Yagma: Mgr Kontiébo releases a dove for peace in Burkina

Ouagadougou: The new metropolitan archbishop of Ouagadougou, Mgr Prospère Kontiébo, released a dove on Sunday as his ardent wish for a return of peace to Burkina Faso.

The religious authority took this action at the start of the mass dedicated to the pilgrimage of the diocese of Ouagadougou on Notre Dame de Yagma hill, at the northern exit of the capital.

This is the first time that Mgr Prospère Kontiébo has chaired this important meeting for the Catholic faithful, since his enthronement on December 16, 2023.

As such, he was entitled to ‘welcome water’.

‘Faithful lay person, occupy your place and play your role in the church and in society’, it is under this theme that this celebration is held ten days before the start of Lent.

Source: Burkina Information Agency