UN willing to support Tunisia in implementing its priority development programmes

The United Nations and its various bodies will bring further support to Tunisia so that it achieves its socio-economic development goals,» said UN Resident Coordinator in Tunisia, Arnaud Peral.

During a visit he made, on Friday, to the National Migration Observatory, the UN official stressed the importance of effectively addressing the issue migration which would serve the interest of all including transit countries, host countries and migrants.

Peral stressed the need to boost international cooperation, promote dialogue and develop a common action plan on the root causes of migration, the protection of vulnerable groups of migrants and refugees, particularly unaccompanied children and women, and access to health services and social integration while respecting the fundamental principles of human rights.

Arnaud Peral was accompanied by Head of Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Tunisia, Azouz Samri, representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Tunisi
a, Monica Noro and Representative of the Nations Fund United for Children (UNICEF) in Tunisia, Michel Le Pechoux.

The UN official visit also attended by representatives of the various structures under the Tunisian Ministry of Social Affairs (National Migration Observatory, the Office for Tunisians Abroad and the General Authority for Social Promotion).

They expressed Tunisia’s commitment to providing protection to migrants as well as facilitate their access to basic services.

They also underlined the importance of increasing efforts between national authorities, international organizations and the civil society so as to support vulnerable migrants living in Tunisia who need psychological and social care.

The Director General of the National Migration Observatory laid emphasis on consolidating cooperation with various UN bodies as well as share ideas, experiences, expertise and partnerships with all parties.

«The Observatory is keen to conduct surveys in areas related to migration such as migration and cl
imate change, the link between migration and sustainable development, the importance of statistical data on migrants and their role in governance, developing migration policies, ensuring migrants’ rights, fostering social and economic integration and providing protection for Tunisians expatriates,» he said.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse