Tuy / Day of academic excellence The CEG of Kouloho rewards its best students

The General Education College (CEG) of Kouloho in the commune of Founzan, province of Tuy organized the first edition of the day of excellence, on Thursday May 23, 2024 in the said village under the theme: “Promotion of good citizenship and excellence in schools in a context of security crisis”.

The General Education College (CEG) of Kouloho, in the commune of Founzan, province of Tuy, recognized the merit of its students who distinguished themselves by their results during the 2023-2024 school year. It was during the first edition of the Day of Excellence organized on Thursday, May 23, 2024, under the patronage of the village chief, His Majesty Lotè Daourou in the presence of administrative and municipal authorities, religious and customary leaders and stakeholders. education. On the occasion, prizes were awarded to the 15 best students from the 5 classes in the college. They each benefited from a school kit and a financial envelope. The students ranked first each received a bicycle and special prizes.

ine Naba with 17.50/20 and Marie-Claire Daourou 19.16/20 are respectively first in 6th A and 6th B. With 18.16/20, Yiéyamouti Konaté is first in 5th. In 4th Zounouhan Fierro and Asmatou Ouattara are tied for first with 17.59/20. In 3rd, Ibrahim Lamy obtained the best average with 14.73/20. According to the director of the CEG of Kouloho, Babou Bamouni, the objective of this day is to create emulation between the students with a view to improving results. According to him, working conditions are not easy at the Kouloho CEG. ‘We have almost 100 students per class and the administration is outside under trees due to lack of offices,’ he lamented. However, Mr. Bamouni praised the college staff for their dedication which allows them to achieve satisfactory results. The correspondent of Ecole sans frontières 66 (ESF66), Lonkou Gérard Yaro, son of the locality and sponsor of this edition, said he was satisfied on the one hand to make his modest contribution to boost education and on the other part of promoting quali
ty and academic merit in the locality. He praised the efforts and the high sense of patriotism of the teaching staff who, despite the worrying security context, are fighting to train future executives. ‘Through your work, you give us hope that we can count on you to meet the challenge of an emerging Burkina Faso,’ he addressed the winners. Mr. Yaro also urged parents to become more involved in the academic monitoring of children because their success depends on it.

For the Secretary General of Founzan Town Hall, Vamara Ouattara representing the president of the special municipal delegation, the organization of this day reflects the determination of the initiators to make education a priority. He reassured of the availability and commitment of the special delegation to support this type of initiative. Mr. Ouattara also informed the winners that the prizes they have just received are an invitation to persevere in the conquest of knowledge. Concerning the lack of offices, the municipal authority announced very
soon the construction of an administrative building at the Kouloho CEG.

Long before, the CEG inter-class finals in athletics and football were played. On the occasion the winners in these competitions were also awarded prizes.

Source: Burkina Information Agency