IACE expects Tunisian economy to be hit by price hikes on some imported goods

Tunis: The Tunisian economy, like other economies in the region, will be affected by the rising prices of imported materials that rely on copper as a raw material or as part of their composition, predicts the Arab Institute of Business Managers (IACE).

In a ‘Reading of Rising Metal Prices’, the institute said that the decline in copper production and rising prices will affect the global and Arab economies as it is widely used in power generation and the manufacture of cables, solar panels, wind turbines, electrical equipment, factories, electronics and construction.

This increase will in turn drive investors to safe havens such as gold and silver, while the instability of copper prices could pose a major challenge to the global and Arab economies, given its widespread use in many industries and its impact on interest rates and inflation.

Unlike gold and silver, the dynamics of copper prices are closely linked to industrial demand and economic conditions, with the price of copper rising from $3,802/lb2 at t
he beginning of 2024 to around $4,676 on April 29, 2024.

According to the Institute, this price increase is due to several factors, the most important of which are the increase in manufacturing activity around the world leading to higher demand, the imposition of new sanctions on Russian mineral exports and the decline in global mine production, particularly in Chile, the world’s largest copper producer. Chile’s production reached around 5 million tonnes in 2023, down from 5.2 million tonnes in 2022, accounting for around 24% of total global production, according to IACE.

China, as the largest supplier of copper, also influences market prices, as it imported $50 billion worth of copper in 2022, of which about 31 per cent came from Chile.

Gold and silver: Safe Havens

The price of gold has risen by around 14.5 per cent since the beginning of the year amid heightened geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, as the price of gold reached $2336 (around 7340 dinars) per ounce on April 29, up from around $2040 (
around 6418 dinars) per ounce at the start of the year.

Rising demand for gold has also had an impact on gold prices, as central banks around the world have maintained their year-on-year purchases of gold to combat high inflation over the past two years, according to the World Gold Council.

The World Gold Council reported that the net gold reserves held by central banks in the first three months of this year were nearly 36,000 tonnes.

Economists and analysts expect gold prices to exceed $2,500 an ounce in the coming period if demand continues and geopolitical risks do not abate.

These tensions were also reflected in silver prices, which reached $27.24 per ounce, up from $23.20 at the start of the year.

English: Samir Ben Romdhane

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

ATCT: 732 Tunisian executives recruited abroad in Q1 2024

Tunis: The number of Tunisian skilled workers recruited abroad within the framework of technical cooperation reached 732 in the first quarter of 2024, most of them paramedics.

The number of paramedics hired abroad from the beginning of 2024 until March 31, 2024 reached 291 executives, according to data published by the Tunisian Agency for Technical Cooperation (ATCT).

The total number of guest workers abroad had risen to 25,570 by March 31.

The education sector has the highest number of hirees (9,367), followed by the health sector (8,034).

The Arab countries are the main destination for Tunisian skilled workers with 14,527 recruits, followed by Europe (6,900 recruits) and North America (3,033 recruits).

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Nahouri/Maracana tournament: Ziou’s CEB team wins the trophy

The first edition of the maracana tournament of the prefects of the department of Zecco and Ziou, closed its doors on Saturday May 4, 2024 with the final. It was the team from the Basic Education Districts (CEB) of Ziou, which won the trophy ahead of that of Zecco, in the presence of the two prefects and several guests.

In total, 8 teams from the departments of Zecco and Ziou competed for a month in a spirit of brotherhood and fair play.

According to the promoters, the prefect of the department of Zecco Etienne Sanglan, and the prefect of Ziou, Salam Marané, beyond these frameworks of leisure and exchanges between officials of the two departments, such an activity aims to establish a spirit of healthy collaboration and mutual knowledge between the different decentralized State services operating in these two departments.

‘It also aims to lay the foundations of social cohesion and living together between populations on the one hand and civil servants and populations on the other,’ they indicated.

The final
pitted the basic education districts (CEB) of Zecco and Ziou against each other.

It was with a score of 1 goal to zero that the CEB Ziou team won the trophy of this first edition of the maracana football tournament of the prefects of the Zecco and Ziou departments.

In addition to the trophy, she receives an envelope of 50,000 CFA francs plus a ball.

Ziou’s CEB team pockets 30,000 CFA francs plus a ball.

All other participating teams were rewarded in cash and in kind.

Before the kick-off, the customary and religious authorities of the two departments prayed for the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP), committed to the reconquest of the national territory.

The two authorities took the opportunity to congratulate and express their gratitude to the goodwill of the two departments which supported this initiative.

It is also noted that the opening match was played in Zecco and the final in Ziou.

An appointment has been made for 2025 for the second edi

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Banfora: a young man dies struck by lightning

A young man aged around 20 years old was killed on the evening of Sunday May 5, 2024 in Lèna, a village attached to the commune of Banfora, struck by lightning, under a large rain.

The victim died on the spot according to witnesses to the tragedy.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Nahouri: More than two thousand candidates present for the sporting events

The sporting events for the First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC), the Professional Studies Certificate (BEP) and the Professional Aptitude Certificate (CAP), 2024 session, began well this 02 May 2024 in all commissions created for this purpose in the province of Nahouri. 2828 candidates were present.

There are a total of 2828 candidates including 1298 boys and 1389 girls for the BEPC.

For the BEP and the CAP, there are 141 candidates including 41 girls.

The number is up by 254 candidates compared to the 2023 session.

All its activities are supervised by the Provincial Director of Post-Primary and Secondary Education of Nahouri, Noélie Yonli/Tapsoba and will end on May 14, 2024.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina/Golden Baobab: ‘I made a request to obtain legal days to celebrate our traditions’, Maître Pacéré

Ouagadougou: Master Titinga Fréderic Pacéré declared on Sunday, on the occasion of the Golden Baobab ceremony, that he had submitted a request to the government to obtain legal days to celebrate the customs.

‘I filed this request to request that the government take a decision to grant one day or two days for the legal consecration of traditions and customs,’ declared Titinga Fréderic Pacéré.

Maître Pacéré indicated that like Muslims and Christians who were entitled to paid days off, this request aimed to do justice to Africa.

He spoke during an interview this Sunday, on the occasion of the 6th edition of the Golden Baobab which was dedicated to him.

‘On March 6, 2024, in the Council of Ministers, I learned that the government had dedicated the date of May 15 to traditions,’ he continued.

Mr. Pacéré also thanked the government, the deputies, the head of state with whom he submitted the request for the consideration they had for the country.

‘I wish a happy commemoration of this memorable day. For now tha
t’s enough for me. I asked for two days but perhaps there will be a sequel,’ underlined Me Pacéré Titinga.

Following a decree reaffirming the secularism of the Burkinabè state on March 6, 2024, May 15 will be celebrated for the first time as the day of traditions and customs throughout the national territory.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

15th OIC Summit: HM the King insistently reiterates the demand for an immediate, lasting and global end to the aggression against Gaza

In his capacity as President of the Al-Quds Committee, His Majesty King Mohammed VI insistently reiterated the demand for an immediate, lasting and global end to the unprecedented offensive carried out against the Gaza Strip, as well as the authorization for the delivery of humanitarian aid throughout this Palestinian territory.

‘Based on Our responsibilities as Sovereign of the Kingdom of Morocco – whose people ardently aspire to justice, solidarity and coexistence with other people – and in Our capacity as President of the Al-Quds Committee, We emphatically reiterate, Our request for an immediate, lasting and global end to this unprecedented offensive, as well as authorization for the delivery of humanitarian aid throughout the Gaza Strip,’ underlined HM the King in a speech addressed to The 15th Summit Conference of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) which is being held on May 4-5 in Banjul, Republic of The Gambia.

‘Faced with the brutal aggression against Gaza, our bruised hearts bleed,’ said
the Sovereign in substance in this Speech, which was read by the Minister of Habous and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Toufiq, during the opening ceremony solemn declaration of the Islamic Summit, noting that the valiant Palestinian people find themselves confronted with an extremely serious situation which constitutes an affront to all of Humanity.

‘This tense situation is exacerbated by an increase in systematic attacks by extremist settlers in the West Bank, at the instigation of Israeli government officials,’ asserts His Majesty the King, calling for an end to any act of provocation likely to reignite the conflict, as well as a cessation of illegal measures taken unilaterally by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories, including Al-Quds Acharif and the Al-Aqsa Holy Mosque.

‘These practices aim to alter the legal status as well as the civilizational character of the Holy City,’ warns the Sovereign, expressing once again His ‘categorical rejection of all forms of forced displacement, collective punishment
and acts of reprisals directed against our Palestinian brothers ‘.

In this regard, HM the King invites the States influencing the process of resolving this conflict to assume their historical responsibility and to demonstrate common sense, by actively working to put an end to this catastrophic situation to bring the region out of cycle of violence and for an end to the policy of exclusion and fait accompli.

‘We urge them to work to create favorable conditions to relaunch a genuine peace process, leading to the internationally agreed two-state solution,’ insists the Sovereign.

His Majesty the King also did not fail to recall that in His capacity as Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, and to deal with the unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe in the contemporary world caused by the aggression against Gaza, having taken the initiative to send large quantities of aid to the Palestinians, directly to Gaza and Al-Quds, and – in coordination with the Egyptian authorities – via the Rafah crossing point.

‘We were
thus moved by the duty of solidarity which guides the action of our Organization as well as by the desire to contribute to the relief and assistance efforts carried out by brotherly and friendly States,’ noted the Sovereign, welcoming the action carried out on the ground, despite the difficulties, by the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency in order to carry out socio-economic projects in favor of the maqdessi population and in support of certain hospitals.

HM the King also reaffirmed that the discourse on the future of the Gaza Strip is only coherent if hostilities cease and if the suffering of the Palestinian people is relieved, noting that this strip, which is part integral part of the unified Palestinian territories and therefore constitutes a Palestinian affair, must, according to the vision of the two-State solution and in accordance with relevant international resolutions, live in peace and enjoy independence.

For the Sovereign, the continued management of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without achieving a real
istic and lasting solution has generated frustration and destroyed all hope of peace.

‘It has also caused a series of devastating disasters, with their share of humanitarian tragedies whose serious repercussions affect not only stability and peace in the Middle East but also international security,’ continued His Majesty the King.

The Sovereign took this opportunity to express his deep concern about the rise in speech inciting hatred which is causing more and more victims, noting that this courge, by fueling the circle of violence and instability, constitutes a serious threat to peace and security in many regions of the world.

His Majesty the King has, in this context, expressed the hope that the resolution proposed by Morocco and adopted, unanimously, by the General Assembly of the United Nations, on July 25, 2023, on the subject of the ‘Fight against hate speech: promotion of interreligious, intercultural dialogue and tolerance’, will make it possible to make a qualitative leap in terms of actions to com
bat the phenomenon of extremism and hate speech.

‘Today, we call again for vigilance, firmness and coordination to confront these harmful abuses, with the same energy that we attach to the principles of interreligious and intercultural dialogue, tolerance, openness and respect for others’, underlined His Majesty the King.

The Sovereign also mentioned the situation in certain Islamic countries such as Libya, Mali, Somalia, Sudan and others, which are facing conflicts, recommending to the protagonists the virtuous recourse to dialogue and reconciliation which will allow end to these crises, as part of the preservation of the sovereignty of these brother countries and the defense of their national unity and territorial integrity.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Islamic Summit in Gambia ends with adoption of ‘Banjul Declaration’

Ouagadougou: The 15th Islamic Summit Conference, which started on Saturday, concluded its work on Sunday, May 5, 2024, in Banjul, in the Republic of Gambia, and adopted the ‘Banjul Declaration’.

The summit was held over two days (4-5 May 2024), with the presence of heads of state and governments of member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, as well as senior dignitaries from non-member states .

President Adama Barrow of The Gambia, Chairman of the Islamic Summit, said in his closing remarks at the summit’s closing session that the 15th Summit marks a new beginning for The Gambia to engage with Member States and parties relevant stakeholders to promote peace, justice and continuous dialogue within the Umma and beyond.

‘The collective responsibility rests with the Organization to seek lasting solutions to the plight of people in distress, resulting from any form of conflict, war or challenge facing humanity,’ he added.

President Barrow urged all Member States to cooperate and accompany The Ga
mbia during its three-year term in order to promote and realize its ideals and take concrete steps to advance the socio-economic status of the Ummah.

The Summit adopted the ‘Banjul Declaration’ in which the Heads of State and Government of the OIC Member States affirm their solidarity in the face of the humanitarian catastrophe affecting the Gaza Strip and its people due to the aggression Israeli government has been unwavering for more than six months, without respect for the most basic moral and humanitarian values, and call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and an end to the total aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

They called on the countries of the world to take measures to end the crime of genocide committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and to implement the interim measures ordered by the International Court of Justice, and affirmed that every effort should be made to expedite the delivery of all humanitarian aid and reject any at
tempt to displace the Palestinian people from their land.

The Declaration also reaffirms the need to enable the Palestinian people to realize their legitimate national rights, as recognized by the international community, including by recognizing the fully sovereign State of Palestine within the 1967 borders, with Al -Quds Al-Charreef as capital.

Heads of OIC Member States paid tribute to the solidarity of African peoples and governments with the struggle of the Palestinian people, especially OIC Member States, and their firm stance to end injustice historical crisis that has befallen the Palestinian people, based on their bitter experience of the end of colonization and apartheid.

They reiterated the importance of resorting to dialogue and mediation for the peaceful resolution of disputes, thereby creating a tension-free atmosphere within the Islamic Ummah and stressed the importance of strengthening preventive diplomacy in order to contribute significantly to the establishment of peace, the safeguarding
of lives and resources as well as the realization of the aspirations of our people for sustainable development.

The Declaration expresses solidarity with Muslim communities and minorities in a number of non-OIC States who face persecution, injustice and aggression.

In this regard, it reaffirms the continued political, moral and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people and requests the United Nations Security Council to take effective measures to implement its resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir to enable the Kashmiri people to exercise its inalienable right to self-determination through a UN-supervised plebiscite.

Heads of OIC Member States paid tribute to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and other Member States for leading efforts at the UN General Assembly for the adoption of the resolutions designating March 15 as the ‘International Day to Combat Islamophobia’ in 2022 and ‘Measures to Combat Islamophobia’ on March 15, 2024.

Additionally, they called on Member States and o
thers country to take all measures, including legislative and policy measures, to combat religious intolerance, negative stereotypes, hatred, incitement to violence and violence against people based on their religion or their convictions.

They also paid tribute to the Republic of The Gambia for its efforts at the International Court of Justice, on behalf of the OIC, to bring to account those responsible for the genocide and other atrocities committed against the Rohingya Muslims. to be held accountable.

The Banjul Declaration condemns in the strongest terms the repeated burning of copies of the Holy Quran in a number of European countries and calls on the countries concerned and the international community to take comprehensive and necessary measures to prevent such acts from taking place. reproduce and to counter the alarming rise of Islamophobia.

He also congratulated the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under the leadership of His Majesty King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, for their generous and continued support to the OIC and the Ummah in general for the achievement of world peace, justice, harmony, security and sustainable development.

The Islamic Summit also issued a comprehensive final communiqué addressing various political, economic, humanitarian, cultural, social and media issues concerning the OIC Member States.

The final communiqué welcomed the results of the international forum organized by the Union of OIC News Agencies (UNA) under the theme ‘The role of media in inciting hatred and violence: the dangers of disinformation and prejudice’, which was held in Jeddah on November 26, 2023 in cooperation with the Islamic World League.

The forum brought together all official news agencies of OIC Member States and a number of international media and intellectual and religious institutions and focused on a special theme on ‘Prejudice and Disinformation in International Media: the Palestinian cause a
s an example.’

The Islamic Summit praised the forum for highlighting and countering the struggle against the Palestinian cause in some Western states, which prevents denouncing the violations of the Israeli occupation and allowing the Palestinian people to obtain their legitimate rights.

The summit also issued an independent resolution on ‘the question of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif’ in light of the serious and unprecedented developments in this issue due to the heinous Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian people. , particularly in the Gaza Strip.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

SNC 2024: ‘The organization was excellent’, Colonel Major Abdourahamane Amadou, Nigerien Minister of Culture

Bobo-Dioulasso: Niger is the guest country of honor for the 21st edition of the National Culture Week (SNC). In this interview, the Nigerien Minister of Youth, Sport, Culture and the Arts, Colonel-Major Abdourahamane Amadou, discusses his country’s participation in the cultural biennial.

Sidwaya (S): The National Culture Week (SNC) is a forum for the expression of Burkinabè cultural diversity. How do you appreciate this biennial?

Abdourahamane Amadou (AA): My assessment of National Culture Week (SNC) is entirely positive for several reasons. It is a forum for cultural expression that allows you to see the entire country in the same place through all its diversity. Culture is what binds all people together through their diversity. It is also a platform that allows us to expand to other countries. As you noticed, in the community village, we did not only have communities from Burkina Faso. We had communities from around ten African countries which, through their culture, showed a lot of similarities with what
is happening in Burkina Faso. It is a place of meeting, fraternity, solidarity, sharing and exchange of experiences. Hence all the beauty of this National Culture Week. It allows, once again, to bring together all the sons of Africa in the same place to remember that at one time they were all together. They are brothers and sisters from the same family.

S: Niger was the guest country of honor for this 21st edition. How did you receive this choice?

AA: It’s an invitation that was welcomed at the highest level by the Nigerien authorities first, and then by the artists. In fact, an invitation from Burkina cannot be refused by Niger. Burkina Faso stood by our side at a time when we needed it, especially during the various crises that our country went through. Burkina Faso was on our side. Then, we share a lot of realities. We share the same geography, the same history, the same ethnic groups, etc. We are descendants of the same people.

S: What did your country’s participation in this 21st edition consist of?

AA: Our country’s participation consisted of expressing our common cultural identity, solidarity between our peoples and showing the world that we are the same through everything I have just said, particularly the geography, history and culture. Besides, when you visit the village of the communities, there is not a big difference, it is not remarkable. Until you ask who’s who, it’s hard to tell the difference through exhibits, crafts, art, and even culinary art. This therefore means that our people are the same.

S: The theme of the edition was: ‘Culture, historical memory and patriotic surge for a new Burkina’. In your opinion, what is the place of culture in the struggle undertaken by our countries for sovereignty and renewed dignity?

AA: Culture must be in the foreground because it is through this culture that we recognize ourselves. It is our identity and it is the culture that unites us. She asks us to stand in solidarity with each other and to support everything that concerns our countries because it i
s a global struggle that concerns all people. As the saying goes in Niger, it’s country first. We must silence all our differences and take care of our countries. And currently, this is what is happening in the Sahel Alliance area.

S: Burkina, Niger and Mali created the Alliance of Sahel States (AES). What is the place of culture in achieving the objectives of this Alliance?

AA: Culture is the cement that binds people together. When you look at our borders, they are the same people, the same cultures, the same languages. Between Burkina and Niger, we have the Gourmantché. It is spoken on both sides of the two countries. And the same observation can be made along the other borders.

S: Generally speaking, how did you find the organization of the SNC?

AA: The organization was excellent. Since our arrival until today (editor’s note Wednesday May 1, 2024), we have not encountered any flaws. The success of this event can be seen through several factors. First, the enthusiasm of the Burkinabe people because we s
aw all the Burkinabe people meeting here. All the people were there. Then everyone was active. The number of cultural sites bustling at the same time during the day and even at night was extraordinary. It was total fervor

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Founzan: COPSA-C announces good prospects at the general assembly

The cooperative for the provision of agricultural services – Coobsa (COPSA-C) envisages great prospects during the general assembly held on Thursday March 18, 2024 in Founzan to resolve the deficit recorded in 2023.

The general assembly (AG) of the cooperative for the provision of agricultural services – Coobsa (COPSA-C) was held in the presence of the prefect, president of the special municipal delegation of Founzan and that of Dano.

In addition, active members, representatives of technical services and technical and financial partners took part in this AG. COPSA-C as a cooperative society with a board of directors (SCOOP-CA) has the duty to hold an AGM every year.

During this decision-making body, the board of directors and the supervisory committee presented their assessment report. The technical team in turn presented the technical and financial assessment report for the 2023 financial year. From the financial report, it appears that the cooperative recorded a negative result of 61 million CFA francs.
According to the director of COPSA-C, Félicité Somé / Yaméogo, this deficit is explained by the drop in the price of organic corn and soy, the lack of certification of organic soy production and marketing, the deterioration of more than 21 tons of cowpea due to the problem of conservation and insecurity.

To this, we must add the deep crisis experienced by the cooperative in 2020, explained Ms. Somé. For her, the year 2023 was the real phase of the relaunch of COPSA-C activities.

This is why the proposed perspectives should allow the cooperative to avoid previous errors and give more hope to the 1,500 active members and 5,500 producers at the base, she added.

Among these perspectives we can cite contractualization involving all parties, the search for a better marketing channel for agricultural products, the improvement of the offer of services at the COPSA-C branches, the creation of jobs for women and young people, learning new techniques for preserving cereals, improving production and reforming producti
on techniques through the semi-mechanized system. The involvement of all stakeholders made it possible to identify these solutions to the difficulties encountered. The director was delighted with the confidence reaffirmed by certain partners in COPSA-C. Indeed, ICDE, OKDB-Tuy and FAI2 have decided to support the cooperative through projects. In addition, the technical team invited a mission from the agency for the promotion of community entrepreneurship (APEC) during the AGM.

For the director of community entrepreneurship promotion, Clémence Zoundi, APEC comes to strengthen the achievements of COPSA-C. She wants all active members to be able to subscribe in order to see the establishment of agricultural businesses. This will undoubtedly help them in production, processing and distribution.

The chairman of the board of directors of COPSA-C, Séraphin Hien, thanked all the authorities, partners and collaborators for their fruitful participation in the discussions at this general assembly. As for the director o
f COPSA-C, Félicité Somé, she notes that the negative financial results for 2023 are beyond their control. ‘It’s the perspectives that are important,’ she said.

‘I would like our partners to know that they are dealing with resilient and determined producers. I invite them to come back and see the commitment of our producers and help us move forward,’ she continued. Ms. Somé praised the loyalty with certain partners such as Coris Bank and the NGO CISV.

The PDS of the commune of Founzan, Ouahabou Kaboré, asked the leaders of the cooperative to involve all stakeholders in the development of the rural world in the implementation of the various projects.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

6th ordinary session of the CSC: The college of advisors is working on referral files

Bobo-Dioulasso: The college of advisors of the Higher Council of Communication (CSC) was in conclave on Monday April 29, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso, for its 6th ordinary session of the year. Several referral and self-referral files were on the agenda for this session.

The Higher Communication Council (CSC) intends to organize its advisors as best as possible to enable them to take charge of media regulation missions.

In this context, the college of these advisors met on Monday April 29, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso for the 6th ordinary session of the current year.

Organized into commissions, the CSC’s elders reflected on referrals and self-referrals, and on shortcomings noted in the content of the media.

The holding of this session in the middle of National Culture Week (SNC) in Bobo-Dioulasso, according to the vice-president of the CSC, Louis Modeste Ouédraogo, denotes the desire of its structure to support and promote culture from Burkina Faso.

‘We use our regulatory mission to promote and protect national cultu
re. And all the meaning that the institution wanted to give through the relocation of this session to Bobo-Dioulasso,’ he explained on the reasons for holding the 6th session in Bobo-Dioulasso.

Culture is the identity of the country that the media convey in all its diversity. This is why the CSC, he indicated, would like the regulation to contribute to protecting and promoting this national culture.

Louis Modeste Ouédraogo took the opportunity to congratulate and encourage the media to always reflect cultural diversity and have initiatives to promote culture.

In addition to the 6th session , the CSC has other activities in its Bobolais agenda, including the organization of a public conference on the theme ‘Media regulation and promotion of national culture: sovereignty issues’.

By organizing these activities in the economic capital Bobo-Dioulasso, the Higher Council of Communication (CSC), confided Louis Modeste Ouédraogo, wanted to support the momentum of the authorities in the promotion of national cult
ure and affirmation of cultural sovereignty.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Chad: several incidents during the presidential election in Chad left two dead

Several incidents marked the presidential election in Chad, reports the Alwihda website, specifying that armed clashes occurred in several places.

In Moundou, the country’s second largest city, several people tried to vote in a polling station. Members of the electoral commission prevented them from doing so because they did not have their voter cards. One of the disgruntled people then opened fire on the voters who were queuing at the polls. One person was killed and several others were injured.

In the town of Abéché, a soldier guarding the polling station was attacked and stabbed by a voter. He is dead.

In addition, shortages of ballot papers were recorded in the Mandoul region.

Elections in Chad

More than eight million Chadians were called to the polls to elect the new head of state from among ten candidates. The majority of voters demand the same thing from all candidates: a reliable supply of drinking water and electricity.

The main candidates are the outgoing president of the transition, Mahamat I
driss Déby, and the prime minister, Succès Masra. According to most observers, the greatest chances of winning are on the side of Mahamat Idriss Déby.

The current election is of particular importance for Chad. More than 60 years after independence, power has generally changed through military coups.

Preliminary results will be known by May 21. The final results will be announced on June 5.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

SNC Bobo 2024: UNICEF offers a vehicle to the general management of the SNC

Bobo-Dioulasso: The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) offered a brand new vehicle to the general management of the National Culture Week, on Saturday May 4, 2024 in Bobo Dioulasso.

The vehicle fleet for Culture Week (SNC) has grown.

Indeed, this Saturday, May 4, 2024, the general management received from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), a brand new TXL all-terrain vehicle.

The ceremony was chaired by the Minister in charge of Culture, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo who recalled that his department signed a partnership agreement with the United Nations system in favor of major events, including the SNC and FESPACO.

For him, this vehicle donation is the realization of an important dimension of this partnership.

UNICEF’s gesture comes at the right time to strengthen the operational capacities of the SNC, which is a State establishment.

‘An end to a nightmare for the general director and her colleagues. It is this type of attentive partnership that we are calling for in order to develop
our country with reliable and objective bases,’ the minister suggested.

And to recall that UNICEF is a traditional partner of his department.

‘This morning’s donation is not the first. The SNC has already benefited from rolling stock a few years ago,’ he maintained.

This is why he expresses his gratitude to UNICEF and the entire United Nations system for this vehicle which will facilitate the movement of the general management and contribute to strengthening its effectiveness.

He made a commitment to ensure that this vehicle is used wisely for the successful implementation of SNC programs.

And to the deputy representative of UNICEF in Burkina Faso, Dr James Mugaju, he clarified that this is a two-year partnership during which the United Nations systems will support major events as well as the consolidation process. of living together in Burkina Faso.

For this edition of the cultural biennial, he indicated, more than 100 million CFA francs were mobilized by UNICEF to support the SNC.

‘We’re going to con
tinue to do it. We are committed to supporting the government’s efforts,’ he promised.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Information and communication technology: ABDI explains ‘.bf’ to media people

Bobo-Dioulasso: The Burkinabè Association of Internet Domains (ABDI) organized a press lunch on Tuesday April 30, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso. She, on occasion, presented the ‘.bf’ domain name that she manages.

The press lunch was held around the theme ‘journalism, internet and culture: what synergy for a prosperous Burkina’.

It was the executive secretary of the association, Ezaï Toé, who dissected this theme to deduce that the journalism-internet and culture triptych constitutes a factor for the prosperity of Burkina Faso.

He presented the association and its main activity which is the management of the ‘.bf’ domain, which is the domain name assigned to Burkina Faso. It represents the digital territory of Burkina Faso.

Toé invited the Burkinabè to each have their own digital plot now so as not to be out of step with technical developments in the years to come.

The meeting with media people aims to promote the ‘.bf’ domain name and also talk about the missions of the ABDI.

‘We wanted this meeting to strengt
hen our communication with the media and create a strong bond between us. It offers us a friendly setting to discuss over breakfast, so as to familiarize ourselves and create proximity with these media people that we have,’ explained the executive secretary of the ABDI, Ezaï Toé.

In addition to the media, the ABDI seized the opportunity offered by the National Culture Week (SNC) to make itself better known to Burkinabè people.

She also has a stand at the SNC Bobo 2024 craft and trade fair.

The Burkinabè Internet Domains Association is a civil society organization, created by information and communication technology stakeholders.

ABDI is responsible for managing ‘.bf’ top-level domain names, migrating IPv4 to IPv6 addresses, promoting local content on the internet and managing the fund to support internet development in Burkina Faso. Faso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

SNC Bobo 2024: ‘The fair welcomed an average of 20,000 to 25,000 visitors’, Bètamou Fidèle Aymar Tamini

Bobo-Dioulasso: In this interview, the president of the national organizing committee for the National Culture Week (SNC) Bobo 2024, Bètamou Fidèle Aymar Tamini, gives a satisfactory summary. It presents the solutions provided to the difficulties inherent in the organization of the culture festival.

Sidwaya (S): What is your immediate assessment of the 21st edition of National Culture Week?

Bètamou Aymar Fidèle Tamini (BAFT): We must already recognize that everything we did in terms of planning was executed in accordance with our expectations. The SNC brings together several activities. Already the feedback from the opening ceremony is favorable. There are also the different spaces that host events. The fair welcomed an average of 20,000 to 25,000 visitors per day, the community village site refused people every day. We counted 14 foreign communities and 38 national communities. There was real enthusiasm for this space. As for traditional wrestling, literary activities and those related to the culinary art,
everything went well. I haven’t forgotten the GPNAL (editor’s note: Grand Prix national des arts et des lettres). We can only draw real reasons for satisfaction with the implementation of activities in general.

(S): Beyond these reasons for satisfaction, what were your greatest successes at this 21st SNC?

(BAFT): The greatest success today is the mobilization of the population, and the interest that institutions have in this event. You will have noticed, we have dedicated an entire marquee to institutions. And I admit that we have not been able to satisfy all the demand from these institutions.

The American diaspora, made up of more than 100 people, was present in Bobo-Dioulasso. She participated in the activities and made suggestions. Already, this diaspora intends to support the current dynamics of the country. When you see this, you can only be satisfied. In general, when you see the mobilization on all the sites, there is reason to be proud of the festival-goers. One of the spaces that has long had dif
ficulty filling up is that of the cultural center. But those who were at the GPNAL on May 1 noticed that the room was full.

(S): What are the difficulties that you have recorded?

(BAFT): We have indeed recorded some difficulties which are inherent to any organization. Difficulties that we were able to take care of in real time. One of the difficulties that was reported yesterday for example (editor’s note May 1, 2024) is the refusal of parking managers to release certain spaces in accordance with security requirements. There were some misunderstandings, but everything was able to return to order. Also, at the beginning, there were evil spirits who wanted to take over the stands of other structures, but with the help of security we were able to quickly take care of this problem. The other difficulty that we have taken care of is the question of load shedding. Fortunately, SONABEL (Editor’s note: Burkinabè National Electricity Company) is truly committed alongside the national organizing committee. Generators
have been deployed on all sites to cover all eventualities. Overall, these are small problems, but which in no way affected the progress of the activities.

(S): How do you assess the participation of the guest country of honor, Niger?

(BAFT): We were truly surprised by the mobilization of the official delegation and the entire Nigerien community in Burkina Faso, both for the activities and the entertainment in the community village. We organized a day dedicated to Niger and we saw what is special about this country. We have explored avenues of cooperation with the guest of honor country, and I think that in the near future, it is not excluded that the National Culture Week could have a form of collaboration with the organization of their events. cultural in Niger. We can only salute this spirit which falls within the framework of the actions of the AES (editor’s note Alliances of the States of the Sahel) and which allows us to move forward more serenely within the framework of cooperation between the differ
ent countries.

(S): One of the innovations in the organization of SNC 2024 was online accreditation. Has the innovation kept its promises?

(BAFT): The statistics that I have in front of me make me believe that we are around 6 to 7 million CFA francs in revenue for online sales. Which is a clear increase compared to what we recorded last year which was around 500,000 FCFA. This year there was a real enthusiasm for purchasing tickets and badges online. This also made it possible to improve access to the sites. There was a certain fluidity that we appreciated.

(S): The poor quality of the badges has been criticized by some festival-goers. What do you answer them?

(BAFT): We do indeed recognize that there is a small concern regarding the quality of the badges. But in an organization of this type, we do not necessarily ensure control over all aspects, particularly those relating to public procurement. What could also clear the way for the company that produced the badges is that we wanted it to be able to inte
grate a QR code on the badges even though this was not necessarily in the initial contract. This cost us a little time, but we were able to save the furniture.

(S): At the end of the 21st SNC, Bobo 2024, do you have a date for the 22nd edition?

(BAFT): I can’t tell you, but if we already understand why we held the 21st edition, we can only say that the 22nd edition will be held without problem. It’s a biennial, and we should meet again in 2026 for the 22nd edition. The official date will certainly be communicated by the Council of Ministers.

Source: Burkina Information Agency