Tunisian-Italian projects to protect Gabes city from flooding, discussed

An Italian delegation from the Milan Municipality ended a two-day visit to Gabes city, as part of a partnership between the Milan municipality and the Société Nationale d’Exploitation et de Distribution des Eaux (SONEDE).

The visit focused on the project to support the capacities of the city of Gabes in terms of water management funded by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), during which the study on the implementation of a model project aimed at protecting the intersection of Mohamed Ali street and the Environment street from flooding was discussed.

Secretary General of the Gabes municipality Mohamed Cherif Taher told TAP on Thursday, that this project will help solve an endemic problem, through a technology used for the first time in the region, namely the installation of an absorbent pavement which stores rainwater in such a way as to feed the water table.

The project’s technical studies have been finalised, he indicated, adding that a call for tenders for the achievement of this
project will be launched shortly.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse