Visit of the president to the Green Brigade of Ouagadougou: A consideration for ”shadow heroines” (Corner paperItalian Minister of Higher Education and Research to visit Tunisia in May

Ouagadougou: Women from the Green Brigade of Ouagadougou benefited from a surprise visit on Tuesday March 5, 2024, before daybreak. The President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, went to encourage them at their workplace.

Looking at the images broadcast by certain media and propagated by social networks, we could see the joy on the faces of these brave women.

They had certainly never imagined receiving a visit from the highest personality in the country, especially at such an hour.

In view of their efforts in the fight against unsanitary conditions and therefore the environmental influence of the Burkinabe capital, these ladies deserve respect and consideration.

Still called “Simon’s women” after the former mayor of Ouagadougou, Simon Compaoré, these ladies, with so little means, are working hard to make Ouagadougou clean, livable and viable, by ridding our streets of daily garbage. .

Indeed, the contribution of the Green Brigade (created in 1995) consists, for its approximately 3,000 members, of, among
other things, the sweeping of more than a hundred lanes per day, the weeding of the shoulders of more than 100 asphalted streets, weeding of the enclosures of dozens of municipal infrastructures, weeding of public spaces and places as well as the collection of urban solid waste.

In addition to these routine works carried out by the Green Brigade, there is cleaning 6 days a week of the roads located in the heart of the city. And to think that the bulk of this highly considerable work takes place, at night or in the early morning, when many Ouagavillians are still in bed.

Suffice to say that it is an immense task that they carry out in the shadows. This is why the gesture of the Head of State towards them is more than symbolic.

These brave ladies need encouragement and consideration like this. Beyond this sample of women from the Green Brigade, President Traoré wanted to send a strong message.

That of showing that these Amazons, in particular, and Burkinabè women in general, are entitled to more than consid

According to the report of the unannounced visit made by the communications service of the presidency, the women of the green brigade expressed their gratitude to the President of the Transition and welcomed the multiple initiatives for the reconquest of the national territory.

The same source specifies that they requested the support of Captain Ibrahim Traoré to improve their working conditions.

Even if these ladies did not have time to list what they consider to be an improvement in their working conditions (the report does not mention this), we can easily guess what this refers to.

This involves providing them with adequate means of work and protecting them from the attacks of which some are victims. In addition, they deserve a monthly salary reaching at least the SMIG (Guaranteed Interprofessional Minimum Salary) which today stands at 45,000 CFA in Burkina Faso.

In addition to this, they need training, social and health coverage, etc.

At the end of his visit, the Head of State has already s
poken from his heart by symbolically offering them 15 tons of food.

It remains to be hoped that this attention from the highest authorities will be reinforced to allow these brave women of the Green Brigade to devote themselves wholeheartedly to their activity.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Tunis: Cooperation programmes between Tunisia and Italy in the fields of higher education and scientific research were the focus of a meeting between Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Moncef Boukthir and Italian Ambassador to Tunisia Alessandro Prunas and his accompanying delegation at the ministry’s headquarters on Thursday.

The two sides expressed their aspiration to further structure this cooperation by signing an agreement on cooperation in the fields of higher education and scientific research, which will identify the priority areas of cooperation between the two countries and create a steering committee, during the visit of the Italian Minister of Higher Education and Research to Tunisia in May, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research on Friday.

They also stressed the need to work to further diversify cooperation between Tunisia and Italy in the fields of higher education and scientific research, and to strengthen it at the bilater
al and multilateral levels in order to meet the aspirations of both sides and the real potential for achieving a real strategic partnership.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse – English