Zondoma: Fora theaters in favor of the inclusion of people living with disabilities

Gourcy: The Association Monde Rural (AMR) has initiated a population awareness campaign on the inclusion of people living with disabilities as part of the implementation of the Sahel Community Recovery and Stabilization Project (PCRSS). Launched on January 23 in Arbollé, this campaign continued from February 22 to 29, 2024 in the town of Gourcy.

After the communes of Arbollé and Yako in the province of Passoré, the Association Monde Rural (AMR) deployed its theatrical troupe (Vénégré) on February 22, 2024 in the commune of Gourcy for an awareness campaign on the inclusion of people living with disabilities in the activities of the Sahel Community Recovery and Stabilization Project (PCRSS).

According to the organizers, this activity aims to forge a change in the behavior of populations for the inclusion of people living with disabilities in development projects and programs.

Specifically, the aim was to raise awareness of the risks and/or issues of marginalization of people living with disabilities, to disc
over their potential and, above all, the advantages of including them in decision-making on projects and programs to execute.

Since the launch of the activity on January 23, 2024, nineteen villages in the commune of Arbollé, and sixteen in Yako have already received the Vénégré troop.

In the commune of Gourcy, fifteen villages were affected by this awareness campaign. ‘People who are unable to work are in fact the most in need of help and assistance to live’ affirmed the old Aminata Zoromé from the village of Danaoua who recognizes herself perfectly in the message conveyed in the play which has just been performed.

For the president of the office of the Village Development Committee (CVD) of the same village, Issoufou Gansonré, this AMR initiative reminds everyone of the community’s duty of respect, consideration and solidarity towards vulnerable people. which, according to him, should not be forgotten.

It is therefore a satisfaction for him to see this project take an interest in people living with a dis
ability who have the same rights as others.

As a reminder PCRSS-Burkina is a project financed by the World Bank and the Burkinabè State whose main objective is to contribute to the recovery of populations affected by insecurity in the North, Center North and Sahel Regions. A total of fifty villages were affected by this campaign which ended on February 29, 2024.

Source: Burkina Information Agency