SNC 2024: 27 cultural actors receive honorary distinctions

Bobo-Dioulasso: On the sidelines of the 21st National Culture Week (SNC), the Ministry of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism on Friday May 3, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso, decorated 27 cultural actors for their ardor and dedication to culture.

At each edition of National Culture Week (SNC), cultural actors and partners receive decorations. This year, she was no exception to the rule.

There are a total of 27 recipients including one recipient as an officer in the Order of the Stallion and 26 recipients in the Order of Merit for Arts, Letters and Communication who were distinguished on the evening of the 21st SNC Bobo 2024.

Among the recipients, well-known faces from the world of culture and business.

Honoré Bambara, promoter of Miss universities, elevated to the rank of knight of the Order of Merit of Arts, Letters and Communication with Arts staple.

The businessmen, Lassiné Diawara and Al Hassane Siénou, also former sponsors of the 19th and 20th SNC, were made Knights of the Order of Merit.

Also, the ar
tistic sponsor of the 21st edition of the SNC, the Malian Cheick Tidiane Seck, was exceptionally elevated to the rank of Knight of the Order of Merit, Communication, Arts and Letters with music and dance staple .

The Minister in charge of culture of Niger, Colonel-Major Abdourahamane Amadou, was exceptionally elevated to the rank of Officer in the Order of the Stallion.

These decorations, according to the Minister in charge of culture, RimtalbaJean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, are justified by the fact that cultural actors, technical and financial partners have worked hard to promote culture by supporting the efforts of the State.

‘This recognition must be seen as the crowning achievement of the self-sacrifice and hard work of the people we are celebrating today,’ he suggested.

According to the minister, it is the symbol of the State’s satisfaction with the services rendered at the same time as it calls for their future commitment and to remain models by embodying their values of probity and sacrifice. for the Nat

‘The recognition, to the Nigerien minister, reflects the common commitment of Burkina Faso and Niger to the influence of culture within the Alliance of Sahel States (AES)’, faith of Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo.

Furthermore, he invited everyone to redouble their efforts at work and to contribute significantly to the development and cultural influence of Burkina Faso.

This is why, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo asked all the recipients to live up to this recognition through future commitment, to remain mobilized and to be examples for the influence of culture in the land of honest men. and the AES.

For the spokesperson for the recipients, Al Hassane Siénou, it is the duty of economic actors to support culture and promote it as an engine of growth and innovation.

‘These decorations are an honor to all those who work to promote our cultural heritage, whether they are artists, craftsmen, entrepreneurs or simple enthusiasts,’ he continued.

Al Hassane Siénou reaffirmed his commitment with all stakeholders t
o make culture an engine of progress and influence of the country.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

SNC 2024: 45 special prizes awarded to candidates

Bobo-Dioulasso: The national organizing committee of the National Week of Culture (SN C) organized a special awards ceremony for 45 winners of the 21st, on Friday May 3, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso .

Artists and artistic troupes from the 21st SNC Bobo 2024 are leaving home with a smile on their faces.

In fact, they were awarded this Friday, May 3, 2024 during the special awards ceremony.

A total of 45 special prizes were awarded in 17 disciplines. The value of the prizes ranges from 300 thousand to one million FCFA.

Donors are made up of ministerial departments, public and private structures as well as international organizations.

For the president of the special prizes commission, Alassane Ouaro, 15 million five hundred thousand CFA francs were shared between the winners.

These winners, according to Mr. Ouaro, were selected according to a special personality.

‘These awards are in reality a double reward given their commitment and dedication,’ said Alassane Ouaro.

The President of the Transitional Legislat
ive Assembly (ALT), Dr Ousmane Bougouma, sponsor of the 21st SNC special prizes, thanked all donors for their support in promoting Burkinabè culture.

According to him, these commitments will lead to promoting Burkinabè cultural diversity and cultural expression through National Culture Week.

Anything, he said, which will make it possible to build living together. Catherine Soulama from the province of Comoé, lucky recipient of two special prizes in the culinary art category (heavy dish) leaves with 1.5 million CFA francs.

She was delighted with her participation in this SNC Bobo 2024.

‘These prices are for me a way of continuing to promote local red rice by integrating it into the eating habits of the Burkinabè population. This rice contains many virtues and can help achieve food self-sufficiency,’ she said.

Just like her, the Eben-Ezer du Houet troupe won three special prizes worth two million CFA francs in the traditional dance/youth pool category.

Their supervisor, the artist, dancer, choreographer,
Alassane Ouédraogo, said he was moved to receive these awards.

He thinks that these prizes will help encourage more children and do great things to promote Burkinabè culture.

While passing through, he thanked the various institutions for their efforts in supporting this biennial and hoped to be there for the 22nd edition.

Slam artist, Jean Sanou alias Mr John, won the special prize from the National Road Safety Office (ONASER) worth 500 thousand CFA francs.

The ‘lafi-la-boumbou’ troupe of Sanmentenga, made up of young internally displaced girls, received 500 thousand CFA francs in the traditional dance discipline from the Ministry of National Education, Literacy and the Promotion of National Languages.

According to the founder of this troupe, Rasmata Ouédraogo, this award is an encouragement for the group which has just started its first steps.

‘We will work hard to receive big prizes for future editions,’ she suggested.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Inclusive governance for resilience: 20 young people trained and provided with equipment

Bobo-Dioulasso: The ‘Inclusive Governance for Resilience’ (IGR) project provided materials to around twenty young people on Thursday, May 2, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso. They were trained as part of the ‘Resilience through Crafts’ initiative.

The ‘Inclusive Governance for Resilience’ (IGR) project contributes to strengthening the resilience of young people in the face of terrorism.

It is in this sense that he created the ‘Resilience through Crafts’ initiative, which was responsible for training young people in various craft professions in the communes of Bobo-Dioulasso and Koudougou.

In Bobo Dioulasso, the 20 young people (including 11 girls and 9 boys) who benefited from this initiative funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), received installation kits.

The official handover ceremony took place on the morning of Thursday May 2, 2024.

This equipment consists, among other things, of sewing, dyeing and weaving machines and inputs worth approximately 25 million CFA francs.

rding to the head of the IGR project, Siaka Ouédraogo, the outcome of this initiative is a potential solution to insecurity in Burkina Faso.

‘We must work to ensure that our young people are less inclined to join violent extremist groups,’ said Siaka Ouédraogo.

Ouédraogo indicated that the selection process for these young people was inclusive and involved the municipal authorities of Bobo-Dioulasso and Koudougou.

Listening to him, the training which lasted a year concerned practice and technique.

Among other things, he received technical training in entrepreneurship, marketing, photography, and practice in sewing, weaving and dyeing.

Among the young people trained, welcomed Siaka Ouédraogo, there were residents and internally displaced people.

One of the objectives through this initiative, as the project leader said, is to allow these young people to come together to produce.

He also expressed the hope that the beneficiaries of the day would not be left to their own devices, and that they would be sup
ported by the municipality as well as by GAFREH, technical partner of the project.

The President of the special municipal delegation (PDS) of Bobo-Dioulasso, Laurent Koutou Kontogom, chaired the handover ceremony.

He welcomed and thanked USAID for the IGR project initiative. This initiative, in the eyes of the PDS, constitutes a bold and constructive response to prevent the vulnerability of young people.

‘Providing equipment is of capital importance in the transition of these young people towards their autonomy and professional life,’ declared Laurent Koutou Kontogom.

While congratulating the beneficiaries, the PDS hoped that this delivery of equipment would be for them the prelude to a flourishing career and a significant contribution to society.

The beneficiaries’ representative, Cédric Bayala, expressed the beneficiaries’ gratitude to USAID for the initiative.

‘Your commitment to youth development and promoting community resilience is a source of inspiration for us,’ he said.

Cédric Bayala further s
uggested that the training was much more than an acquisition of technical skills for him and his comrades.

They then committed to doing everything possible to succeed in their different fields.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

HRW report: Burkina Faso denounces ‘unacceptable interference’ on the part of the European Union

Ouagadougou: The government criticized the European Union for interfering in a ‘manifest and unacceptable way in the internal affairs of Burkinabè’, after its press release which takes up the charges of massacres of civilians brought by the NGO Human Rights Watch (HRW) against the Fighting Forces.

The Burkinabe government expressed through diplomatic channels its total disapproval after the press release of April 29, 2024 in which the European Union reacted to the HRW report on massacres of civilians allegedly committed by Burkinabe fighting forces.

According to our sources, the Burkinabè executive expressed its astonishment that the Delegation of the European Union, like certain international actors, deliberately chose to rely on an individualist pamphlet lacking credibility, a methodology serious investigation and reliable data.

For Ouagadougou, the Human Right Watch report, orchestrated through a telephone survey from thousands of kilometers from the villages of Nodin and Soro, is very light.

As a resu
lt, the Burkinabe government regrets that the European Union, usually attached to scientific rigor and serious procedures, reacts on the basis of hasty conclusions.

Furthermore, Ouagadougou rejected the order given by the European Union to the Burkinabè authorities to launch an independent and impartial investigation in order to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators of these massacres.

For the executive, the European Union is ‘obviously and unacceptablely interfering in the internal affairs of Burkinabè’ given that investigations are already underway.

In all cases, the Burkinabè government has reaffirmed the professionalism and self-sacrifice of the Fighting Forces in their missions of territorial reconquest in the face of hordes of terrorists.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina: Me Titinga Fréderic Pacéré crowned Golden Baobab 2024

Ouagadougou: Master Titinga Fréderic Pacéré was crowned Golden Baobab 2024 yesterday Sunday, for his numerous works in favor of the promotion of Burkinabè and African culture.

‘This year, Master Pacéré Titinga has given a lot to this country, he is a gentleman who should be congratulated even outside of Burkina Faso. It is time for us to celebrate him before he leaves,’ said the coordinator of the Golden Baobab, Karim Compaoré.

Mr. Compaoré who spoke yesterday Sunday at the National Center for Arts, Entertainment and Audiovisual (CENASA) in Ouagadougou, on the occasion of the celebration ceremony of the Golden Baobab 24.

He also specified that his objective aims to celebrate the glories of Burkina Faso during their lifetime.

For his part, the representative of the Minister in charge of Culture, Valentin Kambiré added that Mr. Titinga is a multifaceted personality whose journey is intimately linked to Burkina Faso and that of the whole of Africa.

‘Today and more than ever, in our context, it constitutes a
compass and it must never cease to guide us,’ he continued.

According to him, thanks to the Golden Baobab, Master Titinga will be better known and appreciated for his true value by many compatriots.

‘We know from him that: When the termite mound lives, it adds earth to the earth. We hope that this termite mound will be the basis for the construction of a dignified, happy and prosperous Burkina Faso as well as a Sahel where life will be good,’ added Mr. Kambiré.

For the occasion, Me Titinga expressed his satisfaction with the tribute and urged the organizers to further promote the country’s culture.

The Baobab d’or 24 thanked the organizers for their initiative which makes it possible to honor his person through this ceremony which promotes Burkinabè culture.

Seizing the opportunity, Me Titinga Fréderic Pacéré recalled that a professor indicated that there are men who will be recognized only after their death.

‘Me Pacéré Titinga is currently misunderstood but unfortunately he has disappeared,’ he noted

And coordinator Karim Compaoré added that: ‘We attended posthumous tribute evenings and these people left with their knowledge, their knowledge. With for example those who are alive, people will always benefit from them and have a lot of knowledge.’

For Mr. Kambiré, this initiative is to be welcomed because according to him, it celebrates and preserves the common memory of the country’s models and baobabs.

As a reminder, during the 6th edition held this Sunday, May 5, 2024, Master Titinga Fréderic Pacéré was crowned Golden Baobal.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

KSGAAL to organize international conference in South Korea on ‘Challenges and Prospects of Teaching Arabic Language and Literature’


KSGAAL will organize an international conference in South Korea on ‘Challenges and prospects of teaching Arabic language and literature’

The King Salman World Academy for Arabic Language, in collaboration with the Korean Association of Arabic Language and Literature and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), will organize an international conference on the theme ‘Challenges and perspectives of teaching Arabic language and literature’ from May 9 to 10, 2024 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

The aim of the conference is to contribute to the development of Arabic language teaching worldwide and to work towards improving the Arabic language to keep pace with changes in all fields.

It also aims to create an environment conducive to the development and consolidation of the Arabic language, and to encourage academics, researchers and specialists in the Arabic language.

The upcoming international conference will cover six main themes, including modern methodologies for te
aching Arabic as a second language, preparation of teaching materials for Arabic as a second language, assessment and evaluation in the context of teaching Arabic as a second language, as well as methods and techniques for teaching Arabic as a second language.

It will also discuss the current state of Arabic language teaching in Korea and future prospects. The last topic will focus on language planning for Arabic teaching and language teaching in Korea.

The conference is aimed at Arabic language teachers for non-native speakers, Arabic language teachers and scholars, researchers in Arabic language sciences and other related fields.

It will bring together leading experts and researchers from Saudi Arabia, Korea and other countries. KSGAAL’s collaboration with the Korean Association of Arabic Language and Literature and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies highlights their strategic role in all matters related to the Arabic language and Arabic culture.

This collaboration aims to strengthen cooperation with
entities interested in the Arabic language abroad, to strengthen its mission by taking advantage of opportunities to serve the Arabic language, to preserve its linguistic integrity and identity, to elevate its global status, to raise awareness and facilitate its teaching and learning within and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Houet/ISTIC: Trainees at the end of their training present their productions

Bobo-Dioulasso: Two productions by former interns of the Institute of Information and Communication Sciences and Techniques (ISTIC) were screened on Wednesday May 1, 2024 in Bobo Dioulasso as part of a cinema evening organized on the sidelines of National Culture Week (SNC).

The training offered by the Institute of Information and Communication Sciences and Techniques (ISTIC) is professional and of high quality.

This is what the spectators who came out in large numbers to take part in the film screening organized by the institute on the evening of Wednesday May 1, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso observed.

During the evening, two productions by former interns were on the program.

These are ‘Care for internally displaced persons: the sacrifice of host families’ by Amandine Tago and ‘Hallelujah, Alhamdulillah: For better and for worse’ by Rasmané Zongo, respectively from the 35th and 31st promotion.

Lasting 26 minutes, Rasmané Zongo’s documentary was filmed in Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso in June 2019 under the su
pervision of Yacouba Traoré.

The film immersed the audience in the complex world of interfaith marriage, exploring the challenges, joys and sorrows that accompany this type of union.

Through this production, the author called for respect for the religious and cultural diversity which is the richness of Burkinabè society.

If certain scenes in Rasmané Zongo’s film provoked bursts of laughter from the audience, that of Amandine Tago on the other hand left its mark with its sad character.

Lasting 26 minutes, it highlights the ‘heartbreaking’ reality of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who have fled their localities to escape the terrors of terrorism.

Ms. Tago calls for supporting IDPs to rebuild lives shattered by violence.

A strong call which did not leave film buffs indifferent, including Roland Kam, a student of legal and political sciences at the Nazi Boni University of Bobo Dioulasso.

‘The emotion aroused by the two films was very strong, but the one on IDPs had the most impact on me. I saw my neig
hbor shed tears when certain scenes were broadcast,’ he confided.

For him, it is the real situation of the country which is depicted in this film.

‘It is above all a call for solidarity and this is very important in the current context of the country. I take my hat off to the author,’ he said.

Beyond the director of the documentary, he congratulated the entire ISTIC management team for the quality of the training offered to the trainees.

Congratulations which went straight to the heart of the Director General of the institute, Dr Alizèta Ouoba.

She expressed her recognition to the supervisors who contribute greatly to the quality of the training given in this establishment.

Amandine Tago was pleasantly surprised by the positive reactions generated by her documentary.

She paid tribute to ISTIC which allowed her to carry out this production. A production through which she said she wanted to show the solidarity behind welcoming IDPs.

‘When we know that living in Ouagadougou with a large family is not eas
y, we must recognize that the host families of IDPs make enormous efforts to take care of them and that is what I wanted magnify through this production,’ she said.

When it came to making the film itself, she admitted not having encountered any major difficulties.

‘The filming only took me three days. It was the subtitles that tired me a little, because only four people spoke in French in the documentary,’ she confided.

She praised the spirit of collaboration that exists between ISTIC trainees.

‘I didn’t know how to do the subtitling, but a classmate helped me do it,’ she appreciated.

She invited this class to cultivate this spirit of collaboration.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

President Kais Saied meets Libya’s Interior Minister

Tunis: President Kais Saied met on Monday at Carthage Palace with Libyan Minister of the Interior, Major General Imad Mustafa Trabelsi.

The meeting focused on the “excellent relations between the two countries and the determination to develop them further in all fields, particularly in coordinating efforts on the issue of irregular migration,” according to a statement from the presidency.

The President of the Republic reiterated that this phenomenon, ‘which is worsening day by day,’ can only be tackled by coordinating and complementing positions and eliminating its causes, within the framework of a new approach involving all the countries concerned.

The Head of State reaffirmed Tunisia’s firm position, which is a total and principled refusal to allow the country to be a transit point or a place of refuge for those who come to Tunisia outside the framework of the law.

The meeting also discussed the joint work between the two countries to overcome all difficulties as soon as possible in order to reopen the
Ras Jedir border crossing, not only because of its economic and commercial importance, but also to ‘maintain the common belief that the Tunisian and Libyan peoples are indeed one people,’ according to the same statement.

“Crossing in one direction or the other is natural and must take place in the best conditions, which both Tunisia and Libya are working to achieve in full harmony,” it added.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Working meeting between Tunisian and Libyan interior ministers focues on Ras Jedir border crossing and irregular migrants

Tunis: The development of the Ras Jedir border crossing between Tunisia and Libya, the elimination of difficulties in the movement of travellers, security coordination and the issue of migrants from the Sahel and sub-Saharan countries were discussed at a working meeting held in Tunis on Monday between Interior Minister Kamel Feki and his Libyan counterpart, Major General Imad Mustafa Trabelsi.

The meeting was attended by senior security officials from both ministries, according to an Interior Ministry statement.

During the meeting, the Libyan side expressed the ‘importance of the Ras Jedir border crossing for the two peoples’ and the ‘commitment to work to reopen it as soon as possible for the movement of travellers and trade in good conditions as work progresses and maintenance and equipment are completed.’

During the meeting, it was agreed to continue the work of the joint field team to monitor traffic at the Ras Jedir crossing and to submit serious proposals on all related issues for implementation on t
he ground to facilitate the passage of travellers from both sides.

The two parties stressed the need to strengthen the work of the Permanent Joint Security Committee and to continue holding coordination meetings in order to further consolidate bilateral relations and raise them to the highest level, the statement said.

For his part, Interior Minister Kamel Feki stressed “the need for greater coordination and bilateral cooperation in the field of security”, reflecting the fraternal relations between the two peoples and the long-standing partnership between Tunisia and Libya, particularly in the field of information exchange and the fight against organised crime.

The working meeting “highlighted the importance of the issue of African migrants from the Sahel and sub-Saharan countries and their impact on the two countries and the need to limit their flow across the borders. This requires concerted efforts and joint coordination in order to find appropriate solutions that take into account the supreme interest
of both countries,” it said.

The Libyan interior minister arrived in Tunisia on Monday for a working visit.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Moncef Marzouki and others wanted for defamation and disclosure of identity of several judges

Tunis: Former Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki and all those who participated with him in a press conference held abroad have been placed under investigation and on a wanted list, following the completion of preliminary investigations, spokesperson for the judicial anti-terrorism division, Hanen Gaddes, said on Monday.

A unit specialising in the investigation of terrorist crimes found that Marzouki ‘deliberately attacked state institutions and a number of judges in this conference, defaming them, attributing false things to them that affect their reputation and respect, and putting them on a list,” Gaddes added.

In a statement to TAP, Gaddes pointed out that the necessary judicial authorisation has been obtained for those who have the status of practicing lawyers and that an investigating judge (who is not included in the mentioned list) has been entrusted with the investigation and the issuance of the necessary legal notices.

She explained that the defamed judges include a number of judges serving in th
e anti-terrorism division, including prosecutors and first investigative judges, who are protected by the anti-terrorism law.

Marzouki published the names and qualifications of these judges, endangering their lives due to their specialisation, which is a criminal offence under the provisions of Articles 71 and 78 of the Anti-Terrorism and Prevention of Money Laundering Law.

On February 23, 2024, the Criminal Chamber of the Tunis Court of First Instance sentenced Marzouki in absentia to eight years in prison, according to spokesperson for the Tunis Court of First Instance, Mohamed Zitouna.

The charges against him were ‘assault with the aim of changing the form of the government and inciting the population to attack each other with weapons, to provoke disturbances, confusion, murder and looting on Tunisian soil’, according to Article 72 of the penal code, he added.

This followed the publication on social media of a speech he had delivered at a seminar abroad, in which the defendant called on state instituti
ons to act and overthrow the government.

It should be noted that on December 22, 2021, the Court of First Instance in Tunis sentenced Marzouki to four years’ imprisonment in the first instance for his statements to the media abroad, in which he specifically called for the Francophone Summit not to be held in Tunisia.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Bill on associations: Ministry of Finance representatives heard by Committee on Rights and Freedoms

Tunis: Representatives of the Ministry of Finance, heard on Monday by the Committee on Rights and Freedoms of the Assembly of People’s Representatives on the draft organic law on associations, suggested that the draft law should stipulate that “associations must open a postal current account and submit all financial transactions to a financial audit carried out by the Central Bank, with notification to the Tunisian Financial Analysis Committee”.

According to the Parliament, representatives of the Ministry of Finance stated that the Ministry controls the transparency of funding for associations with limited budgets, and that with regard to associations receiving foreign funding, Article 102 of the Organic Law on the Fight against Terrorism and the Suppression of Money Laundering regulates this issue.

With regard to financial transfers from abroad, they pointed out that the Minister of Finance could, on the basis of the aforementioned law, require prior authorisation for associations suspected of having links
with persons, groups or activities condemned under the anti-terrorism law.

In response to questions from MPs, they considered that there was no need to set up a fund within the Prime Ministry to support associations and voluntary work, as public funding is regulated by decree.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Electoral register to be updated as from May 20 (ISIE)

Tunis: The board of Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) met on Monday and decided to start updating the electoral register remotely and at regional headquarters as of May 20.

To this end, the ISIE will set up the website “” for voters to register and a free SMS service to help them check the polling station where they are registered, according to an ISIE press release.

The ISIE board also approved the list of candidates initially shortlisted for the first district council (Jendouba governorate) and the fourth district council (Tozeur governorate).

The list of candidates will be published before the by-elections, which are scheduled for May 12.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Neji Jalloul to run for president (party)

Tunis: National Coalition leader Neji Jalloul will stand in the 2024 presidential elections, the party announced Monday at the end of its 2nd congress held on May 4-5 in Monastir under the slogan “Achievement”.

Neji Jalloul, one of four candidates, managed to clinch party nomination. He was also elected, with a majority of votes, as party President for a new term.

Jalloul, who served as education minister (from 2015 to 2017), run for president in 2019. He obtained 0.2% of vote in the first round.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Popular Current calls for setting date promptly for presidential elections

Tunis: The Popular Current Monday called for setting speedily a presidential election date.

Issuing a decree regulating these elections will help wrap up the controversy, the party further said in a statement released Monday following a central committee meeting.

The Independent High Authority for Elections (French: ISIE) board will meet shortlty, said member Najla Abrougui.

A press conference will be held to announce the election calendar.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse