and 1,300 visitors on the issue of promoting the pharmaceutical industry in the country.

The PCO, also former director general of pharmacy, laboratories and medicines, explained that this meeting also constitutes a showcase for improving the availability and accessibility of pharmaceutical products for the populations.

He was in front of journalists on Thursday about the holding of a pharma exp
o under the theme ‘Pharmacy in the digital age’, which will take place from May 30 to June 1, 2024 in Ouagadougou.

According to him, the actors who are, among others, pharmacists and doctors, veterinarians, biologists, teacher-researchers, medical delegates, will look into the challenges, solutions and perspectives of the pharmacy sector.

The 1st vice -president of the organizing committee of the Expo BF Show, Dr Ismaël Bidiga, in his luminary declaration, underlined that this 2nd edition will bring together health professionals nationally and internationally.

Dr Bidiga noted that the meeting consists of sharing experiences and updating data on the drug chain in the sub-region and in other countries in the world.

Listening to him, the discussions will focus, among other things, on the development of pharmaceutical disciplines, the strengthening of partnerships, the continuous availability of products and the promotion of the role of players in the sector in the health system.

Ismaël Bidiga and president
of the pharmacists’ union of Burkina Faso, also reported that various activities will be on the program of activities at the Ouaga 2000 International Conference Center.

These include, among other things, exhibitions, B to B meetings, conferences and panels relating to the theme.

In terms of innovations, he included a gala dinner called ‘Pharma night’ to close the event and the reflection on digitalization with stakeholders in the pharmacy sector.

According to him, countries such as Ghana, Egypt, China, India, Russia will participate in the 2024 expo.

Dr Bidiga noted that Algeria is the guest country of honor at this 2 edition in view of its experience in the field of the pharmaceutical industry.

In his opinion, registrations continue at the headquarters of the National Order of Pharmacists of Burkina Faso and on the structure’s website until June 29, 2024.

This edition of Pharma Expo will be under the patronage of the President of the Transitional Legislative Assembly, Dr Ousmane Bougma and the presiden
cy of the Minister in charge of Health, Dr Robert Lucien Jean-Claude Kargougou.

The event will be co-sponsored by the president of the National Order of Pharmacists of Burkina Faso, Dr Nédié Nao and that of Burkinabè employers Idrissa Nassa.

Created in 2022, the Expo BF Show aims to be a forum for finding solutions for the promotion of the pharmaceutical industry.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: A cultural festival planned for May 24 to 26 to promote traditional instruments

Ouagadougou: The 2nd edition of the Festival of traditional instruments and dances of Ouagadougou (FITO), under the theme ‘Cultural diversity and national unity’, will take place from May 24 to 26, 2024.

‘The organization of the Festival of Traditional Instruments and Dances of Ouagadougou (FITO) aims to promote, enhance and safeguard the traditional instruments and dances of Burkina Faso and Africa,’ declared Thursday the President of the organizing committee (PCO), Guy Marc Koussoubé .

He informed journalists that the activity, carried out by the La Source association, intends to present to the general public the traditional musical instruments known and less known from different communities.

‘The music museum will take part in the activity and will exhibit many instruments that most people ignore,’ said Mr. Koussoubé.

For him, the festival will also include performances by dance troupes, an immersion workshop in the making and knowledge of ancient musical instruments and the sale of traditional outfits

According to him, the FITO will be held under the patronage of the Minister in charge of Culture, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, and the sponsorship of His Majesty Wogodogo Naaba Boulga and the president of the brotherhood of dozos Without Borders, His Majesty Yacouba Drabo.

The PCO added that the particularity of this edition will be the participation of the Kal-Tamasheq community as guest of honor, given the rich cultural and musical diversity of this community.

‘It has instruments such as the inzad, the tende and the takamba, which resonate with the ancestral history of the Sahara, and remain little known,’ he suggested.

Ibrahim Ag Attahir, from the Kal-Tamasheq community, praised the organizers for their choice as the guest of honor.

He indicated that the Kal-Tamasheq present in Ouagadougou and other cities in Burkina will mobilize for the success of the promotional activity of their culture.

‘However, due to the security crisis, some community troops in the provinces will not be able to take part in th
e event,’ lamented Ibrahim Ag Attahir.

According to the organizers, the forecast budget for FITO 2024 amounts to 28 million CFA francs, and troops will come from Mali, Togo and Niger, if this amount is acquired.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: An incident quickly brought under control around the Koulouba presidential palace

Ouagadougou: The presidential guard very quickly subdued on Friday evening, an individual who wanted to attack the sentry of the Koulouba palace and the shots heard did not create any damage, the AIB learned from secure sources.

According to information from the AIB, an individual with indelicate behavior attempted on Friday May 17, 2024 at around 4:30 pm to attack the sentry stationed at the Koulouba presidential palace in Ouagadougou.

The elements on duty were able to quickly bring the incident under control and no damage was reported despite the shooting, AIB sources continue.

They therefore invite people to quietly go about their business.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

FIJAO 2024: the second edition will be held this May 24

Ouagadougou: The Association for the Promotion of African Integration announced to the press on Friday the holding, on May 24, of the 2nd edition of the International African Youth Forum of Ouagadougou (FIJAO) , under the theme ‘Challenges and issues of regional integration in Africa: contributions from the continent’s young leaders’.

One week before the 2nd edition of the International African Youth Forum of Ouagadougou (FIJAO), the Association for the Promotion of African Integration (APIA) organized a press conference to announce the details.

According to the president of the FIJAO Organizing Committee, Billy Ouattara, Act II of the FIJAO, initially planned at the Ouaga 2000 conference room, will be held in the PSUT room of the Joseph Ki Zerbo University, under the patronage of the President of the Transition, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

For the organizers, ‘this event represents hope for African youth to position themselves as a catalyst for change and to become a force of proposal to achieve the integrati
on objectives of the African Union’.

The 2nd edition of FIJAO, in which more than 1,800 people from Burkina Faso and 15 African countries will participate, will be held on the theme ‘Challenges and issues of regional integration in Africa: contributions from young leaders of the continent’, said Billy Ouattara.

During this forum, national and international experts will share their experiences and knowledge with young people, in the field of integration, particularly from an economic, political and institutional angle through thematic panels.

It will also be a question of making 10 commitments to promote African integration, exchanges and networking, and adoption of advocacy in favor of education.

This edition will see the participation of notable personalities such as Charles Kaboré, former captain of the Burkina A football team, and Thione Niang, defender of the empowerment of African youth, according to the organizers.

The Association for the Promotion of African Integration is a sub-regional organizat
ion of committed young African professionals and experts who share a common vision for the development of the continent. In 2023, she won the prize for best civic engagement.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Action plan for stabilization and development: activities executed at 73.4% in 2023

Ouagadougou: The Minister Delegate in charge of the budget, Fatoumata Bako/Traoré, affirmed Friday that the rate of physical execution of the activities of the Action Plan for Stabilization and Development (PASD), stands at 73.4 % in 2023.

The physical execution rate of the Action Plan for Stabilization and Development (PASD) for the year 2023 amounts to 73.4%, indicated Friday, the Minister Delegate in charge of the budget, Fatoumata Bako/Traoré, during the first ordinary session 2024 of the national steering committee for the national development policy.

According to the delegate minister, many achievements were made in the four pillars of PASD during the year, despite the context of the difficult security situation.

According to the first official in charge of the budget, these achievements made it possible to record, on the economic level, growth in gross domestic product, which increased from 1.8% in 2022 to 3.6% in 2023.

In the area of the fight against terrorism and the restoration of territorial i
ntegrity, Ms. Bako indicated that the reorganization of the army, the equipment of the fighting forces and the various operations carried out have enabled the gradual resettlement of populations in their villages and the reopening of public administration in many localities.

‘In the reorganization of the army, there was, among other things, the creation of 20 rapid intervention battalions, 6 groups of mobile units and 46 mobile units,’ she added.

According to him, faced with the humanitarian crises triggered by terrorism and climate shocks, emergency support has been provided to more than 2 million affected Burkinabè.

‘3,504 developed plots of land, around a hundred boreholes and 3,000 latrines were built for the benefit of internally displaced people,’ said the minister.

Ms. Bako/Traoré declared that in terms of rebuilding the State and improving governance, vigorous reforms have been carried out in most sectors.

These are, among others, the digitalization of acts and services, and the launch of endogen
ous development initiatives such as the agro-sylvo-pastoral offensive for food self-sufficiency and the creation of the agency for the promotion of entrepreneurship community, informed the Minister Delegate.

Concerning the pursuit of national reconciliation and social cohesion, the Minister Delegate, Ms. Bako/Traoré Fatoumata, also informed that the acceleration of the processing of 336 cases pending in court, including those of misappropriation of public funds, will improve the relations between justice and the population and reduce community conflicts.

In terms of prospects, Ms. Bako/Traoré suggested that during the period 2024-2026, actions will focus on continuing and strengthening the fight against terrorism and restoring territorial integrity.

She also indicated that emphasis will also be placed on the resettlement and voluntary return of internally displaced persons, as well as the strengthening of social cohesion, with a view to genuine national reconciliation.

The National Development Policy cove
rs the period 2021-2025. It is the operational instrument for programming the action priorities of the Transition underway in our country.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

‘Journalism must adapt to crisis situations’, declares the Director of National Television of Burkina

Ouagadougou: Burkina national television has not changed its way of doing journalism, but rather adapted the practice to take into account the context of war that the country is going through, affirmed its Director Pascal, in an interview with faso.net.

‘We can’t continue to make TV as if nothing happened. We must ensure that those who watch national television know that there are things being done and that, despite everything, there is life in Burkina,’ declared the director of national television, Pascal Kané in an interview published Thursday by the site lefaso.net.

In reality, reassures the director of national television, ‘the practice of journalism has not changed; she just adapted to the situation. It’s about doing journalism in a difficult context, a crisis context. There is no job that you can do without taking the environment into account.’

As RTB does, other national presses must adapt to the difficult security context, says the former editor-in-chief of Burkina’s national television.

Faced wit
h accusations of being a propaganda tool, Pascal responded in these terms: ‘It is normal that we reflect what Burkina Faso is. We try as much as possible to contribute to information in Burkina. No matter what is done, people will (always) have (different) opinions. And it didn’t start with the crisis.’

This, he continues, is linked to the nature of public media. ‘Look at the other national channels, you will see that we are making enormous efforts. You will even see that we are a thousand light years away in terms of content compared to the others,’ he invited.

Source: Burkina Information Agency